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* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 The Async HBase Authors. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* - Neither the name of the StumbleUpon nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
package org.apache.kudu.client;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static org.apache.kudu.client.ExternalConsistencyMode.CLIENT_PROPAGATED;
import static org.apache.kudu.rpc.RpcHeader.ErrorStatusPB.RpcErrorCodePB.ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
import com.stumbleupon.async.Callback;
import com.stumbleupon.async.Deferred;
import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap;
import io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer;
import io.netty.util.Timeout;
import io.netty.util.Timer;
import io.netty.util.TimerTask;
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceStability;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.kudu.Common;
import org.apache.kudu.Schema;
import org.apache.kudu.master.Master;
import org.apache.kudu.master.Master.GetTableLocationsResponsePB;
import org.apache.kudu.master.Master.TSInfoPB;
import org.apache.kudu.master.Master.TableIdentifierPB;
import org.apache.kudu.master.Master.TabletLocationsPB;
import org.apache.kudu.util.AsyncUtil;
import org.apache.kudu.util.NetUtil;
import org.apache.kudu.util.Pair;
* A fully asynchronous and thread-safe client for Kudu.
* <p>
* A single Kudu client instance corresponds to a single remote Kudu cluster,
* and can be used to read or write any number of tables within that cluster.
* An application should use exactly one Kudu client instance per distinct Kudu
* cluster it connects to.
* In rare cases where a single application needs multiple instances connected
* to the same cluster, or when many applications each using one or more Kudu
* client instances are running on the same machine, it may be necessary to
* adjust the instances to use less resources. See the options in
* {@link AsyncKuduClientBuilder}.
* <h1>Creating a client instance</h1> An {@link AsyncKuduClient} instance may
* be created using the {@link AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder} class. If
* a synchronous API is preferred, {@link KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder} may be
* used instead. See the documentation on these classes for more details on
* client configuration options.
* <h1>Authenticating to a secure cluster</h1> A Kudu cluster may be configured
* such that it requires clients to connect using strong authentication. Clients
* can authenticate to such clusters using either of two methods:
* <ol>
* <li><em>Kerberos credentials</em></li>
* <li><em>Authentication tokens</em></li>
* </ol>
* In a typical environment, Kerberos credentials are used for non-distributed
* client applications and for applications which <em>spawn</em> distributed
* jobs. Tokens are used for the <em>tasks</em> of distributed jobs, since those
* tasks do not have access to the user's Kerberos credentials.
* <h2>Authenticating using Kerberos credentials</h2>
* In order to integrate with Kerberos, Kudu uses the standard <em>Java
* Authentication and Authorization Service</em> (JAAS) API provided by the JDK.
* JAAS provides a common way for applications to initialize Kerberos
* credentials, store these credentials in a {@link}
* instance, and associate the Subject with the current thread of execution.
* The Kudu client then accesses the Kerberos credentials in the
* {@link} and uses them to authenticate to the
* remote cluster as necessary.
* <p>
* Kerberos credentials are typically obtained in one of two ways:
* <ol>
* <li>The <em>Kerberos ticket cache</em></li>
* <li>A <em>keytab</em> file</li>
* </ol>
* <h3>Authenticating from the Kerberos ticket cache</h3>
* The Kerberos <em>ticket cache</em> is a file stored on the local file system
* which is automatically initialized when a user runs <em>kinit</em> at the
* command line. This is the predominant method for authenticating users in
* interactive applications: the user is expected to have run <em>kinit</em>
* recently, and the application will find the appropriate credentials in the
* ticket cache.
* <p>
* In the case of the Kudu client, Kudu will automatically look for credentials
* in the standard system-configured ticket cache location. No additional code
* needs to be written to enable this behavior.
* <p>
* Kudu will automatically detect if the ticket it has obtained from the ticket
* cache is about to expire. When that is the case, it will attempt to re-read
* the ticket cache to obtain a new ticket with a later expiration time. So, if
* an application needs to run for longer than the lifetime of a single ticket,
* the user must ensure that the ticket cache is periodically refreshed, for
* example by re-running 'kinit' once each day.
* <h3>Authenticating from a keytab</h3>
* Long-running applications typically obtain Kerberos credentials from a
* Kerberos <em>keytab</em> file. A keytab is essentially a saved password, and
* allows the application to obtain new Kerberos tickets whenever the prior
* ticket is about to expire.
* <p>
* The Kudu client does not provide any utility code to facilitate logging in
* from a keytab. Instead, applications should invoke the JAAS APIs directly,
* and then ensure that the resulting {@link}
* instance is associated with the current thread's
* {@link} when instantiating the Kudu client
* instance for the first time. The {@link} instance
* will be stored and used whenever Kerberos authentication is required.
* <p>
* <b>Note</b>: if the Kudu client is instantiated with a
* {@link} as described above, it will <em>not</em>
* make any attempt to re-login from the keytab. Instead, the application should
* arrange to periodically re-initiate the login process and update the
* credentials stored in the same Subject instance as was provided when the
* client was instantiated.
* <p>
* The easiest way to authenticate using a keytab is by creating a JAAS config
* file such as this: <pre>
* ExampleLoginContextName {
* required
* useKeyTab = true
* keyTab = "/path/to/app.keytab"
* principal = "appuser";
* };
* </pre>
* This can then be passed to the application by adding {@code
*} to the command when
* starting it.
* This authentication method needs to be set in the code as well by wrapping
* the code interacting with Kudu with a {@link
*} after creating a login context using the
* JAAS config, logging in, and passing the {@link}
* to the <i>doAs</i>:
* <pre>
* LoginContext login = new LoginContext("ExampleLoginContextName");
* login.login();
* KuduClient c = Subject.doAs(login.getSubject(),
* (PrivilegedAction&lt;KuduClient&gt;) () -> {
* return;
* });
* </pre>
* In this case it's necessary to periodically re-login as needed and run doAs
* using the new subject.
* <p>
* In the context of the Hadoop ecosystem, the {@code
*} class provides utility
* methods to login from a keytab and then run code as the resulting {@link
*}: <pre>
* UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab("appuser", "/path/to/app.keytab");
* KuduClient c = UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser().doAs(
* new PrivilegedExceptionAction<KuduClient>() {
* &#64;Override
* public KuduClient run() throws Exception {
* return;
* }
* }
* );
* </pre> The {@code UserGroupInformation} class will also automatically
* start a thread to periodically re-login from the keytab. It's not necessary
* to pass a JAAS config.
* <h3>Debugging Kudu's usage of Kerberos credentials</h3>
* The Kudu client emits DEBUG-level logs under the
* {@code org.apache.kudu.client.SecurityContext} slf4j category. Enabling DEBUG
* logging for this class may help you understand which credentials are being
* obtained by the Kudu client when it is instantiated. Additionally, if the
* Java system property {@code kudu.jaas.debug} is set to {@code true}, Kudu
* will enable the {@code debug} option when configuring {@code Krb5LoginModule}
* when it attempts to log in from a ticket cache. JDK-specific system properties
* such as {@code} may also be useful in troubleshooting
* Kerberos authentication failures.
* <h2>Authenticating using tokens</h2>
* In the case of distributed applications, the worker tasks often do not have
* access to Kerberos credentials such as ticket caches or keytabs.
* Additionally, there may be hundreds or thousands of workers with relatively
* short life-times, and if each task attempted to authenticate using Kerberos,
* the amount of load on the Kerberos infrastructure could be substantial enough
* to cause instability. To solve this issue, Kudu provides support for
* <em>authentication tokens</em>.
* <p>
* An authentication token is a time-limited credential which can be obtained by
* an application which has already authenticated via Kerberos. The token is
* represented by an opaque byte string, and it can be passed from one client to
* another to transfer credentials.
* <p>
* A token may be generated using the
* {@link AsyncKuduClient#exportAuthenticationCredentials()} API, and then
* imported to another client using
* {@link AsyncKuduClient#importAuthenticationCredentials(byte[])}.
* <h2>Authentication in Spark jobs</h2>
* Note that the Spark integration provided by the <em>kudu-spark</em> package
* automatically handles the interaction with Kerberos and the passing of tokens
* from the Spark driver to tasks. Refer to the Kudu documentation for details
* on how to submit a Spark job on a secure cluster.
* <h1>API Compatibility</h1>
* Note that some methods in the Kudu client implementation are public but
* annotated with the InterfaceAudience.Private annotation. This
* annotation indicates that, despite having {@code public} visibility, the
* method is not part of the public API and there is no guarantee that its
* existence or behavior will be maintained in subsequent versions of the Kudu
* client library.
* Other APIs are annotated with the InterfaceStability.Unstable annotation.
* These APIs are meant for public consumption but may change between minor releases.
* Note that the asynchronous client is currently considered unstable.
* <h1>Thread Safety</h1>
* The Kudu client instance itself is thread-safe; however, not all associated
* classes are themselves thread-safe. For example, neither
* {@link AsyncKuduSession} nor its synchronous wrapper {@link KuduSession} is
* thread-safe. Refer to the documentation for each individual class for more
* details.
* <h1>Asynchronous usage</h1>
* This client is fully non-blocking, any blocking operation will return a
* {@link Deferred} instance to which you can attach a {@link Callback} chain
* that will execute when the asynchronous operation completes.
* <p>
* The asynchronous calls themselves typically do not throw exceptions. Instead,
* an {@code errback} should be attached which will be called with the Exception
* that occurred.
public class AsyncKuduClient implements AutoCloseable {
public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AsyncKuduClient.class);
public static final int SLEEP_TIME = 500;
public static final byte[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new byte[0];
public static final long NO_TIMESTAMP = -1;
public static final long INVALID_TXN_ID = -1;
public static final long DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_MS = 30000;
public static final int NO_SOFT_DELETED_STATE_RESERVED_SECONDS = 0;
public static final long DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE_PERIOD_MS = 15000; // 25% of the default scanner ttl.
public static final long DEFAULT_NEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT_MS = 10000;
private static final long MAX_RPC_ATTEMPTS = 100;
* The number of tablets to fetch from the master in a round trip when performing
* a lookup of a single partition (e.g. for a write), or re-looking-up a tablet with
* stale information.
private static final int FETCH_TABLETS_PER_POINT_LOOKUP = 10;
* The number of tablets to fetch from the master when looking up a range of
* tablets.
private final Bootstrap bootstrap;
* This map contains data cached from calls to the master's
* GetTableLocations RPC. This map is keyed by table ID.
private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, TableLocationsCache> tableLocations =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** A cache to keep track of already opened connections to Kudu servers. */
private final ConnectionCache connectionCache;
private final Set<AsyncKuduSession> sessions = new HashSet<>();
/** The Hive Metastore configuration of the most recently connected-to master. */
private HiveMetastoreConfig hiveMetastoreConfig = null;
// Since RPCs to the masters also go through RpcProxy, we need to treat them as if they were a
// normal table. We'll use the following fake table name to identify places where we need special
// handling.
// TODO(aserbin) clean this up
static final String MASTER_TABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER = "Kudu Master";
private final KuduTable masterTable;
private final List<HostAndPort> masterAddresses;
private final HashedWheelTimer timer;
private final String clientId;
* Timestamp required for HybridTime external consistency through timestamp
* propagation.
* @see "src/kudu/common/common.proto"
private long lastPropagatedTimestamp = NO_TIMESTAMP;
* Set to true once we have connected to a master at least once.
* This determines whether exportAuthenticationCredentials() needs to
* proactively connect to the cluster to obtain a token.
private volatile boolean hasConnectedToMaster = false;
* The location of this client as assigned by the leader master.
