blob: d7060c30a883e9cdc610851a2f36bd6a1ef5e26a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/common/rowblock.h"
#include "kudu/common/timestamp.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/rowset.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
class Arena;
class Schema;
namespace fs {
struct IOContext;
} // namespace fs
namespace tablet {
class DiskRowSet;
class MemRowSet;
class Mutation;
class MvccSnapshot;
class RollingDiskRowSetWriter;
struct CompactionInputRow;
// Options related to tablet history garbage collection.
class HistoryGcOpts {
static HistoryGcOpts Enabled(Timestamp ahm) {
return HistoryGcOpts(true, ahm);
static HistoryGcOpts Disabled() {
return HistoryGcOpts(false, Timestamp(0));
// Returns true if Timestamp 't' is considered "ancient history" and is
// eligible for garbage collection. If GC is disabled, will return false for
// any Timestamp with a value >= 0 (that is, all valid Timestamps).
bool IsAncientHistory(Timestamp t) const {
return t < ancient_history_mark_;
// Returns true if history GC is enabled.
bool gc_enabled() const {
return gc_enabled_;
// Returns the ancient history mark.
Timestamp ancient_history_mark() const {
return ancient_history_mark_;
HistoryGcOpts(bool gc_enabled, Timestamp ahm)
: gc_enabled_(gc_enabled),
ancient_history_mark_(ahm) {
// Whether historical records prior to the ancient history mark should be
// garbage-collected (deleted).
const bool gc_enabled_;
// A timestamp prior to which no history will be preserved.
// Ignored if 'enabled' != GC_ENABLED.
const Timestamp ancient_history_mark_;
// Interface for an input feeding into a compaction or flush.
class CompactionInput {
// Create an input which reads from the given rowset, yielding base rows
// prior to the given snapshot.
// NOTE: For efficiency, this doesn't currently filter the mutations to only
// include those committed in the given snapshot. It does, however, filter out
// rows that weren't inserted prior to this snapshot. Users of this input still
// need to call snap.IsApplied() on each mutation.
// TODO: can we make the above less messy?
static Status Create(const DiskRowSet &rowset,
const Schema* projection,
const MvccSnapshot &snap,
const fs::IOContext* io_context,
std::unique_ptr<CompactionInput>* out);
// Create an input which reads from the given memrowset, yielding base rows and updates
// prior to the given snapshot.
static CompactionInput *Create(const MemRowSet &memrowset,
const Schema* projection,
const MvccSnapshot &snap);
// Create an input which merges several other compaction inputs. The inputs are merged
// in key-order according to the given schema. All inputs must have matching schemas.
static CompactionInput *Merge(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CompactionInput> > &inputs,
const Schema *schema);
virtual Status Init() = 0;
virtual Status PrepareBlock(std::vector<CompactionInputRow> *block) = 0;
// Returns the arena for this compaction input corresponding to the last
// prepared block. This must be called *after* PrepareBlock() as if this
// is a MergeCompactionInput only then will the right arena be selected.
virtual Arena* PreparedBlockArena() = 0;
virtual Status FinishBlock() = 0;
virtual bool HasMoreBlocks() = 0;
virtual const Schema &schema() const = 0;
virtual ~CompactionInput() {}
// The set of rowsets which are taking part in a given compaction.
class RowSetsInCompaction {
void AddRowSet(const std::shared_ptr<RowSet> &rowset,
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock) {
// Create the appropriate compaction input for this compaction -- either a merge
// of all the inputs, or the single input if there was only one.
// 'schema' is the schema for the output of the compaction, and must remain valid
// for the lifetime of the returned CompactionInput.
Status CreateCompactionInput(const MvccSnapshot &snap,
const Schema* schema,
const fs::IOContext* io_context,
std::shared_ptr<CompactionInput> *out) const;
// Dump a log message indicating the chosen rowsets.
void DumpToLog() const;
const RowSetVector &rowsets() const { return rowsets_; }
size_t num_rowsets() const {
return rowsets_.size();
RowSetVector rowsets_;
std::vector<std::unique_lock<std::mutex>> locks_;
// One row yielded by CompactionInput::PrepareBlock.
