blob: 3031a6be64ad5579db3786a4878de8094605fb6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/sockaddr.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/status_callback.h"
#include "kudu/util/ttl_cache.h"
namespace kudu {
class HostPort;
class ThreadPool;
// A utility class for DNS resolution. The resolver supports both synchronous
// and asynchronous address resolution. Optionally, the resolved entries are
// cached and re-used when not yet expired. The constructor's arguments define
// parameters for the TTL cache containing the results of prior DNS lookups.
// The cache doesn't store negative results, i.e. nothing is stored in the cache
// when DNS resolution fails for the specified HostPort.
class DnsResolver {
// The 'max_threads_num' parameter specifies the maximum number of threads in
// the pool used for asynchronous DNS resolution. The 'cache_capacity_bytes'
// parameter defines the capacity of the underlying TTL cache for resolved
// DNS records. If set to 0, resolved DNS entries are not cached. The
// 'cache_ttl' parameter defines the TTL for cache's entries.
explicit DnsResolver(int max_threads_num = 1,
size_t cache_capacity_bytes = 0,
MonoDelta cache_ttl = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(60));
// Synchronously resolve addresses corresponding to the specified host:port
// pair in 'hostport'. Note that a host may resolve to more than one IP
// address.
// The 'addresses' output parameter may be nullptr, in which case this method
// simply checks that the host/port pair can be resolved, without returning
// the actual results.
Status ResolveAddresses(const HostPort& hostport,
std::vector<Sockaddr>* addresses);
// The asynchronous version of ResolveAddresses() method.
// See ResolveAddresses() for information on 'hostport' and 'addresses'
// parameters.
// When the result is available, or an error occurred, 'cb' is called with
// the result Status.
// NOTE: the callback should be fast since it is called by the DNS
// resolution thread.
// NOTE: in some rare cases, the callback may also be called inline
// from this function call, on the caller's thread.
void ResolveAddressesAsync(const HostPort& hostport,
std::vector<Sockaddr>* addresses,
const StatusCallback& cb);
// Like ResolveAddressesAsync(), but initially removes any existing cached
// entry, in favor of resolving the address explicitly.
void RefreshAddressesAsync(const HostPort& hostport,
std::vector<Sockaddr>* addresses,
const StatusCallback& cb);
// The cache is keyed by the host part of the HostPort structure, and the
// entry stores a vector of all Sockaddr structures produced by DNS resolution
// of the key. The port number is stored as a part of Sockaddr structure:
// it's not relevant for any lookup and re-written upon retrieval
// of the corresponding entry for the specified key.
typedef TTLCache<std::string, std::vector<Sockaddr>> HostRecordCache;
Status DoResolution(const HostPort& hostport,
std::vector<Sockaddr>* addresses);
void DoResolutionCb(const HostPort& hostport,
std::vector<Sockaddr>* addresses,
const StatusCallback& cb);
bool GetCachedAddresses(const HostPort& hostport,
std::vector<Sockaddr>* addresses);
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> pool_;
std::unique_ptr<HostRecordCache> cache_;
} // namespace kudu