* If no location is assigned, will be an empty string.
private String location = "";
* The ID of the cluster that this client is connected to.
* It will be an empty string if the client is not connected
* or the client is connected to a cluster that doesn't support
* cluster IDs
private String clusterId = "";
* Semaphore used to rate-limit master lookups
* Once we have more than this number of concurrent master lookups, we'll
* start to throttle ourselves slightly.
* @see #acquireMasterLookupPermit
private final Semaphore masterLookups = new Semaphore(50);
private final Random sleepRandomizer = new Random();
private final long defaultOperationTimeoutMs;
private final long defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs;
private final Statistics statistics;
private final boolean statisticsDisabled;
private final RequestTracker requestTracker;
final SecurityContext securityContext;
/** A helper to facilitate re-acquiring of authentication token if current one expires. */
private final AuthnTokenReacquirer tokenReacquirer;
/** A helper to facilitate retrieving authz tokens */
private final AuthzTokenCache authzTokenCache;
private volatile boolean closed;
private AsyncKuduClient(AsyncKuduClientBuilder b) {
this.bootstrap = b.createBootstrap();
this.masterAddresses = b.masterAddresses;
this.masterTable = new KuduTable(this, MASTER_TABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER,
MASTER_TABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER, null, null, 1, null, null, null);
this.defaultOperationTimeoutMs = b.defaultOperationTimeoutMs;
this.defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs = b.defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs;
this.statisticsDisabled = b.statisticsDisabled;
this.statistics = statisticsDisabled ? null : new Statistics();
this.timer = b.timer;
this.clientId = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "");
this.requestTracker = new RequestTracker(clientId);
this.securityContext = new SecurityContext();
this.connectionCache = new ConnectionCache(securityContext, bootstrap, b.saslProtocolName,
b.requireAuthentication, !b.encryptionPolicy.equals(EncryptionPolicy.OPTIONAL),
b.encryptionPolicy.equals(EncryptionPolicy.REQUIRED), b.defaultNegotiationTimeoutMs);
this.tokenReacquirer = new AuthnTokenReacquirer(this);
this.authzTokenCache = new AuthzTokenCache(this);
* Get a proxy to send RPC calls to the specified server. The result proxy object does not
* restrict the type of credentials that may be used to connect to the server: it will use the
* secondary credentials if available, otherwise SASL credentials are used to authenticate
* the client when negotiating the connection to the server.
* @param serverInfo server's information
* @return the proxy object bound to the target server
RpcProxy newRpcProxy(final ServerInfo serverInfo) {
return newRpcProxy(serverInfo, Connection.CredentialsPolicy.ANY_CREDENTIALS);
* Get a proxy to send RPC calls to the specified server. The result proxy object should use
* a connection to the server negotiated with the specified credentials policy.
* @param serverInfo target server information
* @param credentialsPolicy authentication credentials policy to use for the connection
* negotiation
* @return the proxy object bound to the target server
private RpcProxy newRpcProxy(final ServerInfo serverInfo,
Connection.CredentialsPolicy credentialsPolicy) {
final Connection connection = connectionCache.getConnection(serverInfo, credentialsPolicy);
return new RpcProxy(this, connection);
* Get a proxy to send RPC calls to Kudu master at the specified end-point.
* @param hostPort master end-point
* @param inetAddress master ip-address
* @param credentialsPolicy credentials policy to use for the connection negotiation to the target
* master server
* @return the proxy object bound to the target master
RpcProxy newMasterRpcProxy(HostAndPort hostPort,
InetAddress inetAddress,
Connection.CredentialsPolicy credentialsPolicy) {
// We should have a UUID to construct ServerInfo for the master, but we have a chicken
// and egg problem, we first need to communicate with the masters to find out about them,
// and that's what we're trying to do. The UUID is just used for logging and cache key,
// so instead we just use concatenation of master host and port, prefixed with "master-".
return newRpcProxy(
new ServerInfo(getFakeMasterUuid(hostPort),
/* location= */""),
static String getFakeMasterUuid(HostAndPort hostPort) {
return "master-" + hostPort.toString();
void reconnectToCluster(Callback<Void, Boolean> cb,
Callback<Void, Exception> eb) {
final class ReconnectToClusterCB implements Callback<Void, ConnectToClusterResponse> {
private final Callback<Void, Boolean> cb;
ReconnectToClusterCB(Callback<Void, Boolean> cb) {
this.cb = Preconditions.checkNotNull(cb);
* Report on the token re-acquisition results. The result authn token might be null: in that
* case the SASL credentials will be used to negotiate future connections.
public Void call(ConnectToClusterResponse resp) throws Exception {
final Master.ConnectToMasterResponsePB masterResponsePB = resp.getConnectResponse();
if (masterResponsePB.hasAuthnToken()) {"connect to master: received a new authn token");
} else {
LOG.warn("connect to master: received no authn token");
synchronized (AsyncKuduClient.this) {
location = masterResponsePB.getClientLocation();
clusterId = masterResponsePB.getClusterId();
return null;
}, masterAddresses, null, defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs,
new ReconnectToClusterCB(cb), eb);
* Updates the last timestamp received from a server. Used for CLIENT_PROPAGATED
* external consistency.
* @param lastPropagatedTimestamp the last timestamp received from a server
public synchronized void updateLastPropagatedTimestamp(long lastPropagatedTimestamp) {
if (this.lastPropagatedTimestamp == NO_TIMESTAMP ||
this.lastPropagatedTimestamp < lastPropagatedTimestamp) {
this.lastPropagatedTimestamp = lastPropagatedTimestamp;
* Returns the last timestamp received from a server. Used for CLIENT_PROPAGATED
* external consistency. Note that the returned timestamp is encoded and cannot be
* interpreted as a raw timestamp.
* @return a long indicating the specially-encoded last timestamp received from a server
public synchronized long getLastPropagatedTimestamp() {
return lastPropagatedTimestamp;
* Checks if the client received any timestamps from a server. Used for
* CLIENT_PROPAGATED external consistency.
* @return true if last propagated timestamp has been set
public synchronized boolean hasLastPropagatedTimestamp() {
return lastPropagatedTimestamp != NO_TIMESTAMP;
* Returns a string representation of this client's location. If this
* client was not assigned a location, returns the empty string.
* @return a string representation of this client's location
public synchronized String getLocationString() {
return location;
* Returns the ID of the cluster that this client is connected to.
* It will be an empty string if the client is not connected or
* the client is connected to a cluster that doesn't support
* cluster IDs.
* @return the ID of the cluster that this client is connected to
public synchronized String getClusterId() {
return clusterId;
* Returns the {@link Timer} instance held by this client. This timer should
* be used everywhere for scheduling tasks after a delay, e.g., for
* timeouts.
* @return the time instance held by this client
Timer getTimer() {
return timer;
* Returns the unique client id assigned to this client.
* @return the unique client id assigned to this client.
String getClientId() {
return clientId;
* Returns a synchronous {@link KuduClient} which wraps this asynchronous client.
* Calling {@link KuduClient#close} on the returned client will close this client.
* If this asynchronous client should outlive the returned synchronous client,
* then do not close the synchronous client.
* @return a new synchronous {@code KuduClient}
public KuduClient syncClient() {
return new KuduClient(this);
* Create a table on the cluster with the specified name, schema, and table configurations.
* If the primary key columns of the table schema aren't specified first, the deferred result
* will be a {@link NonRecoverableException}
* @param name the table's name
* @param schema the table's schema
* @param builder a builder containing the table's configurations
* @return a deferred object to track the progress of the createTable command that gives
* an object to communicate with the created table
public Deferred<KuduTable> createTable(final String name, Schema schema,
CreateTableOptions builder) {
if (builder == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("CreateTableOptions may not be null");
final Common.PartitionSchemaPB ps = builder.getBuilder().getPartitionSchema();
if (!ps.hasRangeSchema() && ps.getHashSchemaCount() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Table partitioning must be specified using " +
"setRangePartitionColumns or addHashPartitions");
// Send the CreateTable RPC.
final CreateTableRequest create = new CreateTableRequest(this.masterTable,
Deferred<CreateTableResponse> createTableD = sendRpcToTablet(create);
// Add a callback that converts the response into a KuduTable.
Deferred<KuduTable> kuduTableD = createTableD.addCallbackDeferring(
resp -> getTableSchema(name, resp.getTableId(), create));
if (!builder.shouldWait()) {
return kuduTableD;
// If requested, add a callback that waits until all of the table's tablets
// have been created.
return kuduTableD.addCallbackDeferring(tableResp -> {
TableIdentifierPB.Builder table = TableIdentifierPB.newBuilder()
return getDelayedIsCreateTableDoneDeferred(table, create, tableResp);
* Check whether a previously issued createTable() is done.
* @param name table's name
* @return a deferred object to track the progress of the isCreateTableDone command
public Deferred<IsCreateTableDoneResponse> isCreateTableDone(String name) {
return doIsCreateTableDone(TableIdentifierPB.newBuilder().setTableName(name), null);
* Check whether a previously issued createTable() is done.
* @param table table identifier
* @param parent parent RPC (for tracing), if any
* @return a deferred object to track the progress of the isCreateTableDone command
private Deferred<IsCreateTableDoneResponse> doIsCreateTableDone(
@Nonnull TableIdentifierPB.Builder table,
@Nullable KuduRpc<?> parent) {
IsCreateTableDoneRequest request = new IsCreateTableDoneRequest(this.masterTable,
if (parent != null) {
return sendRpcToTablet(request);
* Delete a table with the specified name. The table is purged immediately.
* @param name the table's name
* @return a deferred object to track the progress of the deleteTable command
public Deferred<DeleteTableResponse> deleteTable(String name) {
* Delete a table with the specified name.
* @param name the table's name
* @param reserveSeconds the soft deleted table to be alive time
* @return a deferred object to track the progress of the deleteTable command
public Deferred<DeleteTableResponse> deleteTable(String name,
int reserveSeconds) {
DeleteTableRequest delete = new DeleteTableRequest(this.masterTable,
return sendRpcToTablet(delete);
* Recall a soft-deleted table on the cluster with the specified id
* @param id the table's id
* @return a deferred object to track the progress of the recall command
public Deferred<RecallDeletedTableResponse> recallDeletedTable(String id) {
return recallDeletedTable(id, "");
* Recall a soft-deleted table on the cluster with the specified id
* @param id the table's id
* @param newTableName the table's new name after recall
* @return a deferred object to track the progress of the recall command
public Deferred<RecallDeletedTableResponse> recallDeletedTable(String id,
String newTableName) {
RecallDeletedTableRequest recall = new RecallDeletedTableRequest(
return sendRpcToTablet(recall);
* Alter a table on the cluster as specified by the builder.
* @param name the table's name (old name if the table is being renamed)
* @param ato the alter table options
* @return a deferred object to track the progress of the alter command
public Deferred<AlterTableResponse> alterTable(String name, AlterTableOptions ato) {
final AlterTableRequest alter = new AlterTableRequest(this.masterTable,
Deferred<AlterTableResponse> responseD = sendRpcToTablet(alter);
if (ato.hasAddDropRangePartitions()) {
// Clear the table locations cache so the new partition is immediately visible.
responseD = responseD.addCallback(new Callback<AlterTableResponse, AlterTableResponse>() {
public AlterTableResponse call(AlterTableResponse resp) {
return resp;
public String toString() {
return "ClearTableLocationsCacheCB";
}).addErrback(new Callback<Exception, Exception>() {
public Exception call(Exception e) {
// We clear the cache even on failure, just in
// case the alter table operation actually succeeded.
return e;
public String toString() {
return "ClearTableLocationsCacheEB";
if (!ato.shouldWait()) {
return responseD;
// If requested, add a callback that waits until all of the table's tablets
// have been altered.
return responseD.addCallbackDeferring(resp -> {
TableIdentifierPB.Builder table = TableIdentifierPB.newBuilder()
return getDelayedIsAlterTableDoneDeferred(table, alter, resp);
* Check whether a previously issued alterTable() is done.
