blob: 789b132de66ef2d163214ba9653966884adce0f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <deque>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/list_hook.hpp>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/callback.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/util/condition_variable.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/mutex.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace boost {
template <typename Signature>
class function;
} // namespace boost
namespace kudu {
class Thread;
class ThreadPool;
class ThreadPoolToken;
class Trace;
class Runnable {
virtual void Run() = 0;
virtual ~Runnable() {}
// Interesting thread pool metrics. Can be applied to the entire pool (see
// ThreadPoolBuilder) or to individual tokens.
struct ThreadPoolMetrics {
// Measures the queue length seen by tasks when they enter the queue.
scoped_refptr<Histogram> queue_length_histogram;
// Measures the amount of time that tasks spend waiting in a queue.
scoped_refptr<Histogram> queue_time_us_histogram;
// Measures the amount of time that tasks spend running.
scoped_refptr<Histogram> run_time_us_histogram;
// ThreadPool takes a lot of arguments. We provide sane defaults with a builder.
// name: Used for debugging output and default names of the worker threads.
// Since thread names are limited to 16 characters on Linux, it's good to
// choose a short name here.
// Required.
// trace_metric_prefix: used to prefix the names of TraceMetric counters.
// When a task on a thread pool has an associated trace, the thread pool
// implementation will increment TraceMetric counters to indicate the
// amount of time spent waiting in the queue as well as the amount of wall
// and CPU time spent executing. By default, these counters are prefixed
// with the name of the thread pool. For example, if the pool is named
// 'apply', then counters such as 'apply.queue_time_us' will be
// incremented.
// The TraceMetrics implementation relies on the number of distinct counter
// names being small. Thus, if the thread pool name itself is dynamically
// generated, the default behavior described above would result in an
// unbounded number of distinct counter names. The 'trace_metric_prefix'
// setting can be used to override the prefix used in generating the trace
// metric names.
// For example, the Raft thread pools are named "<tablet id>-raft" which
// has unbounded cardinality (a server may have thousands of different
// tablet IDs over its lifetime). In that case, setting the prefix to
// "raft" will avoid any issues.
// min_threads: Minimum number of threads we'll have at any time.
// Default: 0.
// max_threads: Maximum number of threads we'll have at any time.
// Default: Number of CPUs detected on the system.
// max_queue_size: Maximum number of items to enqueue before returning a
// Status::ServiceUnavailable message from Submit().
// Default: INT_MAX.
// idle_timeout: How long we'll keep around an idle thread before timing it out.
// We always keep at least min_threads.
// Default: 500 milliseconds.
// metrics: Histograms, counters, etc. to update on various threadpool events.
// Default: not set.
class ThreadPoolBuilder {
explicit ThreadPoolBuilder(std::string name);
// Note: We violate the style guide by returning mutable references here
// in order to provide traditional Builder pattern conveniences.
ThreadPoolBuilder& set_trace_metric_prefix(const std::string& prefix);
ThreadPoolBuilder& set_min_threads(int min_threads);
ThreadPoolBuilder& set_max_threads(int max_threads);
ThreadPoolBuilder& set_max_queue_size(int max_queue_size);
ThreadPoolBuilder& set_idle_timeout(const MonoDelta& idle_timeout);
ThreadPoolBuilder& set_metrics(ThreadPoolMetrics metrics);
// Instantiate a new ThreadPool with the existing builder arguments.
Status Build(std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool>* pool) const;
friend class ThreadPool;
const std::string name_;
std::string trace_metric_prefix_;
int min_threads_;
int max_threads_;
int max_queue_size_;
MonoDelta idle_timeout_;
ThreadPoolMetrics metrics_;
// Thread pool with a variable number of threads.
// Tasks submitted directly to the thread pool enter a FIFO queue and are
// dispatched to a worker thread when one becomes free. Tasks may also be
// submitted via ThreadPoolTokens. The token Wait() and Shutdown() functions
// can then be used to block on logical groups of tasks.
// A token operates in one of two ExecutionModes, determined at token
// construction time:
// 1. SERIAL: submitted tasks are run one at a time.
// 2. CONCURRENT: submitted tasks may be run in parallel. This isn't unlike
// tasks submitted without a token, but the logical grouping that tokens
// impart can be useful when a pool is shared by many contexts (e.g. to
// safely shut down one context, to derive context-specific metrics, etc.).
// Tasks submitted without a token or via ExecutionMode::CONCURRENT tokens are
// processed in FIFO order. On the other hand, ExecutionMode::SERIAL tokens are
// processed in a round-robin fashion, one task at a time. This prevents them
// from starving one another. However, tokenless (and CONCURRENT token-based)
// tasks can starve SERIAL token-based tasks.
