blob: 16e8d4a7aea73aa141adffc8da25c96a6085a8c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags_declare.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/client/client-test-util.h"
#include "kudu/client/client.h"
#include "kudu/client/scan_batch.h"
#include "kudu/client/scan_configuration.h"
#include "kudu/client/scan_predicate.h"
#include "kudu/client/scanner-internal.h"
#include "kudu/client/schema.h"
#include "kudu/client/shared_ptr.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "kudu/client/value.h"
#include "kudu/client/write_op.h"
#include "kudu/clock/clock.h"
#include "kudu/clock/hybrid_clock.h"
#include "kudu/clock/mock_ntp.h"
#include "kudu/common/partial_row.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/casts.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stl_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stringprintf.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/integration-tests/internal_mini_cluster-itest-base.h"
#include "kudu/master/catalog_manager.h"
#include "kudu/master/master.h"
#include "kudu/master/master.pb.h"
#include "kudu/master/mini_master.h"
#include "kudu/mini-cluster/internal_mini_cluster.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/tablet_replica.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/mini_tablet_server.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tablet_server.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/ts_tablet_manager.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/random.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
using kudu::client::ScanConfiguration;
using kudu::client::sp::shared_ptr;
using kudu::master::CatalogManager;
using kudu::master::GetTableLocationsRequestPB;
using kudu::master::GetTableLocationsResponsePB;
using kudu::clock::HybridClock;
using kudu::tablet::TabletReplica;
using kudu::tserver::MiniTabletServer;
using kudu::tserver::TabletServer;
using std::string;
using std::thread;
using std::vector;
using std::unique_ptr;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace client {
class ConsistencyITest : public MiniClusterITestBase {
: num_tablet_servers_(3),
key_split_value_(8) {
// Using the mock clock: need to advance the clock for tablet servers.
FLAGS_time_source = "mock";
// Reduce the TS<->Master heartbeat interval: this speeds up testing,
// saving about 700ms per test.
FLAGS_heartbeat_interval_ms = 10;
FLAGS_scanner_gc_check_interval_us = 50 * 1000;
KuduSchemaBuilder b;
virtual void SetUp() override {
// Since we're using mock NTP rather than the hybrid clock, it's possible
// that the first timestamp assigned to a tablet message is the initial
// timestamp (0). For correctness of scans, it is illegal to scan in this
// state. As such, we bump the clock up front so when we create tablets,
// they start out with more natural, non-0 values.
for (int i = 0; i < num_tablet_servers_; i++) {
void ScannerThread(KuduClient::ReplicaSelection selection,
int rows_to_insert,
int first_row,
int scans_to_perform) {
client::sp::shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
CHECK_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
CHECK_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
size_t row_count;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// Insert multiple rows into the tablets.
InsertTestRows(client.get(), table.get(), rows_to_insert, first_row * i);
int expected_count = rows_to_insert * (i + 1);
// Perform a bunch of READ_YOUR_WRITES scans to all the replicas
// that count the rows. And verify that the count of the rows
// never go down from what previously observed, to ensure subsequent
// reads will not "go back in time" regarding writes that other
// clients have done.
for (int j = 0; j < scans_to_perform; j++) {
CHECK_OK(GetRowCount(table.get(), KuduScanner::READ_YOUR_WRITES,
selection, 0, &row_count));
EXPECT_LE(expected_count, row_count);
expected_count = row_count;
static void UpdateClock(HybridClock* clock, MonoDelta delta) {
const uint64_t new_time(HybridClock::GetPhysicalValueMicros(clock->Now()) +
auto* ntp = down_cast<clock::MockNtp*>(clock->time_service());
// Creates a table with the specified name and replication factor.
Status CreateTable(KuduClient* client,
const string& table_name,
int num_replicas = 1) {
unique_ptr<KuduPartialRow> split_row(schema_.NewRow());
RETURN_NOT_OK(split_row->SetInt32(0, key_split_value_));
unique_ptr<KuduTableCreator> table_creator(client->NewTableCreator());
.set_range_partition_columns({ key_column_name_ })
return Status::OK();
unique_ptr<KuduInsert> BuildTestRow(KuduTable* table, int index) {
unique_ptr<KuduInsert> insert(table->NewInsert());
KuduPartialRow* row = insert->mutable_row();
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(0, index));
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt32(1, index * 2));
CHECK_OK(row->SetStringCopy(2, Slice(StringPrintf("hello %d", index))));
return insert;
// Inserts given number of tests rows into the default test table
// in the context of the specified session.