* @param name table name
* @return a deferred object to track the progress of the isAlterTableDone command
public Deferred<IsAlterTableDoneResponse> isAlterTableDone(String name) {
return doIsAlterTableDone(TableIdentifierPB.newBuilder().setTableName(name), null);
* Check whether a previously issued alterTable() is done.
* @param table table identifier
* @param parent parent RPC (for tracing), if any
* @return a deferred object to track the progress of the isAlterTableDone command
private Deferred<IsAlterTableDoneResponse> doIsAlterTableDone(
@Nonnull TableIdentifierPB.Builder table,
@Nullable KuduRpc<?> parent) {
IsAlterTableDoneRequest request = new IsAlterTableDoneRequest(this.masterTable,
return sendRpcToTablet(request);
* Get the list of running tablet servers.
* @return a deferred object that yields a list of tablet servers
public Deferred<ListTabletServersResponse> listTabletServers() {
ListTabletServersRequest rpc = new ListTabletServersRequest(this.masterTable,
return sendRpcToTablet(rpc);
* Gets a table's schema by ID or by name. If both are provided, table id is preferred.
* @param tableName name of table
* @param tableId immutable ID of table
* @param parent parent RPC (for tracing), if any
* @return a deferred object that yields the schema
private Deferred<KuduTable> getTableSchema(
@Nullable final String tableName,
@Nullable String tableId,
@Nullable KuduRpc<?> parent) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(tableId != null || tableName != null);
// Prefer a lookup by table ID over name, since the former is immutable.
// For backwards compatibility with older tservers, we don't require authz
// token support.
GetTableSchemaRequest rpc = new GetTableSchemaRequest(this.masterTable,
tableId != null ? null : tableName,
return sendRpcToTablet(rpc).addCallback(resp -> {
// When opening a table, clear the existing cached non-covered range entries.
// This avoids surprises where a new table instance won't be able to see the
// current range partitions of a table for up to the TTL.
TableLocationsCache cache = tableLocations.get(resp.getTableId());
if (cache != null) {
SignedTokenPB authzToken = resp.getAuthzToken();
if (authzToken != null) {
authzTokenCache.put(resp.getTableId(), authzToken);
LOG.debug("Opened table {}", resp.getTableId());
return new KuduTable(AsyncKuduClient.this,
* Get the list of all the regular (i.e. not soft-deleted) tables.
* @return a deferred object that yields a list of all the tables
public Deferred<ListTablesResponse> getTablesList() {
return getTablesList(null, false);
* Get a list of regular table names. Passing a null filter returns all the tables. When a
* filter is specified, it only returns tables that satisfy a substring match.
* @param nameFilter an optional table name filter
* @return a deferred that yields the list of table names
public Deferred<ListTablesResponse> getTablesList(String nameFilter) {
ListTablesRequest rpc = new ListTablesRequest(this.masterTable,
return sendRpcToTablet(rpc);
* Get a list of table names. Passing a null filter returns all the tables. When a filter is
* specified, it only returns tables that satisfy a substring match.
* @param nameFilter an optional table name filter
* @param showSoftDeleted whether to display only regular (i.e. not soft deleted)
* tables or all tables (i.e. soft deleted tables and regular tables)
* @return a deferred that yields the list of table names
public Deferred<ListTablesResponse> getTablesList(String nameFilter, boolean showSoftDeleted) {
ListTablesRequest rpc = new ListTablesRequest(this.masterTable,
return sendRpcToTablet(rpc);
* Get the list of all the soft deleted tables.
* @return a deferred object that yields a list of all the soft deleted tables
public Deferred<ListTablesResponse> getSoftDeletedTablesList() {
return getTablesList(null, true);
* Get table's statistics from master.
* @param name the table's name
* @return an deferred KuduTableStatistics
public Deferred<KuduTableStatistics> getTableStatistics(String name) {
GetTableStatisticsRequest rpc = new GetTableStatisticsRequest(this.masterTable,
return sendRpcToTablet(rpc).addCallback(resp ->
new KuduTableStatistics(resp.getOnDiskSize(), resp.getLiveRowCount())
* Test if a table exists.
* @param name a non-null table name
* @return true if the table exists, else false
public Deferred<Boolean> tableExists(final String name) {
if (name == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The table name cannot be null");
return AsyncUtil.addCallbacksDeferring(
getTableSchema(name, null, null),
table -> Deferred.fromResult(true),
(Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, Exception>) e -> {
if (e instanceof NonRecoverableException) {
Status status = ((NonRecoverableException) e).getStatus();
if (status.isNotFound()) {
return Deferred.fromResult(false);
return Deferred.fromError(e);
* Open the table with the given id.
* @param id the id of the table to open
* @return a deferred KuduTable
Deferred<KuduTable> openTableById(String id) {
return getTableSchema(null, id, null);
* Open the table with the given name.
* New range partitions created by other clients will immediately be available
* after opening the table.
* @param name table to open
* @return a deferred KuduTable
public Deferred<KuduTable> openTable(String name) {
return getTableSchema(name, null, null);
* Export serialized authentication data that may be passed to a different
* client instance and imported to provide that client the ability to connect
* to the cluster.
public Deferred<byte[]> exportAuthenticationCredentials() {
// This is basically just a hacky way to encapsulate the necessary bits to
// properly do exponential backoff on retry; there's no actual "RPC" to send.
KuduRpc<byte[]> fakeRpc = buildFakeRpc("exportAuthenticationCredentials", null);
// Store the Deferred locally; callback() or errback() on the RPC will
// reset it and we'd return a different, non-triggered Deferred.
Deferred<byte[]> fakeRpcD = fakeRpc.getDeferred();
return fakeRpcD;
private void doExportAuthenticationCredentials(
final KuduRpc<byte[]> fakeRpc) {
// If we've already connected to the master, use the authentication
// credentials that we received when we connected.
if (hasConnectedToMaster) {
// We have no authn data -- connect to the master, which will fetch
// new info.
.addCallback(new MasterLookupCB(masterTable,
/* partitionKey */ null,
/* requestedBatchSize */ 1))
.addCallback(ignored -> {
// Just call ourselves again; we're guaranteed to have the
// authentication credentials.
assert hasConnectedToMaster;
return null;
.addErrback(new RetryTaskErrback<>(
fakeRpc, ignored -> doExportAuthenticationCredentials(fakeRpc)));
public AuthzTokenCache getAuthzTokenCache() {
return this.authzTokenCache;
* Get the Hive Metastore configuration of the most recently connected-to leader master, or
* {@code null} if the Hive Metastore integration is not enabled.
public Deferred<HiveMetastoreConfig> getHiveMetastoreConfig() {
// This is basically just a hacky way to encapsulate the necessary bits to
// properly do exponential backoff on retry; there's no actual "RPC" to send.
KuduRpc<HiveMetastoreConfig> fakeRpc = buildFakeRpc("getHiveMetastoreConfig", null);
// Store the Deferred locally; callback() or errback() on the RPC will
// reset it and we'd return a different, non-triggered Deferred.
Deferred<HiveMetastoreConfig> fakeRpcD = fakeRpc.getDeferred();
return fakeRpcD;
private void doGetHiveMetastoreConfig(final KuduRpc<HiveMetastoreConfig> fakeRpc) {
// If we've already connected to the master, use the config we received when we connected.
if (hasConnectedToMaster) {
// Take a ref to the HMS config under the lock, but invoke the callback
// chain with the lock released.
HiveMetastoreConfig c;
synchronized (this) {
c = hiveMetastoreConfig;
// We have no Metastore config -- connect to the master, which will fetch new info.
.addCallback(new MasterLookupCB(masterTable,
/* partitionKey */ null,
/* requestedBatchSize */ 1))
.addCallback(ignored -> {
// Just call ourselves again; we're guaranteed to have the HMS config.
assert hasConnectedToMaster;
return null;
.addErrback(new RetryTaskErrback<>(
fakeRpc, ignored -> doGetHiveMetastoreConfig(fakeRpc)));
* Errback for retrying a generic TimerTask. Retries RecoverableExceptions;
* signals fakeRpc's Deferred on a fatal error.
class RetryTaskErrback<R> implements Callback<Void, Exception> {
private final KuduRpc<R> fakeRpc;
private final TimerTask retryTask;
public RetryTaskErrback(KuduRpc<R> fakeRpc,
TimerTask retryTask) {
this.fakeRpc = fakeRpc;
this.retryTask = retryTask;
public Void call(Exception arg) {
if (!(arg instanceof RecoverableException)) {
return null;
// Sleep and retry the entire operation.
RecoverableException ex = (RecoverableException)arg;
long sleepTime = getSleepTimeForRpcMillis(fakeRpc);
if (cannotRetryRequest(fakeRpc) ||
fakeRpc.timeoutTracker.wouldSleepingTimeoutMillis(sleepTime)) {
tooManyAttemptsOrTimeout(fakeRpc, ex); // Invokes fakeRpc.Deferred.
return null;
new RpcTraceFrame.RpcTraceFrameBuilder(
newTimeout(timer, retryTask, sleepTime);
return null;
// fakeRpc.Deferred was not invoked: the user continues to wait until
// retryTask succeeds or fails with a fatal error.
public String toString() {
return "retry task after error";
* Import data allowing this client to authenticate to the cluster.
* This will typically be used before making any connections to servers
* in the cluster.
* Note that, if this client has already been used by one user, this
* method cannot be used to switch authenticated users. Attempts to
* do so have undefined results, and may throw an exception.
* @param authnData then authentication data provided by a prior call to
* {@link #exportAuthenticationCredentials()}
public void importAuthenticationCredentials(byte[] authnData) {
* Get the timeout used for operations on sessions and scanners.
* @return a timeout in milliseconds
public long getDefaultOperationTimeoutMs() {
return defaultOperationTimeoutMs;
* Get the timeout used for admin operations.
* @return a timeout in milliseconds
public long getDefaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs() {
return defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs;
* Socket read timeouts are no longer used in the Java client and have no effect.
* This method always returns 0, as that previously indicated no socket read timeout.
* @return a timeout in milliseconds
* @deprecated socket read timeouts are no longer used
@Deprecated public long getDefaultSocketReadTimeoutMs() {"getDefaultSocketReadTimeoutMs is deprecated");
return 0;
* @return the list of master addresses, stringified using commas to separate
* them
public String getMasterAddressesAsString() {
return Joiner.on(",").join(masterAddresses);
* Check if statistics collection is enabled for this client.
* @return true if it is enabled, else false
public boolean isStatisticsEnabled() {
return !statisticsDisabled;
* Get the statistics object of this client.
* @return this client's Statistics object
* @throws IllegalStateException thrown if statistics collection has been disabled
public Statistics getStatistics() {
if (statisticsDisabled) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This client's statistics is disabled");
return this.statistics;
RequestTracker getRequestTracker() {
return requestTracker;
KuduTable getMasterTable() {
return masterTable;
* Creates a new {@link AsyncKuduScanner.AsyncKuduScannerBuilder} for a particular table.
* @param table the name of the table you intend to scan.
* The string is assumed to use the platform's default charset.
