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package org.apache.knox.gateway.topology.discovery.ambari;
public class SparkHistoryUIServiceURLCreator extends SparkCommonServiceURLCreator {
private static final String RESOURCE_ROLE = "SPARKHISTORYUI";
private static final String SSL_FLAG_PRIMARY = "spark.ssl.historyServer.enabled";
private static final String SSL_FLAG_SECONDARY = "spark.ssl.enabled";
private static final String SSL_PORT_PROPERTY = "spark.ssl.historyServer.port";
private static final int SSL_PORT_OFFSET = 400;
public void init(AmbariCluster cluster) {
primaryComponentName = "SPARK_JOBHISTORYSERVER";
secondaryComponentName = "SPARK2_JOBHISTORYSERVER";
portConfigProperty = "spark.history.ui.port";
public String getTargetService() {
String getPort(AmbariComponent comp) {
String port;
if (isSSL(comp)) {
String sslPort = comp.getConfigProperty(SSL_PORT_PROPERTY);
if (sslPort == null || sslPort.isEmpty()) {
int p = Integer.parseInt(comp.getConfigProperty(portConfigProperty)) + SSL_PORT_OFFSET;
sslPort = String.valueOf(p);
port = sslPort;
} else {
port = comp.getConfigProperty(portConfigProperty);
return port;
boolean isSSL(AmbariComponent comp) {
return Boolean.valueOf(comp.getConfigProperty(SSL_FLAG_PRIMARY)) || Boolean.valueOf(comp.getConfigProperty(SSL_FLAG_SECONDARY));