blob: 63b174c54bfdeb536cff6e43571ca40d84b3d9ef [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.gateway;
import com.jayway.restassured.http.ContentType;
import com.jayway.restassured.response.Cookie;
import com.jayway.restassured.response.Response;
import com.jayway.restassured.specification.ResponseSpecification;
import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLDoc;
import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLTag;
import org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.test.category.FunctionalTests;
import org.apache.hadoop.test.category.MediumTests;
import org.apache.hadoop.test.log.NoOpLogger;
import org.apache.hadoop.test.mock.MockRequestMatcher;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.velocity.Template;
import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext;
import org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeConstants;
import org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert;
import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import static com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured.given;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.nullValue;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.not;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.startsWith;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
import static org.xmlmatchers.XmlMatchers.isEquivalentTo;
import static org.xmlmatchers.transform.XmlConverters.the;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.text.IsEmptyString.isEmptyString;
@Category( { FunctionalTests.class, MediumTests.class } )
public class GatewayBasicFuncTest {
private static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
// Uncomment to cause the test to hang after the gateway instance is setup.
// This will allow the gateway instance to be hit directly via some external client.
// @Test
// public void hang() throws IOException {
// System.out.println( "Server on port " + driver.gateway.getAddresses()[0].getPort() );
// System.out.println();
// }
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( GatewayBasicFuncTest.class );
public static GatewayFuncTestDriver driver = new GatewayFuncTestDriver();
// Controls the host name to which the gateway dispatch requests. This may be the name of a sandbox VM
// or an EC2 instance. Currently only a single host is supported.
private static final String TEST_HOST = "vm.local";
// Specifies if the test requests should go through the gateway or directly to the services.
// This is frequently used to verify the behavior of the test both with and without the gateway.
private static final boolean USE_GATEWAY = true;
// Specifies if the test requests should be sent to mock services or the real services.
// This is frequently used to verify the behavior of the test both with and without mock services.
private static final boolean USE_MOCK_SERVICES = true;
// Specifies if the GATEWAY_HOME created for the test should be deleted when the test suite is complete.
// This is frequently used during debugging to keep the GATEWAY_HOME around for inspection.
private static final boolean CLEANUP_TEST = true;
// private static final boolean USE_GATEWAY = false;
// private static final boolean USE_MOCK_SERVICES = false;
// private static final boolean CLEANUP_TEST = false;
private static int findFreePort() throws IOException {
ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(0);
int port = socket.getLocalPort();
return port;
* Creates a deployment of a gateway instance that all test methods will share. This method also creates a
* registry of sorts for all of the services that will be used by the test methods.
* The createTopology method is used to create the topology file that would normally be read from disk.
* The driver.setupGateway invocation is where the creation of GATEWAY_HOME occurs.
* @throws Exception Thrown if any failure occurs.
public static void setupSuite() throws Exception {
Log.setLog( new NoOpLogger() );
GatewayTestConfig config = new GatewayTestConfig();
config.setGatewayPath( "gateway" );
driver.setResourceBase( GatewayBasicFuncTest.class );
driver.setupLdap( findFreePort() );
driver.setupService( "WEBHDFS", "http://" + TEST_HOST + ":50070/webhdfs", "/cluster/webhdfs", USE_MOCK_SERVICES );
driver.setupService( "DATANODE", "http://" + TEST_HOST + ":50075/webhdfs", "/cluster/webhdfs/data", USE_MOCK_SERVICES );
driver.setupService( "WEBHCAT", "http://" + TEST_HOST + ":50111/templeton", "/cluster/templeton", USE_MOCK_SERVICES );
driver.setupService( "OOZIE", "http://" + TEST_HOST + ":11000/oozie", "/cluster/oozie", USE_MOCK_SERVICES );
driver.setupService( "HIVE", "http://" + TEST_HOST + ":10000", "/cluster/hive", USE_MOCK_SERVICES );
driver.setupService( "WEBHBASE", "http://" + TEST_HOST + ":60080", "/cluster/hbase", USE_MOCK_SERVICES );
driver.setupService( "NAMENODE", "hdfs://" + TEST_HOST + ":8020", null, USE_MOCK_SERVICES );
driver.setupService( "JOBTRACKER", "thrift://" + TEST_HOST + ":8021", null, USE_MOCK_SERVICES );
driver.setupService( "RESOURCEMANAGER", "http://" + TEST_HOST + ":8088/ws", "/cluster/resourcemanager", USE_MOCK_SERVICES );
driver.setupGateway( config, "cluster", createTopology(), USE_GATEWAY );
public static void cleanupSuite() throws Exception {
public void cleanupTest() {
* Creates a topology that is deployed to the gateway instance for the test suite.
* Note that this topology is shared by all of the test methods in this suite.
* @return A populated XML structure for a topology file.
private static XMLTag createTopology() {
XMLTag xml = XMLDoc.newDocument( true )
.addRoot( "topology" )
.addTag( "gateway" )
.addTag( "provider" )
.addTag( "role" ).addText( "webappsec" )
.addTag( "name" ).addText( "WebAppSec" )
.addTag( "enabled" ).addText( "true" )
.addTag( "param" )
.addTag( "name" ).addText( "csrf.enabled" )
.addTag( "value" ).addText( "true" ).gotoParent().gotoParent()
.addTag( "provider" )
.addTag( "role" ).addText( "authentication" )
.addTag( "name" ).addText( "ShiroProvider" )
.addTag( "enabled" ).addText( "true" )
.addTag( "param" )
.addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm" )
.addTag( "value" ).addText( "org.apache.hadoop.gateway.shirorealm.KnoxLdapRealm" ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "param" )
.addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate" )
.addTag( "value" ).addText( "uid={0},ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "param" )
.addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.url" )
.addTag( "value" ).addText( driver.getLdapUrl() ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "param" )
.addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.authenticationMechanism" )
.addTag( "value" ).addText( "simple" ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "param" )
.addTag( "name" ).addText( "urls./**" )
.addTag( "value" ).addText( "authcBasic" ).gotoParent().gotoParent()
.addTag( "provider" )
.addTag( "role" ).addText( "identity-assertion" )
.addTag( "enabled" ).addText( "true" )
.addTag( "name" ).addText( "Pseudo" ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "provider" )
.addTag( "role" ).addText( "authorization" )
.addTag( "enabled" ).addText( "true" )
.addTag( "name" ).addText( "AclsAuthz" ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "param" )
.addTag( "name" ).addText( "webhdfs-acl" )
.addTag( "value" ).addText( "hdfs;*;*" ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "service" )
.addTag( "role" ).addText( "WEBHDFS" )
.addTag( "url" ).addText( driver.getRealUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "service" )
.addTag( "role" ).addText( "NAMENODE" )
.addTag( "url" ).addText( driver.getRealUrl( "NAMENODE" ) ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "service" )
.addTag( "role" ).addText( "DATANODE" )
.addTag( "url" ).addText( driver.getRealUrl( "DATANODE" ) ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "service" )
.addTag( "role" ).addText( "JOBTRACKER" )
.addTag( "url" ).addText( driver.getRealUrl( "JOBTRACKER" ) ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "service" )
.addTag( "role" ).addText( "WEBHCAT" )
.addTag( "url" ).addText( driver.getRealUrl( "WEBHCAT" ) ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "service" )
.addTag( "role" ).addText( "OOZIE" )
.addTag( "url" ).addText( driver.getRealUrl( "OOZIE" ) ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "service" )
.addTag( "role" ).addText( "HIVE" )
.addTag( "url" ).addText( driver.getRealUrl( "HIVE" ) ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "service" )
.addTag( "role" ).addText( "WEBHBASE" )
.addTag( "url" ).addText( driver.getRealUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) ).gotoParent()
.addTag( "service" )
.addTag( "role" ).addText( "RESOURCEMANAGER" )
.addTag( "url" ).addText( driver.getRealUrl( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ) ).gotoParent()
// System.out.println( "GATEWAY=" + xml.toString() );
return xml;
public void testBasicJsonUseCase() throws IOException {
String root = "/tmp/GatewayBasicFuncTest/testBasicJsonUseCase";
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
/* Create a directory.
curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/<PATH>?op=MKDIRS[&permission=<OCTAL>]"
The client receives a respond with a boolean JSON object:
HTTP/1.1 HttpStatus.SC_OK OK
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
{"boolean": true}
driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" )
.method( "PUT" )
.pathInfo( "/v1" + root + "/dir" )
.queryParam( "op", "MKDIRS" )
.queryParam( "", username )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "webhdfs-success.json" ) )
.contentType( "application/json" );
Cookie cookie = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "MKDIRS" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.header( "Set-Cookie", containsString( "JSESSIONID" ) )
.header( "Set-Cookie", containsString( "HttpOnly" ) )
.contentType( "application/json" )
.content( "boolean", is( true ) )
.when().put( driver.getUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) + "/v1" + root + "/dir" ).getDetailedCookie( "JSESSIONID" );
assertThat( cookie.isSecured(), is( true ) );
assertThat( cookie.getPath(), is( "/gateway/cluster" ) );
assertThat( cookie.getValue().length(), greaterThan( 16 ) );
public void testBasicOutboundHeaderUseCase() throws IOException {
String root = "/tmp/GatewayBasicFuncTest/testBasicOutboundHeaderUseCase";
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
InetSocketAddress gatewayAddress = driver.gateway.getAddresses()[0];
driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" )
.method( "PUT" )
.pathInfo( "/v1" + root + "/dir/file" )
.header( "Host", driver.getRealAddr( "WEBHDFS" ) )
.queryParam( "op", "CREATE" )
.queryParam( "", username )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT )
.header( "Location", driver.getRealUrl( "DATANODE" ) + "/v1" + root + "/dir/file?op=CREATE&" );
Response response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "CREATE" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT )
.when().put( driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1" + root + "/dir/file" );
String location = response.getHeader( "Location" );
//System.out.println( location );
log.debug( "Redirect location: " + response.getHeader( "Location" ) );
if( driver.isUseGateway() ) {
MatcherAssert.assertThat( location, startsWith( "http://" + gatewayAddress.getHostName() + ":" + gatewayAddress.getPort() + "/" ) );
MatcherAssert.assertThat( location, containsString( "?_=" ) );
MatcherAssert.assertThat( location, not( containsString( "host=" ) ) );
MatcherAssert.assertThat( location, not( containsString( "port=" ) ) );
public void testHdfsTildeUseCase() throws IOException {
String root = "/tmp/GatewayBasicFuncTest/testHdfsTildeUseCase";
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
InetSocketAddress gatewayAddress = driver.gateway.getAddresses()[0];
// Attempt to delete the test directory in case a previous run failed.
// Ignore any result.
// Cleanup anything that might have been leftover because the test failed previously.
driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" )
.method( "DELETE" )
.from( "testHdfsTildeUseCase" )
.pathInfo( "/v1/user/hdfs" + root )
.queryParam( "op", "DELETE" )
.queryParam( "", username )
.queryParam( "recursive", "true" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "DELETE" )
.queryParam( "recursive", "true" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().delete( driver.getUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) + "/v1/~" + root + ( driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "?" + username ) );
driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" )
.method( "PUT" )
.pathInfo( "/v1/user/hdfs/dir" )
.queryParam( "op", "MKDIRS" )
.queryParam( "", username )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "webhdfs-success.json" ) )
.contentType( "application/json" );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "MKDIRS" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( "application/json" )
.content( "boolean", is( true ) )
.when().put( driver.getUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) + "/v1/~/dir" );
public void testBasicHdfsUseCase() throws IOException {
String root = "/tmp/GatewayBasicFuncTest/testBasicHdfsUseCase";
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
InetSocketAddress gatewayAddress = driver.gateway.getAddresses()[0];
// Attempt to delete the test directory in case a previous run failed.
// Ignore any result.
// Cleanup anything that might have been leftover because the test failed previously.
driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" )
.method( "DELETE" )
.from( "testBasicHdfsUseCase-1" )
.pathInfo( "/v1" + root )
.queryParam( "op", "DELETE" )
.queryParam( "", username )
.queryParam( "recursive", "true" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "DELETE" )
.queryParam( "recursive", "true" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().delete( driver.getUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) + "/v1" + root + ( driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "?" + username ) );
/* Create a directory.
curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/<PATH>?op=MKDIRS[&permission=<OCTAL>]"
The client receives a respond with a boolean JSON object:
HTTP/1.1 HttpStatus.SC_OK OK
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
{"boolean": true}
driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" )
.method( "PUT" )
.pathInfo( "/v1" + root + "/dir" )
.queryParam( "op", "MKDIRS" )
.queryParam( "", username )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "webhdfs-success.json" ) )
.contentType( "application/json" );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "MKDIRS" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( "application/json" )
.content( "boolean", is( true ) )
.when().put( driver.getUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) + "/v1" + root + "/dir" );
driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( "/v1" + root )
.queryParam( "op", "LISTSTATUS" )
.queryParam( "", username )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "webhdfs-liststatus-test.json" ) )
.contentType( "application/json" );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "LISTSTATUS" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( "FileStatuses.FileStatus[0].pathSuffix", is( "dir" ) )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) + "/v1" + root );
//NEGATIVE: Test a bad password.
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, "invalid-password" )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "LISTSTATUS" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) + "/v1" + root );
//NEGATIVE: Test a bad user.
.auth().preemptive().basic( "hdfs-user", "hdfs-password" )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "LISTSTATUS" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) + "/v1" + root );
//NEGATIVE: Test a valid but unauthorized user.
.auth().preemptive().basic( "mapred-user", "mapred-password" )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "LISTSTATUS" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) + "/v1" + root );
/* Add a file.
curl -i -X PUT "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=CREATE
The expect is redirected to a datanode where the file data is to be written:
Location: http://<DATANODE>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=CREATE...
Content-Length: 0
Step 2: Submit another HTTP PUT expect using the URL in the Location header with the file data to be written.
curl -i -X PUT -T <LOCAL_FILE> "http://<DATANODE>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=CREATE..."
The client receives a HttpStatus.SC_CREATED Created respond with zero content length and the WebHDFS URI of the file in the Location header:
HTTP/1.1 HttpStatus.SC_CREATED Created
Location: webhdfs://<HOST>:<PORT>/<PATH>
Content-Length: 0
driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" )
.method( "PUT" )
.pathInfo( "/v1" + root + "/dir/file" )
.queryParam( "op", "CREATE" )
.queryParam( "", username )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT )
.header( "Location", driver.getRealUrl( "DATANODE" ) + "/v1" + root + "/dir/file?op=CREATE&" );
driver.getMock( "DATANODE" )
.method( "PUT" )
.pathInfo( "/v1" + root + "/dir/file" )
.queryParam( "op", "CREATE" )
.queryParam( "", username )
.contentType( "text/plain" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "test.txt" ) )
//.content( driver.gerResourceBytes( "hadoop-examples.jar" ) )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_CREATED )
.header( "Location", "webhdfs://" + driver.getRealAddr( "DATANODE" ) + "/v1" + root + "/dir/file" );
Response response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "CREATE" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT )
.when().put( driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1" + root + "/dir/file" );
String location = response.getHeader( "Location" );
log.debug( "Redirect location: " + response.getHeader( "Location" ) );
if( driver.isUseGateway() ) {
MatcherAssert.assertThat( location, startsWith( "http://" + gatewayAddress.getHostName() + ":" + gatewayAddress.getPort() + "/" ) );
MatcherAssert.assertThat( location, startsWith( "http://" + gatewayAddress.getHostName() + ":" + gatewayAddress.getPort() + "/" ) );
MatcherAssert.assertThat( location, containsString( "?_=" ) );
MatcherAssert.assertThat( location, not( containsString( "host=" ) ) );
MatcherAssert.assertThat( location, not( containsString( "port=" ) ) );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "test.txt" ) )
.contentType( "text/plain" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_CREATED )
.when().put( location );
location = response.getHeader( "Location" );
log.debug( "Created location: " + location );
if( driver.isUseGateway() ) {
MatcherAssert.assertThat( location, startsWith( "http://" + gatewayAddress.getHostName() + ":" + gatewayAddress.getPort() + "/" ) );
/* Get the file.
curl -i -L "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=OPEN
The expect is redirected to a datanode where the file data can be read:
Location: http://<DATANODE>:<PORT>/webhdfs/v1/<PATH>?op=OPEN...
