blob: 7fd3383be1f87df87ceb2cd7622e661d6f326bdf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.hadoop.gateway.util.urltemplate;
import org.apache.hadoop.test.category.FastTests;
import org.apache.hadoop.test.category.UnitTests;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertNotNull;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalToIgnoringCase;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static;
@Category( { UnitTests.class, FastTests.class } )
public class ExpanderTest {
public void testHostAndPortOnlyExpansionBugKnox381() throws Exception {
String text = "{host}:{port}";
Template template = Parser.parseTemplate( text );
MockParams params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "host", "test-host" );
params.addValue( "port", "777" );
URI expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "test-host:777" ) ) ;
public void testCompleteUrl() throws URISyntaxException {
String text;
Template template;
MockParams params;
URI expanded;
text = "foo://";
template = Parser.parseLiteral( text );
params = new MockParams();
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( text ) ) ;
text = "{scheme}://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{path=**}?query={queryParam}#{fragment}";
template = Parser.parseTemplate( text );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "scheme", "http" );
params.addValue( "username", "horton" );
params.addValue( "password", "hadoop" );
params.addValue( "host", "" );
params.addValue( "port", "8888" );
params.addValue( "path", "top" );
params.addValue( "path", "mid" );
params.addValue( "path", "bot" );
params.addValue( "path", "file" );
params.addValue( "queryParam", "new-value" );
params.addValue( "fragment", "fragment" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "" ) ) ;
public void testBasicExpansion() throws Exception {
Template template;
MockParams params;
URI expanded;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "" );
params = new MockParams();
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "/" );
params = new MockParams();
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "/" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "{path-name}" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "path-name", "path-value" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "path-value" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "/{path-name}" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "path-name", "path-value" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "/path-value" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "{path-name}/" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "path-name", "path-value" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "path-value/" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "/{path-name}/" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "path-name", "path-value" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "/path-value/" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "path-name" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "path-name", "other-path-value" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "path-name" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "/path-name" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "path-name", "other-path-value" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "/path-name" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "path-name/" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "path-name", "other-path-value" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "path-name/" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "/path-name/" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "path-name", "other-path-value" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "/path-name/" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "?" );
params = new MockParams();
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "?query-name={queryParam-name}" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "queryParam-name", "queryParam-value" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "?query-name=queryParam-value" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "?query-name-1={queryParam-name-1}&query-name-2={queryParam-name-2}" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "queryParam-name-1", "queryParam-value-1" );
params.addValue( "queryParam-name-2", "queryParam-value-2" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "?query-name-1=queryParam-value-1&query-name-2=queryParam-value-2" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "?query-name=queryParam-value" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "queryParam-name", "other-queryParam-value" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "?query-name=queryParam-value" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "?query-name-1=queryParam-value-1&query-name-2=queryParam-value-2" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "queryParam-name-1", "other-queryParam-value-1" );
params.addValue( "queryParam-name-2", "other-queryParam-value-2" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "?query-name-1=queryParam-value-1&query-name-2=queryParam-value-2" ) ) ;
// Can't create a URI with just a scheme: new URI( "http:" )
// @Test
// public void testSchemeExpansion() throws URISyntaxException {
// Template template;
// Params params;
// URI expanded;
// template = Parser.parse( "scheme:" );
// params = new Params();
// expanded = Expander.expand( template, params );
// assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "scheme:" ) ) ;
// }
public void testAuthorityExpansion() throws URISyntaxException {
Template template;
MockParams params;
URI expanded;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "//host" );
