blob: 88b8557d40ff72da124f241cb186e637234a4323 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* the License.
package org.apache.knox.gateway.topology.discovery.ambari;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.Message;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.MessageLevel;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.Messages;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.StackTrace;
public interface AmbariServiceDiscoveryMessages {
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Failed to persist data for cluster configuration monitor {0} {1}: {2}")
void failedToPersistClusterMonitorData(String monitor,
String filename,
@StackTrace(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG) Exception e);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Failed to load persisted service discovery configuration for cluster monitor {0} : {1}")
void failedToLoadClusterMonitorServiceDiscoveryConfig(String monitor,
@StackTrace(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG) Exception e);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Failed to load persisted cluster configuration version data for cluster monitor {0} : {1}")
void failedToLoadClusterMonitorConfigVersions(String monitor,
@StackTrace(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG) Exception e);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Unable to access the Ambari Configuration Change Monitor: {0}")
void errorAccessingConfigurationChangeMonitor(@StackTrace(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG) Exception e);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Failed to load service discovery URL definition configuration: {1}")
void failedToLoadServiceDiscoveryURLDefConfiguration(@StackTrace(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG) Exception e);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Failed to load ZooKeeper configuration property mappings: {1}")
void failedToLoadZooKeeperConfigurationMapping(@StackTrace(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG) Exception e);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Failed to load service discovery URL definition configuration {0}: {1}")
void failedToLoadServiceDiscoveryURLDefConfiguration(String configuration,
@StackTrace(level = MessageLevel.ERROR) Exception e);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Encountered an error during cluster ({0}) discovery: {1}")
void clusterDiscoveryError(String clusterName, @StackTrace(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG) Exception e);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Failed to access the service configurations for cluster ({0}) discovery")
void failedToAccessServiceConfigs(String clusterName);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "REST invocation {0} timed out")
void restInvocationTimedOut(String url, @StackTrace(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG) Exception e);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "REST invocation {0} failed: {1}")
void restInvocationError(String url, @StackTrace(level = MessageLevel.ERROR) Exception e);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "No address for Ambari service discovery has been configured.")
void missingDiscoveryAddress();
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "No cluster for Ambari service discovery has been configured.")
void missingDiscoveryCluster();
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Encountered an error attempting to determine the value for alias {0} : {1}")
void aliasServiceError(String alias, String error);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Encountered an error attempting to determine the user for alias {0} : {1}")
void aliasServiceUserError(String alias, String error);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Encountered an error attempting to determine the password for alias {0} : {1}")
void aliasServicePasswordError(String alias, String error);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "No user configured for Ambari service discovery.")
void aliasServiceUserNotFound();
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "No password configured for Ambari service discovery.")
void aliasServicePasswordNotFound();
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Unexpected REST invocation response code for {0} : {1}")
void unexpectedRestResponseStatusCode(String url, int responseStatusCode);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "REST invocation {0} yielded a response without any JSON.")
void noJSON(String url);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.TRACE,
text = "REST invocation result: {0}")
void debugJSON(String json);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG,
text = "Loaded component configuration mappings: {0}")
void loadedComponentConfigMappings(String mappings);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
text = "Failed to load component configuration property mappings {0}: {1}")
void failedToLoadComponentConfigMappings(String mappings,
@StackTrace(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG) Exception e);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.TRACE,
text = "Discovered: Service: {0}, Host: {1}")
void discoveredServiceHost(String serviceName, String hostName);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG,
text = "Querying the cluster for the {0} configuration ({1}) property: {2}")
void lookingUpServiceConfigProperty(String serviceName, String configType, String propertyName);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG,
text = "Querying the cluster for the {0} component configuration property: {1}")
void lookingUpComponentConfigProperty(String componentName, String propertyName);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG,
text = "Querying the cluster for the {0} component's hosts")
void lookingUpComponentHosts(String componentName);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG,
text = "Handling a derived service URL mapping property for the {0} service: type = {1}, name = {2}")
void handlingDerivedProperty(String serviceName, String propertyType, String propertyName);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG,
text = "Determined the service URL mapping property {0} value: {1}")
void determinedPropertyValue(String propertyName, String propertyValue);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.INFO,
text = "Started Ambari cluster configuration monitor (checking every {0} seconds)")
void startedAmbariConfigMonitor(long pollingInterval);
@Message(level = MessageLevel.WARN,
text = "The declared nameservice {0} is not defined in the HDFS configuration.")
void undefinedHDFSNameService(String nameservice);