blob: bdd35b3bbf26d0bf578e227920284260977482a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/util/ttl_cache.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags_declare.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/integral_types.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/cache.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/scoped_cleanup.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/ttl_cache_metrics.h"
using std::atomic;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::thread;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
struct TTLCacheTestMetrics : public TTLCacheMetrics {
explicit TTLCacheTestMetrics(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& entity);
METRIC_DEFINE_counter(server, test_ttl_cache_inserts,
"TTL Cache Inserts",
"Number of entries inserted in the cache",
METRIC_DEFINE_counter(server, test_ttl_cache_lookups,
"TTL Cache Lookups",
"Number of entries looked up from the cache",
METRIC_DEFINE_counter(server, test_ttl_cache_evictions,
"TTL Cache Evictions",
"Number of entries evicted from the cache",
METRIC_DEFINE_counter(server, test_ttl_cache_evictions_expired,
"TTL Cache Evictions of Expired Entries",
"Number of entries that had already expired upon "
"eviction from the cache",
METRIC_DEFINE_counter(server, test_ttl_cache_misses,
"TTL Cache Misses",
"Number of lookups that didn't find a cached entry",
METRIC_DEFINE_counter(server, test_ttl_cache_hits,
"TTL Cache Hits",
"Number of lookups that found a cached entry",
METRIC_DEFINE_counter(server, test_ttl_cache_hits_expired,
"TTL Cache Hits of Expired Entries",
"Number of lookups that found an entry, but the entry "
"had already expired at the time of lookup",
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64(server, test_ttl_cache_memory_usage,
"TTL Cache Memory Usage",
"Memory consumed by the cache",
#define MINIT(member, x) member = METRIC_##x.Instantiate(entity)
#define GINIT(member, x) member = METRIC_##x.Instantiate(entity, 0)
const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& entity) {
MINIT(inserts, test_ttl_cache_inserts);
MINIT(lookups, test_ttl_cache_lookups);
MINIT(evictions, test_ttl_cache_evictions);
MINIT(evictions_expired, test_ttl_cache_evictions_expired);
MINIT(cache_hits_caching, test_ttl_cache_hits);
MINIT(cache_hits_expired, test_ttl_cache_hits_expired);
MINIT(cache_misses_caching, test_ttl_cache_misses);
GINIT(cache_usage, test_ttl_cache_memory_usage);
#undef MINIT
#undef GINIT
// A class to represent values with constant memory footprint of 1.
class TestValue {
explicit TestValue(int value = 0)
: value(value) {
// The 'implicit cast to int' operator for ASSERT_EQ()-like comparisions.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator int() const {
return value;
const int value;
typedef TTLCache<string, TestValue> TTLTestCache;
typedef TTLTestCache::EntryHandle Handle;
class TTLCacheTest : public KuduTest {
void SetUp() override {
// To simplify the logic of the test related to the capacity of the TTL
// cache and the eviction of entries:
// * make the cache consisting of a single shard
// * stay clear of any approximations while tracking memory consumption
FLAGS_cache_force_single_shard = true;
FLAGS_cache_memtracker_approximation_ratio = 0;
metric_entity_ = METRIC_ENTITY_server.Instantiate(&metric_registry_,
// Verify that the cache's entry referenced by 'handle' is non-null and
// has the expected value.
void VerifyEntryValue(const Handle& handle, int expected_value) {
ASSERT_EQ(expected_value, handle.value());
#define GET_GAUGE_READINGS(func_name, counter_name_suffix) \
int64_t func_name() { \
scoped_refptr<Counter> gauge(metric_entity_->FindOrCreateCounter( \
&METRIC_test_ttl_##counter_name_suffix)); \
CHECK(gauge); \
return gauge->value(); \
GET_GAUGE_READINGS(GetCacheEvictions, cache_evictions)
GET_GAUGE_READINGS(GetCacheEvictionsExpired, cache_evictions_expired)
GET_GAUGE_READINGS(GetCacheHitsExpired, cache_hits_expired)
GET_GAUGE_READINGS(GetCacheHits, cache_hits)
GET_GAUGE_READINGS(GetCacheInserts, cache_inserts)
GET_GAUGE_READINGS(GetCacheLookups, cache_lookups)
GET_GAUGE_READINGS(GetCacheMisses, cache_misses)
int64_t GetCacheUsage() {
scoped_refptr<AtomicGauge<uint64>> gauge(metric_entity_->FindOrCreateGauge(
&METRIC_test_ttl_cache_memory_usage, static_cast<uint64>(0)));
return gauge->value();
MetricRegistry metric_registry_;
scoped_refptr<MetricEntity> metric_entity_;
// Basic verification on the cache behavior for entries which don't expire
// during the test.
