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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.knox.gateway.util.urltemplate;
import org.apache.knox.test.category.FastTests;
import org.apache.knox.test.category.UnitTests;
import org.easymock.EasyMock;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
@Category( { UnitTests.class, FastTests.class } )
public class RewriterTest {
// @Ignore( "Not implemented yet." )
// @Test
// public void testParamIndirectionRewrite() throws Exception {
// URI inputUri, outputUri;
// Template inputTemplate, outputTemplate;
// MockParams resolver = new MockParams();
// resolver.addValue( "some-known-host", "some-other-host" );
// // This is how it works now.
// // This is the URI like we would get from say a Location HTTP header.
// inputUri = new URI( "http://some-host:80" );
// // This will be used to extract the three values from input URI: scheme='http', host='some-known-host', port='80'
// inputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://{host}:{port}" );
// // The template to build a new URI. The match those in the input template.
// outputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://{host}:{port}" );
// // Copies the values extracted from the input URI via the inputTemplate and inserts them into the outputTemplate.
// // The resolver isn't used in this case.
// outputUri = Rewriter.rewrite( inputUri, inputTemplate, outputTemplate, resolver, null );
// assertThat( outputUri.toString(), equalTo( "http://some-host:80" ) );
// // Need a syntax for the URL rewriter to tell it to take the value extracted from the inputUri
// // and lookup it up via the resolver to populate the output template. So from the input template
// // the values of 'some-host' is extracted for the 'host' parameter. The '$' in the output template below
// // would tell the rewriter to look the value 'some-host' up in the resolver and place that in the
// // output URI.
// // I want to discuss the '$' syntax hoping you have a better suggestion.
// // IMPORTANT: The $ ended up being used for function so the syntax below cannot be used. Consider ^ or something else.
// inputUri = new URI( "http://some-known-host:80" );
// inputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://{host}:{port}" );
// outputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://{$host}:{port}" );
// outputUri = Rewriter.rewrite( inputUri, inputTemplate, outputTemplate, resolver, null );
// assertThat( outputUri.toString(), equalTo( "http://some-other-host:80" ) );
// // What should happen if the param value cannot be resolved to something else?
// // Right now it uses the empty string.
// // IMPORTANT: The $ ended up being used for function so the syntax below cannot be used. Consider ^ or something else.
// inputUri = new URI( "http://some-unknown-host:80" );
// inputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://{host}:{port}" );
// outputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://{$host}:{port}" );
// outputUri = Rewriter.rewrite( inputUri, inputTemplate, outputTemplate, resolver, null );
// assertThat( outputUri.toString(), equalTo( "http://:80" ) );
// // Should there be another syntax that uses the original value if it cannot resolve the extracted value?
// // Should this be the default and only behavior?
// // See the '?' in the output template below.
// inputUri = new URI( "http://some-unknown-host:80" );
// inputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://{host}:{port}" );
// outputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://{?host}:{port}" );
// outputUri = Rewriter.rewrite( inputUri, inputTemplate, outputTemplate, resolver, null );
// assertThat( outputUri.toString(), equalTo( "http://some-unknown-host:80" ) );
// }
public void testServiceRegistryHostmapUserCase() throws Exception {
Resolver resolver = EasyMock.createNiceMock( Resolver.class );
EasyMock.expect( resolver.resolve( "internal-host" ) ).andReturn( Arrays.asList( "internal-host" ) ).anyTimes();
Evaluator evaluator = EasyMock.createNiceMock( Evaluator.class );
EasyMock.expect( evaluator.evaluate( "hostmap", Arrays.asList( "internal-host" ) ) ).andReturn( Arrays.asList( "external-host" ) ).anyTimes();
EasyMock.replay( resolver, evaluator );
URI inputUri = new URI( "scheme://internal-host:777/path" );
Template inputMatch = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://{host}:{port}/{path=**}?{**}" );
Template outputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://{$hostmap(host)}:{port}/{path=**}?&{**}" );
URI outputUri = Rewriter.rewrite( inputUri, inputMatch, outputTemplate, resolver, evaluator );
assertThat( outputUri.toString(), is( "scheme://external-host:777/path" ) );
public void testBasicRewrite() throws Exception {
URI inputUri, outputUri;
Template inputTemplate, outputTemplate;
MockParams resolver = new MockParams();
inputUri = new URI( "path-1/path-2" );
inputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{path-1-name}/{path-2-name}" );
outputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{path-2-name}/{path-1-name}" );
outputUri = Rewriter.rewrite( inputUri, inputTemplate, outputTemplate, resolver, null );
assertThat( outputUri.toString(), equalTo( "path-2/path-1" ) );
inputUri = new URI( "path-1/path-2/path-3/path-4" );
inputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "path-1/{path=**}/path-4" ); // Need the ** to allow the expansion to include all path values.
outputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "new-path-1/{path=**}/new-path-4" );
outputUri = Rewriter.rewrite( inputUri, inputTemplate, outputTemplate, resolver, null );
assertThat( outputUri.toString(), equalTo( "new-path-1/path-2/path-3/new-path-4" ) );
inputUri = new URI( "some-path?query-name=some-queryParam-value" );
inputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{path-name}?query-name={queryParam-value}" );
outputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{queryParam-value}/{path-name}" );
outputUri = Rewriter.rewrite( inputUri, inputTemplate, outputTemplate, resolver, null );
assertThat( outputUri.toString(), equalTo( "some-queryParam-value/some-path" ) );
public void testQueryExtraRewrite() throws Exception {
URI inputUri, outputUri;
Template inputTemplate, outputTemplate;
MockParams params = new MockParams();
inputUri = new URI( "path?query=value" );
inputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "path?{**}" );
outputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "path?{**}" );
outputUri = Rewriter.rewrite( inputUri, inputTemplate, outputTemplate, params, null );
assertThat( outputUri.toString(), equalTo( "path?query=value" ) );
inputUri = new URI( "path?query=value" );
inputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "path?{*}" );
outputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "path?{*}" );
outputUri = Rewriter.rewrite( inputUri, inputTemplate, outputTemplate, params, null );
assertThat( outputUri.toString(), equalTo( "path?query=value" ) );
public void testRewriteUrlWithHttpServletRequestAndFilterConfig() throws Exception {
HttpServletRequest request = EasyMock.createNiceMock( HttpServletRequest.class );
EasyMock.expect( request.getParameter( "expect-queryParam-name" ) ).andReturn( "expect-queryParam-value" ).anyTimes();
EasyMock.expect( request.getParameterValues( "expect-queryParam-name" ) ).andReturn( new String[]{"expect-queryParam-value"} ).anyTimes();
EasyMock.replay( request );
FilterConfig config = EasyMock.createNiceMock( FilterConfig.class );
EasyMock.expect( config.getInitParameter( "filter-queryParam-name" ) ).andReturn( "filter-queryParam-value" ).anyTimes();
EasyMock.replay( config );
Template sourcePattern, targetPattern;
URI actualInput, actualOutput, expectOutput;
actualInput = new URI( "http://some-host:0/some-path" );
// sourcePattern = Parser.parse( "**" );
sourcePattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/**" );
targetPattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "should-not-change" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, sourcePattern, targetPattern, new TestResolver( config, request ), null );
expectOutput = new URI( "should-not-change" );
assertThat( actualOutput, equalTo( expectOutput ) );
actualInput = new URI( "http://some-host:0/some-path" );
sourcePattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/{0=**}" );
targetPattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "{0}" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, sourcePattern, targetPattern, new TestResolver( config, request ), null );
expectOutput = new URI( "some-path" );
assertThat( actualOutput, equalTo( expectOutput ) );
actualInput = new URI( "http://some-host:0/pathA/pathB/pathC" );
sourcePattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/pathA/{1=*}/{2=*}" );
targetPattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "http://some-other-host/{2}/{1}" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, sourcePattern, targetPattern, new TestResolver( config, request ), null );
expectOutput = new URI( "http://some-other-host/pathC/pathB" );
assertThat( actualOutput, equalTo( expectOutput ) );
actualInput = new URI( "http://some-host:0/some-path" );
sourcePattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/**" );
targetPattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "{filter-queryParam-name}" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, sourcePattern, targetPattern, new TestResolver( config, request ), null );
expectOutput = new URI( "filter-queryParam-value" );
assertThat( actualOutput, equalTo( expectOutput ) );
actualInput = new URI( "http://some-host:0/some-path" );
sourcePattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/**" );
targetPattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "{expect-queryParam-name}" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, sourcePattern, targetPattern, new TestResolver( config, request ), null );
