blob: cff37f423e607fe15226df76b438ba933def59a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/cache.h"
#include "kudu/util/cache_metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/thread.h"
#include "kudu/util/ttl_cache_metrics.h"
namespace kudu {
// Limited capacity cache with FIFO eviction policy, where the validity
// of cached entries is based on their expiration time. The expiration time for
// an entry is set upon adding it into the cache, where all entries have
// the same static TTL specified at cache's creation time.
// When TTLCache is at capacity and needs to accommodate a new entry, the
// underlying cache evicts already existing entries regardless of
// their expiration status using the FIFO approach: the earliest added entry
// is evicted first. Since the TTL setting is static and applies to every entry
// in the cache, the FIFO eviction policy naturally evicts entries with earlier
// expiration times prior to evicting entries with later expiration times.
// The eviction of entries in the underlying cache continues until
// there is enough space to accommodate the newly added entry
// or no entries are left in the cache.
// TODO(aserbin): add an option to evict expired entries on a periodic timer
// TODO(aserbin): add the 'move semantics option' for the key in Get()/Put()
template<typename K, typename V>
class TTLCache {
// The handle for an entry in the cache.
class EntryHandle {
// Construct an empty/nullptr handle.
: ptr_(nullptr),
Cache::HandleDeleter(nullptr))) {
~EntryHandle() = default;
EntryHandle(EntryHandle&& other) noexcept
: EntryHandle() {
std::swap(ptr_, other.ptr_);
handle_ = std::move(other.handle_);
EntryHandle& operator=(EntryHandle&& other) noexcept {
ptr_ = other.ptr_;
other.ptr_ = nullptr;
handle_ = std::move(other.handle_);
return *this;
// Copying of entry handles is explicitly prohibited.
EntryHandle(const EntryHandle&) = delete;
EntryHandle& operator=(const EntryHandle&) = delete;
explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
return ptr_ != nullptr;
// No modifications of the value are allowed through EntryHandle.
const V& value() const {
return *ptr_;
friend class TTLCache;
EntryHandle(V* ptr, Cache::UniqueHandle handle)
: ptr_(ptr),
handle_(std::move(handle)) {
DCHECK((ptr_ != nullptr && handle_) ||
(ptr_ == nullptr && !handle_));
V* ptr_;
Cache::UniqueHandle handle_;
// Create a new TTL cache with the specified capacity and name. All the
// entries put into the cache have the same TTL specified by the 'entry_ttl'
// parameter. If the 'scrubbing_period' parameter is provided with valid
// time interval, the cache starts a periodic scrubbing thread that evicts
// expired entries from the cache.
TTLCache(size_t capacity_bytes,
MonoDelta entry_ttl,
MonoDelta scrubbing_period = {},
size_t max_scrubbed_entries_per_pass_num = 0,
const std::string& cache_name = "ttl-cache")
: entry_ttl_(entry_ttl),
eviction_cb_(new EvictionCallback(this)),
scrubbing_thread_running_(0) {
VLOG(1) << strings::Substitute(
"constructed TTL cache '$0' with capacity of $1",
cache_name, capacity_bytes);
if (scrubbing_period_.Initialized()) {
"cache", strings::Substitute("$0-scrubbing", cache_name),
&TTLCache::ScrubExpiredEntries, this, &scrubbing_thread_));
VLOG(1) << strings::Substitute(
"started scrubbing thread for TTL cache '$0' with period of $1",
cache_name, scrubbing_period_.ToString());
// This class is not intended to be inherited from.
~TTLCache() {
if (scrubbing_period_.Initialized()) {
// Retrieve an entry from the cache. If a non-expired entry exists
// for the specified key, this method returns corresponding handle.
// If there is no entry for the specified key or the entry has expired
// at the time of the query, nullptr handle is returned.
// Cached key/value pairs may still be evicted even with an outstanding
// handle, but a cached value won't be destroyed until the handle goes
// out of scope.
EntryHandle Get(const K& key) {
auto h(cache_->Lookup(key, Cache::EXPECT_IN_CACHE));
if (!h) {
return EntryHandle();
auto* entry_ptr = reinterpret_cast<Entry*>(cache_->Value(h).mutable_data());
if (entry_ptr->exp_time < MonoTime::Now()) {
// If the entry has expired already, return null handle. The underlying
// cache will purge the expired entry when necessary upon accommodating
// new entries being added into the cache, if any.
if (PREDICT_TRUE(metrics_ != nullptr)) {
return EntryHandle();
return EntryHandle(DCHECK_NOTNULL(entry_ptr->val_ptr), std::move(h));
// For the specified key, add an entry into the cache or replace already
// existing one. The 'charge' parameter specifies the charge to associate
// with the entry with regard to the cache's capacity. This method returns
// a smart pointer for the entry's handle: the same return type as for the
// Get() method is used to support similar pattern of using cache's handles
// while both retrieving and storing entries in the cache.
// Put() evicts already existing entry with the same key (if any), effectively
// replacing corresponding entry in the cache as the result.