TEST_F(TTLCacheTest, BasicNoExpiration) {
const auto entry_ttl = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(300);
TTLTestCache cache(1, entry_ttl);
unique_ptr<TTLCacheTestMetrics> metrics(
new TTLCacheTestMetrics(metric_entity_));
// Try to fetch an entry from an empty cache.
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheHits());
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheLookups());
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheMisses());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheUsage());
// Verify how Put() works.
auto put_h(cache.Put("key0", unique_ptr<TestValue>(new TestValue), 1));
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(put_h, 0));
// Once put in the cache and not yet evicted, the entry must be available
// for retrieval from the cache.
auto h(cache.Get("key0"));
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(h, 0););
ASSERT_EQ(2, GetCacheLookups());
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheHits());
// That's the same entry.
ASSERT_EQ(&put_h.value(), &h.value());
// One more entry is added, but since the cache was at capacity ...
auto h1 = cache.Put("key1", unique_ptr<TestValue>(new TestValue(1)), 1);
// However, since the 'put_h' handle still references the entry, it should
// not be freed yet.
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheEvictions());
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(h1, 1));
// .. the formerly cached entry should no longer be available.
// One extra miss should be registered.
ASSERT_EQ(2, GetCacheMisses());
// No new hits.
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheHits());
// However, since the reference to the entry is still present in the scope,
// it's still available via that reference (but not from the cache as is).
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(put_h, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(2, GetCacheUsage());
// Once 'put_h' handle is out of scope, the earlier removed entry should be
// freed.
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheEvictions());
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheUsage());
// Have multiple handles for the same entry in the cache in one scope
// and make sure the reference counting in the underlying cache works
// as expected.
auto put_h = cache.Put("k", unique_ptr<TestValue>(new TestValue(5)), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(3, GetCacheInserts());
// The entry keyed with 'key1' should be evicted and freed after new
// insertion.
ASSERT_EQ(2, GetCacheEvictions());
// Nothing except for this newly inserted entry is references elsewhere.
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheUsage());
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(put_h, 5));
auto get_h0 = cache.Get("k");
// That's the same entry.
ASSERT_EQ(&put_h.value(), &get_h0.value());
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(get_h0, 5));
auto get_h1 = cache.Get("k");
// That's the same entry.
ASSERT_EQ(&get_h0.value(), &get_h1.value());
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(get_h1, 5));
// No hits of expired entries.
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheHitsExpired());
// No evictions of expired entries: all the evicted entries were valid.
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheEvictionsExpired());
// The cache evicts entries in a lazy manner.
ASSERT_EQ(2, GetCacheEvictions());
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheUsage());
// Verify the cache's eviction policy. After their expiration time, entries
// should not be available from the cache. Also, the earliest added, even if
// not-yet-expired, entries are evicted to accomodate new ones if the cache is
// at capacity.
TEST_F(TTLCacheTest, Basic) {
constexpr size_t cache_capacity = 5;
const auto entry_ttl = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100);
TTLTestCache cache(cache_capacity, entry_ttl);
unique_ptr<TTLCacheTestMetrics> metrics(
new TTLCacheTestMetrics(metric_entity_));
// At an empty cache, all gauges should read zero.
