blob: 692373fac4ac1016e8a526c85eadb71fb96ff7a4 [file] [log] [blame]
BUG-20121218-1: Deployment
If there isn't a provider contributor on the classpath for a <provider> in a topology file then you get a NPE.
This was discovered when all of the META-INF/services files were not being merged for the standalone gateway JAR.
Right now IdentityAssertionHttpServletRequestWrapper assumes that any "" in either a query string
or form parameters should be rewritten with the authenticated identity. It should probably be configured
to only look for one or the other and the param name should be configurable as well.
It isn't clear what IdentityAssertionHttpServletRequestWrapper does or should do if there is not authenticated user.
Should it do nothing and let the value for any existing param pass through or should it remove any existing value?