EntryHandle Put(const K& key,
std::unique_ptr<V> val,
int charge = Cache::kAutomaticCharge) {
auto pending(cache_->Allocate(key, sizeof(Entry), charge));
Entry* entry = reinterpret_cast<Entry*>(cache_->MutableValue(&pending));
entry->val_ptr = val.get();
entry->exp_time = MonoTime::Now() + entry_ttl_;
// Insert() evicts already existing entry with the same key, if any.
auto h(cache_->Insert(std::move(pending), eviction_cb_.get()));
// The cache takes care of the entry from this point: deallocation of the
// resources passed via 'val' parameter is performed by the eviction callback.
return EntryHandle(DCHECK_NOTNULL(val.release()), std::move(h));
// Set metrics for the cache. This method mimics the signature of
// Cache::SetMetrics() but consumes TTL-specific metrics.
void SetMetrics(std::unique_ptr<TTLCacheMetrics> metrics) {
// Keep a copy of the pointer to the metrics: the FIFO cache is the owner.
metrics_ = metrics.get();
friend class EvictionCallback;
FRIEND_TEST(TTLCacheTest, InvalidationOfExpiredEntries);
// An entry to store in the underlying FIFO cache.
struct Entry {
// Raw pointer to the 'value'. The cache owns the memory allocated and takes
// care of deallocating it upon call of EvictionCallback::EvictedEntry()
// by the underlying FIFO cache instance.
V* val_ptr;
// Expiration time of the entry.
MonoTime exp_time;
// Callback invoked by the underlying FIFO cache when a cached entry's
// reference count reaches zero and is evicted.
class EvictionCallback : public Cache::EvictionCallback {
explicit EvictionCallback(TTLCache* cache)
: cache_(cache) {
void EvictedEntry(Slice key, Slice val) override {
VLOG(2) << strings::Substitute("EvictedEntry callback for key '$0'",
auto* entry_ptr = reinterpret_cast<Entry*>(val.mutable_data());
if (PREDICT_TRUE(cache_->metrics_ != nullptr) &&
entry_ptr->exp_time < MonoTime::Now()) {
delete entry_ptr->val_ptr;
TTLCache* cache_;
// Periodically search for expired entries in the cache and remove them.
// This method is called from a separate thread 'scrubbing_thread_'.
void ScrubExpiredEntries() {
MonoTime time_now;
// TODO(aserbin): clarify why making this 'static const' behaves
// incorrectly when compiled with LLVM 6.0.0 at CentOS 6.6
// with devtoolset-3. However, it works as intended when
// compiled with LLVM 6.0.0 at Mac OS X 10.11.6.
const Cache::InvalidationControl ctl = {
[&time_now](Slice /* key */, Slice value) {
DCHECK_EQ(sizeof(Entry), value.size());
const auto* entry = reinterpret_cast<const Entry*>(;
// The entry expiration time is recorded in the entry's data. An entry
// is expired once current time passed the expiration time milestone.
return entry->exp_time > time_now;
[this](size_t valid_entry_count, size_t invalid_entry_count) {
// The TTL cache arranges its recency list in a FIFO manner: the
// oldest entries are in the very beginning of the list. All entries
// have the same TTL. All the entries in the recency list past
// a non-expired one must be not yet expired as well. So, when
// searching for expired entries, it doesn't make sense to continue
// iterating over the recency list once a non-expired entry
// has been encountered.
return valid_entry_count == 0 &&
(max_scrubbed_entries_per_pass_num_ == 0 ||
invalid_entry_count < max_scrubbed_entries_per_pass_num_);
while (!scrubbing_thread_running_.WaitFor(scrubbing_period_)) {
// Capture current time once, so the validity functor wouldn't need
// to call MonoTime::Now() for every entry being processed. That also
// makes the invalidation logic consistent with the FIFO-ordered
// recency list of the underlying cache: once a non-expired entry is
// encountered, it's guaranteed all the entries past it are non-expired
// as well. With advancing 'now' the latter contract would be broken.
time_now = MonoTime::Now();
const auto count = cache_->Invalidate(ctl);
VLOG(2) << strings::Substitute("invalidated $0 expired entries", count);
// The validity interval for cached entries (see 'struct Entry' above).
const MonoDelta entry_ttl_;
// The interval to run the 'scrubbing_thread_': that's the thread to scrub
// the cache of expired entries.
const MonoDelta scrubbing_period_;
// The maximum number of processed entries per one pass of the scrubbing.
// The scrubbing of the underlying cache assumes locking access to the cache's
// recency list, increasing contention with the concurrent usage of the cache.
// Limiting the number of entries to invalidate at once while holding the
// lock helps to reduce the contention.
const size_t max_scrubbed_entries_per_pass_num_;
// A pointer to metrics specific to the TTL cache represented by this class.
// The raw pointer is a duplicate of the pointer owned by the underlying FIFO
// cache (see cache_ below).
TTLCacheMetrics* metrics_;
// Invoked whenever a cached entry reaches zero reference count, i.e. it was
// removed from the cache and there aren't any other references
// floating around.
std::unique_ptr<Cache::EvictionCallback> eviction_cb_;
// The underlying FIFO cache instance.
std::unique_ptr<Cache> cache_;
// A synchronization primitive to communicate on running conditions between
// the 'scrubbing_thread_' thread and the main one.
CountDownLatch scrubbing_thread_running_;
// If 'scrubbing_period_' is set to a valid time interval, this thread
// periodically calls ScrubExpiredEntries() method until
// 'scrubbing_thread_running_' reaches 0.
scoped_refptr<Thread> scrubbing_thread_;
} // namespace kudu