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheEvictions());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheEvictionsExpired());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheHits());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheHitsExpired());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheInserts());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheLookups());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheMisses());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheUsage());
auto put_h = cache.Put("key0", unique_ptr<TestValue>(new TestValue(100)), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheInserts());
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheUsage());
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(put_h, 100));
// Using the handle from the Put() operation, no lookups so far.
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheLookups());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheMisses());
// The entry is expired and must not be available from the cache, but
// it should not yet be freed since there is a handle that refers to it.
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheLookups());
// The expired entry was in the cache, even if it was not returned as
// the result.
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheMisses());
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheHits());
// The cache_hits_expired counter reflects the fact that the expired
// entry was not returned from the cache as the result of the query.
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheHitsExpired());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheEvictionsExpired());
// However, the entry should be still available via the reference
// that is kept in the scope.
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(put_h, 100));
// Re-insert the entry with the same key, but different value.
auto h = cache.Put("key0", unique_ptr<TestValue>(new TestValue(200)), 1);
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(h, 200));
ASSERT_EQ(2, GetCacheInserts());
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheLookups());
ASSERT_EQ(2, GetCacheUsage());
// That operation should not affect the reference to the entry inserted
// previously.
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(put_h, 100));
for (auto i = 0; i < cache_capacity; ++i) {
const auto key = Substitute("1key$0", i);
unique_ptr<TestValue> val(new TestValue(i));
cache.Put(key, std::move(val), 1);
auto h = cache.Get(key);
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(h, i));
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity + 2, GetCacheInserts());
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity + 1, GetCacheLookups());
// All recent lookups should result in cache hits.
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity + 1, GetCacheHits());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheMisses());
// The re-inserted entry for 'key0' should be gone: nothing is referencing it.
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheEvictions());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheEvictionsExpired());
// The cache is at capacity: all fresh inserted entries plus the entry
// removed from the cache, but still referenced by 'put_h' handle.
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity + 1, GetCacheUsage());
// The earliest added entry should be removed from the cache at this point.
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity + 2, GetCacheLookups());
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheMisses());
// Lately inserted entries should be still around ...
for (auto i = 0; i < cache_capacity; ++i) {
const auto key = Substitute("1key$0", i);
auto h = cache.Get(key);
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(h, i));
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity * 2 + 2, GetCacheLookups());
// No new misses so far.
ASSERT_EQ(1, GetCacheMisses());
// ... and after expiration they should be gone.
for (auto i = 0; i < cache_capacity + 1; ++i) {
const auto key = Substitute("1key$0", i);
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity + 1, GetCacheHitsExpired());
// All the entries are expired but should not be freed yet: the very first one
// is still referenced by the 'put_h' handle, and the rest haven't spilled
// over the cache's capacity.
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheEvictionsExpired());
// One new miss for the absent key Substitute("1key$0", capacity)
ASSERT_EQ(2, GetCacheMisses());
// Insert double of the capacity of the queue.
for (auto i = 0; i < 2 * cache_capacity; ++i) {
const auto key = Substitute("2key$0", i);
unique_ptr<TestValue> val(new TestValue(i));
cache.Put(key, std::move(val), 1);
// (capacity * 2) new evictions should have happened.
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity * 2 + 1, GetCacheEvictions());
// Only one extra entry is still referenced.
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity + 1, GetCacheUsage());
// The first half of the fresnly inserted entries should not be available.
for (auto i = 0; i < cache_capacity; ++i) {
const auto key = Substitute("2key$0", i);
// All recent lookups should result in misses.
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity + 2, GetCacheMisses());
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity + 1, GetCacheHitsExpired());
// All the expired entries except for the very first inserted must be freed:
// the very first is still referenced by the 'put_h' handle,
// but others don't have any references.
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity, GetCacheEvictionsExpired());
// The second half of the entries should be still present.
for (auto i = cache_capacity; i < 2 * cache_capacity; ++i) {
const auto key = Substitute("2key$0", i);
auto h = cache.Get(key);
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(h, i));
// Correspondingly, there should be no new misses.
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity + 2, GetCacheMisses());
// After all the shenanigans, an entry should be still available
// via the reference kept in the scope.
