blob: c8891750199ee217c00b0d697a31f9cea4f2bdac [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/cfile/binary_plain_block.h"
#include "kudu/cfile/binary_prefix_block.h"
#include "kudu/cfile/block_encodings.h"
#include "kudu/cfile/block_handle.h"
#include "kudu/cfile/cfile_util.h"
#include "kudu/cfile/type_encodings.h"
#include "kudu/common/columnblock-test-util.h"
#include "kudu/common/columnblock.h"
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/rowblock_memory.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/common/types.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stringprintf.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/faststring.h"
#include "kudu/util/group_varint-inl.h"
#include "kudu/util/hexdump.h"
#include "kudu/util/int128.h"
#include "kudu/util/int128_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
#include "kudu/util/random.h"
#include "kudu/util/random_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/stopwatch.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
namespace kudu {
namespace cfile {
class TestEncoding : public KuduTest {
: memory_(1024) {
virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
default_write_options_.storage_attributes.cfile_block_size = 256 * 1024;
template<DataType type>
void CopyOne(BlockDecoder *decoder,
typename TypeTraits<type>::cpp_type *ret) {
ColumnBlock cb(GetTypeInfo(type), nullptr, ret, 1, &memory_);
ColumnDataView cdv(&cb);
size_t n = 1;
ASSERT_OK(decoder->CopyNextValues(&n, &cdv));
ASSERT_EQ(1, n);
unique_ptr<BlockBuilder> CreateBlockBuilderOrDie(DataType type,
EncodingType encoding) {
const TypeEncodingInfo* tei;
CHECK_OK(TypeEncodingInfo::Get(GetTypeInfo(type), encoding, &tei));
unique_ptr<BlockBuilder> bb;
CHECK_OK(tei->CreateBlockBuilder(&bb, &default_write_options_));
return bb;
static unique_ptr<BlockDecoder> CreateBlockDecoderOrDie(DataType type,
EncodingType encoding,
scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> block) {
const TypeEncodingInfo* tei;
CHECK_OK(TypeEncodingInfo::Get(GetTypeInfo(type), encoding, &tei));
unique_ptr<BlockDecoder> bd;
CHECK_OK(tei->CreateBlockDecoder(&bd, std::move(block), /*parent_cfile_iter=*/nullptr));
return bd;
// Insert a given number of strings into the provided BlockBuilder.
// The strings are generated using the provided 'formatter' function.
static scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> CreateBinaryBlock(BlockBuilder* sbb,
int num_items,
const std::function<string(int)>& formatter) {
vector<string> to_insert(num_items);
vector<Slice> slices;
for (int i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {
to_insert[i] = formatter(i);
int rem = slices.size();
Slice *ptr = &slices[0];
while (rem > 0) {
int added = sbb->Add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(ptr),
CHECK(added > 0);
rem -= added;
ptr += added;
CHECK_EQ(slices.size(), sbb->Count());
return FinishAndMakeContiguous(sbb, 12345L);
// Concatenate the given slices and return a BlockHandle with the resulting data.
static scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> MakeContiguous(const vector<Slice>& slices) {
// Concat the slices into a local buffer, since the block decoders and
// tests expect contiguous data.
