blob: 01136a5ead616e761a0d2631b73e48c500e27136 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* the License.
package org.apache.knox.gateway.provider.federation.jwt;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.Message;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.MessageLevel;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.Messages;
import org.apache.knox.gateway.i18n.messages.StackTrace;
public interface JWTMessages {
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN, text = "Failed to validate the audience attribute." )
void failedToValidateAudience();
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN, text = "Failed to verify the token signature." )
void failedToVerifyTokenSignature();
@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text = "Access token has expired; a new one must be acquired." )
void tokenHasExpired();
@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text = "The NotBefore check failed." )
void notBeforeCheckFailed();
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN, text = "Expected Bearer token is missing." )
void missingBearerToken();
@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text = "Unable to verify token: {0}" )
void unableToVerifyToken(@StackTrace( level = MessageLevel.ERROR) Exception e);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN, text = "Unable to verify token expiration: {0}" )
void unableToVerifyExpiration(@StackTrace( level = MessageLevel.DEBUG) Exception e);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "Unable to issue token: {0}" )
void unableToIssueToken(@StackTrace( level = MessageLevel.DEBUG) Exception e);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.DEBUG, text = "Sending redirect to: {0}" )
void sendRedirectToLoginURL(String loginURL);
@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN, text = "Configuration for authentication provider URL is missing - will derive default URL." )
void missingAuthenticationProviderUrlConfiguration();
@Message( level = MessageLevel.DEBUG, text = "Audience claim has been validated." )
void jwtAudienceValidated();
@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text = "Path {0} is configured as unauthenticated path, letting the request {1} through" )
void unauthenticatedPathBypass(String path, String uri);