NO_FATALS(VerifyEntryValue(put_h, 100));
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity + 1, GetCacheUsage());
// Test the invalidation of expired entries in the underlying cache.
TEST_F(TTLCacheTest, InvalidationOfExpiredEntries) {
constexpr size_t cache_capacity = 512;
const auto entry_ttl = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(250);
TTLTestCache cache(cache_capacity, entry_ttl);
unique_ptr<TTLCacheTestMetrics> metrics(
new TTLCacheTestMetrics(metric_entity_));
const Cache::InvalidationControl ctl = {
[&](Slice /* key */, Slice value) {
CHECK_EQ(sizeof(TTLTestCache::Entry), value.size());
const auto* entry = reinterpret_cast<const TTLTestCache::Entry*>(;
return (entry->exp_time > MonoTime::Now());
[&](size_t valid_entry_count, size_t /* invalid_entry_count */) {
return valid_entry_count == 0;
ASSERT_EQ(0, cache.cache_->Invalidate(ctl));
for (auto i = 0; i < cache_capacity / 2; ++i) {
cache.Put(Substitute("0$0", i), unique_ptr<TestValue>(new TestValue), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(0, cache.cache_->Invalidate(ctl));
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheEvictionsExpired());
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity / 2, cache.cache_->Invalidate(ctl));
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity / 2, GetCacheEvictionsExpired());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheUsage());
for (auto i = 0; i < cache_capacity / 2; ++i) {
cache.Put(Substitute("1$0", i), unique_ptr<TestValue>(new TestValue), 1);
for (auto i = 0; i < cache_capacity / 2; ++i) {
cache.Put(Substitute("2$0", i), unique_ptr<TestValue>(new TestValue), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity / 2, cache.cache_->Invalidate(ctl));
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity, GetCacheEvictionsExpired());
ASSERT_EQ(cache_capacity / 2, GetCacheUsage());
// Verify the auto-invalidation of expired entries in TTLCache work as expected:
// expired entries are removed with the expecting timing and valid entries stay.
TEST_F(TTLCacheTest, AutoInvalidationOfEntries) {
constexpr size_t kCacheCapacity = 128;
constexpr size_t kHalfCacheCapacity = kCacheCapacity / 2;
const auto kEntryTtl = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(256);
const auto kScrubInterval = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(
kEntryTtl.ToMilliseconds() / 8);
const auto kEntryTtlThreeQuarters = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(
kEntryTtl.ToMilliseconds() * 3 / 4);
TTLTestCache cache(kCacheCapacity, kEntryTtl, kScrubInterval);
unique_ptr<TTLCacheTestMetrics> metrics(
new TTLCacheTestMetrics(metric_entity_));
// Make sure the scrubber doesn't conflate non-expired entries with expired
// ones while scrubbing the cache.
for (auto i = 0; i < kHalfCacheCapacity; ++i) {
cache.Put(Substitute("1$0", i), unique_ptr<TestValue>(new TestValue(i)), 1);
for (auto i = 0; i < kHalfCacheCapacity; ++i) {
cache.Put(Substitute("2$0", i), unique_ptr<TestValue>(new TestValue(i)), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(kCacheCapacity, GetCacheUsage());
// Apart from the OS scheduler's anomalies, the scrubbing thread should run
// at least once at this point. Given the timing of adding the entries into
// the cache, half of the entries in the cache should have been invalidated,
// while the other half should stay.
ASSERT_EQ(kHalfCacheCapacity, GetCacheEvictionsExpired());
ASSERT_EQ(kHalfCacheCapacity, GetCacheUsage());
// Eventually, nothing should be in the cache.
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheUsage());
ASSERT_EQ(kCacheCapacity, GetCacheEvictionsExpired());
// Verify the auto-invalidation of expired entries in TTLCache work as
// expected in the presence of oustanding handles to the entries which
// are subject to invalidation by the scrubbing thread.