params = new MockParams();
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "//host" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "//:port" );
params = new MockParams();
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "//:port" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "//username@" );
params = new MockParams();
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "//username@" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "//:password@" );
params = new MockParams();
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "//:password@" ) ) ;
public void testPathExpansion() throws URISyntaxException {
Template template;
MockParams params;
URI expanded;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "/a/b/c" );
params = new MockParams();
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "/a/b/c" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "/top/{middle}/bottom" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "middle", "A" );
params.addValue( "middle", "B" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "/top/A/B/bottom" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "/top/{middle=*}/bottom" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "middle", "A" );
params.addValue( "middle", "B" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "/top/A/bottom" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "/top/{middle=**}/bottom" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "middle", "A" );
params.addValue( "middle", "B" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "/top/A/B/bottom" ) ) ;
public void testQueryExpansion() throws URISyntaxException {
Template template;
MockParams params;
URI expanded;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "?query" );
params = new MockParams();
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "?query" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "?query={queryParam}" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "queryParam", "A" );
params.addValue( "queryParam", "B" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "?query=A&query=B" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "?query={queryParam=*}" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "queryParam", "A" );
params.addValue( "queryParam", "B" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "?query=A" ) ) ;
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "?query={queryParam=**}" );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "queryParam", "A" );
params.addValue( "queryParam", "B" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "?query=A&query=B" ) ) ;
public void testExtraParamHandling() throws Exception {
String text;
Template template;
MockParams params;
URI expandedUri;
Template expandedTemplate;
String expandedString;
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "scheme", "schemeA" );
params.addValue( "host", "hostA" );
params.addValue( "query", "queryA" );
params.addValue( "query", "queryB" );
params.addValue( "path", "pathA" );
params.addValue( "path", "pathB" );
params.addValue( "extra", "extraA" );
text = "{scheme}://host/{path=*]?{query=*}";
template = Parser.parseTemplate( text );
expandedTemplate = Expander.expandToTemplate( template, params, null );
assertThat( expandedTemplate.toString(), equalTo( "schemeA://host/{path=*]?query=queryA" ) );
expandedString = Expander.expandToString( template, params, null );
assertThat( expandedString, equalTo( "schemeA://host/{path=*]?query=queryA" ) );
try {
expandedUri = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
fail( "Should have thrown exception" );
} catch( URISyntaxException e ) {
// Expected.
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://host/{path=**}?{query=**}" );
expandedUri = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expandedUri.toString(), equalTo( "schemeA://host/pathA/pathB?query=queryA&query=queryB" ) );
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://host/{path=**}?{host}&{query=**}&{**}" );
expandedUri = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
equalTo( "schemeA://host/pathA/pathB?host=hostA&query=queryA&query=queryB&extra=extraA" ) );
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://host/{path=**}?server={host}&{query=**}&{**}" );
expandedUri = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
equalTo( "schemeA://host/pathA/pathB?server=hostA&query=queryA&query=queryB&extra=extraA" ) );
// In this case "server-host" is treated as a param name and not found in the params so it
// is copied. I'm not really sure what the correct behavior should be. My initial thinking
// is that if something within {} isn't resolve to a param it should be dropped from the output.
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "{scheme}://host/{path=**}?{server=host}&{query=**}&{**}" );
expandedUri = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
expandedString = expandedUri.toString();
assertThat( expandedString, containsString( "schemeA://host/pathA/pathB?" ) );
assertThat( expandedString, containsString( "server=host" ) );
assertThat( expandedString, containsString( "query=queryA" ) );
assertThat( expandedString, containsString( "query=queryB" ) );
assertThat( expandedString, containsString( "host=hostA" ) );
assertThat( expandedString, containsString( "extra=extraA" ) );
assertThat( expandedString, containsString( "&" ) );
public void testBugKnox599() throws Exception {
String text;
Template template;
MockParams params;
URI expanded;
text = "{scheme}://{host}:{port}/{path=**}?{**}";
template = Parser.parseTemplate( text );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "scheme", "http" );
params.addValue( "host", "" );
params.addValue( "port", "8888" );
params.addValue( "path", "top" );
params.addValue( "path", "mid" );