faststring buf;
for (const auto& s : slices) {
buf.append(, s.size());
auto size = buf.size();
return BlockHandle::WithOwnedData(Slice(buf.release(), size));
static scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> FinishAndMakeContiguous(BlockBuilder* b, int ord_val) {
vector<Slice> slices;
b->Finish(ord_val, &slices);
return MakeContiguous(slices);
void TestBinarySeekByValueSmallBlock(EncodingType encoding) {
auto bb = CreateBlockBuilderOrDie(BINARY, encoding);
// Insert "hello 0" through "hello 9"
const int kCount = 10;
scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> block = CreateBinaryBlock(
bb.get(), kCount, [](int item) { return StringPrintf("hello %d", item); });
auto sbd = CreateBlockDecoderOrDie(BINARY, encoding, std::move(block));
// Seeking to just after a key should return the
// next key ('hello 4x' falls between 'hello 4' and 'hello 5')
Slice q = "hello 4x";
bool exact;
ASSERT_OK(sbd->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&q, &exact));
Slice ret;
ASSERT_EQ(5U, sbd->GetCurrentIndex());
CopyOne<STRING>(sbd.get(), &ret);
ASSERT_EQ(string("hello 5"), ret.ToString());
// Seeking to an exact key should return that key
q = "hello 4";
ASSERT_OK(sbd->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&q, &exact));
ASSERT_EQ(4U, sbd->GetCurrentIndex());
CopyOne<STRING>(sbd.get(), &ret);
ASSERT_EQ(string("hello 4"), ret.ToString());
// Seeking to before the first key should return first key
q = "hello";
ASSERT_OK(sbd->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&q, &exact));
ASSERT_EQ(0, sbd->GetCurrentIndex());
CopyOne<STRING>(sbd.get(), &ret);
ASSERT_EQ(string("hello 0"), ret.ToString());
// Seeking after the last key should return not found
q = "zzzz";
ASSERT_TRUE(sbd->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&q, &exact).IsNotFound());
// Seeking to the last key should succeed
q = "hello 9";
ASSERT_OK(sbd->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&q, &exact));
ASSERT_EQ(9U, sbd->GetCurrentIndex());
CopyOne<STRING>(sbd.get(), &ret);
ASSERT_EQ(string("hello 9"), ret.ToString());
void TestStringSeekByValueLargeBlock(EncodingType encoding) {
Arena arena(1024); // TODO(todd): move to fixture?
auto sbb = CreateBlockBuilderOrDie(BINARY, encoding);
// Insert 'hello 000' through 'hello 999'
const int kCount = 1000;
scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> block = CreateBinaryBlock(
sbb.get(), kCount, [](int item) { return StringPrintf("hello %03d", item); });
auto sbd = CreateBlockDecoderOrDie(BINARY, encoding, std::move(block));
// Seeking to just after a key should return the
// next key ('hello 444x' falls between 'hello 444' and 'hello 445')
Slice q = "hello 444x";
bool exact;
ASSERT_OK(sbd->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&q, &exact));
Slice ret;
ASSERT_EQ(445U, sbd->GetCurrentIndex());
CopyOne<STRING>(sbd.get(), &ret);
ASSERT_EQ(string("hello 445"), ret.ToString());
// Seeking to an exact key should return that key
q = "hello 004";
ASSERT_OK(sbd->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&q, &exact));
EXPECT_EQ(4U, sbd->GetCurrentIndex());
CopyOne<STRING>(sbd.get(), &ret);
ASSERT_EQ(string("hello 004"), ret.ToString());
// Seeking to before the first key should return first key
q = "hello";
ASSERT_OK(sbd->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&q, &exact));
EXPECT_EQ(0, sbd->GetCurrentIndex());
CopyOne<STRING>(sbd.get(), &ret);
ASSERT_EQ(string("hello 000"), ret.ToString());
// Seeking after the last key should return not found
q = "zzzz";
ASSERT_TRUE(sbd->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&q, &exact).IsNotFound());
// Seeking to the last key should succeed
q = "hello 999";
ASSERT_OK(sbd->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&q, &exact));
EXPECT_EQ(999U, sbd->GetCurrentIndex());
CopyOne<STRING>(sbd.get(), &ret);
ASSERT_EQ(string("hello 999"), ret.ToString());
// Randomized seek
char target[20];
char before_target[20];
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
int ord = random() % kCount;
int len = snprintf(target, sizeof(target), "hello %03d", ord);
q = Slice(target, len);
ASSERT_OK(sbd->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&q, &exact));
EXPECT_EQ(ord, sbd->GetCurrentIndex());
CopyOne<STRING>(sbd.get(), &ret);
ASSERT_EQ(string(target), ret.ToString());
// Seek before this key
len = snprintf(before_target, sizeof(target), "hello %03d.before", ord-1);
q = Slice(before_target, len);
ASSERT_OK(sbd->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&q, &exact));
EXPECT_EQ(ord, sbd->GetCurrentIndex());
CopyOne<STRING>(sbd.get(), &ret);
ASSERT_EQ(string(target), ret.ToString());
void TestBinaryBlockRoundTrip(EncodingType encoding) {
auto sbb = CreateBlockBuilderOrDie(BINARY, encoding);
auto seed = SeedRandom();
Random r(seed);
// For each row, generate random data based on this run's seed.
