blob: 355f96c2418bcdfb244fbc486f8afafa901e3970 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.karaf.tooling.exam.options;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.karaf.tooling.exam.options.LogLevelOption.LogLevel;
import org.ops4j.pax.exam.Option;
import org.ops4j.pax.exam.options.extra.VMOption;
* Final class to provide an easy and intuitive way to configure the specific karaf distribution options.
public final class KarafDistributionOption {
* Per default the folder pax-exam is deleting the test directories after a test is over. If you want to keep those
* directories (for later evaluation) simply set this option.
public static Option keepRuntimeFolder() {
return new KeepRuntimeFolderOption();
* Provides an option to configure the internals of the PaxExamKaraf subsystem runner.
public static Option useOwnKarafExamSystemConfiguration(String invoker) {
return new KarafExamSystemConfigurationOption(invoker);
* The karaf pax-logging configuration is typically not a file manipulated very often. Therefore we take the freedom
* of adding a console logger and changing the log level directly. IF you like to configure the file manually (or
* had so in your distribution) add this option to avoid any automatic modifications to this file!
public static Option doNotModifyLogConfiguration() {
return new DoNotModifyLogOption();
* This option allows to configure the start level of the bundles in the exam features descriptor.
public static Option useOwnExamBundlesStartLevel(int startLevel) {
return new ExamBundlesStartLevel(startLevel);
* Returns an option object which can be used to configure the -Dkaraf.startLocalConsole and
* -Dkaraf.startRemoteShell options. By default both are true.
public static KarafDistributionConfigurationConsoleOption configureConsole() {
return new KarafDistributionConfigurationConsoleOption(null, null);
* Configures which distribution options to use. Relevant are the frameworkURL, the frameworkName and the Karaf
* version since all of those params are relevant to decide which wrapper configurations to use.
public static KarafDistributionBaseConfigurationOption karafDistributionConfiguration(String frameworkURL,
String name,
String karafVersion) {
return new KarafDistributionConfigurationOption(frameworkURL, name, karafVersion);
* Configures which distribution options to use. Relevant are the frameworkURL, the frameworkName and the Karaf
* version since all of those params are relevant to decide which wrapper configurations to use.
public static KarafDistributionBaseConfigurationOption karafDistributionConfiguration() {
return new KarafDistributionConfigurationOption();
* This option allows to configure each configuration fille based on the karaf.home location. The value is "put".
* Which means it is either replaced or added.
* If you like to extend an option (e.g. make a=b to a=b,c) please make use of the
* {@link KarafDistributionConfigurationFileExtendOption}.
public static Option editConfigurationFilePut(String configurationFilePath, String key, String value) {
return new KarafDistributionConfigurationFilePutOption(configurationFilePath, key, value);
* This option allows to configure each configuration fille based on the karaf.home location. The value is "put".
* Which means it is either replaced or added.
* If you like to extend an option (e.g. make a=b to a=b,c) please make use of the
* {@link KarafDistributionConfigurationFileExtendOption}.
public static Option editConfigurationFilePut(ConfigurationPointer configurationPointer, String value) {
return new KarafDistributionConfigurationFilePutOption(configurationPointer, value);
* This option allows to configure each configuration file based on the karaf.home location. The value is "put"
* which means it is either replaced or added. For simpler configuration you can add a file source. If you want to
* put all values from this file do not configure any keysToUseFromSource; otherwise define them to use only those
* specific values.
public static Option[] editConfigurationFilePut(final String configurationFilePath,
File source, String... keysToUseFromSource) {
return createOptionListFromFile(source, new FileOptionFactory() {
public Option createOption(String key, String value) {
return new KarafDistributionConfigurationFilePutOption(configurationFilePath, key, value);
}, keysToUseFromSource);
private static interface FileOptionFactory {
Option createOption(String key, String value);
private static Option[] createOptionListFromFile(File source, FileOptionFactory optionFactory,
String... keysToUseFromSource) {
Properties props = new Properties();
try {
props.load(new FileInputStream(source));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
List<Option> options =
new ArrayList<Option>();
if (keysToUseFromSource == null || keysToUseFromSource.length == 0) {
Set<Object> keySet = props.keySet();
for (Object key : keySet) {
Object value = props.get(key);
options.add(optionFactory.createOption((String) key, (String) value));
} else {
for (String key : keysToUseFromSource) {
Object value = props.get(key);
options.add(optionFactory.createOption(key, (String) value));
return options.toArray(new Option[]{});
* This option allows to extend configurations in each configuration file based on the karaf.home location. The
* value extends the current value (e.g. a=b to a=a,b) instead of replacing it. If there is no current value it is
* added.
* If you would like to have add or replace functionality please use the
* {@link KarafDistributionConfigurationFilePutOption} instead.
public static Option editConfigurationFileExtend(String configurationFilePath, String key, String value) {
return new KarafDistributionConfigurationFileExtendOption(configurationFilePath, key, value);
* This option allows to extend configurations in each configuration file based on the karaf.home location. The
* value extends the current value (e.g. a=b to a=a,b) instead of replacing it. If there is no current value it is
* added.
* If you would like to have add or replace functionality please use the
* {@link KarafDistributionConfigurationFilePutOption} instead.
public static Option editConfigurationFileExtend(ConfigurationPointer configurationPointer, String value) {
return new KarafDistributionConfigurationFileExtendOption(configurationPointer, value);
* This option allows to configure each configuration file based on the karaf.home location. The value is "extend"
* which means it is either replaced or added. For simpler configuration you can add a file source. If you want to
* put all values from this file do not configure any keysToUseFromSource; otherwise define them to use only those
* specific values.
public static Option[] editConfigurationFileExtend(final String configurationFilePath, File source,
String... keysToUseFromSource) {
return createOptionListFromFile(source, new FileOptionFactory() {
public Option createOption(String key, String value) {
return new KarafDistributionConfigurationFileExtendOption(configurationFilePath, key, value);
}, keysToUseFromSource);
* This option allows to simply replace an entire configuration file with your own one. Simply point to the
* configuration file you would like to have replaced and add the source file which should replace it.
public static Option replaceConfigurationFile(String configurationFilePath, File source) {
return new KarafDistributionConfigurationFileReplacementOption(configurationFilePath, source);
* Activates debugging on the embedded Karaf container using the standard 5005 port and holds the vm till you've
* attached the debugger.
public static Option debugConfiguration() {
return debugConfiguration("5005", true);
* A very simple and convinient method to set a specific log level without the need of configure the specific option
* itself.
public static Option logLevel(LogLevel logLevel) {
return new LogLevelOption(logLevel);
* A very simple and convinient method to set a specific log level without the need of configure the specific option
* itself.
public static LogLevelOption logLevel() {
return new LogLevelOption();
* Returns an easy option to activate and configure remote debugging for the Karaf container.
public static Option debugConfiguration(String port, boolean hold) {
return new VMOption(format("-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=%s,address=%s", hold ? "y" : "n",