Content-Length: 0
The client follows the redirect to the datanode and receives the file data:
HTTP/1.1 HttpStatus.SC_OK OK
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Length: 22
Hello, webhdfs user!
driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( "/v1" + root + "/dir/file" )
.queryParam( "op", "OPEN" )
.queryParam( "", username )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT )
.header( "Location", driver.getRealUrl( "DATANODE" ) + "/v1" + root + "/dir/file?op=OPEN&" );
driver.getMock( "DATANODE" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( "/v1" + root + "/dir/file" )
.queryParam( "op", "OPEN" )
.queryParam( "", username )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( "text/plain" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "test.txt" ) );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "OPEN" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( is( "TEST" ) )
.when().get( driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1" + root + "/dir/file" );
/* Delete the directory.
curl -i -X DELETE "http://<host>:<port>/webhdfs/v1/<path>?op=DELETE
The client receives a respond with a boolean JSON object:
HTTP/1.1 HttpStatus.SC_OK OK
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
{"boolean": true}
// Mock the interaction with the namenode.
driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" )
.from( "testBasicHdfsUseCase-1" )
.method( "DELETE" )
.pathInfo( "/v1" + root )
.queryParam( "op", "DELETE" )
.queryParam( "", username )
.queryParam( "recursive", "true" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "DELETE" )
.queryParam( "recursive", "true" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().delete( driver.getUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) + "/v1" + root );
// User hdfs in groups hadoop, hdfs
// User mapred in groups hadoop, mapred
// User hcat in group hcat
public void testPmHdfsM1UseCase() throws IOException {
String root = "/tmp/GatewayBasicFuncTest/testPmHdfdM1UseCase";
String userA = "hdfs";
String passA = "hdfs-password";
String userB = "mapred";
String passB = "mapred-password";
String userC = "hcat";
String passC = "hcat-password";
String groupA = "hdfs";
String groupB = "mapred";
String groupAB = "hadoop";
String groupC = "hcat";
driver.deleteFile( userA, passA, root, "true", 200 );
driver.createDir( userA, passA, groupA, root + "/dirA700", "700", 200, 200 );
driver.createDir( userA, passA, groupA, root + "/dirA770", "770", 200, 200 );
driver.createDir( userA, passA, groupA, root + "/dirA707", "707", 200, 200 );
driver.createDir( userA, passA, groupA, root + "/dirA777", "777", 200, 200 );
driver.createDir( userA, passA, groupAB, root + "/dirAB700", "700", 200, 200 );
driver.createDir( userA, passA, groupAB, root + "/dirAB770", "770", 200, 200 );
driver.createDir( userA, passA, groupAB, root + "/dirAB707", "707", 200, 200 );
driver.createDir( userA, passA, groupAB, root + "/dirAB777", "777", 200, 200 );
// CREATE: Files
// userA:groupA
driver.createFile( userA, passA, groupA, root + "/dirA700/fileA700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
driver.createFile( userA, passA, groupA, root + "/dirA770/fileA770", "770", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
driver.createFile( userA, passA, groupA, root + "/dirA707/fileA707", "707", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
driver.createFile( userA, passA, groupA, root + "/dirA777/fileA777", "777", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
// userA:groupAB
driver.createFile( userA, passA, groupAB, root + "/dirAB700/fileAB700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
driver.createFile( userA, passA, groupAB, root + "/dirAB770/fileAB770", "770", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
driver.createFile( userA, passA, groupAB, root + "/dirAB707/fileAB707", "707", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
driver.createFile( userA, passA, groupAB, root + "/dirAB777/fileAB777", "777", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
// userB:groupB
driver.createFile( userB, passB, groupB, root + "/dirA700/fileB700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 403, 0 );
driver.createFile( userB, passB, groupB, root + "/dirA770/fileB700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 403, 0 );
//kam:20130219[ chmod seems to be broken at least in Sandbox 1.2
// driver.createFile( userB, passB, groupB, root + "/dirA707/fileB700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
// driver.createFile( userB, passB, groupB, root + "/dirA777/fileB700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
// userB:groupAB
driver.createFile( userB, passB, groupAB, root + "/dirA700/fileBA700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 403, 0 );
driver.createFile( userB, passB, groupAB, root + "/dirA770/fileBA700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 403, 0 );
driver.createFile( userB, passB, groupAB, root + "/dirA707/fileBA700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
driver.createFile( userB, passB, groupAB, root + "/dirA777/fileBA700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
// userC:groupC
driver.createFile( userC, passC, groupC, root + "/dirA700/fileC700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 403, 0 );
driver.createFile( userC, passC, groupC, root + "/dirA770/fileC700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 403, 0 );
//kam:20130219[ chmod seems to be broken at least in Sandbox 1.2
// driver.createFile( userC, passC, groupC, root + "/dirA707/fileC700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
// driver.createFile( userC, passC, groupC, root + "/dirA777/fileC700", "700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
// userA
driver.readFile( userA, passA, root + "/dirA700/fileA700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
driver.readFile( userA, passA, root + "/dirA770/fileA770", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
driver.readFile( userA, passA, root + "/dirA707/fileA707", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
driver.readFile( userA, passA, root + "/dirA777/fileA777", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
// userB:groupB
driver.readFile( userB, passB, root + "/dirA700/fileA700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN );
driver.readFile( userB, passB, root + "/dirA770/fileA770", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN );
driver.readFile( userB, passB, root + "/dirA707/fileA707", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
driver.readFile( userB, passB, root + "/dirA777/fileA777", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
// userB:groupAB
driver.readFile( userB, passB, root + "/dirAB700/fileAB700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN );
driver.readFile( userB, passB, root + "/dirAB770/fileAB770", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN );
driver.readFile( userB, passB, root + "/dirAB707/fileAB707", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN );
driver.readFile( userB, passB, root + "/dirAB777/fileAB777", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
// userC:groupC
driver.readFile( userC, passC, root + "/dirA700/fileA700", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN );
driver.readFile( userC, passC, root + "/dirA770/fileA770", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN );
driver.readFile( userC, passC, root + "/dirA707/fileA707", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
driver.readFile( userC, passC, root + "/dirA777/fileA777", "text/plain", "small1.txt", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
//NEGATIVE: Test a bad password.
if( driver.isUseGateway() ) {
Response response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( userA, "invalid-password" )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "OPEN" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED )
.when().get( driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1" + root + "/dirA700/fileA700" );
// UPDATE (Negative First)
driver.updateFile( userC, passC, root + "/dirA700/fileA700", "text/plain", "small2.txt", 307, 403 );
driver.updateFile( userB, passB, root + "/dirAB700/fileAB700", "text/plain", "small2.txt", 307, 403 );
driver.updateFile( userB, passB, root + "/dirAB770/fileAB700", "text/plain", "small2.txt", 307, 403 );
driver.updateFile( userB, passB, root + "/dirAB770/fileAB770", "text/plain", "small2.txt", 307, 403 );
driver.updateFile( userA, passA, root + "/dirA700/fileA700", "text/plain", "small2.txt", 307, 201 );
// DELETE (Negative First)
driver.deleteFile( userC, passC, root + "/dirA700/fileA700", "false", HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN );
driver.deleteFile( userB, passB, root + "/dirAB700/fileAB700", "false", HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN );
driver.deleteFile( userB, passB, root + "/dirAB770/fileAB770", "false", HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN );
driver.deleteFile( userA, passA, root + "/dirA700/fileA700", "false", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
// Cleanup anything that might have been leftover because the test failed previously.