// Using random data helps the ability to trigger bugs like KUDU-2085.
const auto& GenTestString = [seed](int i) {
Random local_rng(seed + i);
int len = local_rng.Uniform(8);
return RandomString(len, &local_rng);
// Use a random number of elements (but at least 1).
// This is necessary to trigger bugs like KUDU-2085 that only occur in specific cases
// such as when the number of elements is a multiple of the 'restart interval' in
// prefix-encoded blocks.
const uint kCount = r.Uniform(1000) + 1;
scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> block = CreateBinaryBlock(sbb.get(), kCount, GenTestString);
LOG(INFO) << "Block: " << HexDump(block->data());
// The encoded data should take at least 1 byte per entry.
ASSERT_GT(block->data().size(), kCount);
// Check first/last keys
Slice key;
ASSERT_EQ(GenTestString(0), key);
ASSERT_EQ(GenTestString(kCount - 1), key);
auto sbd = CreateBlockDecoderOrDie(BINARY, encoding, std::move(block));
ASSERT_EQ(kCount, sbd->Count());
ASSERT_EQ(12345U, sbd->GetFirstRowId());
// Iterate one by one through data, verifying that it matches
// what we put in.
for (uint i = 0; i < kCount; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(i, sbd->GetCurrentIndex());
ASSERT_TRUE(sbd->HasNext()) << "Failed on iter " << i;
Slice s;
CopyOne<STRING>(sbd.get(), &s);
string expected = GenTestString(i);
ASSERT_EQ(expected, s.ToString()) << "failed at iter " << i;
// Now iterate backwards using positional seeking
for (int i = static_cast<int>(kCount - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
ASSERT_EQ(i, sbd->GetCurrentIndex());
// Test the special case of seeking to the end of the block.
ASSERT_EQ(kCount, sbd->GetCurrentIndex());
// Try to request a bunch of data in one go
ScopedColumnBlock<STRING> cb(kCount + 10);
ColumnDataView cdv(&cb);
size_t n = kCount + 10;
ASSERT_OK(sbd->CopyNextValues(&n, &cdv));
ASSERT_EQ(kCount, n);
for (uint i = 0; i < kCount; i++) {
string expected = GenTestString(i);
ASSERT_EQ(expected, cb[i].ToString());
template<DataType IntType>
void DoSeekTest(EncodingType encoding, int num_ints, int num_queries, bool verify) {
// TODO(unknown) : handle and verify seeking inside a run for testing RLE
typedef typename TypeTraits<IntType>::cpp_type CppType;
const CppType kBase = std::is_signed<CppType>::value ? -6 : 6;
CppType data[num_ints];
// CppType may be uint8, int16 etc. and hence clang-tidy warning about loop variable smaller
// than num_ints data-type int. But callers supply correct values within range.
for (CppType i = 0; i < num_ints; i++) { // NOLINT(bugprone-too-small-loop-variable)
data[i] = kBase + i * 2;
const CppType max_seek_target = data[num_ints - 1] + 1;
auto ibb = CreateBlockBuilderOrDie(IntType, encoding);
CHECK_EQ(num_ints, ibb->Add(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&data[0]),
scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> block = FinishAndMakeContiguous(ibb.get(), 0);
LOG(INFO) << "Created " << TypeTraits<IntType>::name() << " block with " << num_ints
<< " ints"
<< " (" << block->data().size() << " bytes)";
auto ibd = CreateBlockDecoderOrDie(IntType, encoding, std::move(block));
// Benchmark seeking
LOG_TIMING(INFO, strings::Substitute("Seeking in $0 block", TypeTraits<IntType>::name())) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_queries; i++) {
bool exact = false;
// Seek to a random value which falls between data[0] and max_seek_target
CppType target = kBase + random() % (max_seek_target - kBase);
Status s = ibd->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&target, &exact);
if (verify) {
if (s.IsNotFound()) {
// If we didn't find a match 'at or after' the given value, then the
// only case that could happen is if we seeked to max_seek_target,
// which is larger than the largest int in the block.