// Usage Example:
// static void Func(int n) { ... }
// class Task : public Runnable { ... }
// unique_ptr<ThreadPool> thread_pool;
// ThreadPoolBuilder("my_pool")
// .set_min_threads(0)
// .set_max_threads(5)
// .set_max_queue_size(10)
// .set_idle_timeout(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(2000))
// .Build(&thread_pool));
// thread_pool->Submit(shared_ptr<Runnable>(new Task()));
// thread_pool->SubmitFunc(boost::bind(&Func, 10));
class ThreadPool {
// Wait for the running tasks to complete and then shutdown the threads.
// All the other pending tasks in the queue will be removed.
// NOTE: That the user may implement an external abort logic for the
// runnables, that must be called before Shutdown(), if the system
// should know about the non-execution of these tasks, or the runnable
// require an explicit "abort" notification to exit from the run loop.
void Shutdown();
// Submits a function using the kudu Closure system.
Status SubmitClosure(Closure c) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Submits a function bound using boost::bind(&FuncName, args...).
Status SubmitFunc(boost::function<void()> f) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Submits a Runnable class.
Status Submit(std::shared_ptr<Runnable> r) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Waits until all the tasks are completed.
void Wait();
// Waits for the pool to reach the idle state, or until 'until' time is reached.
// Returns true if the pool reached the idle state, false otherwise.
bool WaitUntil(const MonoTime& until);
// Waits for the pool to reach the idle state, or until 'delta' time elapses.
// Returns true if the pool reached the idle state, false otherwise.
bool WaitFor(const MonoDelta& delta);
// Allocates a new token for use in token-based task submission. All tokens
// must be destroyed before their ThreadPool is destroyed.
// There is no limit on the number of tokens that may be allocated.
enum class ExecutionMode {
// Tasks submitted via this token will be executed serially.
// Tasks submitted via this token may be executed concurrently.
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> NewToken(ExecutionMode mode);
// Like NewToken(), but lets the caller provide metrics for the token. These
// metrics are incremented/decremented in addition to the configured
// pool-wide metrics (if any).
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> NewTokenWithMetrics(ExecutionMode mode,
ThreadPoolMetrics metrics);
// Return the number of threads currently running (or in the process of starting up)
// for this thread pool.
int num_threads() const {
MutexLock l(lock_);
return num_threads_ + num_threads_pending_start_;
FRIEND_TEST(ThreadPoolTest, TestThreadPoolWithNoMinimum);
FRIEND_TEST(ThreadPoolTest, TestVariableSizeThreadPool);
friend class ThreadPoolBuilder;
friend class ThreadPoolToken;
// Client-provided task to be executed by this pool.
struct Task {
std::shared_ptr<Runnable> runnable;
Trace* trace;
// Time at which the entry was submitted to the pool.
MonoTime submit_time;
// Creates a new thread pool using a builder.
explicit ThreadPool(const ThreadPoolBuilder& builder);
// Initializes the thread pool by starting the minimum number of threads.
Status Init();
// Dispatcher responsible for dequeueing and executing the tasks
void DispatchThread();
// Create new thread.
// REQUIRES: caller has incremented 'num_threads_pending_start_' ahead of this call.
// NOTE: For performance reasons, lock_ should not be held.
Status CreateThread();
// Aborts if the current thread is a member of this thread pool.
void CheckNotPoolThreadUnlocked();
// Submits a task to be run via token.
Status DoSubmit(std::shared_ptr<Runnable> r, ThreadPoolToken* token);
// Releases token 't' and invalidates it.
void ReleaseToken(ThreadPoolToken* t);
const std::string name_;
const int min_threads_;
const int max_threads_;
const int max_queue_size_;
const MonoDelta idle_timeout_;
// Overall status of the pool. Set to an error when the pool is shut down.
// Protected by 'lock_'.
Status pool_status_;
// Synchronizes many of the members of the pool and all of its
// condition variables.
mutable Mutex lock_;
// Condition variable for "pool is idling". Waiters wake up when
// active_threads_ reaches zero.
ConditionVariable idle_cond_;
// Condition variable for "pool has no threads". Waiters wake up when
// num_threads_ and num_pending_threads_ are both 0.
ConditionVariable no_threads_cond_;
// Number of threads currently running.
// Protected by lock_.
int num_threads_;
// Number of threads which are in the process of starting.
// When these threads start, they will decrement this counter and
// accordingly increment 'num_threads_'.
// Protected by lock_.
int num_threads_pending_start_;
// Number of threads currently running and executing client tasks.
// Protected by lock_.
int active_threads_;
// Total number of client tasks queued, either directly (queue_) or
// indirectly (tokens_).
// Protected by lock_.
int total_queued_tasks_;
// All allocated tokens.
// Protected by lock_.
std::unordered_set<ThreadPoolToken*> tokens_;
// FIFO of tokens from which tasks should be executed. Does not own the
// tokens; they are owned by clients and are removed from the FIFO on shutdown.