driver.deleteFile( userA, passA, root, "true", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
public void testJavaMapReduceViaWebHCat() throws IOException {
String root = "/tmp/GatewayBasicFuncTest/testJavaMapReduceViaWebHCat";
String user = "mapred";
String pass = "mapred-password";
String group = "mapred";
// String user = "hcat";
// String pass = "hcat-password";
// String group = "hcat";
// Cleanup anything that might have been leftover because the test failed previously.
driver.deleteFile( user, pass, root, "true", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
/* Put the mapreduce code into HDFS. (hadoop-examples.jar)
curl -X PUT --data-binary @hadoop-examples.jar ''
driver.createFile( user, pass, null, root+"/hadoop-examples.jar", "777", "application/octet-stream", findHadoopExamplesJar(), 307, 201, 200 );
/* Put the data file into HDFS (changes.txt)
curl -X PUT --data-binary @changes.txt ''
driver.createFile( user, pass, null, root+"/input/changes.txt", "777", "text/plain", "changes.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
/* Create the output directory
curl -X PUT ''
driver.createDir( user, pass, null, root+"/output", "777", 200, 200 );
/* Submit the job
curl -d -d jar=wordcount/hadoop-examples.jar -d -d arg=wordcount/input -d arg=wordcount/output 'http://localhost:8888/'
String job = driver.submitJava(
user, pass,
root+"/hadoop-examples.jar", "",
root+"/input", root+"/output",
200 );
/* Get the job status
curl 'http://vm:50111/templeton/v1/queue/:jobid?'
driver.queryQueue( user, pass, job );
// Can't really check for the output here because the job won't be done.
/* Retrieve results
curl ''
// Cleanup anything that might have been leftover because the test failed previously.
driver.deleteFile( user, pass, root, "true", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
public void testPigViaWebHCat() throws IOException {
String root = "/tmp/GatewayWebHCatFuncTest/testPigViaWebHCat";
String user = "mapred";
String pass = "mapred-password";
String group = "mapred";
// Cleanup if previous run failed.
driver.deleteFile( user, pass, root, "true", 200, 404 );
// Post the data to HDFS
driver.createFile( user, pass, null, root + "/passwd.txt", "777", "text/plain", "passwd.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
// Post the script to HDFS
driver.createFile( user, pass, null, root+"/script.pig", "777", "text/plain", "script.pig", 307, 201, 200 );
// Create the output directory
driver.createDir( user, pass, null, root + "/output", "777", 200, 200 );
// Submit the job
driver.submitPig( user, pass, group, root + "/script.pig", "-v", root + "/output", 200 );
// Check job status (if possible)
// Check output (if possible)
// Cleanup
driver.deleteFile( user, pass, root, "true", 200 );
public void testHiveViaWebHCat() throws IOException {
String user = "hive";
String pass = "hive-password";
String group = "hive";
String root = "/tmp/GatewayWebHCatFuncTest/testHiveViaWebHCat";
// Cleanup if previous run failed.
driver.deleteFile( user, pass, root, "true", 200, 404 );
// Post the data to HDFS
// Post the script to HDFS
driver.createFile( user, pass, null, root + "/script.hive", "777", "text/plain", "script.hive", 307, 201, 200 );
// Submit the job
driver.submitHive( user, pass, group, root + "/script.hive", root + "/output", 200 );
// Check job status (if possible)
// Check output (if possible)
// Cleanup
driver.deleteFile( user, pass, root, "true", 200 );
@Ignore( "WIP" )
public void testOozieGeneralOperations() {
String user = "oozie";
String pass = "oozie-password";
// driver.oozieVersions( user, pass );
public void testOozieJobSubmission() throws Exception {
String root = "/tmp/GatewayBasicFuncTest/testOozieJobSubmission";
String user = "hdfs";
String pass = "hdfs-password";
String group = "hdfs";
// Cleanup anything that might have been leftover because the test failed previously.
driver.deleteFile( user, pass, root, "true", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
/* Put the workflow definition into HDFS */
driver.createFile( user, pass, group, root+"/workflow.xml", "666", "application/octet-stream", "oozie-workflow.xml", 307, 201, 200 );
/* Put the mapreduce code into HDFS. (hadoop-examples.jar)
curl -X PUT --data-binary @hadoop-examples.jar ''
driver.createFile( user, pass, group, root+"/lib/hadoop-examples.jar", "777", "application/octet-stream", findHadoopExamplesJar(), 307, 201, 200 );
/* Put the data file into HDFS (changes.txt)
curl -X PUT --data-binary @changes.txt ''
driver.createFile( user, pass, group, root+"/input/changes.txt", "666", "text/plain", "changes.txt", 307, 201, 200 );
VelocityEngine velocity = new VelocityEngine();
velocity.setProperty( RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM_CLASS, "org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.NullLogSystem" );
velocity.setProperty( RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_LOADER, "classpath" );
velocity.setProperty( "classpath.resource.loader.class", ClasspathResourceLoader.class.getName() );
VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();
context.put( "userName", user );
context.put( "nameNode", "hdfs://sandbox:8020" );
context.put( "jobTracker", "sandbox:50300" );
//context.put( "appPath", "hdfs://sandbox:8020" + root );
context.put( "appPath", root );
context.put( "inputDir", root + "/input" );
context.put( "outputDir", root + "/output" );
//URL url = TestUtils.getResourceUrl( GatewayBasicFuncTest.class, "oozie-jobs-submit-request.xml" );
//String name = url.toExternalForm();
String name = TestUtils.getResourceName( this.getClass(), "oozie-jobs-submit-request.xml" );
Template template = velocity.getTemplate( name );
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
template.merge( context, sw );
String request = sw.toString();
//System.out.println( "REQUEST=" + request );
/* Submit the job via Oozie. */
String id = driver.oozieSubmitJob( user, pass, request, 201 );
//System.out.println( "ID=" + id );
String success = "SUCCEEDED";
String status = "UNKNOWN";
long delay = 1000 * 1; // 1 second.
long limit = 1000 * 60; // 60 seconds.
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
while( System.currentTimeMillis() <= start+limit ) {
status = driver.oozieQueryJobStatus( user, pass, id, 200 );
//System.out.println( "Status=" + status );
if( success.equalsIgnoreCase( status ) ) {
} else {
//System.out.println( "Status=" + status );
Thread.sleep( delay );
//System.out.println( "Status is " + status + " after " + ((System.currentTimeMillis()-start)/1000) + " seconds." );
MatcherAssert.assertThat( status, is( success ) );
// Cleanup anything that might have been leftover because the test failed previously.
driver.deleteFile( user, pass, root, "true", HttpStatus.SC_OK );
public void testBasicHiveJDBCUseCase() throws IOException {
String root = "/tmp/GatewayHiveJDBCFuncTest/testBasicHiveUseCase";
String username = "hive";
String password = "hive-password";
InetSocketAddress gatewayAddress = driver.gateway.getAddresses()[0];
// This use case emulates simple JDBC scenario which consists of following steps:
// -open connection;
// -configure Hive using 'execute' statements (this also includes execution of 'close operation' requests internally);
// -execution of create table command;
// -execution of select from table command;
// Data insertion is omitted because it causes a lot of additional command during insertion/querying.
// All binary data was intercepted during real scenario and stored into files as array of bytes.
// open session
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/open-session-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/open-session-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
Response response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/open-session-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/open-session-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/open-session-result.bin" ) ) );
// execute 'set hive.fetch.output.serde=...' (is called internally be JDBC driver)
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-fetch-output-serde-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-fetch-output-serde-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-fetch-output-serde-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-fetch-output-serde-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-fetch-output-serde-result.bin" ) ) );
// close operation for execute 'set hive.fetch.output.serde=...'