* @return a new scanner builder for this table
public AsyncKuduScanner.AsyncKuduScannerBuilder newScannerBuilder(KuduTable table) {
return new AsyncKuduScanner.AsyncKuduScannerBuilder(this, table);
* Create a new session for interacting with the cluster.
* User is responsible for destroying the session object.
* This is a fully local operation (no RPCs or blocking).
* @return a new AsyncKuduSession
public AsyncKuduSession newSession() {
AsyncKuduSession session = new AsyncKuduSession(this);
synchronized (sessions) {
return session;
* This method is for KuduSessions so that they can remove themselves as part of closing down.
* @param session Session to remove
void removeSession(AsyncKuduSession session) {
synchronized (sessions) {
boolean removed = sessions.remove(session);
assert removed;
* Package-private access point for {@link AsyncKuduScanner}s to scan more rows.
* @param scanner The scanner to use.
* @return A deferred row.
Deferred<AsyncKuduScanner.Response> scanNextRows(final AsyncKuduScanner scanner) {
RemoteTablet tablet = Preconditions.checkNotNull(scanner.currentTablet());
KuduRpc<AsyncKuduScanner.Response> nextRequest = scanner.getNextRowsRequest();
// Important to increment the attempts before the next if statement since
// getSleepTimeForRpc() relies on it if the client is null or dead.
final ServerInfo info = tablet.getReplicaSelectedServerInfo(nextRequest.getReplicaSelection(),
if (info == null) {
return delayedSendRpcToTablet(nextRequest, new RecoverableException(Status.RemoteError(
String.format("No information on servers hosting tablet %s, will retry later",
Deferred<AsyncKuduScanner.Response> d = nextRequest.getDeferred();
RpcProxy.sendRpc(this, connectionCache.getConnection(
info, Connection.CredentialsPolicy.ANY_CREDENTIALS), nextRequest);
return d;
* Package-private access point for {@link AsyncKuduScanner}s to close themselves.
* @param scanner the scanner to close.
* @return a deferred object that indicates the completion of the request.
* The {@link AsyncKuduScanner.Response} can contain rows that were left to scan.
Deferred<AsyncKuduScanner.Response> closeScanner(final AsyncKuduScanner scanner) {
final RemoteTablet tablet = scanner.currentTablet();
// Getting a null tablet here without being in a closed state means we were in between tablets.
if (tablet == null) {
return Deferred.fromResult(null);
final KuduRpc<AsyncKuduScanner.Response> closeRequest = scanner.getCloseRequest();
final ServerInfo info = tablet.getReplicaSelectedServerInfo(closeRequest.getReplicaSelection(),
if (info == null) {
return Deferred.fromResult(null);
final Deferred<AsyncKuduScanner.Response> d = closeRequest.getDeferred();
RpcProxy.sendRpc(this, connectionCache.getConnection(
info, Connection.CredentialsPolicy.ANY_CREDENTIALS), closeRequest);
return d;
* Package-private access point for {@link AsyncKuduScanner}s to keep themselves
* alive on tablet servers.
* @param scanner the scanner to keep alive.
* @return a deferred object that indicates the completion of the request.
Deferred<Void> keepAlive(final AsyncKuduScanner scanner) {
final RemoteTablet tablet = scanner.currentTablet();
// Getting a null tablet here without being in a closed state means we were in between tablets.
// If there is no scanner to keep alive, we still return Status.OK().
if (tablet == null) {
return Deferred.fromResult(null);
final KuduRpc<Void> keepAliveRequest = scanner.getKeepAliveRequest();
final ServerInfo info =
tablet.getReplicaSelectedServerInfo(keepAliveRequest.getReplicaSelection(), location);
if (info == null) {
return Deferred.fromResult(null);
final Deferred<Void> d = keepAliveRequest.getDeferred();
RpcProxy.sendRpc(this, connectionCache.getConnection(
info, Connection.CredentialsPolicy.ANY_CREDENTIALS), keepAliveRequest);
return d;
* Sends the provided {@link KuduRpc} to the tablet server hosting the leader
* of the tablet identified by the RPC's table and partition key.
* Note: despite the name, this method is also used for routing master
* requests to the leader master instance since it's also handled like a tablet.
* @param request the RPC to send
* @param <R> the expected return type of the RPC
* @return a {@code Deferred} which will contain the response
<R> Deferred<R> sendRpcToTablet(final KuduRpc<R> request) {
if (cannotRetryRequest(request)) {
return tooManyAttemptsOrTimeout(request, null);
final String tableId = request.getTable().getTableId();
byte[] partitionKey = request.partitionKey();
TableLocationsCache.Entry entry = getTableLocationEntry(tableId, partitionKey);
if (entry != null && entry.isNonCoveredRange()) {
Exception e = new NonCoveredRangeException(entry.getLowerBoundPartitionKey(),
// Sending both as an errback and returning fromError because sendRpcToTablet might be
// called via a callback that won't care about the returned Deferred.
Deferred<R> d = request.getDeferred();
return d;
// Set the propagated timestamp so that the next time we send a message to
// the server the message includes the last propagated timestamp.
long lastPropagatedTs = getLastPropagatedTimestamp();
if (request.getExternalConsistencyMode() == CLIENT_PROPAGATED &&
lastPropagatedTs != NO_TIMESTAMP) {
// If we found a tablet, we'll try to find the TS to talk to.
if (entry != null) {
RemoteTablet tablet = entry.getTablet();
ServerInfo info = tablet.getReplicaSelectedServerInfo(request.getReplicaSelection(),
if (info != null) {
Deferred<R> d = request.getDeferred();
RpcProxy.sendRpc(this, connectionCache.getConnection(
info, Connection.CredentialsPolicy.ANY_CREDENTIALS), request);
return d;
new RpcTraceFrame.RpcTraceFrameBuilder(
// We fall through to here in two cases:
// 1) This client has not yet discovered the tablet which is responsible for
// the RPC's table and partition key. This can happen when the client's
// tablet location cache is cold because the client is new, or the table
// is new.
// 2) The tablet is known, but we do not have an active client for the
// leader replica.
Callback<Deferred<R>, Master.GetTableLocationsResponsePB> cb = new RetryRpcCB<>(request);
Callback<Deferred<R>, Exception> eb = new RetryRpcErrback<>(request);
Deferred<Master.GetTableLocationsResponsePB> returnedD =
locateTablet(request.getTable(), partitionKey, FETCH_TABLETS_PER_POINT_LOOKUP, request);
return AsyncUtil.addCallbacksDeferring(returnedD, cb, eb);
* Callback used to retry a RPC after another query finished, like looking up where that RPC
* should go.
* <p>
* Use {@code AsyncUtil.addCallbacksDeferring} to add this as the callback and
* {@link AsyncKuduClient.RetryRpcErrback} as the "errback" to the {@code Deferred}
* returned by {@link #locateTablet(KuduTable, byte[], int, KuduRpc)}.
* @param <R> RPC's return type.
* @param <D> Previous query's return type, which we don't use, but need to specify in order to
* tie it all together.
final class RetryRpcCB<R, D> implements Callback<Deferred<R>, D> {
private final KuduRpc<R> request;
RetryRpcCB(KuduRpc<R> request) {
this.request = request;
public Deferred<R> call(final D arg) {
LOG.debug("Retrying sending RPC {} after lookup", request);
return sendRpcToTablet(request); // Retry the RPC.
public String toString() {
return "retry RPC";
* "Errback" used to delayed-retry a RPC if a recoverable exception is thrown in the callback
* chain.
* Other exceptions are used to notify request RPC error, and passed through to be handled
* by the caller.
* <p>
* Use {@code AsyncUtil.addCallbacksDeferring} to add this as the "errback" and
* {@link RetryRpcCB} as the callback to the {@code Deferred} returned by
* {@link #locateTablet(KuduTable, byte[], int, KuduRpc)}.
* @see #delayedSendRpcToTablet(KuduRpc, KuduException)
* @param <R> The type of the original RPC.
final class RetryRpcErrback<R> implements Callback<Deferred<R>, Exception> {
private final KuduRpc<R> request;
public RetryRpcErrback(KuduRpc<R> request) {
this.request = request;
public Deferred<R> call(Exception arg) {
if (arg instanceof RecoverableException) {
return delayedSendRpcToTablet(request, (KuduException) arg);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(String.format("Notify RPC %s after lookup exception", request), arg);
return Deferred.fromError(arg);
public String toString() {
return "retry RPC after error";
* Returns an errback ensuring that if the delayed call throws an Exception,
* it will be propagated back to the user.
* <p>
* @param rpc RPC to errback if there's a problem with the delayed call
* @param <R> RPC's return type
* @return newly created errback
private <R> Callback<Exception, Exception> getDelayedIsTableDoneEB(final KuduRpc<R> rpc) {
return e -> {
// TODO maybe we can retry it?
return e;
* Creates an RPC that will never be sent, and will instead be used
* exclusively for timeouts.
* @param method fake RPC method (shows up in RPC traces)
* @param parent parent RPC (for tracing), if any
* @param <R> the expected return type of the fake RPC
* @param timeoutMs the timeout in milliseconds for the fake RPC
* @return created fake RPC
<R> KuduRpc<R> buildFakeRpc(
@Nonnull final String method,
@Nullable final KuduRpc<?> parent,
long timeoutMs) {
KuduRpc<R> rpc = new FakeKuduRpc<>(method, timer, timeoutMs);
return rpc;
* Creates an RPC that will never be sent, and will instead be used
* exclusively for timeouts.
* @param method fake RPC method (shows up in RPC traces)
* @param parent parent RPC (for tracing), if any
* @param <R> the expected return type of the fake RPC
* @return created fake RPC
<R> KuduRpc<R> buildFakeRpc(
@Nonnull final String method,
@Nullable final KuduRpc<?> parent) {
return buildFakeRpc(method, parent, defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs);
* A fake RPC that is used for timeouts and will never be sent.
static class FakeKuduRpc<R> extends KuduRpc<R> {
private final String method;
FakeKuduRpc(String method, Timer timer, long timeoutMillis) {
super(null, timer, timeoutMillis);
this.method = method;
Message createRequestPB() {
return null;
String serviceName() {
return null;
String method() {
return method;
Pair<R, Object> deserialize(CallResponse callResponse, String tsUUID) throws KuduException {
return null;
* Schedules a IsAlterTableDone RPC. When the response comes in, if the table
* is done altering, the RPC's callback chain is triggered with 'resp' as its
* value. If not, another IsAlterTableDone RPC is scheduled and the cycle
* repeats, until the alter is finished or a timeout is reached.
* @param table table identifier
* @param parent parent RPC (for tracing), if any
* @param resp previous AlterTableResponse, if any
* @return Deferred that will become ready when the alter is done
Deferred<AlterTableResponse> getDelayedIsAlterTableDoneDeferred(
@Nonnull TableIdentifierPB.Builder table,
@Nullable KuduRpc<?> parent,
@Nullable AlterTableResponse resp) {
// TODO(adar): By scheduling even the first RPC via timer, the sequence of
// RPCs is delayed by at least one timer tick, which is unfortunate for the
// case where the table is already fully altered.
// Eliminating the delay by sending the first RPC immediately (and
// scheduling the rest via timer) would also allow us to replace this "fake"
// RPC with a real one.
KuduRpc<AlterTableResponse> fakeRpc = buildFakeRpc("IsAlterTableDone", parent);
// Store the Deferred locally; callback() or errback() on the RPC will
// reset it and we'd return a different, non-triggered Deferred.
