blob: 82a21eeb4a623fdab3bc934c00d3c52129e35262 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.impl;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.gateway.GatewayMessages;
import org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig;
import org.apache.hadoop.gateway.i18n.messages.MessagesFactory;
import org.joda.time.Period;
import org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormatter;
import org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormatterBuilder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* The configuration for the Gateway.
* The Gateway configuration variables are described in gateway-default.xml
* The Gateway specific configuration is split into two layers:
* 1. gateway-default.xml - All the configuration variables that the
* Gateway needs. These are the defaults that ship with the app
* and should only be changed be the app developers.
* 2. gateway-site.xml - The (possibly empty) configuration that the
* system administrator can set variables for their Hadoop cluster.
* To find the gateway configuration files the following process is used.
* First, if the GATEWAY_HOME system property contains a valid directory name,
* an attempt will be made to read the configuration files from that directory.
* Second, if the GATEWAY_HOME environment variable contains a valid directory name,
* an attempt will be made to read the configuration files from that directory.
* Third, an attempt will be made to load the configuration files from the directory
* specified via the "user.dir" system property.
* Fourth, an attempt will be made to load the configuration files from the classpath.
* Last, defaults will be used for all values will be used.
* If GATEWAY_HOME isn't set via either the system property or environment variable then
* a value for this will be defaulted. The default selected will be the directory that
* contained the last loaded configuration file that was not contained in a JAR. If
* no such configuration file is loaded the value of the "user.dir" system property will be used
* as the value of GATEWAY_HOME. This is important to consider for any relative file names as they
* will be resolved relative to the value of GATEWAY_HOME. One such relative value is the
* name of the directory containing cluster topologies. This value default to "clusters".
public class GatewayConfigImpl extends Configuration implements GatewayConfig {
private static final String GATEWAY_DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY_NAME_PARAM = "";
private static final String GATEWAY_DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY_NAME = null;
private static GatewayMessages log = MessagesFactory.get( GatewayMessages.class );
private static final String GATEWAY_CONFIG_DIR_PREFIX = "conf";
private static final String GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX = "gateway";
private static final String DEFAULT_STACKS_SERVICES_DIR = "services";
private static final String DEFAULT_APPLICATIONS_DIR = "applications";
public static final String[] GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILENAMES = {
// private static final String[] HADOOP_CONF_FILENAMES = {
// "core-default.xml",
// "core-site.xml"
//// "hdfs-default.xml",
//// "hdfs-site.xml",
//// "mapred-default.xml",
//// "mapred-site.xml"
// };
// private static final String[] HADOOP_PREFIX_VARS = {
// };
public static final String HTTP_HOST = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".host";
public static final String HTTP_PORT = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".port";
public static final String HTTP_PATH = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".path";
public static final String DEPLOYMENT_DIR = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".deployment.dir";
public static final String SECURITY_DIR = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".security.dir";
public static final String DATA_DIR = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".data.dir";
public static final String STACKS_SERVICES_DIR = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".services.dir";
public static final String APPLICATIONS_DIR = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".applications.dir";
public static final String HADOOP_CONF_DIR = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".hadoop.conf.dir";
public static final String FRONTEND_URL = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".frontend.url";
private static final String TRUST_ALL_CERTS = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".trust.all.certs";
private static final String CLIENT_AUTH_NEEDED = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".client.auth.needed";
private static final String TRUSTSTORE_PATH = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".truststore.path";
private static final String TRUSTSTORE_TYPE = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".truststore.type";
private static final String KEYSTORE_TYPE = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".keystore.type";
private static final String XFORWARDED_ENABLED = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".xforwarded.enabled";
private static final String EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY_SIZE = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".jdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize";
private static final String HTTP_CLIENT_MAX_CONNECTION = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".httpclient.maxConnections";
private static final String HTTP_CLIENT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".httpclient.connectionTimeout";
private static final String HTTP_CLIENT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".httpclient.socketTimeout";
private static final String THREAD_POOL_MAX = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".threadpool.max";
public static final String HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST_BUFFER = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".httpserver.requestBuffer";
public static final String HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST_HEADER_BUFFER = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".httpserver.requestHeaderBuffer";
public static final String HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE_BUFFER = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".httpserver.responseBuffer";
public static final String HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE_HEADER_BUFFER = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".httpserver.responseHeaderBuffer";
public static final String DEPLOYMENTS_BACKUP_VERSION_LIMIT = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".deployment.backup.versionLimit";
public static final String DEPLOYMENTS_BACKUP_AGE_LIMIT = GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + ".deployment.backup.ageLimit";
// These config property names are not inline with the convention of using the
// GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX as is done by those above. These are left for
// backward compatibility.