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-1-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-1-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-1-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-1-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-1-result.bin" ) ) );
// execute 'set hive.server2.http.path=...' (is called internally be JDBC driver)
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-server2-http-path-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-server2-http-path-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-server2-http-path-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-server2-http-path-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-server2-http-path-result.bin" ) ) );
// close operation for execute 'set hive.server2.http.path=...'
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-2-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-2-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-2-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-2-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-2-result.bin" ) ) );
// execute 'set hive.server2.servermode=...' (is called internally be JDBC driver)
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-server2-servermode-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-server2-servermode-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-server2-servermode-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-server2-servermode-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-server2-servermode-result.bin" ) ) );
// close operation for execute 'set hive.server2.servermode=...'
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-3-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-3-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-3-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-3-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-3-result.bin" ) ) );
// execute 'set'
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-security-authorization-enabled-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-security-authorization-enabled-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-security-authorization-enabled-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-security-authorization-enabled-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-set-security-authorization-enabled-result.bin" ) ) );
// close operation for execute 'set'
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-4-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-4-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-4-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-4-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-4-result.bin" ) ) );
// execute 'create table...'
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-create-table-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-create-table-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-create-table-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-create-table-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-create-table-result.bin" ) ) );
// close operation for execute 'create table...'
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-5-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-5-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-5-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-5-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-5-result.bin" ) ) );
// execute 'select * from...'
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-select-from-table-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-select-from-table-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-select-from-table-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-select-from-table-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/execute-select-from-table-result.bin" ) ) );
// execute 'GetResultSetMetadata' (is called internally be JDBC driver)
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/get-result-set-metadata-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/get-result-set-metadata-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/get-result-set-metadata-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/get-result-set-metadata-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/get-result-set-metadata-result.bin" ) ) );
// execute 'FetchResults' (is called internally be JDBC driver)
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/fetch-results-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/fetch-results-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/fetch-results-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/fetch-results-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/fetch-results-result.bin" ) ) );
// close operation for execute 'select * from...'
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-6-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-6-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-6-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-6-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-operation-6-result.bin" ) ) );
// close session
driver.getMock( "HIVE" )
.method( "POST" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-session-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.characterEncoding( "UTF-8" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-session-result.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-session-request.bin" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-session-result.bin" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-thrift" )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "HIVE" ) );
assertThat( response.body().asByteArray(), is( driver.getResourceBytes( "hive/close-session-result.bin" ) ) );
public void testHBaseGetTableList() throws IOException {
String username = "hbase";
String password = "hbase-password";
String resourceName = "hbase/table-list";
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( "/" )
.header( "Accept", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".xml" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.XML.toString() );
Response response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.header( "Accept", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( ContentType.XML )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) );
the( response.getBody().asString() ),
isEquivalentTo( the( driver.getResourceString( resourceName + ".xml", UTF8 ) ) ) );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( "/" )
.header( "Accept", ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".json" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON.toString() );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.header( "Accept", ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) );
.assertThat( response.getBody().asString(), sameJSONAs( driver.getResourceString( resourceName + ".json", UTF8 ) ) );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( "/" )
.header( "Accept", "application/x-protobuf" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceString( resourceName + ".protobuf", UTF8 ), UTF8 )
.contentType( "application/x-protobuf" );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.header( "Accept", "application/x-protobuf" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( "application/x-protobuf" )
.content( is( driver.getResourceString( resourceName + ".protobuf", UTF8 ) ) )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) );
public void testHBaseCreateTableAndVerifySchema() throws IOException {
String username = "hbase";
String password = "hbase-password";
String resourceName = "hbase/table-schema";
String path = "/table/schema";
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "PUT" )
.pathInfo( path )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_CREATED )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".xml" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.XML.toString() )
.header( "Location", driver.getRealUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + path );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_CREATED )
.contentType( ContentType.XML )
.header( "Location", startsWith( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + path ) )
.when().put( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + path );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "PUT" )
.pathInfo( path )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_CREATED )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".json" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.header( "Location", driver.getRealUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + path );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_CREATED )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON )
.header( "Location", startsWith( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + path ) )
.when().put( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + path );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "PUT" )
.pathInfo( path )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_CREATED )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".protobuf" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-protobuf" )
.header( "Location", driver.getRealUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + path );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_CREATED )
.contentType( "application/x-protobuf" )
.header( "Location", startsWith( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + path ) )
.when().put( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + path );
public void testHBaseGetTableSchema() throws IOException {
String username = "hbase";
String password = "hbase-password";
String resourceName = "hbase/table-metadata";
String path = "/table/schema";
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( path )
.header( "Accept", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".xml" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.XML.toString() );
Response response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.header( "Accept", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( ContentType.XML )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + path );
the( response.getBody().asString() ),
isEquivalentTo( the( driver.getResourceString( resourceName + ".xml", UTF8 ) ) ) );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( path )
.header( "Accept", ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".json" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON.toString() );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.header( "Accept", ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + path );
.assertThat( response.getBody().asString(), sameJSONAs( driver.getResourceString( resourceName + ".json", UTF8 ) ) );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( path )
.header( "Accept", "application/x-protobuf" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".protobuf" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-protobuf" );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.header( "Accept", "application/x-protobuf" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
//.content( is( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".protobuf" ) ) )
.contentType( "application/x-protobuf" )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + path );