// Protected by lock_.
std::deque<ThreadPoolToken*> queue_;
// Pointers to all running threads. Raw pointers are safe because a Thread
// may only go out of scope after being removed from threads_.
// Protected by lock_.
std::unordered_set<Thread*> threads_;
// List of all threads currently waiting for work.
// A thread is added to the front of the list when it goes idle and is
// removed from the front and signaled when new work arrives. This produces a
// LIFO usage pattern that is more efficient than idling on a single
// ConditionVariable (which yields FIFO semantics).
// Protected by lock_.
struct IdleThread : public boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<> {
explicit IdleThread(Mutex* m)
: not_empty(m) {}
// Condition variable for "queue is not empty". Waiters wake up when a new
// task is queued.
ConditionVariable not_empty;
boost::intrusive::list<IdleThread> idle_threads_; // NOLINT(build/include_what_you_use)
// ExecutionMode::CONCURRENT token used by the pool for tokenless submission.
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> tokenless_;
// Metrics for the entire thread pool.
const ThreadPoolMetrics metrics_;
const char* queue_time_trace_metric_name_;
const char* run_wall_time_trace_metric_name_;
const char* run_cpu_time_trace_metric_name_;
// Entry point for token-based task submission and blocking for a particular
// thread pool. Tokens can only be created via ThreadPool::NewToken().
// All functions are thread-safe. Mutable members are protected via the
// ThreadPool's lock.
class ThreadPoolToken {
// Destroys the token.
// May be called on a token with outstanding tasks, as Shutdown() will be
// called first to take care of them.
// Submits a function using the kudu Closure system.
Status SubmitClosure(Closure c) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Submits a function bound using boost::bind(&FuncName, args...).
Status SubmitFunc(boost::function<void()> f) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Submits a Runnable class.
Status Submit(std::shared_ptr<Runnable> r) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Marks the token as unusable for future submissions. Any queued tasks not
// yet running are destroyed. If tasks are in flight, Shutdown() will wait
// on their completion before returning.
void Shutdown();
// Waits until all the tasks submitted via this token are completed.
void Wait();
// Waits for all submissions using this token are complete, or until 'until'
// time is reached.
// Returns true if all submissions are complete, false otherwise.
bool WaitUntil(const MonoTime& until);
// Waits for all submissions using this token are complete, or until 'delta'
// time elapses.
// Returns true if all submissions are complete, false otherwise.
bool WaitFor(const MonoDelta& delta);
// All possible token states. Legal state transitions:
// IDLE -> RUNNING: task is submitted via token
// IDLE -> QUIESCED: token or pool is shut down
// RUNNING -> IDLE: worker thread finishes executing a task and
// there are no more tasks queued to the token
// RUNNING -> QUIESCING: token or pool is shut down while worker thread
// is executing a task
// RUNNING -> QUIESCED: token or pool is shut down
// QUIESCING -> QUIESCED: worker thread finishes executing a task
// belonging to a shut down token or pool
enum class State {
// Token has no queued tasks.
// A worker thread is running one of the token's previously queued tasks.
// No new tasks may be submitted to the token. A worker thread is still
// running a previously queued task.
// No new tasks may be submitted to the token. There are no active tasks
// either. At this state, the token may only be destroyed.
// Writes a textual representation of the token state in 's' to 'o'.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, ThreadPoolToken::State s);
friend class ThreadPool;
// Returns a textual representation of 's' suitable for debugging.
static const char* StateToString(State s);
// Constructs a new token.
// The token may not outlive its thread pool ('pool').
ThreadPoolToken(ThreadPool* pool,
ThreadPool::ExecutionMode mode,
ThreadPoolMetrics metrics);
// Changes this token's state to 'new_state' taking actions as needed.
void Transition(State new_state);
// Returns true if this token has a task queued and ready to run, or if a
// task belonging to this token is already running.
bool IsActive() const {
return state_ == State::RUNNING ||
state_ == State::QUIESCING;
// Returns true if new tasks may be submitted to this token.
bool MaySubmitNewTasks() const {
return state_ != State::QUIESCING &&
state_ != State::QUIESCED;
State state() const { return state_; }
ThreadPool::ExecutionMode mode() const { return mode_; }
// Token's configured execution mode.
const ThreadPool::ExecutionMode mode_;
// Metrics for just this token.
const ThreadPoolMetrics metrics_;
// Pointer to the token's thread pool.
ThreadPool* pool_;
// Token state machine.
State state_;
// Queued client tasks.
std::deque<ThreadPool::Task> entries_;
// Condition variable for "token is idle". Waiters wake up when the token
// transitions to IDLE or QUIESCED.
ConditionVariable not_running_cond_;
// Number of worker threads currently executing tasks belonging to this
// token.
int active_threads_;
} // namespace kudu