ASSERT_EQ(max_seek_target, target);
CppType got;
CopyOne<IntType>(ibd.get(), &got);
if (target < kBase) {
ASSERT_EQ(kBase, got);
} else if (target % 2 == 0) {
// Was inserted
ASSERT_EQ(target, got);
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(target + 1, got);
void TestEmptyBlockEncodeDecode(DataType type, EncodingType encoding) {
auto bb = CreateBlockBuilderOrDie(type, encoding);
scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> block = FinishAndMakeContiguous(bb.get(), 0);
ASSERT_GT(block->data().size(), 0);
LOG(INFO) << "Encoded size for 0 items: " << block->data().size();
auto bd = CreateBlockDecoderOrDie(type, encoding, std::move(block));
ASSERT_EQ(0, bd->Count());
template <DataType Type>
void TestEncodeDecodeTemplateBlockEncoder(const typename TypeTraits<Type>::cpp_type* src,
uint32_t size,
EncodingType encoding) {
typedef typename TypeTraits<Type>::cpp_type CppType;
const uint32_t kOrdinalPosBase = 12345;
auto bb = CreateBlockBuilderOrDie(Type, encoding);
bb->Add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(src), size);
scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> block = FinishAndMakeContiguous(bb.get(), kOrdinalPosBase);
LOG(INFO) << "Encoded size for " << size << " elems: " << block->data().size();
auto bd = CreateBlockDecoderOrDie(Type, encoding, std::move(block));
ASSERT_EQ(kOrdinalPosBase, bd->GetFirstRowId());
ASSERT_EQ(0, bd->GetCurrentIndex());
vector<CppType> decoded;
ColumnBlock dst_block(GetTypeInfo(Type), nullptr, &decoded[0], size, &memory_);
ColumnDataView view(&dst_block);
int dec_count = 0;
while (bd->HasNext()) {
ASSERT_EQ((int32_t )(dec_count), bd->GetCurrentIndex());
size_t to_decode = (random() % 30) + 1;
size_t n = to_decode > view.nrows() ? view.nrows() : to_decode;
ASSERT_OK_FAST(bd->CopyNextValues(&n, &view));
ASSERT_GE(to_decode, n);
dec_count += n;
ASSERT_EQ(0, view.nrows())<< "Should have no space left in the buffer after "
<< "decoding all rows";
for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (src[i] != decoded[i]) {
FAIL()<< "Fail at index " << i <<
" inserted=" << src[i] << " got=" << decoded[i];
// Test Seek within block by ordinal
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int seek_off = random() % decoded.size();
EXPECT_EQ((int32_t )(seek_off), bd->GetCurrentIndex());
CppType ret;
CopyOne<Type>(bd.get(), &ret);
EXPECT_EQ(decoded[seek_off], ret);
// Test truncation of blocks
template<class DecoderType>
void TestBinaryBlockTruncation(EncodingType encoding) {
auto sbb = CreateBlockBuilderOrDie(BINARY, encoding);
const int kCount = 10;
size_t sbsize;
scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> block = CreateBinaryBlock(
sbb.get(), kCount, [](int item) { return StringPrintf("hello %d", item); });
do {
sbsize = block->data().size();
LOG(INFO) << "Block: " << HexDump(block->data());
auto sbd = CreateBlockDecoderOrDie(BINARY, encoding, block);
Status st = sbd->ParseHeader();
if (sbsize < DecoderType::kMinHeaderSize) {
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(st.ToString(), "not enough bytes for header");
} else if (sbsize < coding::DecodeGroupVarInt32_GetGroupSize(block->data().data())) {
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(st.ToString(), "less than length");
if (sbsize > 0) {
block = block->SubrangeBlock(0, sbsize - 1);
} while (sbsize > 0);
// Test encoding and decoding of integer datatypes
template <DataType IntType>
void TestIntBlockRoundTrip(EncodingType encoding) {
typedef typename DataTypeTraits<IntType>::cpp_type CppType;
LOG(INFO) << "Testing with IntType = " << DataTypeTraits<IntType>::name();
const uint32_t kOrdinalPosBase = 12345;
vector<CppType> to_insert;
Random rd(SeedRandom());
for (int i = 0; i < 10003; i++) {
int64_t val = rd.Next64() % std::numeric_limits<CppType>::max();
// For signed types, randomly use both negative and positive values.
if (std::numeric_limits<CppType>::is_signed && (random() % 2) == 1) {
val *= -1;
// Occasionally insert a run of 40 identical values to exercise
// RLE code paths.
if (random() % 100 == 1) {
for (int run = 0; run < 40; run++) {
auto ibb = CreateBlockBuilderOrDie(IntType, encoding);
ibb->Add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&to_insert[0]),
scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> block = FinishAndMakeContiguous(ibb.get(), kOrdinalPosBase);
// Check GetFirstKey() and GetLastKey().