// RestAssured seems to be screwing up the binary comparison so do it explicitly.
assertThat( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".protobuf" ), is( response.body().asByteArray() ) );
public void testHBaseInsertDataIntoTable() throws IOException {
String username = "hbase";
String password = "hbase-password";
String resourceName = "hbase/table-data";
String singleRowPath = "/table/testrow";
String multipleRowPath = "/table/false-row-key";
//PUT request
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "PUT" )
.pathInfo( multipleRowPath )
//.header( "Content-Type", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".xml" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.XML.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
//.header( "Content-Type", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".xml" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.XML.toString() )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().put( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + multipleRowPath );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "PUT" )
.pathInfo( singleRowPath )
//.header( "Content-Type", ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
//.header( "Content-Type", ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".json" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().put( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + singleRowPath );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "PUT" )
.pathInfo( multipleRowPath )
//.header( "Content-Type", "application/x-protobuf" )
.contentType( "application/x-protobuf" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".protobuf" ) )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
//.header( "Content-Type", "application/x-protobuf" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".protobuf" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-protobuf" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().put( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + multipleRowPath );
//POST request
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "POST" )
.pathInfo( multipleRowPath )
//.header( "Content-Type", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".xml" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.XML.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
//.header( "Content-Type", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".xml" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.XML.toString() )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + multipleRowPath );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "POST" )
.pathInfo( singleRowPath )
//.header( "Content-Type", ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
//.header( "Content-Type", ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".json" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + singleRowPath );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "POST" )
.pathInfo( multipleRowPath )
//.header( "Content-Type", "application/x-protobuf" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".protobuf" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-protobuf" )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
//.header( "Content-Type", "application/x-protobuf" )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".protobuf" ) )
.contentType( "application/x-protobuf" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().post( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + multipleRowPath );
public void testHBaseDeleteDataFromTable() {
String username = "hbase";
String password = "hbase-password";
String tableId = "table";
String rowId = "row";
String familyId = "family";
String columnId = "column";
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.from( "testHBaseDeleteDataFromTable-1" )
.method( "DELETE" )
.pathInfo( "/" + tableId + "/" + rowId )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().delete( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + "/" + tableId + "/" + rowId );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.from( "testHBaseDeleteDataFromTable-2" )
.method( "DELETE" )
.pathInfo( "/" + tableId + "/" + rowId + "/" + familyId )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().delete( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + "/" + tableId + "/" + rowId + "/" + familyId );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.from( "testHBaseDeleteDataFromTable-3" )
.method( "DELETE" )
.pathInfo( "/" + tableId + "/" + rowId + "/" + familyId + ":" + columnId )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().delete( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + "/" + tableId + "/" + rowId + "/" + familyId + ":" + columnId );
public void testHBaseQueryTableData() throws IOException {
String username = "hbase";
String password = "hbase-password";
String resourceName = "hbase/table-data";
String allRowsPath = "/table/*";
String rowsStartsWithPath = "/table/row*";
String rowsWithKeyPath = "/table/row";
String rowsWithKeyAndColumnPath = "/table/row/family:col";
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( allRowsPath )
.header( "Accept", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".xml" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.XML.toString() );
Response response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.header( "Accept", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( ContentType.XML )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + allRowsPath );
the( response.getBody().asString() ),
isEquivalentTo( the( driver.getResourceString( resourceName + ".xml", UTF8 ) ) ) );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( rowsStartsWithPath )
.header( "Accept", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".xml" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.XML.toString() );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.header( "Accept", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( ContentType.XML )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + rowsStartsWithPath );
the( response.getBody().asString() ),
isEquivalentTo( the( driver.getResourceString( resourceName + ".xml", UTF8 ) ) ) );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( rowsWithKeyPath )
.header( "Accept", ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".json" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON.toString() );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.header( "Accept", ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + rowsWithKeyPath );
.assertThat( response.getBody().asString(), sameJSONAs( driver.getResourceString( resourceName + ".json", UTF8 ) ) );
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( rowsWithKeyAndColumnPath )
.header( "Accept", ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resourceName + ".json" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON.toString() );
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.header( "Accept", ContentType.JSON.toString() )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + rowsWithKeyAndColumnPath );
.assertThat( response.getBody().asString(), sameJSONAs( driver.getResourceString( resourceName + ".json", UTF8 ) ) );
public void testHBaseUseScanner() throws IOException {
String username = "hbase";
String password = "hbase-password";
String scannerDefinitionResourceName = "hbase/scanner-definition";
String tableDataResourceName = "hbase/table-data";
String scannerPath = "/table/scanner";
String scannerId = "13705290446328cff5ed";
//Create scanner for table using PUT and POST requests
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "PUT" )
.pathInfo( scannerPath )
.header( "Content-Type", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_CREATED );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.header( "Content-Type", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( scannerDefinitionResourceName + ".xml" ) )
//TODO: Add "Location" header check when issue with incorrect outbound rewrites will be resolved
//.header( "Location", startsWith( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + createScannerPath ) )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_CREATED )
.when().put( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + scannerPath );
//Get the values of the next cells found by the scanner
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( scannerPath + "/" + scannerId )
.header( "Accept", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( tableDataResourceName + ".xml" ) )
.contentType( ContentType.XML.toString() );
Response response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.header( "Accept", ContentType.XML.toString() )
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( ContentType.XML )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + scannerPath + "/" + scannerId );
the( response.getBody().asString() ),
isEquivalentTo( the( driver.getResourceString( tableDataResourceName + ".xml", UTF8 ) ) ) );
//Delete scanner
driver.getMock( "WEBHBASE" )
.from( "testHBaseUseScanner" )
.method( "DELETE" )
.pathInfo( scannerPath + "/" + scannerId )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().delete( driver.getUrl( "WEBHBASE" ) + scannerPath + "/" + scannerId );
public void testCrossSiteRequestForgeryPreventionPUT() throws IOException {
String root = "/tmp/GatewayWebHdfsFuncTest/testCrossSiteRequestForgeryPrevention";
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
// .log().all()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
// .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "MKDIRS" )
// .log().all()
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST )
.when().put( driver.getUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) + "/v1" + root + "/dir" );
public void testCrossSiteRequestForgeryPreventionGET() throws IOException {
String root = "/tmp/GatewayWebHdfsFuncTest/testCrossSiteRequestForgeryPrevention";
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" )
.method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( "/v1" + root + "/dir" )
.queryParam( "op", "LISTSTATUS" )
.queryParam( "", username )
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK );
// .log().all()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
// .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.queryParam( "op", "LISTSTATUS" )
// .log().all()
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.when().get( driver.getUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) + "/v1" + root + "/dir" );
// driver.reset();
public void testYarnRmGetClusterInfo() throws Exception {
getYarnRmResource( "/v1/cluster/", ContentType.JSON, "yarn/cluster-info" );
getYarnRmResource( "/v1/cluster/", ContentType.XML, "yarn/cluster-info" );
getYarnRmResource( "/v1/cluster/info/", ContentType.JSON, "yarn/cluster-info" );
getYarnRmResource( "/v1/cluster/info/", ContentType.XML, "yarn/cluster-info" );
public void testYarnRmGetClusterMetrics() throws Exception {
getYarnRmResource( "/v1/cluster/metrics/", ContentType.JSON, "yarn/cluster-metrics" );
getYarnRmResource( "/v1/cluster/metrics/", ContentType.XML, "yarn/cluster-metrics" );
public void testYarnRnGetScheduler() throws Exception {
getYarnRmResource( "/v1/cluster/scheduler/", ContentType.JSON, "yarn/scheduler" );
getYarnRmResource( "/v1/cluster/scheduler/", ContentType.XML, "yarn/scheduler" );
