blob: 481e36fc808f62ba2a0a194f2143cf76f9692425 [file] [log] [blame]
1) Migrate from Apache Shiro to SpringSecurity or decide to stick with Shiro.
2) Make HTTPClient do SPNEGO with secure Hadoop gateway.
3) Setup ApacheDS as a KDC in gateway functional tests.
4) Figure out how to do REST SSO with ActiveDirectory+Hadoop.
5) Figure out untrusted code isolation for windows and linux.
5a) Is java security enough?
5b) For linux ook into Linux Containers, VServer, SeLinux, etc.
5c) For windows look into Job objects
6) Figure out the general Hadoop user/group/role/priv model. Must work with ActiveDirectory.
Make ** the default for path and queryParam shortcut patterns.
should be
Eliminate the need for two webhdfs entries in the config XML.
This will require making this
and this
behave identically when the input URL is one of these
Right now any parameter that wasn't used in an expansion by the time the query is expanded is added to the
URL if there is a {**} in the template. This should only expand unused query parameters. It also doesn't
take into account anything that might later be expanded in the fragment. So
(1) Need to know where parameters came from.
(2) Need to do explicit expansion of query and fragment before implicit expansion.
If all query templates are optional make sure there is no ? at the end of the
Need to be able to populate the query parameter with the authenticated LDAP user name.
Finish adding Jobtracker and Tasktracker to the demo. Docment the same way as HDFS was done on gdocs.
It looks like a fragment can contain name values pairs much like a query.
Need to be able to more easily create a template that matches a full URL but only cares about the path for example.
Right now this will need to look something like this *://*:*@*:*/**?**#**
I'm not even sure how this will handle the query and fragment sections.
To match a real full URL would this be required or even currently work? *://*:*@*:*/**?**#*
Sort out the handling of * vs ** for match and expand.
Security (IMPORTANT)
A HTTP BasicAuth challenge must never be issued over an insecure transport.
Probably need to put a filter in place before shiro/spring-security to enforce this.
Might just want to put this in as a "global" filter in front of the servlet.
Need to be able to use something from the authentication to map the authenticated use to a Hadoop user.
Need to setup SSL for the
This will require some way to do porotocl mediation from HTTPS -> HTTP.
Figure out how to generate the shiro.ini file instead of getting it from the classpath.
Most important so that we don't hard code any network addressed into classpath resources.
Move System.out to debug messages.
Write unit tests and verify via Cobertura coverage reports.
Resolve all FindBugs issue.
Get the file browsing stuff to work in the demo.
Need to handle the <source> value starting with/without a slash better.
Consider changing <service> to <resource>.
Really need to get rig of the <rewrite.n> stuff. It might make more sense to have either <rule> or <url>.
In any case give some thought to having some form of "param rule" embedded within a "url rule" for
manipulating the query parameters.
For nn_browsedfscontent.jsp need to provide a delegation parameter.
Q: What is the relationship between the org.apache.hadoop.auth cookie and the delegation parameter?
In general delegation parameters are provided by the server as a result of a redirect from a service protected via SPNEGO.
This might be useful in creating a delegation parameter.
// Subject s = Subject.getSubject( AccessController.getContext() );
// String u = s.getPublicCredentials(UsernamePasswordCredentials.class).iterator().next().getUserName();
// String p = s.getPrincipals(KerberosPrincipal.class).iterator().next().getName();
// AuthenticationToken authToken = new AuthenticationToken(
// u, p, "kerberos" );
// authToken.setExpires( Long.MAX_VALUE );
// String raw = authToken.toString();
// String sig = signer.sign( raw );
// signer.verifyAndExtract( sig );
// token = new AuthenticatedURL.Token( sig );
// conn = new AuthenticatedURL().openConnection( changesUrl, token );
This needs to automatically add the org.apache.hadoop.auth cookie if there is an authenticated subject.
The test for this is that you should be able to browse the data node file system.
Should be able to redirect to a HTTPS login form to allow the rest of the console to be HTTP.
For REST APIs this shouldn't happen. If the transport isn't secure they should just fail.
Will need to mediate between HTTPS on the inbound side and HTTP on the outbound side.
The hardest part might just be the URL translation.
Make sure that the challenge filter will only challenge over a secure transport.
Build into the wrapper the ability to take either a URL or a config string as an init parameter to create
the chain chain.
Name for logging stuff. Use terms "contract based", "resource", "message".
Convert all System.outs to messages.
Change HttpUrlRewriter to just UrlRewriterFilter and have it handle cookies, headers and parameters.
On the input and output side create a registry of mime types to stream url rewriters
Modify stream rewriter by passing an UrlRewriter interface down to the chain.
For logging create separate modules for each logging framework integration.
Enhance the config digester to uses object factories so that instead of <filter> a more meaningful thing like
<trace> could be used. This would just set the name and class params automatically. There would need to be
a registry of factories based on tag name.
keytool -keystore client-keystore.jks -alias client -genkey -keyalg RSA
keytool -keystore server-keystore.jks -alias server -genkey -keyalg RSA
keytool -export -alias client -keystore client-keystore.jks -rfc -file client.cer -storepass horton
keytool -export -alias server -keystore server-keystore.jks -rfc -file server.cer -storepass horton
keytool -import -alias client -file client.cer -keystore server-truststore.jks –storepass horton
keytool -import -alias server -file server.cer -keystore client-truststore.jks