CppType key;
ASSERT_EQ(to_insert.front(), key);
ASSERT_EQ(to_insert.back(), key);
auto ibd = CreateBlockDecoderOrDie(IntType, encoding, std::move(block));
ASSERT_EQ(kOrdinalPosBase, ibd->GetFirstRowId());
vector<CppType> decoded;
ColumnBlock dst_block(GetTypeInfo(IntType), nullptr,
int dec_count = 0;
while (ibd->HasNext()) {
ASSERT_EQ((uint32_t)(dec_count), ibd->GetCurrentIndex());
size_t to_decode = std::min(to_insert.size() - dec_count,
static_cast<size_t>((random() % 30) + 1));
size_t n = to_decode;
ColumnDataView dst_data(&dst_block, dec_count);
DCHECK_EQ((unsigned char *)(&decoded[dec_count]),;
ASSERT_OK_FAST(ibd->CopyNextValues(&n, &dst_data));
ASSERT_GE(to_decode, n);
dec_count += n;
ASSERT_EQ(dec_count, dst_block.nrows())
<< "Should have decoded all rows to fill the buffer";
for (uint i = 0; i < to_insert.size(); i++) {
if (to_insert[i] != decoded[i]) {
FAIL() << "Fail at index " << i <<
" inserted=" << to_insert[i] << " got=" << decoded[i];
// Test Seek within block by ordinal
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int seek_off = random() % decoded.size();
EXPECT_EQ((uint32_t)(seek_off), ibd->GetCurrentIndex());
CppType ret;
CopyOne<IntType>(ibd.get(), &ret);
EXPECT_EQ(decoded[seek_off], ret);
// Test Seek forward within block.
int skip_step = 7;
EXPECT_EQ((uint32_t) 0, ibd->GetCurrentIndex());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < decoded.size()/skip_step; i++) {
// Skip just before the end of the step.
int skip = skip_step-1;
EXPECT_EQ((uint32_t) i*skip_step+skip, ibd->GetCurrentIndex());
CppType ret;
// CopyOne will move the decoder forward by one.
CopyOne<IntType>(ibd.get(), &ret);
EXPECT_EQ(decoded[i*skip_step + skip], ret);
// Test encoding and decoding BOOL datatypes
void TestBoolBlockRoundTrip(EncodingType encoding) {
const uint32_t kOrdinalPosBase = 12345;
vector<uint8_t> to_insert;
for (int i = 0; i < 10003; ) {
int run_size = static_cast<int>(random() % 100);
bool val = random() % 2;
for (int j = 0; j < run_size; j++) {
i += run_size;
auto bb = CreateBlockBuilderOrDie(BOOL, encoding);
bb->Add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&to_insert[0]),
scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> block = FinishAndMakeContiguous(bb.get(), kOrdinalPosBase);
auto bd = CreateBlockDecoderOrDie(BOOL, encoding, std::move(block));
ASSERT_EQ(kOrdinalPosBase, bd->GetFirstRowId());
vector<uint8_t> decoded;
ColumnBlock dst_block(GetTypeInfo(BOOL), nullptr,
int dec_count = 0;
while (bd->HasNext()) {
ASSERT_EQ((uint32_t)(dec_count), bd->GetCurrentIndex());
size_t to_decode = std::min(to_insert.size() - dec_count,
static_cast<size_t>((random() % 30) + 1));
size_t n = to_decode;
ColumnDataView dst_data(&dst_block, dec_count);
DCHECK_EQ((unsigned char *)(&decoded[dec_count]),;
ASSERT_OK_FAST(bd->CopyNextValues(&n, &dst_data));
ASSERT_GE(to_decode, n);
dec_count += n;
ASSERT_EQ(dec_count, dst_block.nrows())
<< "Should have decoded all rows to fill the buffer";
for (uint i = 0; i < to_insert.size(); i++) {
if (to_insert[i] != decoded[i]) {
FAIL() << "Fail at index " << i <<
" inserted=" << to_insert[i] << " got=" << decoded[i];
// Test Seek within block by ordinal
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int seek_off = static_cast<int>(random() % decoded.size());
EXPECT_EQ((uint32_t) (seek_off), bd->GetCurrentIndex());
bool ret;
CopyOne<BOOL>(bd.get(), &ret);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<bool>(decoded[seek_off]), ret);
RowBlockMemory memory_;
WriterOptions default_write_options_;