TEST_F(TTLCacheTest, AutoInvalidationOfEntriesWithOutstandingReferences) {
constexpr size_t kCacheCapacity = 512;
constexpr size_t kHalfCacheCapacity = kCacheCapacity / 2;
const auto kEntryTtl = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(50);
const auto kScrubInterval = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(
kEntryTtl.ToMilliseconds() / 2);
// A TTL cache with auto-scrubbing thread that gets rid of expired entries
// with the frequency corresponding to a half of the TTL interval.
TTLTestCache cache(kCacheCapacity, kEntryTtl, kScrubInterval);
unique_ptr<TTLCacheTestMetrics> metrics(
new TTLCacheTestMetrics(metric_entity_));
const set<string> selected_keys = {
"0", "2", "9", "99", "127", "128", "252", "255", };
vector<Handle> selected_handles;
for (auto i = 0; i < kHalfCacheCapacity; ++i) {
const auto key = Substitute("$0", i);
auto h = cache.Put(key, unique_ptr<TestValue>(new TestValue), 1);
if (ContainsKey(selected_keys, key)) {
ASSERT_EQ(selected_keys.size(), selected_handles.size());
// All the entries except for the ones selected should be gone:
// the background thread should get rid all the expired entries.
// The 'selected_handles' still keep references to the selected entries,
// so those should not be deallocated yet.
ASSERT_EQ(kHalfCacheCapacity - selected_keys.size(),
ASSERT_EQ(selected_keys.size(), GetCacheUsage());
// However, even if the selected entries are not yet deallocated,
// they must have been removed from the cache's lookup table
// once the scrubbing thread invalidated them.
for (const auto& key : selected_keys) {
// Now, once the handles for the selected entries are gone out of scope,
// the cache should be empty.
ASSERT_EQ(kHalfCacheCapacity, GetCacheEvictionsExpired());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheUsage());
// Verify how the auto-invalidation of expired entries work in the presence
// of concurrent read access to the entries. Also, verify that the limit on the
// number of maximum number of processed entries per one run of the scrubbing
// thread applies as expected.
TEST_F(TTLCacheTest, AutoInvalidationOfEntriesLimitPerPass) {
constexpr size_t kCacheCapacity = 1024;
constexpr size_t kScrubMaxEntriesPerPass = 64;
const auto kEntryTtl = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100);
const auto kScrubInterval = kEntryTtl;
const auto kNumRunnerThreads = 64;
// A TTL cache with auto-scrubbing thread that gets rid of expired entries.
// The amount of scrubbed entries per pass is limited.
TTLTestCache cache(kCacheCapacity, kEntryTtl,
kScrubInterval, kScrubMaxEntriesPerPass);
unique_ptr<TTLCacheTestMetrics> metrics(
new TTLCacheTestMetrics(metric_entity_));
atomic<bool> stop(false);
vector<thread> threads;
stop = true;
for (auto& thread : threads) {
for (auto i = 0; i < kNumRunnerThreads; ++i) {
threads.emplace_back([&cache, &stop] () {
while (!stop) {
const auto key = std::to_string(rand() % kCacheCapacity);
auto h = cache.Get(key);
// Keep the handle around for some time.
SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(rand() % 5));
const auto start_time = MonoTime::Now();
for (auto i = 0; i < kCacheCapacity; ++i) {
cache.Put(std::to_string(i), unique_ptr<TestValue>(new TestValue(i)), 1);
const auto scrub_interval_ms = kScrubInterval.ToMilliseconds();
for (auto i = 0; i < kCacheCapacity / kScrubMaxEntriesPerPass; ++i) {
const auto evictions_expired_num = GetCacheEvictionsExpired();
const auto duration_ms = (MonoTime::Now() - start_time).ToMilliseconds();
const auto runs_num = 1 +
(duration_ms + scrub_interval_ms - 1) / scrub_interval_ms;
// No more than the specified number of entries should be evicted per one
// pass of the scrubbing thread.
ASSERT_LE(evictions_expired_num, runs_num * kScrubMaxEntriesPerPass);
stop = true;
ASSERT_EQ(kCacheCapacity, GetCacheEvictionsExpired());
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetCacheUsage());
} // namespace kudu