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<h1 class="entry-title">New Range Partitioning Features in Kudu 0.10</h1>
<p class="meta">Posted 23 Aug 2016 by Dan Burkert</p>
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<p>Kudu 0.10 is shipping with a few important new features for range partitioning.
These features are designed to make Kudu easier to scale for certain workloads,
like time series. This post will introduce these features, and discuss how to use
them to effectively design tables for scalability and performance.</p>
<p>Since Kudu’s initial release, tables have had the constraint that once created,
the set of partitions is static. This forces users to plan ahead and create
enough partitions for the expected size of the table, because once the table is
created no further partitions can be added. When using hash partitioning,
creating more partitions is as straightforward as specifying more buckets. For
range partitioning, however, knowing where to put the extra partitions ahead of
time can be difficult or impossible.</p>
<p>The common solution to this problem in other distributed databases is to allow
range partitions to split into smaller child range partitions. Unfortunately,
range splitting typically has a large performance impact on running tables,
since child partitions need to eventually be recompacted and rebalanced to a
remote server. Range splitting is particularly thorny with Kudu, because rows
are stored in tablets in primary key sorted order, which does not necessarily
match the range partitioning order. If the range partition key is different than
the primary key, then splitting requires inspecting and shuffling each
individual row, instead of splitting the tablet in half.</p>
<h2 id="adding-and-dropping-range-partitions">Adding and Dropping Range Partitions</h2>
<p>As an alternative to range partition splitting, Kudu now allows range partitions
to be added and dropped on the fly, without locking the table or otherwise
affecting concurrent operations on other partitions. This solution is not
strictly as powerful as full range partition splitting, but it strikes a good
balance between flexibility, performance, and operational overhead.
Additionally, this feature does not preclude range splitting in the future if
there is a push to implement it. To support adding and dropping range
partitions, Kudu had to remove an even more fundamental restriction when using
range partitions.</p>
<p>Previously, range partitions could only be created by specifying split points.
Split points divide an implicit partition covering the entire range into
contiguous and disjoint partitions. When using split points, the first and last
partitions are always unbounded below and above, respectively. A consequence of
the final partition being unbounded is that datasets which are range-partitioned
on a column that increases in value over time will eventually have far more rows
in the last partition than in any other. Unbalanced partitions are commonly
referred to as hotspots, and until Kudu 0.10 they have been difficult to avoid
when storing time series data in Kudu.</p>
<p><img src="/img/2016-08-23-new-range-partitioning-features/range-partitioning-on-time.png" alt="png" class="img-responsive" /></p>
<p>The figure above shows the tablets created by two different attempts to
partition a table by range on a timestamp column. The first, above in blue, uses
split points. The second, below in green, uses bounded range partitions
specified during table creation. With bounded range partitions, there is no
longer a guarantee that every possible row has a corresponding range partition.
As a result, Kudu will now reject writes which fall in a ‘non-covered’ range.</p>
<p>Now that tables are no longer required to have range partitions covering all
possible rows, Kudu can support adding range partitions to cover the otherwise
unoccupied space. Dropping a range partition will result in unoccupied space
where the range partition was previously. In the example above, we may want to
add a range partition covering 2017 at the end of the year, so that we can
continue collecting data in the future. By lazily adding range partitions we
avoid hotspotting, avoid the need to specify range partitions up front for time
periods far in the future, and avoid the downsides of splitting. Additionally,
historical data which is no longer useful can be efficiently deleted by dropping
the entire range partition.</p>
<h2 id="what-about-hash-partitioning">What About Hash Partitioning?</h2>
<p>Since Kudu’s hash partitioning feature originally shipped in version 0.6, it has
been possible to create tables which combine hash partitioning with range
partitioning. The new range partitioning features continue to work seamlessly
when combined with hash partitioning. Just as before, the number of tablets
which comprise a table will be the product of the number of range partitions and
the number of hash partition buckets. Adding or dropping a range partition will
result in the creation or deletion of one tablet per hash bucket.</p>
<p><img src="/img/2016-08-23-new-range-partitioning-features/range-and-hash-partitioning.png" alt="png" class="img-responsive" /></p>
<p>The diagram above shows a time series table range-partitioned on the timestamp
and hash-partitioned with two buckets. The hash partitioning could be on the
timestamp column, or it could be on any other column or columns in the primary
key. In this example only two years of historical data is needed, so at the end
of 2016 a new range partition is added for 2017 and the historical 2014 range
partition is dropped. This causes two new tablets to be created for 2017, and
the two existing tablets for 2014 to be deleted.</p>
<h2 id="getting-started">Getting Started</h2>
<p>Beginning with the Kudu 0.10 release, users can add and drop range partitions
through the Java and C++ client APIs. Range partitions on existing tables can be
dropped and replacements added, but it requires the servers and all clients to
be updated to 0.10.</p>
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