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<h1>Kudu Documentation</h1>
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<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="introduction.html">Introducing Kudu</a></dt>
<p>Get familiar with what sets Kudu apart.</p>
<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="release_notes.html">Kudu Beta Release Notes</a></dt>
<p>Find out what to expect in Kudu public beta releases, as well as known issues, workarounds,
and limitations.</p>
<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="quickstart.html">Getting Started With Kudu</a></dt>
<p>Deploy a simple proof-of-concept Kudu cluster to try it out for yourself.</p>
<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="installation.html">Installation Guide</a></dt>
<p>Read about all the different options for installing Kudu.</p>
<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="configuration.html">Configuring Kudu</a></dt>
<p>Find out how to customize your Kudu cluster.</p>
<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="kudu_impala_integration.html">Using Impala With Kudu</a></dt>
<p>Learn about using Impala to create, query, and update your Kudu tables.</p>
<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="administration.html">Administering Kudu</a></dt>
<p>Keep Kudu running smoothly.</p>
<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="troubleshooting.html">Troubleshooting Kudu</a></dt>
<p>Find guidelines for solving problems with your Kudu cluster.</p>
<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="developing.html">Developing Applications With Kudu</a></dt>
<p>Get information about developing with the Kudu APIs and links to working example code.</p>
<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="schema_design.html">Kudu Schema Design</a></dt>
<p>Learn about designing Kudu table schemas.</p>
<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="transaction_semantics.html">Kudu Transaction Semantics</a></dt>
<p>Information about transaction semantics in Kudu.</p>
<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="contributing.html">Contributing to Kudu</a></dt>
<p>Get involved in the Kudu community.</p>
<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="style_guide.html">Kudu Documentation Style Guide</a></dt>
<p>Get familiar with the guidelines for documentation contributions to the Kudu project.</p>
<dt class="hdlist1"><a href="configuration_reference.html">Kudu Configuration Reference</a></dt>
<p>Find out about individual Kudu configuration options.</p>
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