// Looks like this (assuming n UNDO records and m REDO records):
// UNDO_n <- ... <- UNDO_1 <- UNDO_head <- row -> REDO_head -> REDO_1 -> ... -> REDO_m
struct CompactionInputRow {
// The compaction input base row.
RowBlockRow row;
// The current redo head for this row, may be null if the base row has no mutations.
Mutation* redo_head;
// The current undo head for this row, may be null if all undos were garbage collected.
Mutation* undo_head;
// When the same row is found in multiple rowsets because of ghost rows, this points
// to one that older in terms of row history.
CompactionInputRow* previous_ghost;
CompactionInputRow() :
previous_ghost(nullptr) {}
// Function shared by flushes and compactions. Removes UNDO Mutations
// considered "ancient" from the given CompactionInputRow, modifying the undo
// mutation list in-place.
// 'is_garbage_collected': Set to true if the row was marked as deleted prior
// to the ancient history mark, with no reinsertions after that. In such a
// case, all traces of the row should be removed from disk by the caller.
// This is supposed to be called after ApplyMutationsAndGenerateUndos() where REDOS
// are transformed in UNDOs. There can be at most one REDO in 'redo_head', a DELETE.
void RemoveAncientUndos(const HistoryGcOpts& history_gc_opts,
Mutation** undo_head,
const Mutation* redo_head,
bool* is_garbage_collected);
// Function shared by flushes, compactions and major delta compactions. Applies all the REDO
// mutations from 'src_row' to the 'dst_row', and generates the related UNDO mutations. Some
// handling depends on the nature of the operation being performed:
// - Flush: Applies all the REDOs to all the columns.
// - Compaction: Applies all the REDOs to all the columns.
// - Major delta compaction: Applies only the REDOs that have corresponding columns in the schema
// belonging to 'dst_row'. Those that don't belong to that schema are
// ignored.
Status ApplyMutationsAndGenerateUndos(const MvccSnapshot& snap,
const CompactionInputRow& src_row,
Mutation** new_undo_head,
Mutation** new_redo_head,
Arena* arena,
RowBlockRow* dst_row);
// Iterate through this compaction input, flushing all rows to the given RollingDiskRowSetWriter.
// The 'snap' argument should match the MvccSnapshot used to create the compaction input.
// After return of this function, this CompactionInput object is "used up" and will
// no longer be useful.
Status FlushCompactionInput(CompactionInput *input,
const MvccSnapshot &snap,
const HistoryGcOpts& history_gc_opts,
RollingDiskRowSetWriter *out);
// Iterate through this compaction input, finding any mutations which came
// between snap_to_exclude and snap_to_include (ie those ops that were not yet
// committed in 'snap_to_exclude' but _are_ committed in 'snap_to_include').
// For each such mutation, propagate it into the compaction's output rowsets.
// The output rowsets passed in must be non-overlapping and in ascending key order:
// typically they are the resulting rowsets from a RollingDiskRowSetWriter.
// After return of this function, this CompactionInput object is "used up" and will
// yield no further rows.
Status ReupdateMissedDeltas(const fs::IOContext* io_context,
CompactionInput *input,
const HistoryGcOpts& history_gc_opts,
const MvccSnapshot &snap_to_exclude,
const MvccSnapshot &snap_to_include,
const RowSetVector &output_rowsets);
// Dump the given compaction input to 'lines' or LOG(INFO) if it is NULL.
// This consumes all of the input in the compaction input.
Status DebugDumpCompactionInput(CompactionInput *input, std::vector<std::string> *lines);
// Helper methods to print a row with full history.
std::string RowToString(const RowBlockRow& row,
const Mutation* redo_head,
const Mutation* undo_head);
std::string CompactionInputRowToString(const CompactionInputRow& input_row);
} // namespace tablet
} // namespace kudu