public void getYarnRmAppstatistics() throws Exception {
getYarnRmResource( "/v1/cluster/appstatistics/", ContentType.JSON, "yarn/appstatistics" );
getYarnRmResource( "/v1/cluster/appstatistics/", ContentType.XML, "yarn/appstatistics" );
public void testYarnRmGetApplications() throws Exception {
getYarnRmApps( ContentType.XML, null );
getYarnRmApps( ContentType.JSON, null );
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put( "states", "FINISHED" );
params.put( "finalStatus", "SUCCEEDED" );
params.put( "user", "test" );
params.put( "queue", "queueName" );
params.put( "limit", "100" );
params.put( "startedTimeBegin", "1399903578539" );
params.put( "startedTimeEnd", "1399903578539" );
params.put( "finishedTimeBegin", "1399904819572" );
params.put( "finishedTimeEnd", "1399904819572" );
params.put( "applicationTypes", "MAPREDUCE" );
params.put( "applicationTags", "a" );
getYarnRmApps( ContentType.XML, params );
getYarnRmApps( ContentType.JSON, params );
private void getYarnRmApps( ContentType contentType, Map<String,String> params ) throws Exception {
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
String path = "/v1/cluster/apps/";
String resource = "/yarn/apps";
String gatewayPath = driver.getUrl( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ) + path;
String gatewayPathQuery = driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "?" + username;
InetSocketAddress gatewayAddress = driver.gateway.getAddresses()[0];
switch( contentType ) {
case JSON:
resource += ".json";
case XML:
resource += ".xml";
MockRequestMatcher mockRequestMatcher = driver.getMock( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ).expect().method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( path ).queryParam( "", username );
if ( params != null ) {
for (Entry<String, String> param : params.entrySet()) {
mockRequestMatcher.queryParam( param.getKey(), param.getValue() );
if (gatewayPathQuery.isEmpty()) {
gatewayPathQuery += "?";
} else {
gatewayPathQuery += "&";
gatewayPathQuery += param.getKey() + "=" + param.getValue();
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resource ) )
.contentType( contentType.toString() );
// .log().all()
.basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" )
// .log().all()
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( contentType )
.content( "[0].trackingUrl", isEmptyString() )
.content( "[1].trackingUrl", startsWith( "http://" + gatewayAddress.getHostName() + ":" + gatewayAddress.getPort() + "/" ) )
.content( "[2].trackingUrl", isEmptyString() )
.content( "[0].amContainerLogs", isEmptyString() )
.content( "[1].amContainerLogs", isEmptyString() )
.content( "[0].amHostHttpAddress", isEmptyString() )
.content( "[1].amHostHttpAddress", isEmptyString() )
.content( "[2].id", is( "application_1399541193872_0009" ) )
.get( gatewayPath + gatewayPathQuery );
public void testYarnApplicationLifecycle() throws Exception {
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
String path = "/v1/cluster/apps/new-application";
String resource = "yarn/new-application.json";
Response response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.when().post(driver.getUrl("RESOURCEMANAGER") + path + (driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "?" + username));
assertThat(response.getBody().asString(), Matchers.containsString("application-id"));
path = "/v1/cluster/apps";
resource = "yarn/application-submit-request.json";
.auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.when().post(driver.getUrl("RESOURCEMANAGER") + path + (driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "?" + username));
path = "/v1/cluster/apps/application_1405356982244_0031/state";
resource = "yarn/application-killing.json";
response = given()
.auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
.header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
.when().put(driver.getUrl("RESOURCEMANAGER") + path + (driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "?" + username));
public void testYarnRmApplication() throws Exception {
getYarnRmApp( ContentType.JSON, true );
getYarnRmApp( ContentType.XML, true );
getYarnRmApp( ContentType.JSON, false );
getYarnRmApp( ContentType.XML, false );
private void getYarnRmApp( ContentType contentType, boolean running ) throws Exception {
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
String path = "/v1/cluster/apps/application_1399541193872_0033/";
String resource;
if ( running ) {
resource = "/yarn/app_running";
} else {
resource = "/yarn/app_succeeded";
switch( contentType ) {
case JSON:
resource += ".json";
case XML:
resource += ".xml";
String gatewayPath = driver.getUrl( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ) + path + (driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "?" + username);
InetSocketAddress gatewayAddress = driver.gateway.getAddresses()[0];
VelocityEngine velocity = new VelocityEngine();
velocity.setProperty( RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM_CLASS, "org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.NullLogSystem" );
velocity.setProperty( RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_LOADER, "classpath" );
velocity.setProperty( "classpath.resource.loader.class", ClasspathResourceLoader.class.getName() );
VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();
context.put( "proxy_address", driver.getRealUrl( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ) );
String name = TestUtils.getResourceName( this.getClass(), resource );
Template template = velocity.getTemplate( name );
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
template.merge( context, sw );
String request = sw.toString();
driver.getMock( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ).expect().method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( path ).queryParam( "", username ).respond()
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( request.getBytes() )
.contentType( contentType.toString() );
ResponseSpecification response = given()
// .log().all()
.basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" )
// .log().all()
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( contentType );
if ( running ) {
response.content( "app.trackingUrl", startsWith( "http://" + gatewayAddress.getHostName() + ":" + gatewayAddress.getPort() + "/" ) );
} else {
response.content( "app.trackingUrl", isEmptyString() );
response.content( "app.amContainerLogs", isEmptyString() )
.content( "app.amHostHttpAddress", isEmptyString() )
.get( gatewayPath );
private void getYarnRmResource( String path, ContentType contentType, String resource )
throws Exception {
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
switch( contentType ) {
case JSON:
resource += ".json";
case XML:
resource += ".xml";
driver.getMock( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ).expect().method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( path ).queryParam( "", username ).respond()
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resource ) )
.contentType( contentType.toString() );
Response response = given()
// .log().all()
.basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" )
// .log().all()
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( contentType )
driver.getUrl( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ) + path
+ (driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "?" + username) );
switch( contentType ) {
case JSON:
MatcherAssert.assertThat( response.getBody().asString(),
sameJSONAs( driver.getResourceString( resource, UTF8 ) ) );
case XML:
.assertThat( the( response.getBody().asString() ),
isEquivalentTo( the( driver.getResourceString( resource, UTF8 ) ) ) );
public void testYarnRmAppattempts() throws Exception {
getYarnRmAppattempts( ContentType.JSON );
getYarnRmAppattempts( ContentType.XML );
private void getYarnRmAppattempts( ContentType contentType ) throws Exception {
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
String path = "/v1/cluster/apps/application_1399541193872_0018/appattempts/";
String resource = "/yarn/appattempts";
String gatewayPath = driver.getUrl( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ) + path + (driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "?" + username);
switch( contentType ) {
case JSON:
resource += ".json";
case XML:
resource += ".xml";
driver.getMock( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ).expect().method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( path ).queryParam( "", username ).respond()
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resource ) )
.contentType( contentType.toString() );
// .log().all()
.basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" )
// .log().all()
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( contentType )
.content( "appAttempts.appAttempt[0].nodeHttpAddress", isEmptyString() )
.content( "appAttempts.appAttempt[0].nodeId", not( containsString( "localhost:50060" ) ) )
.content( "appAttempts.appAttempt[0].logsLink", isEmptyString() )
.get( gatewayPath );
public void testYarnRmNodes() throws Exception {
getYarnRmNodes( ContentType.JSON, null );
getYarnRmNodes( ContentType.XML, null );
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put( "state", "new,running" );
params.put( "healthy", "true" );
getYarnRmNodes( ContentType.JSON, params );
getYarnRmNodes( ContentType.XML, params );
private void getYarnRmNodes( ContentType contentType, Map<String, String> params ) throws Exception {
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
String path = "/v1/cluster/nodes/";
String nodesResource = "/yarn/nodes";
String nodeResource = "/yarn/node";
String nodeId = "localhost:45454";
String gatewayPath = driver.getUrl( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ) + path;
String gatewayPathQuery = driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "?" + username;
MockRequestMatcher mockRequestMatcher = driver.getMock( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ).expect().method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( path ).queryParam( "", username );
if ( params != null ) {
for (Entry<String, String> param : params.entrySet()) {
mockRequestMatcher.queryParam( param.getKey(), param.getValue() );
if (gatewayPathQuery.isEmpty()) {
gatewayPathQuery += "?";
} else {
gatewayPathQuery += "&";
gatewayPathQuery += param.getKey() + "=" + param.getValue();
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( nodesResource + (contentType == ContentType.JSON ? ".json" : ".xml" ) ) )
.contentType( contentType.toString() );
String encryptedNodeId = given()
// .log().all()
.basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" )
// .log().all()
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( contentType )
.content( "nodes.node[0].id", not( containsString( nodeId ) ) )
.content( "nodes.node[0].nodeHostName", isEmptyString() )
.content( "nodes.node[0].nodeHTTPAddress", isEmptyString() )
.get( gatewayPath + gatewayPathQuery ).getBody().path( "nodes.node[0].id" );
driver.getMock( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ).expect().method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( path + nodeId ).queryParam( "", username ).respond()
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( nodeResource + (contentType == ContentType.JSON ? ".json" : ".xml" ) ) )
.contentType( contentType.toString() );
// .log().all()
.basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" )
// .log().all()
