blob: 6ec721277580bdaf28a2ae0ec725b83c9f2d29fd [file] [log] [blame]
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This bundle provides JAAS classes loaded during Karaf boot process.
Especially, it provides the ProxyLoginModule.
The ProxyLoginModule is an OSGi proxy login module that should be used instead of a plain reference to
a given login module. It takes two properties, the name of the login module class, and the bundle to be used
to load it.
This class must be available from all modules, so it has to be either in a fragment bundle attached to the
system bundle or be made available through the boot delegation class path.
\u001B[1mSEE ALSO\u001B[0m
\u001B[36mSecurity\u001B[0m section of the Karaf User Guide.
\u001B[36mSecurity Framework\u001B[0m section of the Karaf Developer Guide.