blob: 378f02f0395a541567e2efdb29ca37b4cf063019 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.test.mock;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalToIgnoringCase;
import static org.xmlmatchers.XmlMatchers.isEquivalentTo;
import static org.xmlmatchers.transform.XmlConverters.the;
import static;
public class MockRequestMatcher {
private static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName( "UTF-8" );
private String from;
private MockResponseProvider response;
private Set<String> methods = null;
private String pathInfo = null;
private String requestURL = null;
Map<String,Matcher> headers = null;
Set<Cookie> cookies = null;
private Map<String,Object> attributes = null;
private Map<String,String> queryParams = null;
private String contentType = null;
private String characterEncoding = null;
private Integer contentLength = null;
private byte[] entity = null;
private Map<String,String[]> formParams = null;
public MockRequestMatcher( MockResponseProvider response ) {
this.response = response;
public MockResponseProvider respond() {
return response;
public MockRequestMatcher from( String from ) {
this.from = from;
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher method( String... methods ) {
if( this.methods == null ) {
this.methods = new HashSet<String>();
if( methods != null ) {
for( String method: methods ) {
this.methods.add( method );
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher pathInfo( String pathInfo ) {
this.pathInfo = pathInfo;
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher requestUrl( String requestUrl ) {
this.requestURL = requestUrl;
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher header( String name, String value ) {
if( headers == null ) {
headers = new HashMap<String, Matcher>();
headers.put( name, );
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher header( String name, Matcher matcher ) {
if( headers == null ) {
headers = new HashMap<String, Matcher>();
headers.put( name, matcher );
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher cookie( Cookie cookie ) {
if( cookies == null ) {
cookies = new HashSet<Cookie>();
cookies.add( cookie );
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher attribute( String name, Object value ) {
if( this.attributes == null ) {
this.attributes = new HashMap<String,Object>();
attributes.put( name, value );
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher queryParam( String name, String value ) {
if( this.queryParams == null ) {
this.queryParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
queryParams.put( name, value );
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher formParam( String name, String... values ) {
if( entity != null ) {
throw new IllegalStateException( "Entity already specified." );
if( formParams == null ) {
formParams = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
String[] currentValues = formParams.get( name );
if( currentValues == null ) {
currentValues = values;
} else if ( values != null ) {
currentValues = ArrayUtils.addAll( currentValues, values );
formParams.put( name, currentValues );
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher content( String string, Charset charset ) {
content( string.getBytes( charset ) );
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher content( byte[] entity ) {
if( formParams != null ) {
throw new IllegalStateException( "Form params already specified." );
this.entity = entity;
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher content( URL url ) throws IOException {
content( url.openStream() );
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher content( InputStream stream ) throws IOException {
content( IOUtils.toByteArray( stream ) );
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher contentType( String contentType ) {
this.contentType = contentType;
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher contentLength( int length ) {
this.contentLength = length;
return this;
public MockRequestMatcher characterEncoding( String charset ) {
this.characterEncoding = charset;
return this;
public void match( HttpServletRequest request ) throws IOException {
if( methods != null ) {
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" is not using one of the expected HTTP methods",
methods, hasItem( request.getMethod() ) );
if( pathInfo != null ) {
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" does not have the expected pathInfo",
request.getPathInfo(), is( pathInfo ) );
if( requestURL != null ) {
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" does not have the expected requestURL",
request.getRequestURL().toString(), is( requestURL ) );
if( headers != null ) {
for( String name: headers.keySet() ) {
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" does not have the expected value for header " + name,
request.getHeader( name ), headers.get(name) );
if( cookies != null ) {
List<Cookie> requestCookies = Arrays.asList( request.getCookies() );
for( Cookie cookie: cookies ) {
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" does not have the expected cookie " + cookie,
requestCookies, hasItem( cookie ) );
if( contentType != null ) {
String[] requestContentType = request.getContentType().split(";",2);
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" does not have the expected content type",
requestContentType[ 0 ], is( contentType ) );
if( characterEncoding != null ) {
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" does not have the expected character encoding",
request.getCharacterEncoding(), equalToIgnoringCase( characterEncoding ) );
if( contentLength != null ) {
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" does not have the expected content length",
request.getContentLength(), is( contentLength ) );
if( attributes != null ) {
for( String name: attributes.keySet() ) {
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" is missing attribute '" + name + "'",
request.getAttribute( name ), notNullValue() );
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" has wrong value for attribute '" + name + "'",
request.getAttribute( name ), is( request.getAttribute( name ) ) );
// Note: Cannot use any of the expect.getParameter*() methods because they will read the
// body and we don't want that to happen.
if( queryParams != null ) {
String queryString = request.getQueryString();
List<NameValuePair> requestParams = parseQueryString( queryString == null ? "" : queryString );
for( String name: queryParams.keySet() ) {
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" query string " + queryString + " is missing parameter '" + name + "'",
requestParams, hasItem( new BasicNameValuePair(name, queryParams.get(name))) );
if( formParams != null ) {
String paramString = IOUtils.toString( request.getInputStream(), request.getCharacterEncoding() );
List<NameValuePair> requestParams = parseQueryString( paramString == null ? "" : paramString );
for( String name: formParams.keySet() ) {
String[] expectedValues = formParams.get( name );
for( String expectedValue : expectedValues ) {
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" form params " + paramString + " is missing a value " + expectedValue + " for parameter '" + name + "'",
requestParams, hasItem( new BasicNameValuePair(name, expectedValue ) ));
if( entity != null ) {
if( contentType != null && contentType.endsWith( "/xml" ) ) {
String expectEncoding = characterEncoding;
String expect = new String( entity, ( expectEncoding == null ? : expectEncoding ) );
String actualEncoding = request.getCharacterEncoding();
String actual = IOUtils.toString( request.getInputStream(), actualEncoding == null ? : actualEncoding );
assertThat( the( actual ), isEquivalentTo( the( expect ) ) );
} else if ( contentType != null && contentType.endsWith( "/json" ) ) {
String expectEncoding = characterEncoding;
String expect = new String( entity, ( expectEncoding == null ? : expectEncoding ) );
String actualEncoding = request.getCharacterEncoding();
String actual = IOUtils.toString( request.getInputStream(), actualEncoding == null ? : actualEncoding );
// System.out.println( "EXPECT=" + expect );
// System.out.println( "ACTUAL=" + actual );
assertThat( actual, sameJSONAs( expect ) );
} else if( characterEncoding == null || request.getCharacterEncoding() == null ) {
byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray( request.getInputStream() );
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" content does not match the expected content",
bytes, is( entity ) );
} else {
String expect = new String( entity, characterEncoding );
String actual = IOUtils.toString( request.getInputStream(), request.getCharacterEncoding() );
"Request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestURL() +
" content does not match the expected content",
actual, is( expect ) );
public String toString() {
return "from=" + from + ", pathInfo=" + pathInfo;
private static List<NameValuePair> parseQueryString( String queryString ) {
return URLEncodedUtils.parse(queryString, Charset.defaultCharset());