expectOutput = new URI( "expect-queryParam-value" );
assertThat( actualOutput, equalTo( expectOutput ) );
actualInput = new URI( "http://some-host:0/some-path" );
sourcePattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/**" );
targetPattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "http://some-other-host/{filter-queryParam-name}/{expect-queryParam-name}" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, sourcePattern, targetPattern, new TestResolver( config, request ), null );
expectOutput = new URI( "http://some-other-host/filter-queryParam-value/expect-queryParam-value" );
assertThat( actualOutput, equalTo( expectOutput ) );
actualInput = new URI( "http://some-host:0/pathA/pathB/pathC" );
sourcePattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/pathA/{1=*}/{2=*}" );
targetPattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "http://some-other-host/{2}/{1}/{filter-queryParam-name}/{expect-queryParam-name}" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, sourcePattern, targetPattern, new TestResolver( config, request ), null );
expectOutput = new URI( "http://some-other-host/pathC/pathB/filter-queryParam-value/expect-queryParam-value" );
assertThat( actualOutput, equalTo( expectOutput ) );
actualInput = new URI( "/webhdfs/v1/test" );
sourcePattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "/webhdfs/v1/{0=**}" );
targetPattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "http://{filter-queryParam-name}/webhdfs/v1/{0}" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, sourcePattern, targetPattern, new TestResolver( config, request ), null );
expectOutput = new URI( "http://filter-queryParam-value/webhdfs/v1/test" );
assertThat( actualOutput, equalTo( expectOutput ) );
actualInput = new URI( "/webhdfs/v1/test" );
sourcePattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "/webhdfs/v1/{0=**}" );
targetPattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "http://{filter-queryParam-name}/webhdfs/v1/{0}" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, sourcePattern, targetPattern, new TestResolver( config, request ), null );
expectOutput = new URI( "http://filter-queryParam-value/webhdfs/v1/test" );
assertThat( actualOutput, equalTo( expectOutput ) );
actualInput = new URI( "http://vm.home:50075/webhdfs/v1/test/file?op=CREATE&" );
expectOutput = new URI( "http://filter-queryParam-value/gatewaycluster/webhdfs/v1/test/file?op=CREATE&" );
sourcePattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/webhdfs/v1/{path=**}?op={op=*}&{username=*}&overwrite={overwrite=*}" );
targetPattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "http://{filter-queryParam-name}/gatewaycluster/webhdfs/v1/{path=**}?op={op}&{username}&overwrite={overwrite}" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, sourcePattern, targetPattern, new TestResolver( config, request ), null );
assertThat( actualOutput, equalTo( expectOutput ) );
actualInput = new URI( "/webhdfs/data/v1/test?" );
expectOutput = new URI( "http://vm.home:50075/webhdfs/v1/test?op=CREATE&" );
sourcePattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "/webhdfs/data/v1/{path=**}?{host}&{port}&{**}" );
targetPattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "http://{host}:{port}/webhdfs/v1/{path=**}?{**}" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, sourcePattern, targetPattern, new TestResolver( config, request ), null );
// Note: Had to change the order of the expected query params to match.
// This is probably dependent upon iterator ordering and therefore might be a test issue.
// Unfortunately URI.equals() doesn't ignore query queryParam order.
// TODO: Enhance Template.equals() to ignore query queryParam order and use that here.
assertThat( actualOutput, equalTo( expectOutput ) );
// *://**/webhdfs/v1/{path=**}?**={**}
// http://{}/gatewaycluster/webhdfs/v1/{path}?**={**}
// 1) Should not add query if none in source.
// 2) Should only add unmatch query parameters
// Consider chaning = within {} to : and wrapping query fully within {} (e.g. {query=pattern:alias}
// *://**/webhdfs/v1/{path:**}?{**=**} // Means 0..n query names allowed/expanded. Each can have 0..n values.
// *://**/webhdfs/v1/{path:**}?{*=**} // Means one and only one query name matched. Only last unused queryParam is expanded.
// *://**/webhdfs/v1/{path:**}?{**=*} // Means 0..n query names required. Only last value is matched/expanded.
// *://**/webhdfs/v1/{path:**}?{*=*} // Means one and only one query name required. Only last value is matched/expanded.