Status InsertTestRows(KuduClient* client, KuduTable* table,
int num_rows, int first_row = 0) {
shared_ptr<KuduSession> session = client->NewSession();
for (int i = first_row; i < num_rows + first_row; ++i) {
unique_ptr<KuduInsert> insert(BuildTestRow(table, i));
return Status::OK();
Status GetRowCount(KuduTable* table, KuduScanner::ReadMode read_mode,
uint64_t ts, size_t* row_count) {
return GetRowCount(table, read_mode, KuduClient::LEADER_ONLY, ts, row_count);
Status GetRowCount(KuduTable* table, KuduScanner::ReadMode read_mode,
KuduClient::ReplicaSelection selection, uint64_t ts,
size_t* row_count) {
KuduScanner scanner(table);
if (read_mode == KuduScanner::READ_AT_SNAPSHOT && ts != 0) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(scanner.SetSnapshotRaw(ts + 1));
RETURN_NOT_OK(CountRowsWithRetries(&scanner, row_count));
return Status::OK();
Status GetTabletIdForKey(int32_t key_value, string* tablet_id) {
if (!tablet_id) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("null output string");
const int32_t key_value_begin = key_value;
const int32_t key_value_end = key_value_begin + 1;
unique_ptr<KuduPartialRow> split_row_start(schema_.NewRow());
RETURN_NOT_OK(split_row_start->SetInt32(0, key_value_begin));
string partition_key_start;
unique_ptr<KuduPartialRow> split_row_end(schema_.NewRow());
RETURN_NOT_OK(split_row_end->SetInt32(0, key_value_end));
string partition_key_end;
GetTableLocationsRequestPB req;
master::CatalogManager* catalog =
GetTableLocationsResponsePB resp;
CatalogManager::ScopedLeaderSharedLock l(catalog);
&req, &resp, /*use_external_addr=*/false, /*user=*/std::nullopt));
if (resp.tablet_locations_size() < 1) {
return Status::NotFound(Substitute("$0: no tablets for key", key_value));
if (resp.tablet_locations_size() > 1) {
return Status::IllegalState(
Substitute("$0: multiple tablet servers for key", key_value));
*tablet_id = resp.tablet_locations(0).tablet_id();
return Status::OK();
Status FindPeerForTablet(const string& tablet_id,
scoped_refptr<TabletReplica>* replica) {
bool found = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_tablet_servers_; ++i) {
MiniTabletServer* mts = cluster_->mini_tablet_server(i);
TabletServer* ts = mts->server();
scoped_refptr<TabletReplica> r;
if (!ts->tablet_manager()->LookupTablet(tablet_id, &r)) {
// Not this one, continue.
found = true;
if (!found) {
return Status::NotFound(
Substitute("$0: cannot find replica for tablet"), tablet_id);
return Status::OK();
Status UpdateClockForTabletHostingKey(int32_t key, const MonoDelta& offset) {
string tablet_id;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTabletIdForKey(key, &tablet_id));
scoped_refptr<TabletReplica> r;
RETURN_NOT_OK(FindPeerForTablet(tablet_id, &r));
HybridClock* clock = CHECK_NOTNULL(dynamic_cast<HybridClock*>(r->clock()));
UpdateClock(clock, offset);
return Status::OK();
const size_t num_tablet_servers_;
const string table_name_;
const string key_column_name_;
const int key_split_value_;
KuduSchema schema_;
// This is a test that exposes the necessity of propagating timestamp
// between reads (scans) if consistent results are desired.
// Let T1, T2 be reads from the same client where T2 starts after the response
// from T1 is received and neither are assigned timestamps by the client.
// It might be the case where T2’s observed value actually precedes T1’s value
// in the row history if T1 and T2 are performed in different servers,
// as T2 can be assigned a timestamp that is lower than T1.
// The scenario to expose inconsistency when not propagating the timestamp
// for the scan operations:
// * Set the flag to use the mock wall clock.
// * Start two mini cluster tservers and create a table with two tablets
// ({Ta, Tb} order matters), single replica.
// * Advance the clock in tablet Ta's tserver by some amount.
// * Write a row to the tablet Ta, discard the client.
// * With a new client, read the row from the Ta tablet. Here we are using
// READ_LATEST read mode because with READ_AT_SNAPSHOT mode the read
// operation would block and wait for the clock to advance (which in this
// case is possible only if doing that manually).