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestPlainBlockEncoder) {
const uint32_t kSize = 10000;
unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[kSize]);
for (int i = 0; i < kSize; i++) {
ints.get()[i] = random();
TestEncodeDecodeTemplateBlockEncoder<INT32>(ints.get(), kSize, PLAIN_ENCODING);
// Test for bitshuffle block, for INT32, INT64, INT128, FLOAT, DOUBLE
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBShufInt32BlockEncoder) {
using limits = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>;
Random rng(SeedRandom());
auto sequences = {
CreateRandomIntegersInRange<int32_t>(10000, 1000, 2000, &rng),
CreateRandomIntegersInRange<int32_t>(10000, 0, limits::max(), &rng),
CreateRandomIntegersInRange<int32_t>(10000, limits::min(), limits::max(), &rng)
for (const auto& ints : sequences) {
TestEncodeDecodeTemplateBlockEncoder<INT32>(, ints.size(), BIT_SHUFFLE);
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBShufInt64BlockEncoder) {
using limits = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>;
Random rng(SeedRandom());
auto sequences = {
CreateRandomIntegersInRange<int64_t>(10000, 1000, 2000, &rng),
CreateRandomIntegersInRange<int64_t>(10000, 0, limits::max(), &rng),
CreateRandomIntegersInRange<int64_t>(10000, limits::min(), limits::max(), &rng)
for (const auto& ints : sequences) {
TestEncodeDecodeTemplateBlockEncoder<INT64>(, ints.size(), BIT_SHUFFLE);
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBShufInt128BlockEncoder) {
Random rng(SeedRandom());
// As per the note in int128.h, numeric_limits<> on int128_t can give incorrect results.
// Hence using predefined min, max constants.
auto sequences = {
CreateRandomIntegersInRange<int128_t>(10000, 1000, 2000, &rng),
CreateRandomIntegersInRange<int128_t>(10000, 0, INT128_MAX, &rng),
CreateRandomIntegersInRange<int128_t>(10000, INT128_MIN, INT128_MAX, &rng)
for (const auto& ints : sequences) {
TestEncodeDecodeTemplateBlockEncoder<INT128>(, ints.size(), BIT_SHUFFLE);
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBShufFloatBlockEncoder) {
const int kSize = 10000;
unique_ptr<float[]> floats(new float[kSize]);
for (int i = 0; i < kSize; i++) {
floats.get()[i] = static_cast<float>(random()) +
TestEncodeDecodeTemplateBlockEncoder<FLOAT>(floats.get(), kSize, BIT_SHUFFLE);
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBShufDoubleBlockEncoder) {
const int kSize = 10000;
unique_ptr<double[]> doubles(new double[kSize]);
for (int i = 0; i < kSize; i++) {
doubles.get()[i] = static_cast<double>(random()) +
TestEncodeDecodeTemplateBlockEncoder<DOUBLE>(doubles.get(), kSize, BIT_SHUFFLE);
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestRleIntBlockEncoder) {
auto ibb = CreateBlockBuilderOrDie(UINT32, RLE);
Random rand(SeedRandom());
auto ints = CreateRandomIntegersInRange<uint32_t>(10000, 0, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(),
ibb->Add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(, 10000);
scoped_refptr<BlockHandle> block = FinishAndMakeContiguous(ibb.get(), 12345);
LOG(INFO) << "RLE Encoded size for 10k ints: " << block->data().size();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
ints[i] = 0;
ibb->Add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(, 100);
block = FinishAndMakeContiguous(ibb.get(), 12345);
ASSERT_EQ(14UL, block->data().size());
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestPlainBitMapRoundTrip) {
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestRleBitMapRoundTrip) {
// Test seeking to a value in a small block.