private static final String SSL_ENABLED = "ssl.enabled";
private static final String SSL_EXCLUDE_PROTOCOLS = "ssl.exclude.protocols";
private static final String SSL_INCLUDE_CIPHERS = "ssl.include.ciphers";
private static final String SSL_EXCLUDE_CIPHERS = "ssl.exclude.ciphers";
public static final String DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = "8888";
public static final String DEFAULT_HTTP_PATH = "gateway";
public static final String DEFAULT_DEPLOYMENT_DIR = "deployments";
public static final String DEFAULT_SECURITY_DIR = "security";
public static final String DEFAULT_DATA_DIR = "data";
public GatewayConfigImpl() {
private String getVar( String variableName, String defaultValue ) {
String value = get( variableName );
if( value == null ) {
value = System.getProperty( variableName );
if( value == null ) {
value = System.getenv( variableName );
if( value == null ) {
value = defaultValue;
return value;
private String getGatewayHomeDir() {
String home = get(
System.getenv( GATEWAY_HOME_VAR ) ) );
return home;
private void setGatewayHomeDir( String dir ) {
set( GATEWAY_HOME_VAR, dir );
public String getGatewayConfDir() {
String value = getVar( GATEWAY_CONF_HOME_VAR, getGatewayHomeDir() + File.separator + "conf" );
return value;
public String getGatewayDataDir() {
String systemValue =
System.getProperty(GATEWAY_DATA_HOME_VAR, System.getenv(GATEWAY_DATA_HOME_VAR));
String dataDir = null;
if (systemValue != null) {
dataDir = systemValue;
} else {
dataDir = get(DATA_DIR, getGatewayHomeDir() + File.separator + DEFAULT_DATA_DIR);
return dataDir;
public String getGatewayServicesDir() {
return get(STACKS_SERVICES_DIR, getGatewayDataDir() + File.separator + DEFAULT_STACKS_SERVICES_DIR);
public String getGatewayApplicationsDir() {
return get(APPLICATIONS_DIR, getGatewayDataDir() + File.separator + DEFAULT_APPLICATIONS_DIR);
public String getHadoopConfDir() {
return get( HADOOP_CONF_DIR );
private void init() {
// Load environment variables.
for( Map.Entry<String, String> e : System.getenv().entrySet() ) {
set( "env." + e.getKey(), e.getValue() );
// Load system properties.
for( Map.Entry<Object, Object> p : System.getProperties().entrySet() ) {
set( "sys." + p.getKey().toString(), p.getValue().toString() );
URL lastFileUrl = null;
for( String fileName : GATEWAY_CONFIG_FILENAMES ) {
lastFileUrl = loadConfig( fileName, lastFileUrl );
initGatewayHomeDir( lastFileUrl );
private void initGatewayHomeDir( URL lastFileUrl ) {
String home = System.getProperty( GATEWAY_HOME_VAR );
if( home != null ) {
set( GATEWAY_HOME_VAR, home );
log.settingGatewayHomeDir( "system property", home );
home = System.getenv( GATEWAY_HOME_VAR );
if( home != null ) {
set( GATEWAY_HOME_VAR, home );
log.settingGatewayHomeDir( "environment variable", home );
if( lastFileUrl != null ) {
File file = new File( lastFileUrl.getFile() ).getAbsoluteFile();
File dir = file.getParentFile().getParentFile(); // Move up two levels to get to parent of conf.