// Then write a row to tablet Tb. Take note of write timestamp and
// discard the client.
// * Now scan both tablets using READ_AT_SNAPSHOT mode and the timestamp
// of the write to the Tb tablet.
// Since the write to the Tb tablet followed the write to the Ta tablet
// (quite literally, we read those rows from the Ta tablet before writing
// to the Tb tablet), we should see all the rows written.
// However, that would not be the case if the scan timestamp from the Ta's
// scan were not propagated to the Tb's write: Tb server's time is lagging
// behind Ta server's time, and scanning at Tb's write time would not
// include the rows inserted into Ta.
TEST_F(ConsistencyITest, TestTimestampPropagationFromScans) {
uint64_t ts_a;
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
ASSERT_OK(CreateTable(client.get(), table_name_));
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
// Advance tablet server's clock hosting the first key range
// (i.e. for the row which is about to be inserted below).
0, MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100)));
// Insert data into the first tablet (a.k.a. Ta).
const int rows_num = key_split_value_; // fill in the partition completely
ASSERT_OK(InsertTestRows(client.get(), table.get(), rows_num, 0));
size_t row_count;
ASSERT_OK(GetRowCount(table.get(), KuduScanner::READ_LATEST, 0,
ASSERT_EQ(key_split_value_, row_count);
// Retrieve the latest observed timestamp.
ts_a = client->GetLatestObservedTimestamp();
uint64_t ts_b;
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
// Running the prior version of the client code and using READ_AT_SNAPSHOT
// for the scan would lead to unintentional propagating of the scan time
// (i.e. Ta server's time) to the latest observed timestamp of the client.
// Besides, as already mentioned in the comment for the test, the scan
// in READ_AT_SNAPSHOT mode would block and wait for the clock to advance.
size_t row_count;
ASSERT_OK(GetRowCount(table.get(), KuduScanner::READ_LATEST, 0,
// Check we see the first batch of inserted rows.
ASSERT_EQ(key_split_value_, row_count);
// Inserting data into the second tablet (a.k.a. Tb): using the second
// key range partition.
const int rows_num = key_split_value_;
ASSERT_OK(InsertTestRows(client.get(), table.get(),
rows_num, key_split_value_));
// Retrieve the latest observed timestamp.
ts_b = client->GetLatestObservedTimestamp();
EXPECT_GT(ts_b, ts_a);
// We are expecting to see all the inserted rows. It might not be the case
// if the the timestamps were not propagated.
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
size_t row_count;
ASSERT_OK(GetRowCount(table.get(), KuduScanner::READ_AT_SNAPSHOT, ts_b,
// In total, inserted 2 * key_split_value_ rows and expecting to see
// the total row count to reflect that: using snapshot timestamp that
// is taken at insertng the second batch when the first batch already
// was there.
const size_t total_rows = 2UL * key_split_value_;
ASSERT_EQ(total_rows, row_count);
// Make sure the client propagates the timestamp for write operations.
// The idea of verification is simple:
// * Let's get two tablet servers, where the clock of the first server
// is ahead of the second one.
// * Create a client object.
// * Using the newly created client object, insert some data into the tablet
// hosted by the first server.
// * Record the client's latest observed timestamp.
// * Using the same client object, insert some data into the tablet
// hosted by the second server.
// * Get the client's latest observed timestamp: it should be strictly greater
// than the recorded timestamp.
// * Make a full table scan in the READ_AT_SNAPSHOT mode at 'ts_ref'
// timestamp: the scan should retrieve only the first row.
// If the client propates the timestamps, the second server should receive
// the recorded timestamp value in write request in the 'propagated_timestamp'
// field and adjust its clock first. After that it should perform the requested
// write operation. Since a write operation should always advance the server
// clock, the resulting timestamp returned to the client should be strictly
// greater than the propagated one.
TEST_F(ConsistencyITest, TestTimestampPropagationForWriteOps) {
const int32_t offset_usec = FLAGS_max_clock_sync_error_usec;
// Assuming the offset is specified as a positive number.
ASSERT_GT(offset_usec, 0);
// Need to have at least one row in the first partition starting with key 0.
ASSERT_LE(1, key_split_value_);
uint64_t ts_ref;
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
ASSERT_OK(CreateTable(client.get(), table_name_));
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
// Advance tablet server's clock hosting the first key range
// (i.e. for the row which is about to be inserted below).
0, MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(offset_usec)));
// Insert 1 row into the first tablet.
ASSERT_OK(InsertTestRows(client.get(), table.get(), 1, 0));
// Retrieve the latest observed timestamp.
ts_ref = client->GetLatestObservedTimestamp();
// Insert 1 row into the second tablet.
ASSERT_OK(InsertTestRows(client.get(), table.get(), 1, key_split_value_));
// Retrieve the latest observed timestamp.
const uint64_t ts = client->GetLatestObservedTimestamp();
// If the client propagates the timestamp with write operations,
// the timestamp received from the second server should be greater
// than the timestamp received from the first server.
EXPECT_GT(ts, ts_ref);
// An additional check: scan the table at the 'ts_ref' timestamp and
// make sure only the first row is visible.
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
size_t row_count;
ASSERT_OK(GetRowCount(table.get(), KuduScanner::READ_AT_SNAPSHOT,
ts_ref, &row_count));
EXPECT_EQ(1, row_count);
// This is a test for KUDU-1189. It verifies that in case of a READ_AT_SNAPSHOT
// scan with unspecified snapshot timestamp, the scanner picks timestamp from
// the first server that the data is read from. If the scan spans multiple
// tablets, the timestamp picked when scanning the first tablet is then used
// when scanning following tablets.
// The idea of the test is simple: have a scan spanned across two tablets
// where the clocks of the corresponding tablet servers are skewed. The sequence
// of actions is as following:
// 1. Create a table which spans across two tablets.
// 2. Run the first scenario:
// * Advance the clock of the second tablet's server.
// * Create a client object and with it:
// ** Insert a row into the first tablet.
// ** Insert a row into the second tablet.
// * Discard the client object.
// * Create a new client object and perform a scan at READ_AT_SNAPSHOT
// mode, no timestamp specified.
// * Given the tight timings on the after-the-insert scan and difference in
// server clocks, there should only one row in the result if the snapshot
// timestamp is taken from the first server. Otherwise, if the snapshot
// timestamp was taken from the second server, both rows would be visible
// for the scan.
// * Discard the client object.
// 3. Run the second scenario:
// * Advance the clock of the first tablet's server, so the clock of the
// first tablet is ahead of the clock of the second one.
// * Create a client object and with it:
// ** Insert an additional row into the first tablet.
// * Discard the client object.
// * Create a new client object and perform a scan at READ_AT_SNAPSHOT
// mode, no timestamp specified.
// * All the inserted rows should be visible to the scan because we
// expect the snapshot timestamp to be taken from the first tablet
// server. If the snapshot timestamp was taken from the second server,
// given the tight timings on the scan following the prior insert into
// the first tablet and difference in server clocks, not all rows would
// be visible the the scan.
TEST_F(ConsistencyITest, TestSnapshotScanTimestampReuse) {
const int32_t offset_usec = FLAGS_max_clock_sync_error_usec / 2;
// Assuming the offset is specified as a positive number.
ASSERT_GT(offset_usec, 0);
// Need to have two rows in the first partition; the values start at 0.
ASSERT_LT(2, key_split_value_);
// Prepare the setup: create a proper disposition for tablet servers' clocks
// and populate the table with appropriate data.
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
ASSERT_OK(CreateTable(client.get(), table_name_));
// Advance second partition's tablet server clock.
key_split_value_, MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(offset_usec)));
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
// Insert a row into the first tablet.
ASSERT_OK(InsertTestRows(client.get(), table.get(), 1, 0));
// Insert a row into the second tablet.
ASSERT_OK(InsertTestRows(client.get(), table.get(), 1, key_split_value_));
// Discarding the prior client object: if using it to perform scans, due
// to the scan timestamp propagation the lagging tablet server's clock
// would be advanced and it was not possible to distinguish between
// the timestamps coming from the first and the second tablet servers.
// Now, perform the scan at READ_AT_SNAPSHOT where a timestamp is not
// specified: make sure the snapshot timestamp is taken from the first tablet
// server among those the data was fetched from. For this scenario, perform
// a scan which would try to fetch all the table's data
// (i.e. make calls to all tablet servers which host table's data).
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
// Scan the table at a snapshot: let the servers pick the timestamp.