Deferred<AlterTableResponse> fakeRpcD = fakeRpc.getDeferred();
getDelayedIsAlterTableDoneCB(fakeRpc, table, resp),
return fakeRpcD;
* Schedules a IsCreateTableDone RPC. When the response comes in, if the table
* is done creating, the RPC's callback chain is triggered with 'resp' as its
* value. If not, another IsCreateTableDone RPC is scheduled and the cycle
* repeats, until the createis finished or a timeout is reached.
* @param table table identifier
* @param parent parent RPC (for tracing), if any
* @param resp previous KuduTable, if any
* @return Deferred that will become ready when the create is done
Deferred<KuduTable> getDelayedIsCreateTableDoneDeferred(
@Nonnull TableIdentifierPB.Builder table,
@Nullable KuduRpc<?> parent,
@Nullable KuduTable resp) {
// TODO(adar): By scheduling even the first RPC via timer, the sequence of
// RPCs is delayed by at least one timer tick, which is unfortunate for the
// case where the table is already fully altered.
// Eliminating the delay by sending the first RPC immediately (and
// scheduling the rest via timer) would also allow us to replace this "fake"
// RPC with a real one.
KuduRpc<KuduTable> fakeRpc = buildFakeRpc("IsCreateTableDone", parent);
// Store the Deferred locally; callback() or errback() on the RPC will
// reset it and we'd return a different, non-triggered Deferred.
Deferred<KuduTable> fakeRpcD = fakeRpc.getDeferred();
getDelayedIsCreateTableDoneCB(fakeRpc, table, resp),
return fakeRpcD;
* Returns a callback to be called upon completion of an IsAlterTableDone RPC.
* If the table is fully altered, triggers the provided rpc's callback chain
* with 'alterResp' as its value. Otherwise, sends another IsAlterTableDone
* RPC after sleeping.
* <p>
* @param rpc RPC that initiated this sequence of operations
* @param table table identifier
* @param alterResp response from an earlier AlterTable RPC, if any
* @return callback that will eventually return 'alterResp'
private Callback<Deferred<AlterTableResponse>, IsAlterTableDoneResponse>
@Nonnull final KuduRpc<AlterTableResponse> rpc,
@Nonnull final TableIdentifierPB.Builder table,
@Nullable final AlterTableResponse alterResp) {
return resp -> {
// Store the Deferred locally; callback() below will reset it and we'd
// return a different, non-triggered Deferred.
Deferred<AlterTableResponse> d = rpc.getDeferred();
if (resp.isDone()) {
} else {
getDelayedIsAlterTableDoneCB(rpc, table, alterResp),
return d;
* Returns a callback to be called upon completion of an IsCreateTableDone RPC.
* If the table is fully created, triggers the provided rpc's callback chain
* with 'tableResp' as its value. Otherwise, sends another IsCreateTableDone
* RPC after sleeping.
* <p>
* @param rpc RPC that initiated this sequence of operations
* @param table table identifier
* @param tableResp previously constructed KuduTable, if any
* @return callback that will eventually return 'tableResp'
private Callback<Deferred<KuduTable>, IsCreateTableDoneResponse> getDelayedIsCreateTableDoneCB(
final KuduRpc<KuduTable> rpc,
final TableIdentifierPB.Builder table,
final KuduTable tableResp) {
return resp -> {
// Store the Deferred locally; callback() below will reset it and we'd
// return a different, non-triggered Deferred.
Deferred<KuduTable> d = rpc.getDeferred();
if (resp.isDone()) {
} else {
getDelayedIsCreateTableDoneCB(rpc, table, tableResp),
return d;
* Schedules a timer to send an IsCreateTableDone RPC to the master after
* sleeping for getSleepTimeForRpc() (based on the provided KuduRpc's number
* of attempts). When the master responds, the provided callback will be called.
* <p>
* @param table table identifier
* @param rpc original KuduRpc that needs to access the table
* @param callback callback to call on completion
* @param errback errback to call if something goes wrong
private void delayedIsCreateTableDone(
final TableIdentifierPB.Builder table,
final KuduRpc<KuduTable> rpc,
final Callback<Deferred<KuduTable>, IsCreateTableDoneResponse> callback,
final Callback<Exception, Exception> errback) {
final class RetryTimer implements TimerTask {
public void run(final Timeout timeout) {
doIsCreateTableDone(table, rpc).addCallbacks(callback, errback);
long sleepTimeMillis = getSleepTimeForRpcMillis(rpc);
if (rpc.timeoutTracker.wouldSleepingTimeoutMillis(sleepTimeMillis)) {
tooManyAttemptsOrTimeout(rpc, null);
newTimeout(timer, new RetryTimer(), sleepTimeMillis);
* Schedules a timer to send an IsAlterTableDone RPC to the master after
* sleeping for getSleepTimeForRpc() (based on the provided KuduRpc's number
* of attempts). When the master responds, the provided callback will be called.
* <p>
* @param table table identifier
* @param rpc original KuduRpc that needs to access the table
* @param callback callback to call on completion
* @param errback errback to call if something goes wrong
private void delayedIsAlterTableDone(
final TableIdentifierPB.Builder table,
final KuduRpc<AlterTableResponse> rpc,
final Callback<Deferred<AlterTableResponse>, IsAlterTableDoneResponse> callback,
final Callback<Exception, Exception> errback) {
final class RetryTimer implements TimerTask {
public void run(final Timeout timeout) {
doIsAlterTableDone(table, rpc).addCallbacks(callback, errback);
long sleepTimeMillis = getSleepTimeForRpcMillis(rpc);
if (rpc.timeoutTracker.wouldSleepingTimeoutMillis(sleepTimeMillis)) {
tooManyAttemptsOrTimeout(rpc, null);
newTimeout(timer, new RetryTimer(), sleepTimeMillis);
private final class ReleaseMasterLookupPermit<T> implements Callback<T, T> {
public T call(final T arg) {
return arg;
public String toString() {
return "release master lookup permit";
* Releases a master lookup permit that was acquired.
* See {@link AsyncKuduClient#acquireMasterLookupPermit}.
private void releaseMasterLookupPermit() {
long getSleepTimeForRpcMillis(KuduRpc<?> rpc) {
int attemptCount = rpc.attempt;
if (attemptCount == 0) {
// If this is the first RPC attempt, don't sleep at all.
return 0;
// Randomized exponential backoff, truncated at 4096ms.
long sleepTime = (long)(Math.pow(2.0, Math.min(attemptCount, 12)) *
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Going to sleep for {} at retry {}", sleepTime, rpc.attempt);
return sleepTime;
* Clears {@link #tableLocations} of the table's entries.
* This method makes the maps momentarily inconsistent, and should only be
* used when the {@code AsyncKuduClient} is in a steady state.
* @param tableId table for which we remove all cached tablet location and
* tablet client entries
void emptyTabletsCacheForTable(String tableId) {
* Checks whether or not an RPC can be retried once more
* @param rpc The RPC we're going to attempt to execute
* @return {@code true} if this RPC already had too many attempts,
* {@code false} otherwise (in which case it's OK to retry once more)
private static boolean cannotRetryRequest(final KuduRpc<?> rpc) {
return rpc.timeoutTracker.timedOut() || rpc.attempt > MAX_RPC_ATTEMPTS;
* Returns a {@link Deferred} containing an exception when an RPC couldn't
* succeed after too many attempts or if it already timed out.
* @param request The RPC that was retried too many times or timed out.
* @param cause What was cause of the last failed attempt, if known.
* You can pass {@code null} if the cause is unknown.
static <R> Deferred<R> tooManyAttemptsOrTimeout(final KuduRpc<R> request,
final KuduException cause) {
String message;
if (request.attempt > MAX_RPC_ATTEMPTS) {
message = "too many attempts: ";
} else {
message = "cannot complete before timeout: ";
Status statusTimedOut = Status.TimedOut(message + request);
LOG.debug("Cannot continue with RPC because of: {}", statusTimedOut);
Deferred<R> d = request.getDeferred();
request.errback(new NonRecoverableException(statusTimedOut, cause));
return d;
* Sends a getTableLocations RPC to the master to find the table's tablets.
* @param table table to lookup
* @param partitionKey can be null, if not we'll find the exact tablet that contains it
* @param fetchBatchSize the number of tablets to fetch per round trip from the master
* @param parentRpc RPC that prompted a master lookup, can be null
* @return Deferred to track the progress
private Deferred<Master.GetTableLocationsResponsePB> locateTablet(KuduTable table,
byte[] partitionKey,
int fetchBatchSize,
KuduRpc<?> parentRpc) {
boolean hasPermit = acquireMasterLookupPermit();
String tableId = table.getTableId();
if (!hasPermit) {
// If we failed to acquire a permit, it's worth checking if someone
// looked up the tablet we're interested in. Every once in a while
// this will save us a Master lookup.
TableLocationsCache.Entry entry = getTableLocationEntry(tableId, partitionKey);
if (entry != null && !entry.isNonCoveredRange() &&
entry.getTablet().getLeaderServerInfo() != null) {
return Deferred.fromResult(null); // Looks like no lookup needed.
// If we know this is going to the master, check the master consensus
// configuration (as specified by 'masterAddresses' field) to determine and
// cache the current leader.
Deferred<Master.GetTableLocationsResponsePB> d;
if (isMasterTable(tableId)) {
d = getMasterTableLocationsPB(parentRpc);
} else {
long timeoutMillis = parentRpc == null ? defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs :
// Leave the end of the partition key range empty in order to pre-fetch tablet locations.
GetTableLocationsRequest rpc =
new GetTableLocationsRequest(masterTable,
d = sendRpcToTablet(rpc);
d.addCallback(new MasterLookupCB(table, partitionKey, fetchBatchSize));
if (hasPermit) {
d.addBoth(new ReleaseMasterLookupPermit<>());
return d;
* Update the master config: send RPCs to all config members, use the returned data to
* fill a {@link Master.GetTabletLocationsResponsePB} object.
* @return An initialized Deferred object to hold the response.
Deferred<Master.GetTableLocationsResponsePB> getMasterTableLocationsPB(KuduRpc<?> parentRpc) {
// TODO(todd): stop using this 'masterTable' hack.
return, masterAddresses, parentRpc,
defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs, Connection.CredentialsPolicy.ANY_CREDENTIALS).addCallback(
resp -> {
if (resp.getConnectResponse().hasAuthnToken()) {
// If the response has security info, adopt it.
List<ByteString> caCerts = resp.getConnectResponse().getCaCertDerList();
if (!caCerts.isEmpty()) {
try {
} catch (CertificateException e) {
LOG.warn("Ignoring invalid CA cert from leader {}: {}",
resp.getLeaderHostAndPort(), e.getMessage());
HiveMetastoreConfig config = null;
Master.ConnectToMasterResponsePB respPb = resp.getConnectResponse();
if (respPb.hasHmsConfig()) {
Master.HiveMetastoreConfig metastoreConf = respPb.getHmsConfig();
config = new HiveMetastoreConfig(metastoreConf.getHmsUris(),
synchronized (AsyncKuduClient.this) {
hiveMetastoreConfig = config;
location = respPb.getClientLocation();
clusterId = respPb.getClusterId();
hasConnectedToMaster = true;
// Translate the located master into a TableLocations
// since the rest of our locations caching code expects this type.
return resp.getAsTableLocations();
* Get all or some tablets for a given table. This may query the master multiple times if there
* are a lot of tablets.
* This method blocks until it gets all the tablets.
