blob: 03461f2fbfcf3423a6de97bd35c097ddd5afe516 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
#the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
This is an experimental tone analyzer plugin for using Watson/BlueMix for
analyzing the mood of email on a list. This requires a Watson account
and a watson section in config.yaml, as such:
username: $user
password: $pass
api: https://$
Currently only pony mail is supported. more to come.
import time
import datetime
import re
import json
import hashlib
import requests
import json
import uuid
def watsonTone(KibbleBit, bodies):
""" Sentiment analysis using IBM Watson """
if 'watson' in KibbleBit.config:
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# Crop out quotes
for body in bodies:
lines = body.split("\n")
body = "\n".join([x for x in lines if not x.startswith(">")])
js = {
'text': body
rv =
"%s/v3/tone?version=2017-09-21&sentences=false" % KibbleBit.config['watson']['api'],
headers = headers,
data = json.dumps(js),
auth = (KibbleBit.config['watson']['username'], KibbleBit.config['watson']['password'])
jsout = rv.json()
jsout = {} # borked Watson?
mood = {}
if 'document_tone' in jsout:
for tone in jsout['document_tone']['tones']:
mood[tone['tone_id']] = tone['score']
KibbleBit.pprint("Failed to analyze email body.")
yield mood
def azureTone(KibbleBit, bodies):
""" Sentiment analysis using Azure Text Analysis API """
if 'azure' in KibbleBit.config:
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': KibbleBit.config['azure']['apikey']
js = {
"documents": []
# For each body...
a = 0
moods = []
for body in bodies:
# Crop out quotes
lines = body.split("\n")
body = "\n".join([x for x in lines if not x.startswith(">")])
doc = {
"language": "en",
"id": str(a),
"text": body
moods.append({}) # placeholder for each doc, to be replaced
a += 1
rv =
"" % KibbleBit.config['azure']['location'],
headers = headers,
data = json.dumps(js)
jsout = rv.json()
jsout = {} # borked sentiment analysis?
if 'documents' in jsout and len(jsout['documents']) > 0:
for doc in jsout['documents']:
mood = {}
# This is more parred than Watson, so we'll split it into three groups: positive, neutral and negative.
# Divide into four segments, 0->40%, 25->75% and 60->100%.
# 0-40 promotes negative, 60-100 promotes positive, and 25-75% promotes neutral.
# As we don't want to over-represent negative/positive where the results are
# muddy, the neutral zone is larger than the positive/negative zones by 10%.
val = doc['score']
mood['negative'] = max(0, ((0.4 - val) * 2.5)) # For 40% and below, use 2½ distance
mood['positive'] = max(0, ((val-0.6) * 2.5)) # For 60% and above, use 2½ distance
mood['neutral'] = max(0, 1 - (abs(val - 0.5) * 2)) # Between 25% and 75% use double the distance to middle.
moods[int(doc['id'])] = mood # Replace moods[X] with the actual mood
KibbleBit.pprint("Failed to analyze email body.")
# Depending on price tier, Azure will return a 429 if you go too fast.
# If we see a statusCode return, let's just stop for now.
# Later scans can pick up the slack.
if 'statusCode' in jsout:
KibbleBit.pprint("Possible rate limiting in place, stopping for now.")
return False
return moods
def picoTone(KibbleBit, bodies):
""" Sentiment analysis using picoAPI Text Analysis """
if 'picoapi' in KibbleBit.config:
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'PicoAPI-Key': KibbleBit.config['picoapi']['key']
js = {
"texts": []
# For each body...
a = 0
moods = []
for body in bodies:
# Crop out quotes
lines = body.split("\n")
body = "\n".join([x for x in lines if not x.startswith(">")])
doc = {
"id": str(a),
"body": body
moods.append({}) # placeholder for each doc, to be replaced
a += 1
rv =
headers = headers,
data = json.dumps(js)
jsout = rv.json()
jsout = {} # borked sentiment analysis?
if 'results' in jsout and len(jsout['results']) > 0:
for doc in jsout['results']:
mood = {}
# Sentiment is the overall score, and we use that for the neutrality of a text
val = (1 + doc['sentiment']) / 2
mood['negative'] = doc['negativity'] # Use the direct Bayesian score from picoAPI
mood['positive'] = doc['positivity'] # Use the direct Bayesian score from picoAPI
mood['neutral'] = doc['neutrality'] # Calc neutrality to favor a middle sentiment score, ignore high/low
# Additional (optional) emotion weighting
if 'emotions' in doc:
for k, v in doc['emotions'].items():
mood[k] = v / 100 # Value is betwen 0 and 100.
moods[int(doc['id'])] = mood # Replace moods[X] with the actual mood
KibbleBit.pprint("Failed to analyze email body.")
# 403 returned on invalid key, 429 on rate exceeded.
# If we see a code return, let's just stop for now.
# Later scans can pick up the slack.
if 'code' in jsout:
KibbleBit.pprint("Possible rate limiting in place, stopping for now.")
return False
return moods