blob: 6208cbce79f96dd7c8f1ed10031d3d6dbfb2effa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.knox.gateway.service.knoxtoken;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.Message;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.MessageLevel;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.Messages;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.StackTrace;
import java.text.ParseException;
public interface TokenServiceMessages {
@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text = "Knox Token service ({0}) issued token {1} ({2})")
void issuedToken(String topologyName, String tokenDisplayText, String tokenId);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text = "Knox Token service ({0}) renewed the expiration for token {1} ({2}) (renewer={3})")
void renewedToken(String topologyName, String tokenDisplayText, String tokenId, String renewer);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text = "Knox Token service ({0}) revoked token {1} ({2}) (renewer={3})")
void revokedToken(String topologyName, String tokenDisplayText, String tokenId, String renewer);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "Unable to issue token.")
void unableToIssueToken(@StackTrace( level = MessageLevel.DEBUG) Exception e);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN, text = "The SSO token time to live - ttl is invalid: {0} - using default.")
void invalidTokenTTLEncountered(String ttl);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN,
text = "Unable to acquire cert for endpoint clients - assume trust will be provisioned separately: {0}.")
void unableToAcquireCertForEndpointClients(@StackTrace( level = MessageLevel.DEBUG ) Exception e);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "The specified value for the {1} configuration property is not valid for the \"{0}\" topology: {2}")
void invalidConfigValue(String topologyName,
String name,
String value,
@StackTrace( level = MessageLevel.DEBUG ) Exception e);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text = "Server management of token state is enabled for the \"{0}\" topology.")
void serverManagedTokenStateEnabled(String topologyName);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "Knox Token service ({0}) could not parse token {1}: {2}")
void invalidToken(String topologyName,
String tokenDisplayText,
@StackTrace( level = MessageLevel.DEBUG ) ParseException e);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN,
text = "There are no token renewers white-listed in the \"{0}\" topology.")
void noRenewersConfigured(String topologyName);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "Knox Token service ({0}) rejected a bad renewal request for token {1}: {2}")
void badRenewalRequest(String topologyName, String tokenDisplayText, String error);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "Knox Token service ({0}) rejected a bad revocation request for token {1}: {2}")
void badRevocationRequest(String topologyName, String tokenDisplayText, String error);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "Knox Token service ({0}) rejected a bad set enabled flag request for token {1}: {2}")
void badSetEnabledFlagRequest(String topologyName, String tokenId, String error);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.DEBUG, text = "Knox Token service ({0}) stored state for token {1} ({2})")
void storedToken(String topologyName, String tokenDisplayText, String tokenId);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN,
text = "Renewal is disabled for the Knox Token service ({0}). Responding with the expiration from the token {1} ({2})")
void renewalDisabled(String topologyName, String tokenDisplayText, String tokenId);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN, text = "Invalid duration used for JWT token lifespan ({0}) using the configured TTL for KnoxToken service")
void invalidLifetimeValue(String lifetimeStr);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "Unable to get token for user {0}: token limit exceeded")
void tokenLimitExceeded(String userName);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text = "{0}")
void generalInfoMessage(String message);