blob: c0c2e529dfcd9a0c425b7f9dd2869aadc1558425 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.knox.gateway.service.knoxtoken;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.Message;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.MessageLevel;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.Messages;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.StackTrace;
public interface TokenServiceMessages {
@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text = "About to redirect to original URL: {0}")
void aboutToRedirectToOriginal(String original);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.DEBUG, text = "Adding the following JWT token as a cookie: {0}")
void addingJWTCookie(String token);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text = "Unable to find cookie with name: {0}")
void cookieNotFound(String name);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "Unable to properly send needed HTTP status code: {0}, {1}")
void unableToCloseOutputStream(String message, String string);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "Unable to add cookie to response. {0}: {1}")
void unableAddCookieToResponse(String message, String stackTrace);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "Original URL not found in request.")
void originalURLNotFound();
@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text = "JWT cookie successfully added.")
void addedJWTCookie();
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "Unable to issue token.")
void unableToIssueToken(@StackTrace( level = MessageLevel.DEBUG) Exception e);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN, text = "The SSO cookie SecureOnly flag is set to FALSE and is therefore insecure.")
void cookieSecureOnly(boolean secureOnly);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN, text = "The SSO cookie max age configuration is invalid: {0} - using default.")
void invalidMaxAgeEncountered(String age);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN, text = "The SSO token time to live - ttl is invalid: {0} - using default.")
void invalidTokenTTLEncountered(String ttl);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text = "The cookie max age is being set to: {0}.")
void setMaxAge(String age);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "The original URL: {0} for redirecting back after authentication is " +
"not valid according to the configured whitelist: {1}. See documentation for KnoxSSO Whitelisting.")
void whiteListMatchFail(String original, String whitelist);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN, text = "Unable to acquire cert for endpoint clients - assume trust will be provisioned separately: {0}.")
void unableToAcquireCertForEndpointClients(@StackTrace( level = MessageLevel.DEBUG ) Exception e);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "The specified value for the {0} configuration property is not valid: {1}")
void invalidConfigValue(String name, String value, @StackTrace( level = MessageLevel.DEBUG ) Exception e);