if( dir.exists() && dir.canRead() )
home = dir.getAbsolutePath();
set( GATEWAY_HOME_VAR, home );
log.settingGatewayHomeDir( "configuration file location", home );
home = System.getProperty( "user.dir" );
if( home != null ) {
set( GATEWAY_HOME_VAR, home );
log.settingGatewayHomeDir( "user.dir system property", home );
// 1. GATEWAY_HOME system property
// 2. GATEWAY_HOME environment variable
// 3. user.dir system property
// 4. class path
private URL loadConfig( String fileName, URL lastFileUrl ) {
lastFileUrl = loadConfigFile( System.getProperty( GATEWAY_HOME_VAR ), fileName );
if( lastFileUrl == null ) {
lastFileUrl = loadConfigFile( System.getenv( GATEWAY_HOME_VAR ), fileName );
if( lastFileUrl == null ) {
lastFileUrl = loadConfigFile( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ), fileName );
if( lastFileUrl == null ) {
lastFileUrl = loadConfigResource( fileName );
if( lastFileUrl != null && !"file".equals( lastFileUrl.getProtocol() ) ) {
lastFileUrl = null;
return lastFileUrl;
private URL loadConfigFile( String dir, String file ) {
URL url = null;
if( dir != null ) {
File f = new File( dir, file );
if( f.exists() ) {
String path = f.getAbsolutePath();
try {
url = f.toURI().toURL();
addResource( new Path( path ) );
log.loadingConfigurationFile( path );
} catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {
log.failedToLoadConfig( path, e );
return url;
private URL loadConfigResource( String file ) {
URL url = getResource( file );
if( url != null ) {
log.loadingConfigurationResource( url.toExternalForm() );
addResource( url );
return url;
public String getGatewayHost() {
String host = get( HTTP_HOST, "" );
return host;
public int getGatewayPort() {
return Integer.parseInt( get( HTTP_PORT, DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT ) );
public String getGatewayPath() {
public String getGatewayTopologyDir() {
return getGatewayConfDir() + File.separator + "topologies";
public String getGatewayDeploymentDir() {
return get(DEPLOYMENT_DIR, getGatewayDataDir() + File.separator + DEFAULT_DEPLOYMENT_DIR);
public String getGatewaySecurityDir() {
return get(SECURITY_DIR, getGatewayDataDir() + File.separator + DEFAULT_SECURITY_DIR);
public InetSocketAddress getGatewayAddress() throws UnknownHostException {
String host = getGatewayHost();
int port = getGatewayPort();
InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress( host, port );
return address;
public boolean isSSLEnabled() {
String enabled = get( SSL_ENABLED, "true" );
return "true".equals(enabled);
public boolean isHadoopKerberosSecured() {
String hadoopKerberosSecured = get( HADOOP_KERBEROS_SECURED, "false" );
return "true".equals(hadoopKerberosSecured);
public String getKerberosConfig() {
return get( KRB5_CONFIG ) ;
public boolean isKerberosDebugEnabled() {
String kerberosDebugEnabled = get( KRB5_DEBUG, "false" );
return "true".equals(kerberosDebugEnabled);
public String getKerberosLoginConfig() {
return get( KRB5_LOGIN_CONFIG );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig#getDefaultTopologyName()
public String getDefaultTopologyName() {
return name != null ? name : GATEWAY_DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY_NAME;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig#getDefaultAppRedirectPath()
public String getDefaultAppRedirectPath() {
String defTopo = getDefaultTopologyName();
if( defTopo == null ) {
return null;
} else {
return "/" + getGatewayPath() + "/" + defTopo;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig#getFrontendUrl()
public String getFrontendUrl() {
String url = get( FRONTEND_URL, null );
return url;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig#getExcludedSSLProtocols()
public List<String> getExcludedSSLProtocols() {
List<String> protocols = null;
String value = get(SSL_EXCLUDE_PROTOCOLS);
if (!"none".equals(value)) {
protocols = Arrays.asList(value.split("\\s*,\\s*"));
return protocols;
public List<String> getIncludedSSLCiphers() {
List<String> list = null;
String value = get(SSL_INCLUDE_CIPHERS);