* @param table the table to locate tablets from
* @param startPartitionKey where to start in the table, pass null to start at the beginning
* @param endPartitionKey where to stop in the table, pass null to get all the tablets until the
* end of the table
* @param fetchBatchSize the number of tablets to fetch per round trip from the master
* @param deadline deadline in milliseconds for this method to finish
* @return a list of the tablets in the table, which can be queried for metadata about
* each tablet
* @throws Exception if anything went wrong
List<LocatedTablet> syncLocateTable(KuduTable table,
byte[] startPartitionKey,
byte[] endPartitionKey,
int fetchBatchSize,
long deadline) throws Exception {
return locateTable(table, startPartitionKey, endPartitionKey, fetchBatchSize, deadline).join();
private Deferred<List<LocatedTablet>> loopLocateTable(final KuduTable table,
final byte[] startPartitionKey,
final byte[] endPartitionKey,
final int fetchBatchSize,
final List<LocatedTablet> ret,
final TimeoutTracker timeoutTracker) {
// We rely on the keys initially not being empty.
Preconditions.checkArgument(startPartitionKey == null || startPartitionKey.length > 0,
"use null for unbounded start partition key");
Preconditions.checkArgument(endPartitionKey == null || endPartitionKey.length > 0,
"use null for unbounded end partition key");
// The next partition key to look up. If null, then it represents
// the minimum partition key, If empty, it represents the maximum key.
byte[] partitionKey = startPartitionKey;
String tableId = table.getTableId();
// Continue while the partition key is the minimum, or it is not the maximum
// and it is less than the end partition key.
while (partitionKey == null ||
(partitionKey.length > 0 &&
(endPartitionKey == null || Bytes.memcmp(partitionKey, endPartitionKey) < 0))) {
byte[] key = partitionKey == null ? EMPTY_ARRAY : partitionKey;
TableLocationsCache.Entry entry = getTableLocationEntry(tableId, key);
if (entry != null) {
if (!entry.isNonCoveredRange()) {
ret.add(new LocatedTablet(entry.getTablet()));
partitionKey = entry.getUpperBoundPartitionKey();
if (timeoutTracker.timedOut()) {
Status statusTimedOut = Status.TimedOut("Took too long getting the list of tablets, " +
return Deferred.fromError(new NonRecoverableException(statusTimedOut));
// If the partition key location isn't cached, and the request hasn't timed out,
// then kick off a new tablet location lookup and try again when it completes.
// When lookup completes, the tablet (or non-covered range) for the next
// partition key will be located and added to the client's cache.
final byte[] lookupKey = partitionKey;
// Build a fake RPC to encapsulate and propagate the timeout. There's no actual "RPC" to send.
KuduRpc fakeRpc = buildFakeRpc("loopLocateTable",
return locateTablet(table, key, fetchBatchSize, fakeRpc).addCallbackDeferring(
new Callback<Deferred<List<LocatedTablet>>, GetTableLocationsResponsePB>() {
public Deferred<List<LocatedTablet>> call(GetTableLocationsResponsePB resp) {
return loopLocateTable(table,
public String toString() {
return "LoopLocateTableCB";
return Deferred.fromResult(ret);
* Get all or some tablets for a given table. This may query the master multiple times if there
* are a lot of tablets.
* @param table the table to locate tablets from
* @param startPartitionKey where to start in the table, pass null to start at the beginning
* @param endPartitionKey where to stop in the table, pass null to get all the tablets until the
* end of the table
* @param fetchBatchSize the number of tablets to fetch per round trip from the master
* @param deadline max time spent in milliseconds for the deferred result of this method to
* get called back, if deadline is reached, the deferred result will get erred back
* @return a deferred object that yields a list of the tablets in the table, which can be queried
* for metadata about each tablet
Deferred<List<LocatedTablet>> locateTable(final KuduTable table,
final byte[] startPartitionKey,
final byte[] endPartitionKey,
int fetchBatchSize,
long deadline) {
final List<LocatedTablet> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
final TimeoutTracker timeoutTracker = new TimeoutTracker();
return loopLocateTable(table,
* Sends a splitKeyRange RPC to split the tablet's primary key range into smaller ranges.
* This RPC doesn't change the layout of the tablet.
* @param table table to lookup
* @param startPrimaryKey the primary key to begin splitting at (inclusive), pass null to
* start splitting at the beginning of the tablet
* @param endPrimaryKey the primary key to stop splitting at (exclusive), pass null to
* stop splitting at the end of the tablet
* @param partitionKey the partition key of the tablet to find
* @param splitSizeBytes the size of the data in each key range.
* This is a hint: The tablet server may return a key range
* larger or smaller than this value.
* @param parentRpc RPC that prompted the split key range request, can be null
* @return Deferred to track the progress
private Deferred<SplitKeyRangeResponse> getTabletKeyRanges(final KuduTable table,
final byte[] startPrimaryKey,
final byte[] endPrimaryKey,
final byte[] partitionKey,
long splitSizeBytes,
KuduRpc<?> parentRpc) {
long timeoutMillis = parentRpc == null ? defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs :
SplitKeyRangeRequest rpc =
new SplitKeyRangeRequest(table,
return sendRpcToTablet(rpc);
* Get all or some key range for a given table. This may query the master multiple times if there
* are a lot of tablets, and query each tablet to split the tablet's primary key range into
* smaller ranges. This doesn't change the layout of the tablet.
* @param table the table to get key ranges from
* @param startPrimaryKey the primary key to begin splitting at (inclusive), pass null to
* start splitting at the beginning of the tablet
* @param endPrimaryKey the primary key to stop splitting at (exclusive), pass null to
* stop splitting at the end of the tablet
* @param startPartitionKey where to start in the table, pass null to start at the beginning
* @param endPartitionKey where to stop in the table, pass null to get all the tablets until the
* end of the table
* @param fetchBatchSize the number of tablets to fetch per round trip from the master
* @param splitSizeBytes the size of the data in each key range.
* This is a hint: The tablet server may return the size of key range
* larger or smaller than this value. If unset or <= 0, the key range
* includes all the data of the tablet.
* @param deadline deadline in milliseconds for this method to finish
* @return a {@code Deferred} object that yields a list of the key ranges in the table
Deferred<List<KeyRange>> getTableKeyRanges(final KuduTable table,
final byte[] startPrimaryKey,
final byte[] endPrimaryKey,
final byte[] startPartitionKey,
final byte[] endPartitionKey,
int fetchBatchSize,
long splitSizeBytes,
long deadline) {
final TimeoutTracker timeoutTracker = new TimeoutTracker();
Callback<Deferred<List<KeyRange>>, List<LocatedTablet>> locateTabletCB = tablets -> {
if (splitSizeBytes <= 0) {
final List<KeyRange> keyRanges = Lists.newArrayList();
for (LocatedTablet tablet : tablets) {
keyRanges.add(new KeyRange(tablet, startPrimaryKey, endPrimaryKey, -1));
return Deferred.fromResult(keyRanges);
List<Deferred<List<KeyRange>>> deferreds = new java.util.ArrayList<>();
for (LocatedTablet tablet : tablets) {
// Build a fake RPC to encapsulate and propagate the timeout.
// There's no actual "RPC" to send.
KuduRpc fakeRpc = buildFakeRpc("getTableKeyRanges",
.addCallbackDeferring(resp -> {
final List<KeyRange> ranges = Lists.newArrayList();
LOG.debug("Key ranges for {}", table.getName());
for (Common.KeyRangePB pb : resp.getKeyRanges()) {
KeyRange newRange = new KeyRange(tablet,
return Deferred.fromResult(ranges);
// Must preserve the order.
return Deferred.groupInOrder(deferreds).addCallbackDeferring(rangeLists -> {
final List<KeyRange> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
for (List<KeyRange> ranges : rangeLists) {
return Deferred.fromResult(ret);
final List<LocatedTablet> tablets = Lists.newArrayList();
return loopLocateTable(table,
* We're handling a tablet server that's telling us it doesn't have the tablet we're asking for.
* We're in the context of decode() meaning we need to either callback or retry later.
<R> void handleTabletNotFound(final KuduRpc<R> rpc, KuduException ex, ServerInfo info) {
invalidateTabletCache(rpc.getTablet(), info, ex.getMessage());
handleRetryableError(rpc, ex);
* A tablet server is letting us know that it isn't the specified tablet's leader in response
* a RPC, so we need to demote it and retry.
<R> void handleNotLeader(final KuduRpc<R> rpc, KuduException ex, ServerInfo info) {
handleRetryableError(rpc, ex);
<R> void handleRetryableError(final KuduRpc<R> rpc, KuduException ex) {
// TODO we don't always need to sleep, maybe another replica can serve this RPC.
// We don't care about the returned Deferred in this case, since we're not in a context where
// we're eventually returning a Deferred.
delayedSendRpcToTablet(rpc, ex);
* Same as {@link #handleRetryableError(KuduRpc, KuduException)}, but without the delay before
* retrying the RPC.
* @param rpc the RPC to retry
* @param ex the exception which lead to the attempt of RPC retry
<R> void handleRetryableErrorNoDelay(final KuduRpc<R> rpc, KuduException ex) {
if (cannotRetryRequest(rpc)) {
tooManyAttemptsOrTimeout(rpc, ex);
* Handle an RPC failed due to invalid authn token error. In short, connect to the Kudu cluster
* to acquire a new authentication token and retry the RPC once a new authentication token
* is put into the {@link #securityContext}.
* @param rpc the RPC which failed with an invalid authn token
<R> void handleInvalidAuthnToken(KuduRpc<R> rpc) {
// TODO(awong): plumb the offending KuduException into the reacquirer.
* Handle an RPC that failed due to an invalid authorization token error. The
* RPC will be retried after fetching a new authz token.
* @param rpc the RPC that failed with an invalid authz token
* @param ex the KuduException that led to this handling
<R> void handleInvalidAuthzToken(KuduRpc<R> rpc, KuduException ex) {
authzTokenCache.retrieveAuthzToken(rpc, ex);
* Gets an authorization token for the given table from the cache, or nullptr
* if none exists.
* @param tableId the table ID for which to get an authz token
* @return a signed authz token for the table
SignedTokenPB getAuthzToken(String tableId) {
return authzTokenCache.get(tableId);
* This method puts RPC on hold for a time interval determined by
* {@link #getSleepTimeForRpcMillis(KuduRpc)}. If the RPC is out of
* time/retries, its errback is called immediately.
* @param rpc the RPC to retry later
* @param ex the reason why we need to retry
* @return a Deferred object to use if this method is called inline with the user's original
* attempt to send the RPC. Can be ignored in any other context that doesn't need to return a
* Deferred back to the user.
private <R> Deferred<R> delayedSendRpcToTablet(final KuduRpc<R> rpc, KuduException ex) {
assert (ex != null);
Status reasonForRetry = ex.getStatus();
new RpcTraceFrame.RpcTraceFrameBuilder(
long sleepTime = getSleepTimeForRpcMillis(rpc);
if (cannotRetryRequest(rpc) ||
rpc.timeoutTracker.wouldSleepingTimeoutMillis(sleepTime)) {
// Don't let it retry.
return tooManyAttemptsOrTimeout(rpc, ex);
// Here we simply retry the RPC later. We might be doing this along with a lot of other RPCs
// in parallel. Asynchbase does some hacking with a "probe" RPC while putting the other ones
// on hold but we won't be doing this for the moment. Regions in HBase can move a lot,
// we're not expecting this in Kudu.
newTimeout(timer, timeout -> sendRpcToTablet(rpc), sleepTime);
return rpc.getDeferred();
* Remove the tablet server from the RemoteTablet's locations. Right now nothing is removing
* the tablet itself from the caches.
private void invalidateTabletCache(RemoteTablet tablet,
ServerInfo info,
String errorMessage) {
final String uuid = info.getUuid();"Invalidating location {} for tablet {}: {}",
info, tablet.getTabletId(), errorMessage);
// TODO(ghenke): Should this also remove the related replica?