// /top/{**:mid}/bot
// ?{query=pattern:alias}
// ?{query} => ?{query=*:query}
// ?{query=pattern} => ?{query=pattern:query}
public void testRewriteNameNodeLocationResponseHeader() throws URISyntaxException {
HttpServletRequest request = EasyMock.createNiceMock( HttpServletRequest.class );
EasyMock.replay( request );
FilterConfig config = EasyMock.createNiceMock( FilterConfig.class );
EasyMock.expect( config.getInitParameter( "gateway.url" ) ).andReturn( "http://gw:8888/gateway/cluster" ).anyTimes();
EasyMock.replay( config );
Template sourcePattern, targetPattern;
URI actualInput, actualOutput;
String actualString;
sourcePattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://{host}:{port}/webhdfs/v1/{path=**}?{**}" );
targetPattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "{gateway.url}/webhdfs/data/v1/{path=**}?{host}&{port}&{**}" );
actualInput = new URI( "http://vm.local:50075/webhdfs/v1/tmp/GatewayWebHdfsFuncTest/dirA700/fileA700?op=CREATE&" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, sourcePattern, targetPattern, new TestResolver( config, request ), null );
actualString = actualOutput.toString();
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "http://gw:8888/gateway/cluster/webhdfs/data/v1/tmp/GatewayWebHdfsFuncTest/dirA700/fileA700?" ) );
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "host=vm.local" ) );
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "port=50075" ) );
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "op=CREATE" ) );
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "" ) );
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "overwrite=false" ) );
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "permission=700" ) );
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "&" ) );
public void testRewriteDataNodeLocationResponseHeader() throws URISyntaxException {
HttpServletRequest request = EasyMock.createNiceMock( HttpServletRequest.class );
EasyMock.replay( request );
FilterConfig config = EasyMock.createNiceMock( FilterConfig.class );
EasyMock.expect( config.getInitParameter( "gateway.url" ) ).andReturn( "http://gw:8888/gateway/cluster" ).anyTimes();
EasyMock.replay( config );
Template sourcePattern, targetPattern;
URI actualInput, actualOutput;
String actualString;
sourcePattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "/webhdfs/data/v1/{path=**}?{host}&{port}&{**}" );
targetPattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "http://{host}:{port}/webhdfs/v1/{path=**}?{**}" );
actualInput = new URI( "/webhdfs/data/v1/tmp/GatewayWebHdfsFuncTest/dirA700/fileA700?host=vm.local&port=50075&op=CREATE&" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, sourcePattern, targetPattern, new TestResolver( config, request ), null );
actualString = actualOutput.toString();
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "http://vm.local:50075/webhdfs/v1/tmp/GatewayWebHdfsFuncTest/dirA700/fileA700?" ) );
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "op=CREATE" ) );
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "" ) );
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "overwrite=false" ) );
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "permission=700" ) );
assertThat( actualString, containsString( "&" ) );
public void testRewriteExcludesQueryDelimWhenInputHasNoQueryParams() throws Exception {
Template inputTemplate, outputTemplate;
URI actualInput, actualOutput, expectOutput;
inputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://{host}:*/{path=**}?{**}" );
outputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://{host}:777/test-output/{path=**}?{**}" );
actualInput = new URI( "http://host:42/pathA/pathB" );
expectOutput = new URI( "http://host:777/test-output/pathA/pathB" );
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, inputTemplate, outputTemplate, null, null );
assertThat( actualOutput, is( expectOutput ) );
public void testRewriteHonorsEmptyParameters() throws Exception {
Template inputTemplate, outputTemplate;
URI actualInput, actualOutput;
inputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/**/oozie/{**}?{**}" );
outputTemplate = Parser.parseTemplate( "http://localhost:11000/oozie/{**}?{**}");
actualInput = new URI("https://localhost:8443/gateway/oozieui/oozie/v2/jobs?_dc=1438899557070&filter=&timezone=GMT");
actualOutput = Rewriter.rewrite( actualInput, inputTemplate, outputTemplate, null, null );
Map<String, String> actualInputParameters = this.getParameters( actualInput.toURL());
Map<String, String> actualOutputParameters = this.getParameters( actualOutput.toURL());
assertTrue( actualInputParameters.equals(actualOutputParameters));
private Map<String, String> getParameters(URL url) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
final Map<String, String> parameter_pairs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
final String[] pairs = url.getQuery().split("&");
for (String pair : pairs) {
final int idx = pair.indexOf("=");
final String key = idx > 0 ? URLDecoder.decode(pair.substring(0, idx), "UTF-8") : pair;
final String value = idx > 0 && pair.length() > idx + 1 ? URLDecoder.decode(pair.substring(idx + 1), "UTF-8") : "";
parameter_pairs.put(key, value);
return parameter_pairs;
private class TestResolver implements Params {
private FilterConfig config;
private HttpServletRequest request;
private TestResolver( FilterConfig config, HttpServletRequest request ) {
this.config = config;
this.request = request;
public Set<String> getNames() {
return Collections.emptySet();
// Picks the values from either the expect or the config in that order.
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public List<String> resolve( String name ) {
List<String> values = null;
if( request != null ) {
String[] array = request.getParameterValues( name );
if( array != null ) {
values = (List<String>)Arrays.asList( array );
return values;
if( config != null ) {
String value = config.getInitParameter( name );
if( value != null ) {
values = new ArrayList<String>( 1 );
values.add( value );
return values;
return values;