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty() && !"none".equalsIgnoreCase(value.trim())) {
list = Arrays.asList(value.trim().split("\\s*,\\s*"));
return list;
public List<String> getExcludedSSLCiphers() {
List<String> list = null;
String value = get(SSL_EXCLUDE_CIPHERS);
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty() && !"none".equalsIgnoreCase(value.trim())) {
list = Arrays.asList(value.trim().split("\\s*,\\s*"));
return list;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig#isClientAuthNeeded()
public boolean isClientAuthNeeded() {
String clientAuthNeeded = get( CLIENT_AUTH_NEEDED, "false" );
return "true".equals(clientAuthNeeded);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig#getTruststorePath()
public String getTruststorePath() {
return get( TRUSTSTORE_PATH, null);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig#getTrustAllCerts()
public boolean getTrustAllCerts() {
String trustAllCerts = get( TRUST_ALL_CERTS, "false" );
return "true".equals(trustAllCerts);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig#getTruststorePath()
public String getTruststoreType() {
return get( TRUSTSTORE_TYPE, "JKS");
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig#getTruststorePath()
public String getKeystoreType() {
return get( KEYSTORE_TYPE, "JKS");
public boolean isXForwardedEnabled() {
String xForwardedEnabled = get( XFORWARDED_ENABLED, "true" );
return "true".equals(xForwardedEnabled);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig#getEphemeralDHKeySize()
public String getEphemeralDHKeySize() {
return get( EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY_SIZE, "2048");
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig#getHttpClientMaxConnections()
public int getHttpClientMaxConnections() {
return getInt( HTTP_CLIENT_MAX_CONNECTION, 32 );
public int getHttpClientConnectionTimeout() {
int t = -1;
if ( s != null ) {
try {
t = (int)parseNetworkTimeout( s );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
// Ignore it and use the default.
return t;
public int getHttpClientSocketTimeout() {
int t = -1;
String s = get( HTTP_CLIENT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, null );
if ( s != null ) {
try {
t = (int)parseNetworkTimeout( s );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
// Ignore it and use the default.
return t;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hadoop.gateway.config.GatewayConfig#getThreadPoolMax()
public int getThreadPoolMax() {
int i = getInt( THREAD_POOL_MAX, 254 );
// Testing has shown that a value lower than 5 prevents Jetty from servicing request.
if( i < 5 ) {
i = 5;
return i;
public int getHttpServerRequestBuffer() {
int i = getInt( HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST_BUFFER, 16 * 1024 );
return i;
public int getHttpServerRequestHeaderBuffer() {
int i = getInt( HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST_HEADER_BUFFER, 8 * 1024 );
return i;
public int getHttpServerResponseBuffer() {
int i = getInt( HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE_BUFFER, 32 * 1024 );
return i;
public int getHttpServerResponseHeaderBuffer() {
int i = getInt( HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE_HEADER_BUFFER, 8 * 1024 );
return i;
public int getGatewayDeploymentsBackupVersionLimit() {
if( i < 0 ) {
i = -1;
return i;
public long getGatewayDeploymentsBackupAgeLimit() {
PeriodFormatter f = new PeriodFormatterBuilder().appendDays().toFormatter();
String s = get( DEPLOYMENTS_BACKUP_AGE_LIMIT, "-1" );
long d;
try {
Period p = Period.parse( s, f );
d = p.toStandardDuration().getMillis();
if( d < 0 ) {
d = -1;
} catch( Exception e ) {
d = -1;
return d;
public String getSigningKeystoreName() {
public String getSigningKeyAlias() {
return get(SIGNING_KEY_ALIAS);
private static long parseNetworkTimeout( String s ) {
PeriodFormatter f = new PeriodFormatterBuilder()
.appendMinutes().appendSuffix("m"," min")
.appendSeconds().appendSuffix("s"," sec")
Period p = Period.parse( s, f );
return p.toStandardDuration().getMillis();