// As it stands there can be a replica with a missing tablet server.
* Translate master-provided information {@link Master.TSInfoPB} on a tablet server into internal
* {@link ServerInfo} representation.
* @param tsInfoPB master-provided information for the tablet server
* @return an object that contains all the server's information
* @throws UnknownHostException if we cannot resolve the tablet server's IP address
private ServerInfo resolveTS(Master.TSInfoPB tsInfoPB) throws UnknownHostException {
final List<Common.HostPortPB> addresses = tsInfoPB.getRpcAddressesList();
final String uuid = tsInfoPB.getPermanentUuid().toStringUtf8();
if (addresses.isEmpty()) {
LOG.warn("Received a tablet server with no addresses, UUID: {}", uuid);
return null;
// From
// TODO: If the TS advertises multiple host/ports, pick the right one
// based on some kind of policy. For now just use the first always.
final HostAndPort hostPort = ProtobufHelper.hostAndPortFromPB(addresses.get(0));
final InetAddress inetAddress = NetUtil.getInetAddress(hostPort.getHost());
if (inetAddress == null) {
throw new UnknownHostException(
"Failed to resolve the IP of `" + addresses.get(0).getHost() + "'");
return new ServerInfo(uuid, hostPort, inetAddress, tsInfoPB.getLocation());
/** Callback executed when a master lookup completes. */
private final class MasterLookupCB implements Callback<Object,
Master.GetTableLocationsResponsePB> {
final KuduTable table;
private final byte[] partitionKey;
private final int requestedBatchSize;
MasterLookupCB(KuduTable table, byte[] partitionKey, int requestedBatchSize) {
this.table = table;
this.partitionKey = partitionKey;
this.requestedBatchSize = requestedBatchSize;
public Object call(final GetTableLocationsResponsePB response) {
if (response.hasError()) {
Status status = Status.fromMasterErrorPB(response.getError());
return new NonRecoverableException(status);
} else {
try {
} catch (KuduException e) {
return e;
return null;
public String toString() {
return "get tablet locations from the master for table " + table.getName();
private boolean acquireMasterLookupPermit() {
try {
// With such a low timeout, the JVM may chose to spin-wait instead of
// de-scheduling the thread (and causing context switches and whatnot).
return masterLookups.tryAcquire(5, MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // Make this someone else's problem.
return false;
* Makes discovered tablet locations visible in the client's caches.
* @param table the table which the locations belong to
* @param requestPartitionKey the partition key of the table locations request
* @param requestedBatchSize the number of tablet locations requested from the master in the
* original request
* @param locations the discovered locations
* @param tsInfosList a list of ts info that the replicas in 'locations' references by index.
* @param ttl the ttl of the locations
void discoverTablets(KuduTable table,
byte[] requestPartitionKey,
int requestedBatchSize,
List<TabletLocationsPB> locations,
List<TSInfoPB> tsInfosList,
long ttl) throws KuduException {
String tableId = table.getTableId();
String tableName = table.getName();
TableLocationsCache locationsCache = getOrCreateTableLocationsCache(tableId);
// Build the list of discovered remote tablet instances. If we have
// already discovered the tablet, its locations are refreshed.
int numTsInfos = tsInfosList.size();
List<RemoteTablet> tablets = new ArrayList<>(locations.size());
for (TabletLocationsPB tabletPb : locations) {
List<Exception> lookupExceptions = new ArrayList<>(tabletPb.getInternedReplicasCount());
List<ServerInfo> servers = new ArrayList<>(tabletPb.getInternedReplicasCount());
List<String> dnsFailedServers = new ArrayList<>(tabletPb.getInternedReplicasCount());
// Lambda that does the common handling of a ts info.
Consumer<TSInfoPB> updateServersAndCollectExceptions = tsInfo -> {
try {
ServerInfo serverInfo = resolveTS(tsInfo);
if (serverInfo != null) {
} catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
final List<Common.HostPortPB> addresses = tsInfo.getRpcAddressesList();
// Here only add the first address because resolveTS only resolves the first one.
List<LocatedTablet.Replica> replicas = new ArrayList<>();
// Handle "old-style" non-interned replicas. It's used for backward compatibility.
for (TabletLocationsPB.DEPRECATED_ReplicaPB replica : tabletPb.getDEPRECATEDReplicasList()) {
TSInfoPB tsInfo = replica.getTsInfo();
String tsHost = tsInfo.getRpcAddressesList().isEmpty() ?
null : tsInfo.getRpcAddressesList().get(0).getHost();
if (tsHost == null || dnsFailedServers.contains(tsHost)) {
// skip the DNS failed tserver
Integer tsPort = tsInfo.getRpcAddressesList().isEmpty() ?
null : tsInfo.getRpcAddressesList().get(0).getPort();
String dimensionLabel = replica.hasDimensionLabel() ? replica.getDimensionLabel() : null;
replicas.add(new LocatedTablet.Replica(tsHost, tsPort, replica.getRole(), dimensionLabel));
// Handle interned replicas.
for (TabletLocationsPB.InternedReplicaPB replica : tabletPb.getInternedReplicasList()) {
int tsInfoIdx = replica.getTsInfoIdx();
if (tsInfoIdx >= numTsInfos) {
lookupExceptions.add(new NonRecoverableException(Status.Corruption(
String.format("invalid response from master: referenced tablet idx %d but only %d " +
"present", tsInfoIdx, numTsInfos))));
TSInfoPB tsInfo = tsInfosList.get(tsInfoIdx);
String tsHost = tsInfo.getRpcAddressesList().isEmpty() ?
null : tsInfo.getRpcAddressesList().get(0).getHost();
if (tsHost == null || dnsFailedServers.contains(tsHost)) {
// skip the DNS failed tserver
Integer tsPort = tsInfo.getRpcAddressesList().isEmpty() ?
null : tsInfo.getRpcAddressesList().get(0).getPort();
String dimensionLabel = replica.hasDimensionLabel() ? replica.getDimensionLabel() : null;
replicas.add(new LocatedTablet.Replica(tsHost, tsPort, replica.getRole(), dimensionLabel));
if (!lookupExceptions.isEmpty() &&
lookupExceptions.size() == tabletPb.getInternedReplicasCount()) {
Status statusIOE = Status.IOError("Couldn't find any valid locations, exceptions: " +
throw new NonRecoverableException(statusIOE);
RemoteTablet rt = new RemoteTablet(tableId,
LOG.debug("Learned about tablet {} for table '{}' with partition {}",
rt.getTabletId(), tableName, rt.getPartition());
// Give the locations to the tablet location cache for the table, so that it
// can cache them and discover non-covered ranges.
locationsCache.cacheTabletLocations(tablets, requestPartitionKey, requestedBatchSize, ttl);
// Now test if we found the tablet we were looking for. If so, RetryRpcCB will retry the RPC
// right away. If not, we throw an exception that RetryRpcErrback will understand as needing to
// sleep before retrying.
TableLocationsCache.Entry entry = locationsCache.get(requestPartitionKey);
if (entry != null && !entry.isNonCoveredRange() &&
entry.getTablet().getLeaderServerInfo() == null) {
throw new NoLeaderFoundException(
Status.NotFound("Tablet " + entry + " doesn't have a leader"));
TableLocationsCache getOrCreateTableLocationsCache(String tableId) {
// Doing a get first instead of putIfAbsent to avoid creating unnecessary
// table locations caches because in the most common case the table should
// already be present.
TableLocationsCache locationsCache = tableLocations.get(tableId);
if (locationsCache == null) {
locationsCache = new TableLocationsCache();
TableLocationsCache existingLocationsCache =
tableLocations.putIfAbsent(tableId, locationsCache);
if (existingLocationsCache != null) {
locationsCache = existingLocationsCache;
return locationsCache;
* Gets the tablet location cache entry for the tablet in the table covering a partition key.
* @param tableId the table
* @param partitionKey the partition key of the tablet to find
* @return a tablet location cache entry, or null if the partition key has not been discovered
TableLocationsCache.Entry getTableLocationEntry(String tableId, byte[] partitionKey) {
TableLocationsCache cache = tableLocations.get(tableId);
if (cache == null) {
return null;
return cache.get(partitionKey);
enum LookupType {
// The lookup should only return a tablet which actually covers the
// requested partition key.
// The lookup should return the next tablet after the requested
// partition key if the requested key does not fall within a covered
// range.
* Returns a deferred containing the located tablet which covers the partition key in the table.
* @param table the table
* @param partitionKey the partition key of the tablet to look up in the table
* @param lookupType the type of lookup to use
* @param timeoutMs timeout in milliseconds for this lookup to finish
* @return a deferred containing the located tablet
Deferred<LocatedTablet> getTabletLocation(final KuduTable table,
final byte[] partitionKey,
final LookupType lookupType,
long timeoutMs) {
// Locate the tablet at the partition key by locating tablets between
// the partition key (inclusive), and the incremented partition key (exclusive).
// We expect this to return at most a single tablet (checked below).
byte[] startPartitionKey;
byte[] endPartitionKey;
if (partitionKey.length == 0) {
startPartitionKey = null;
endPartitionKey = new byte[]{0x00};
} else {
startPartitionKey = partitionKey;
endPartitionKey = Arrays.copyOf(partitionKey, partitionKey.length + 1);
final TimeoutTracker timeoutTracker = new TimeoutTracker();
Deferred<List<LocatedTablet>> locatedTablets = locateTable(
table, startPartitionKey, endPartitionKey, FETCH_TABLETS_PER_POINT_LOOKUP, timeoutMs);
// Then pick out the single tablet result from the list.
return locatedTablets.addCallbackDeferring(tablets -> {
Preconditions.checkArgument(tablets.size() <= 1,
"found more than one tablet for a single partition key");
if (tablets.isEmpty()) {
// Most likely this indicates a non-covered range, but since this
// could race with an alter table partitioning operation (which
// clears the local table locations cache), we check again.
TableLocationsCache.Entry entry = getTableLocationEntry(table.getTableId(),
if (entry == null) {
// This should be extremely rare, but a potential source of tight loops.
LOG.debug("Table location expired before it could be processed; retrying.");
return Deferred.fromError(new RecoverableException(Status.NotFound(
"Table location expired before it could be processed")));
if (entry.isNonCoveredRange()) {
if (lookupType == LookupType.POINT || entry.getUpperBoundPartitionKey().length == 0) {
return Deferred.fromError(
new NonCoveredRangeException(entry.getLowerBoundPartitionKey(),
// This is a LOWER_BOUND lookup, get the tablet location from the upper bound key
// of the non-covered range to return the next valid tablet location.
return getTabletLocation(table,
return Deferred.fromResult(new LocatedTablet(entry.getTablet()));
return Deferred.fromResult(tablets.get(0));
* Invokes {@link #shutdown()} and waits. This method returns void, so consider invoking
* {@link #shutdown()} directly if there's a need to handle dangling RPCs.
* @throws Exception if an error happens while closing the connections
public void close() throws Exception {
* Performs a graceful shutdown of this instance.
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link AsyncKuduSession#flush Flushes} all buffered edits.</li>
* <li>Cancels all the other requests.</li>
* <li>Terminates all connections.</li>
* <li>Releases all other resources.</li>
* </ul>
* <strong>Not calling this method before losing the last reference to this
* instance may result in data loss and other unwanted side effects.</strong>
* @return A {@link Deferred}, whose callback chain will be invoked once all
* of the above have been done. If this callback chain doesn't fail, then
* the clean shutdown will be successful, and all the data will be safe on
* the Kudu side. In case of a failure (the "errback" is invoked) you will have
* to open a new AsyncKuduClient if you want to retry those operations.