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
KuduScanner scanner(table.get());
const ScanConfiguration& cfg(scanner.data_->configuration());
size_t row_count;
ASSERT_OK(CountRowsWithRetries(&scanner, &row_count));
// At this point, we have inserted 2 rows in total, where the second row
// was inserted into the tablet which server's clock was advanced
// (i.e. shifted into the future). We are expecting to get the timestamp
// for the scan from the first tablet server, so the second row should not
// be visible at that timestamp: from the second tablet server's view,
// it was inserted after the specified timestamp. Instead, if the timestamp
// for the scan were sampled at the second server's clock, then both rows
// would be visible to the scan.
ASSERT_EQ(1UL, row_count);
// Advance the clock of the first server even further, leaving the clock
// of the second server behind. Also, insert an additional row into the first
// tablet.
// Find the tablet for the first range to advance its server's clock.
0, MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(2 * offset_usec)));
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
// Insert an additional row into the first tablet.
// This is to check that the timestamp is taken from the first tablet
// server: since now the clocks of both tablet servers are ahead of the
// timestamps of the inserted rows so far, there would be no way to tell
// which server's clock is used for the scan using the number of rows
// returned by the scan. In either case, there will be two rows.
// Now, once we add a new row into the first tablet, given the big time
// margin provided by the current clock offset, we should see different
// outcomes from the subsequent scan:
// * if the timestamp is taken from the first server, there should be
// three rows in the result
// * if the timestamp is taken from the second server, there should be
// just two rows in the result
ASSERT_OK(InsertTestRows(client.get(), table.get(), 1, 1));
// Scan the table again and make sure the snapshot scan's timestamp is taken
// from the first tablet server, as before. However, now the clock of the
// first tablet server is ahead of the second tablet server's clock. If the
// timestamp was taken from the second server, there would be 2 rows
// in the result. The expected result is 3 rows, since the timestamp should
// be taken from the first server.
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
// Scan the table at snapshot: let the servers pick the timestamp.
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
KuduScanner scanner(table.get());
const ScanConfiguration& cfg(scanner.data_->configuration());
// Check the snapshot timestamp is unset -- it's a fresh object for a
// READ_AT_SNAPSHOT scan where the snapshot timestamp is not specified
// explicitly.
size_t row_count;
ASSERT_OK(CountRowsWithRetries(&scanner, &row_count));
// At this point, we have inserted 3 rows in total. Since the snapshot
// timestamp is taken from the first server's clock, all 3 rows should be
// visible to the scan at that timestamp. Given the tight timings on the
// after-the-intsert scan and difference in server clocks, that would not be
// the case if the snapshot was taken from the second server.
ASSERT_EQ(3UL, row_count);
// Check that the timestamp returned by the tablet server is set into the
// scan configuration.
// Verify that the propagated timestamp from a serialized scan token
// makes its way into corresponding tablet servers while performing a scan
// operation built from the token.
// The real-world use-cases behind this test assume a Kudu client (C++/Java)
// can get scan tokens for a scan operation, serialize those and pass them
// to the other Kudu client (C++/Java). Since de-serializing a scan token
// propagates the latest observed timestamp, the latter client will have
// the latest observed timestamp set accordingly if it de-serializes those
// scan tokens into corresponding scan operations.
// The test scenario uses a table split into two tablets, each hosted by a
// tablet server. The clock of the first tablet server is shifted into the
// future. The first client inserts a row into the first tablet. Then it creates
// a scan token to retrieve some "related" data from the second
// tablet hosted by the second server. Now, another client receives the
// serialized scan token and runs corresponding READ_AT_SNAPSHOT scan
// with the specified timestamp to retrieve the data: it should observe
// a timestamp which is not less than the propagated timestamp
// encoded in the token.
TEST_F(ConsistencyITest, TestScanTokenTimestampPropagation) {
const int32_t offset_usec = FLAGS_max_clock_sync_error_usec;
// Need to have at least one row in the first partition with
// values starting at 0.
ASSERT_GE(key_split_value_, 1);
// Prepare the setup: create a proper disposition for tablet servers' clocks
// and populate the table with initial data.
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
ASSERT_OK(CreateTable(client.get(), table_name_));
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
// Insert a single row into the second tablet: it's necessary to get
// non-empty scan in the verification phase of the test.
ASSERT_OK(InsertTestRows(client.get(), table.get(), 1, key_split_value_));
uint64_t ts_ref;
string scan_token;
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
// Advance the clock of the server hosting the first partition tablet.
const int32_t row_key = 0;
row_key, MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(offset_usec)));
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
// Insert just a single row into the first tablet.