params.addValue( "path", "bot" );
params.addValue( "path", "file" );
params.addValue( "name", "value" );
params.addValue( "flag", "" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "" ) ) ;
text = "{scheme}://{host}:{port}/{path=**}?{**}";
template = Parser.parseTemplate( text );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "scheme", "http" );
params.addValue( "host", "" );
params.addValue( "port", "8888" );
params.addValue( "path", "top" );
params.addValue( "path", "mid" );
params.addValue( "path", "bot" );
params.addValue( "path", "file" );
params.addValue( "name", "value" );
params.addValue( "flag", null );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "" ) ) ;
text = "{scheme}://{host}:{port}/{path=**}?{name=*}&{**}";
template = Parser.parseTemplate( text );
params = new MockParams();
params.addValue( "scheme", "http" );
params.addValue( "host", "" );
params.addValue( "port", "8888" );
params.addValue( "path", "top" );
params.addValue( "path", "mid" );
params.addValue( "path", "bot" );
params.addValue( "path", "file" );
params.addValue( "name", null );
params.addValue( "flag", "" );
expanded = Expander.expand( template, params, null );
assertThat( expanded.toString(), equalTo( "" ) ) ;
public void testValuelessQueryParamParsingAndExpansionBugKnox599Knox447() throws Exception {
URI inputUri, outputUri;
Matcher<Void> matcher;
Matcher<Void>.Match match;
Template input, pattern, template;
Evaluator evaluator;
inputUri = new URI( "https://knoxHost:8443/gateway/knoxTopo/templeton/v1/?version/hive" );
input = Parser.parseLiteral( inputUri.toString() );
pattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/**/templeton/v1/?{**}" );
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "{$serviceUrl[WEBHCAT]}/v1/?{**}" );
matcher = new Matcher<Void>();
matcher.add( pattern, null );
match = matcher.match( input );
evaluator = new Evaluator() {
public List<String> evaluate( String function, List<String> parameters ) {
return Arrays.asList( "" );
outputUri = Expander.expand( template, match.getParams(), evaluator );
equalToIgnoringCase( "" ) );
public void testRedirectHeaderRewriteKnoxBug614() throws Exception {
URI inputUri, outputUri;
Matcher<Void> matcher;
Matcher<Void>.Match match;
Template input, pattern, template;
Evaluator evaluator;
inputUri = new URI("https://internal-host:9443/context/?");
input = Parser.parseLiteral( inputUri.toString() );
pattern = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/{contextRoot}/?{**}#{fragment}" );
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "{$gateway.url}/foo/{contextRoot}/?{**}#{fragment}" );
matcher = new Matcher<Void>();
matcher.add( pattern, null );
match = matcher.match( input );
evaluator = new Evaluator() {
public List<String> evaluate( String function, List<String> parameters ) {
return Arrays.asList( "https://gateway-host:9443/gateway/default" );
outputUri = Expander.expand( template, match.getParams(), evaluator );
is( "https://gateway-host:9443/gateway/default/foo/context/?" ) );
public void testLiteralsAndRegexInTemplates() throws Exception {
String output;
Matcher<Void> matcher;
Matcher<Void>.Match match;
Template input, template, rewrite;
Evaluator evaluator;
evaluator = new Evaluator() {
public List<String> evaluate( String function, List<String> parameters ) {
return Arrays.asList( "https://gateway-host:9443/gateway/default" );
// Check to make sure that you can use constants within the {}
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "{root=ROOT}/{path=**}" );
rewrite = Parser.parseTemplate( "{root}/{path}" );
matcher = new Matcher<Void>();
matcher.add( template, null );
input = Parser.parseLiteral( "ROOT/child/path" );
match = matcher.match( input );
assertThat( match, notNullValue() );
output = Expander.expandToString( rewrite, match.getParams(), evaluator );
assertThat( output, is( "ROOT/child/path" ) );
// Check to see what happens when you use the special { character within the {}.
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "{root={}/{path=**}" );
rewrite = Parser.parseTemplate( "{root}/{path}" );
matcher = new Matcher<Void>();
matcher.add( template, null );
input = Parser.parseLiteral( "{/child/path" );
match = matcher.match( input );
assertThat( match, notNullValue() );
output = Expander.expandToString( rewrite, match.getParams(), evaluator );
assertThat( output, is( "{/child/path" ) );
// Check to see what happens when you use the special } character within the {}.
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "{root=}}/{path=**}" );
rewrite = Parser.parseTemplate( "{root}/{path}" );
matcher = new Matcher<Void>();
matcher.add( template, null );
input = Parser.parseLiteral( "}/child/path" );
match = matcher.match( input );
assertThat( match, notNullValue() );
output = Expander.expandToString( rewrite, match.getParams(), evaluator );
assertThat( output, is( "}/child/path" ) );
// Check to see what happens when you use the special } character within the {}.
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "{root={}}/{path=**}" );
rewrite = Parser.parseTemplate( "{root}/{path}" );
matcher = new Matcher<Void>();
matcher.add( template, null );
input = Parser.parseLiteral( "{}/child/path" );
match = matcher.match( input );
assertThat( match, notNullValue() );
output = Expander.expandToString( rewrite, match.getParams(), evaluator );
assertThat( output, is( "{}/child/path" ) );
template = Parser.parseTemplate( "{var=${*}}/{path=**}" );
rewrite = Parser.parseTemplate( "{var}/{path}" );
matcher = new Matcher<Void>();
matcher.add( template, null );
input = Parser.parseLiteral( "${app.dir}/child/path" );
match = matcher.match( input );
assertThat( match, notNullValue() );
output = Expander.expandToString( rewrite, match.getParams(), evaluator );
assertThat( output, is( "${app.dir}/child/path" ) );