* The Deferred doesn't actually hold any content.
public Deferred<ArrayList<Void>> shutdown() {
closed = true;
// 3. Release all other resources.
final class ReleaseResourcesCB implements Callback<ArrayList<Void>, ArrayList<Void>> {
public ArrayList<Void> call(final ArrayList<Void> arg) throws InterruptedException {
LOG.debug("Releasing all remaining resources");
// AbstractEventExecutor sets a default `quietPeriod` of 2 seconds and a 15 second timeout.
// We disable to quiet period to prevent resource leaks due to clients running forever.
bootstrap.config().group().shutdownGracefully(0, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
return arg;
public String toString() {
return "release resources callback";
// 2. Terminate all connections.
final class DisconnectCB implements Callback<Deferred<ArrayList<Void>>,
ArrayList<List<OperationResponse>>> {
public Deferred<ArrayList<Void>> call(ArrayList<List<OperationResponse>> ignoredResponses) {
return connectionCache.disconnectEverything().addCallback(new ReleaseResourcesCB());
public String toString() {
return "disconnect callback";
// 1. Flush everything.
// Notice that we do not handle the errback, if there's an exception it will come straight out.
return closeAllSessions().addCallbackDeferring(new DisconnectCB());
// Create a new transactional session in the context of the transaction
// with the specified identifier.
AsyncKuduSession newTransactionalSession(long txnId) {
AsyncKuduSession session = new AsyncKuduSession(this, txnId);
synchronized (sessions) {
return session;
private void checkIsClosed() {
if (closed) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot proceed, the client has already been closed");
private Deferred<ArrayList<List<OperationResponse>>> closeAllSessions() {
// We create a copy because AsyncKuduSession.close will call removeSession which would get us a
// concurrent modification during the iteration.
Set<AsyncKuduSession> copyOfSessions;
synchronized (sessions) {
copyOfSessions = new HashSet<>(sessions);
if (copyOfSessions.isEmpty()) {
return Deferred.fromResult(null);
// Guaranteed that we'll have at least one session to close.
List<Deferred<List<OperationResponse>>> deferreds = new ArrayList<>(copyOfSessions.size());
for (AsyncKuduSession session : copyOfSessions ) {
private static boolean isMasterTable(String tableId) {
// Checking that it's the same instance so there's absolutely no chance of confusing the master
// 'table' for a user one.
* Utility function to register a timeout task 'task' on timer 'timer' that
* will fire after 'timeoutMillis' milliseconds. Returns a handle to the
* scheduled timeout, which can be used to cancel the task and release its
* resources.
* @param timer the timer on which the task is scheduled
* @param task the task that will be run when the timeout hits
* @param timeoutMillis the timeout, in milliseconds
* @return a handle to the scheduled timeout
static Timeout newTimeout(final Timer timer,
final TimerTask task,
final long timeoutMillis) {
try {
return timer.newTimeout(task, timeoutMillis, MILLISECONDS);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// This can happen if the timer fires just before shutdown()
// is called from another thread, and due to how threads get
// scheduled we tried to call newTimeout() after timer.stop().
LOG.warn("Failed to schedule timer. Ignore this if we're shutting down.", e);
return null;
* @return copy of the current TabletClients list
List<Connection> getConnectionListCopy() {
return connectionCache.getConnectionListCopy();
* Sends a request to the master to check if the cluster supports ignore operations, including
* InsertIgnore, UpdateIgnore and DeleteIgnore operations.
* @return true if the cluster supports ignore operations
public Deferred<Boolean> supportsIgnoreOperations() {
PingRequest ping = PingRequest.makeMasterPingRequest(
this.masterTable, timer, defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs);
Deferred<PingResponse> response = sendRpcToTablet(ping);
return AsyncUtil.addBoth(response, new PingSupportsFeatureCallback());
private static final class PingSupportsFeatureCallback implements Callback<Boolean, Object> {
public Boolean call(final Object resp) {
if (resp instanceof Exception) {
// The server returns an RpcRemoteException when the required feature is not supported.
// The exception should have an ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST error code and at least one
// unsupported feature flag.
if (resp instanceof RpcRemoteException &&
((RpcRemoteException) resp).getErrPB().getCode() == ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST &&
((RpcRemoteException) resp).getErrPB().getUnsupportedFeatureFlagsCount() >= 1) {
return false;
throw new IllegalStateException((Exception) resp);
return true;
public String toString() {
return "ping supports ignore operations";
public enum EncryptionPolicy {
// Optional, it uses encrypted connection if the server supports it,
// but it can connect to insecure servers too.
// Only connects to remote servers that support encryption, fails
// otherwise. It can connect to insecure servers only locally.
// Only connects to any server, including on the loopback interface,
// that support encryption, fails otherwise.
* Builder class to use in order to connect to Kudu.
* All the parameters beyond those in the constructors are optional.
public static final class AsyncKuduClientBuilder {
private static final int DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT = 7051;
private static final int DEFAULT_WORKER_COUNT = 2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
private final List<HostAndPort> masterAddresses;
private long defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs = DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_MS;
private long defaultOperationTimeoutMs = DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_MS;
private long defaultNegotiationTimeoutMs = DEFAULT_NEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT_MS;
private final HashedWheelTimer timer = new HashedWheelTimer(
new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).build(), 20, MILLISECONDS);
private Executor workerExecutor;
private int workerCount = DEFAULT_WORKER_COUNT;
private boolean statisticsDisabled = false;
private String saslProtocolName = "kudu";
private boolean requireAuthentication = false;
private EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy = EncryptionPolicy.OPTIONAL;
* Creates a new builder for a client that will connect to the specified masters.
* @param masterAddresses comma-separated list of "host:port" pairs of the masters
public AsyncKuduClientBuilder(String masterAddresses) {
this.masterAddresses = NetUtil.parseStrings(masterAddresses, DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT);
* Creates a new builder for a client that will connect to the specified masters.
* <p>Here are some examples of recognized formats:
* <ul>
* <li>
* <li>
* <li>
* <li>
* <li>[2001:db8::1]
* <li>[2001:db8::1]:80
* <li>2001:db8::1
* </ul>
* @param masterAddresses list of master addresses
public AsyncKuduClientBuilder(List<String> masterAddresses) {
this.masterAddresses = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(masterAddresses.size());
for (String address : masterAddresses) {
NetUtil.parseString(address, DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT));
* Sets the default timeout used for administrative operations (e.g. createTable, deleteTable,
* etc).
* Optional.
* If not provided, defaults to 30s.
* A value of 0 disables the timeout.
* @param timeoutMs a timeout in milliseconds
* @return this builder
public AsyncKuduClientBuilder defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs(long timeoutMs) {
this.defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs = timeoutMs;
return this;
* Sets the default timeout used for user operations (using sessions and scanners).
* Optional.
* If not provided, defaults to 30s.
* A value of 0 disables the timeout.
* @param timeoutMs a timeout in milliseconds
* @return this builder
public AsyncKuduClientBuilder defaultOperationTimeoutMs(long timeoutMs) {
this.defaultOperationTimeoutMs = timeoutMs;
return this;
* Sets the default timeout used for connection negotiation.
* Optional.
* If not provided, defaults to 10s.
* @param timeoutMs a timeout in milliseconds
* @return this builder
public AsyncKuduClientBuilder connectionNegotiationTimeoutMs(long timeoutMs) {
this.defaultNegotiationTimeoutMs = timeoutMs;
return this;
* Socket read timeouts are no longer used in the Java client and have no effect.
* Setting this has no effect.
* @param timeoutMs a timeout in milliseconds
* @return this builder
* @deprecated this option no longer has any effect
@Deprecated public AsyncKuduClientBuilder defaultSocketReadTimeoutMs(long timeoutMs) {"defaultSocketReadTimeoutMs is deprecated");
return this;
* @deprecated the bossExecutor is no longer used and will have no effect if provided
public AsyncKuduClientBuilder nioExecutors(Executor bossExecutor, Executor workerExecutor) {
this.workerExecutor = workerExecutor;
return this;
* Set the executor which will be used for the embedded Netty workers.
* Optional.
* If not provided, uses a simple cached threadpool. If workerExecutor is null,
* then such a thread pool will be used.
* Note: executor's max thread number must be greater or equal to corresponding
* worker count, or netty cannot start enough threads, and client will get stuck.
* If not sure, please just use CachedThreadPool.
public AsyncKuduClientBuilder nioExecutor(Executor workerExecutor) {
this.workerExecutor = workerExecutor;
return this;
* @deprecated the bossExecutor is no longer used and will have no effect if provided
public AsyncKuduClientBuilder bossCount(int bossCount) {"bossCount is deprecated");
return this;
* Set the maximum number of Netty worker threads.
* A worker thread performs non-blocking read and write for one or more
* Netty Channels in a non-blocking mode.
* Optional.
* If not provided, (2 * the number of available processors) is used. If
* this client instance will be used on a machine running many client
* instances, it may be wise to lower this count, for example to avoid
* resource limits, at the possible cost of some performance of this client
* instance.
public AsyncKuduClientBuilder workerCount(int workerCount) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(workerCount > 0, "workerCount should be greater than 0");
this.workerCount = workerCount;
return this;
* Require authentication for the connection to a remote server.
* If it's set to true, the client will require mutual authentication between
* the server and the client. If the server doesn't support authentication,
* or it's disabled, the client will fail to connect.
public AsyncKuduClientBuilder requireAuthentication(boolean requireAuthentication) {
this.requireAuthentication = requireAuthentication;
return this;
* Require encryption for the connection to a remote server.
* If it's set to REQUIRED_REMOTE or REQUIRED, the client will
* require encrypting the traffic between the server and the client.
* If the server doesn't support encryption, or if it's disabled, the
* client will fail to connect.
* Loopback connections are encrypted only if 'encryption_policy' is
* set to REQUIRED, or if it's required by the server.
* The default value is OPTIONAL, which allows connecting to servers without
* encryption as well, but it will still attempt to use it if the server
* supports it.
public AsyncKuduClientBuilder encryptionPolicy(EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy) {
this.encryptionPolicy = encryptionPolicy;
return this;
* Creates the client bootstrap for Netty. The user can specify the executor, but
* if they don't, we'll use a simple thread pool.
private Bootstrap createBootstrap() {
Executor worker = workerExecutor;
if (worker == null) {
worker = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(
new ThreadFactoryBuilder()
EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(workerCount, worker);
Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap();;;
b.option(ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, 60000);
b.option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, true);
// Unfortunately there is no way to override the keep-alive timeout in
// Java since the JRE doesn't expose any way to call setsockopt() with
// TCP_KEEPIDLE. And of course the default timeout is >2h. Sigh.
b.option(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true);
b.option(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT);
return b;
* Disable this client's collection of statistics.
* Statistics are enabled by default.
* @return this builder
public AsyncKuduClientBuilder disableStatistics() {
this.statisticsDisabled = true;
return this;
* Set the SASL protocol name.
* SASL protocol name is used when connecting to a secure (Kerberos-enabled)
* cluster. It must match the servers' service principal name (SPN).
* Optional.
* If not provided, it will use the default SASL protocol name ("kudu").
* @return this builder
public AsyncKuduClientBuilder saslProtocolName(String saslProtocolName) {
this.saslProtocolName = saslProtocolName;
return this;
* Creates a new client that connects to the masters.
* Doesn't block and won't throw an exception if the masters don't exist.
* @return a new asynchronous Kudu client
public AsyncKuduClient build() {
return new AsyncKuduClient(this);