ASSERT_OK(InsertTestRows(client.get(), table.get(), 1, row_key));
ts_ref = client->GetLatestObservedTimestamp();
// Create and serialize a scan token: the scan selects a row by its key
// from the other tablet at the timestamp at which the first row was
// inserted.
vector<KuduScanToken*> tokens;
ElementDeleter deleter(&tokens);
KuduScanTokenBuilder builder(table.get());
unique_ptr<KuduPredicate> predicate(table->NewComparisonPredicate(
ASSERT_EQ(1, tokens.size());
// The other client: scan the second tablet using a scanner built from
// the serialized scanner token. If the client propagates timestamp from the
// de-serialized scan token, upon fetching a batch of rows the client
// should observe timestamp not less than the reference propagated timestamp
// encoded in the token.
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
KuduScanner* scanner_raw;
ASSERT_OK(KuduScanToken::DeserializeIntoScanner(client.get(), scan_token,
unique_ptr<KuduScanner> scanner(scanner_raw);
size_t row_count = 0;
while (scanner->HasMoreRows()) {
KuduScanBatch batch;
row_count += batch.NumRows();
ASSERT_LE(ts_ref, client->GetLatestObservedTimestamp());
EXPECT_EQ(1, row_count);
const KuduClient::ReplicaSelection replica_selectors[] = {
class ScanYourWritesParamTest :
public ConsistencyITest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<KuduClient::ReplicaSelection> {
// Verify that no matter which replica is selected, a single client could
// achieve read-your-writes on READ_YOUR_WRITES scan mode.
TEST_P(ScanYourWritesParamTest, Test) {
const KuduClient::ReplicaSelection sel = GetParam();
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
ASSERT_OK(CreateTable(client.get(), table_name_, 3));
shared_ptr<KuduTable> table;
ASSERT_OK(client->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
// Insert multiple rows into the tablets.
const uint64_t rows_to_insert = 20000;
ASSERT_OK(InsertTestRows(client.get(), table.get(), rows_to_insert, 0));
size_t row_count;
ASSERT_OK(GetRowCount(table.get(), KuduScanner::READ_YOUR_WRITES,
sel, 0, &row_count));
EXPECT_EQ(rows_to_insert, row_count);
row_count = 0;
ASSERT_OK(GetRowCount(table.get(), KuduScanner::READ_YOUR_WRITES,
sel, 0, &row_count));
EXPECT_EQ(rows_to_insert, row_count);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Params, ScanYourWritesParamTest,
class ScanYourWritesMultiClientsParamTest :
public ConsistencyITest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<KuduClient::ReplicaSelection> {
// This is a test that verifies, when multiple clients running
// simultaneously, a client can get read-your-writes and
// read-your-reads session guarantees using READ_YOUR_WRITES
// scan mode, no matter which replica is selected.
// Read-your-writes guarantees that a client can see all previous
// writes that it performed.
// Read-your-reads guarantees all subsequent reads to a given object
// "never return any previous values" regarding writes that other
// clients have done.
// The test scenario is as the following:
// 1) Have multiple clients running concurrently,
// 2) From the same client performs multiple writes and
// multiple sets of scans. Each client
// continuously performs inserts to a tablet, and then
// performs a bunch of READ_YOUR_WRITES scans to all the
// replicas that count the rows. The count of the rows
// should never go down from the previous observed one.
TEST_P(ScanYourWritesMultiClientsParamTest, Test) {
const int kNumThreads = 5;
const int rows_to_insert = 1000;
const int scans_to_perform = AllowSlowTests() ? 10 : 3;
const KuduClient::ReplicaSelection sel = GetParam();
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
ASSERT_OK(CreateTable(client.get(), table_name_, 3));
for (int run = 1; run <= 3; run++) {
vector<thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumThreads; i++) {
// TODO(adar): this is broken: each call to Next32() yields the same
// value. Fixing it is non-trivial because 'first_row' is multiplied in
// various code paths, causing it to overflow an int32. It just so happens
// that the first Next32() using this particular seed generates a low
// enough value to avoid overflow.
Random rng(rows_to_insert * kNumThreads);
uint32_t first_row = rng.Next32();
threads.emplace_back([=]() {
this->ScannerThread(sel, rows_to_insert, first_row, scans_to_perform);
for (auto& t : threads) {
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Params, ScanYourWritesMultiClientsParamTest,
} // namespace client
} // namespace kudu