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.contentType( contentType )
.content( "", not( containsString( nodeId ) ) )
.content( "node.nodeHostName", isEmptyString() )
.content( "node.nodeHTTPAddress", isEmptyString() )
.get( gatewayPath + encryptedNodeId );
public void testYarnRmProxy() throws Exception {
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
String path = "/v1/cluster/apps/application_1399541193872_0033/";
String gatewayPath = driver.getUrl( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ) + path;
Map<String, Matcher<?>> matchers = new HashMap<String, Matcher<?>>();
VelocityEngine velocity = new VelocityEngine();
velocity.setProperty( RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM_CLASS, "org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.NullLogSystem" );
velocity.setProperty( RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_LOADER, "classpath" );
velocity.setProperty( "classpath.resource.loader.class", ClasspathResourceLoader.class.getName() );
VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();
context.put( "proxy_address", driver.getRealUrl( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ) );
String name = TestUtils.getResourceName( this.getClass(), "yarn/app_running.json" );
Template template = velocity.getTemplate( name );
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
template.merge( context, sw );
String request = sw.toString();
driver.getMock( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ).expect().method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( path )
.queryParam( "", username ).respond()
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( request.getBytes() )
.contentType( ContentType.JSON.toString() );
String encryptedTrackingUrl = given()
// .log().all()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" )
// .log().all()
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK ).contentType( ContentType.JSON ).when()
.get( gatewayPath + ( driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "?" + username ) ).getBody()
.path( "app.trackingUrl" );
String encryptedQuery = new URI( encryptedTrackingUrl ).getQuery();
// Test that root address of MapReduce Application Master REST API is not accessible through Knox
// For example, https://{gateway_host}:{gateway_port}/gateway/{cluster}/resourcemanager/proxy/{app_id}/?_={encrypted_application_proxy_location} should return Not Found response
// https://{gateway_host}:{gateway_port}/gateway/{cluster}/resourcemanager/proxy/{app_id}/ws/v1/mapreduce/?_={encrypted_application_proxy_location} returns OK
// .log().all()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" ).expect()
// .log().all()
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND ).when()
.get( encryptedTrackingUrl );
String resource = null;
path = "/proxy/application_1399541193872_0033/ws/v1/mapreduce/info";
resource = "yarn/proxy-mapreduce-info";
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.JSON );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.XML );
path = "/proxy/application_1399541193872_0033/ws/v1/mapreduce";
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.JSON );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.XML );
path = "/proxy/application_1399541193872_0033/ws/v1/mapreduce/jobs";
resource = "yarn/proxy-mapreduce-jobs";
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.JSON );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.XML );
path = "/proxy/application_1399541193872_0033/ws/v1/mapreduce/jobs/job_1399541193872_0035";
resource = "yarn/proxy-mapreduce-job";
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.JSON );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.XML );
path = "/proxy/application_1399541193872_0033/ws/v1/mapreduce/jobs/job_1399541193872_0035/counters";
resource = "yarn/proxy-mapreduce-job-counters";
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.JSON );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.XML );
// TODO: Need to understand what we should do with following properties
// hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.hosts
// dfs.namenode.secondary.http-address
// dfs.namenode.http-address
// mapreduce.jobhistory.webapp.address
// mapreduce.jobhistory.webapp.https.address
// dfs.namenode.https-address
// mapreduce.job.submithostname
// yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address
// yarn.resourcemanager.hostname
// mapreduce.jobhistory.address
// yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.https.address
// hadoop.proxyuser.oozie.hosts
// hadoop.proxyuser.hive.hosts
// dfs.namenode.secondary.https-address
// hadoop.proxyuser.hcat.hosts
// hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.hosts
// TODO: resolve java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Unmatched closing ')' near index 17 m@\..*EXAMPLE\.COM)s
path = "/proxy/application_1399541193872_0035/ws/v1/mapreduce/jobs/job_1399541193872_0035/conf";
resource = "yarn/proxy-mapreduce-job-conf";
// getYarnRmProxyJobConf( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.JSON );
// getYarnRmProxyJobConf( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.XML );
path = "/proxy/application_1399541193872_0036/ws/v1/mapreduce/jobs/job_1399541193872_0036/jobattempts";
resource = "yarn/proxy-mapreduce-job-attempts";
matchers.put( "jobAttempts.jobAttempt[0].nodeHttpAddress", isEmptyString() );
matchers.put( "jobAttempts.jobAttempt[0].nodeId", not( containsString( "" ) ) );
matchers.put( "jobAttempts.jobAttempt[0].logsLink", isEmptyString() );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.JSON, matchers );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.XML, matchers );
path = "/proxy/application_1399541193872_0036/ws/v1/mapreduce/jobs/job_1399541193872_0036/tasks";
resource = "yarn/proxy-mapreduce-tasks";
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.JSON );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.XML );
path = "/proxy/application_1399541193872_0036/ws/v1/mapreduce/jobs/job_1399541193872_0036/tasks/task_1399541193872_0036_r_00";
resource = "yarn/proxy-mapreduce-task";
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.JSON );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.XML );
path = "/proxy/application_1399541193872_0036/ws/v1/mapreduce/jobs/job_1399541193872_0036/tasks/task_1399541193872_0036_r_00/counters";
resource = "yarn/proxy-mapreduce-task-counters";
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.JSON );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.XML );
path = "/proxy/application_1399541193872_0036/ws/v1/mapreduce/jobs/job_1399541193872_0036/tasks/task_1399541193872_0036_r_00/attempts";
resource = "yarn/proxy-mapreduce-task-attempts";
matchers.put( "taskAttempts.taskAttempt[0].nodeHttpAddress", isEmptyString() );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.JSON, matchers );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.XML, matchers );
path = "/proxy/application_1399541193872_0036/ws/v1/mapreduce/jobs/job_1399541193872_0036/tasks/task_1399541193872_0036_r_00/attempts/attempt_1399541193872_0036_r_000000_0";
resource = "yarn/proxy-mapreduce-task-attempt";
matchers.put( "taskAttempt.nodeHttpAddress", isEmptyString() );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.JSON, matchers );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.XML, matchers );
path = "/proxy/application_1399541193872_0036/ws/v1/mapreduce/jobs/job_1399541193872_0036/tasks/task_1399541193872_0036_r_00/attempts/attempt_1399541193872_0036_r_000000_0/counters";
resource = "yarn/proxy-mapreduce-task-attempt-counters";
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.JSON );
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, ContentType.XML );
private void getYarnRmProxyData( String encryptedQuery, String path, String resource, ContentType contentType ) throws Exception {
getYarnRmProxyData( encryptedQuery, path, resource, contentType, null );
private void getYarnRmProxyData( String encryptedQuery, String path, String resource, ContentType contentType, Map<String, Matcher<?>> contentMatchers ) throws Exception {
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
String gatewayPath = driver.getUrl( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ) + path + "?" + encryptedQuery + ( driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "&" + username );
switch( contentType ) {
case JSON:
resource += ".json";
case XML:
resource += ".xml";
driver.getMock( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ).expect().method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( path )
.queryParam( "", username ).respond()
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resource ) )
.contentType( contentType.toString() );
ResponseSpecification responseSpecification = given()
// .log().all()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" )
// .log().all()
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK ).contentType( contentType );
if ( contentMatchers != null ) {
for ( Entry<String, Matcher<?>> matcher : contentMatchers.entrySet() ) {
responseSpecification.content( matcher.getKey(), matcher.getValue() );
Response response = responseSpecification.when().get( gatewayPath );
if ( contentMatchers == null || contentMatchers.isEmpty() ) {
switch( contentType ) {
case JSON:
MatcherAssert.assertThat( response.getBody().asString(),
sameJSONAs( driver.getResourceString( resource, UTF8 ) ) );
case XML:
.assertThat( the( response.getBody().asString() ),
isEquivalentTo( the( driver.getResourceString( resource, UTF8 ) ) ) );
private void getYarnRmProxyJobConf( String encryptedQuery, String path, String resource, ContentType contentType ) throws Exception {
String username = "hdfs";
String password = "hdfs-password";
String gatewayPath = driver.getUrl( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ) + path + "?" + encryptedQuery + ( driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "&" + username );
switch( contentType ) {
case JSON:
resource += ".json";
case XML:
resource += ".xml";
driver.getMock( "RESOURCEMANAGER" ).expect().method( "GET" )
.pathInfo( path )
.queryParam( "", username ).respond()
.status( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
.content( driver.getResourceBytes( resource ) )
.contentType( contentType.toString() );
Response response = given()
// .log().all()
.auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
.header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" )
// .log().all()
.statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK ).contentType( contentType ).when()
.get( gatewayPath );
assertThat( response.body().asString(), not( containsString( "" ) ) );
private File findFile( File dir, String pattern ) {
File file = null;
FileFilter filter = new WildcardFileFilter( pattern );
File[] files = dir.listFiles(filter);
if( files != null && files.length > 0 ) {
file = files[0];
return file;
private String findHadoopExamplesJar() throws IOException {
String pattern = "hadoop-examples-*.jar";
File dir = new File( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ), "hadoop-examples/target" );
File file = findFile( dir, pattern );
if( file == null || !file.exists() ) {
file = findFile( new File( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ), "../hadoop-examples/target" ), pattern );
if( file == null ) {
throw new FileNotFoundException( pattern );
return file.toURI().toString();