// Regression test for a bug seen in development where this would
// infinite loop when there are no 'restarts' in a given block.
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBinaryPrefixBlockBuilderSeekByValueSmallBlock) {
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBinaryPlainBlockBuilderSeekByValueSmallBlock) {
// Test seeking to a value in a large block which contains
// many 'restarts'
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBinaryPrefixBlockBuilderSeekByValueLargeBlock) {
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBinaryPlainBlockBuilderSeekByValueLargeBlock) {
// Test round-trip encode/decode of a binary block.
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBinaryPrefixBlockBuilderRoundTrip) {
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBinaryPlainBlockBuilderRoundTrip) {
// Test empty block encode/decode
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBinaryPlainEmptyBlockEncodeDecode) {
TestEmptyBlockEncodeDecode(BINARY, PLAIN_ENCODING);
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBinaryPrefixEmptyBlockEncodeDecode) {
TestEmptyBlockEncodeDecode(BINARY, PREFIX_ENCODING);
// Test encode/decode of a binary block with various-sized truncations.
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBinaryPlainBlockBuilderTruncation) {
TEST_F(TestEncoding, TestBinaryPrefixBlockBuilderTruncation) {
class IntEncodingTest : public TestEncoding, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<EncodingType> {
template <DataType IntType>
void DoIntSeekTest(int num_ints, int num_queries, bool verify) {
DoSeekTest<IntType>(GetParam(), num_ints, num_queries, verify);
template <DataType IntType>
void DoIntSeekTestTinyBlock() {
for (int block_size = 1; block_size < 16; block_size++) {
DoIntSeekTest<IntType>(block_size, 1000, true);
template <DataType IntType>
void DoIntRoundTripTest() {
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Encodings, IntEncodingTest,
TEST_P(IntEncodingTest, TestSeekAllTypes) {
this->template DoIntSeekTest<UINT8>(100, 1000, true);
this->template DoIntSeekTest<INT8>(100, 1000, true);
this->template DoIntSeekTest<UINT16>(10000, 1000, true);
this->template DoIntSeekTest<INT16>(10000, 1000, true);
this->template DoIntSeekTest<UINT32>(10000, 1000, true);
this->template DoIntSeekTest<INT32>(10000, 1000, true);
this->template DoIntSeekTest<UINT64>(10000, 1000, true);
this->template DoIntSeekTest<INT64>(10000, 1000, true);
// TODO: Uncomment when adding 128 bit support to RLE (KUDU-2284)
// this->template DoIntSeekTest<INT128>();
TEST_P(IntEncodingTest, IntSeekTestTinyBlockAllTypes) {
this->template DoIntSeekTestTinyBlock<UINT8>();
this->template DoIntSeekTestTinyBlock<INT8>();
this->template DoIntSeekTestTinyBlock<UINT16>();
this->template DoIntSeekTestTinyBlock<INT16>();
this->template DoIntSeekTestTinyBlock<UINT32>();
this->template DoIntSeekTestTinyBlock<INT32>();
this->template DoIntSeekTestTinyBlock<UINT64>();
this->template DoIntSeekTestTinyBlock<INT64>();
// TODO: Uncomment when adding 128 bit support to RLE (KUDU-2284)
// this->template DoIntSeekTestTinyBlock<INT128>();
TEST_P(IntEncodingTest, TestRoundTrip) {
this->template DoIntRoundTripTest<UINT8>();
this->template DoIntRoundTripTest<INT8>();
this->template DoIntRoundTripTest<UINT16>();
this->template DoIntRoundTripTest<INT16>();
this->template DoIntRoundTripTest<UINT32>();
this->template DoIntRoundTripTest<INT32>();
this->template DoIntRoundTripTest<UINT64>();
this->template DoIntRoundTripTest<INT64>();
// TODO: Uncomment when adding 128 bit support to RLE (KUDU-2284)
// this->template DoIntRoundTripTest<INT128>();
#ifdef NDEBUG
TEST_P(IntEncodingTest, IntSeekBenchmark) {
this->template DoIntSeekTest<INT32>(32768, 10000, false);
} // namespace cfile
} // namespace kudu