Update RELEASE-NOTES in preparation for 4.1.2 release.
index 051550c..c39e837 100644
@@ -15,6 +15,133 @@
  * limitations under the License.
+		    Apache Karaf 4.1.2
+		    ==================
+ Apache Karaf 4.1.0 is a maintenance release on the 4.1.x series, bringing bug fixes and updates.
+ ChangeLog:
+ ----------
+** Bug
+    * [KARAF-3347] - 'LATEST' placeholder is not resolved correctly for descriptors and repositories
+    * [KARAF-3429] - always use proxy server listed in maven settings.xml when installing features
+    * [KARAF-4174] - NullPointerException when running obr:info on a bundle served by cave
+    * [KARAF-4324] - Shell commands and optional @Reference
+    * [KARAF-4490] - LDAPLoginModule use authentication to check user password
+    * [KARAF-4603] - Nashorn support in Karaf
+    * [KARAF-4655] - karaf-maven-plugin add-features-to-repo goal can't add Camel feature
+    * [KARAF-4985] - Karaf does not start with JDK 9 in Windows 
+    * [KARAF-4988] - Refreshing a feature repository from webconsole fails
+    * [KARAF-5016] - Possible NPE while running "log:tail" in Karaf console
+    * [KARAF-5031] - Subshell doesn't show in prompt
+    * [KARAF-5051] - Command "shell wrapper:install" fails
+    * [KARAF-5073] - OpenSSHGeneratorFileKeyProvider is unable to write SSH keys
+    * [KARAF-5078] - Shell crash
+    * [KARAF-5079] - Log:tail does not print messages steadily
+    * [KARAF-5089] - GuardingEventHook may stop filtering listeners if one of the bundles is not valid
+    * [KARAF-5091] - log:get does not show correct level
+    * [KARAF-5094] - Remove -server option in Karaf scripts
+    * [KARAF-5096] - Karaf 4.1.1 Console Issues Over SSH (PuTTY)
+    * [KARAF-5103] - Quick start fails at the step "feature:install camel-spring"
+    * [KARAF-5105] - Issue with bin/shell command in karaf 4.1.1
+    * [KARAF-5106] - karaf-maven-plugin hangs the build (probably when having cyclic deps in the features def)
+    * [KARAF-5109] - endorsed and ext directories are not set properly when using instance start
+    * [KARAF-5115] - Error while installing cxf
+    * [KARAF-5116] - Defining karaf.log.console as a log4j2 log level causes exceptions
+    * [KARAF-5119] - log:tail on OSX does not display updates without user input and exits shell on ctrl + c
+    * [KARAF-5120] - etc/org.apache.karaf.shell.cfg is "raw", all comments are lost in the distribution
+    * [KARAF-5121] - blueprint created by jms:create is not correct
+    * [KARAF-5123] - Executing feature:repo-remove can leave karaf in an invalid state
+    * [KARAF-5124] - NPE when location information is included in console logging pattern
+    * [KARAF-5128] - Upgrade to aries.proxy 1.1.1
+    * [KARAF-5134] - Instance org.apache.karaf.features.cfg refers to 4.1.1-SNAPSHOT
+    * [KARAF-5138] - CTRL-D on a connected instance exits from the root one
+    * [KARAF-5143] - Command cannot be executed via SSH when property "karaf.shell.init.script" (etc/system.properties) has its default value
+    * [KARAF-5144] - java.lang.RuntimeException: Command name evaluates to null: $.jline.terminal
+    * [KARAF-5147] - Upgrade to pax-web-6.0.4
+    * [KARAF-5165] - Custom Distributions: Pax-Web gets installed twice
+    * [KARAF-5167] - Instance etc folder is not sync automatically
+    * [KARAF-5171] - Upgrade to ServiceMix Specs 2.9.0
+    * [KARAF-5174] - Uninstalling feature using liquibase-slf4j crashes karaf
+    * [KARAF-5176] - Fix support for characters entered while executing a command
+    * [KARAF-5179] - Setting the karaf.restart.jvm property to true causes system halt commands to behave as reboots
+    * [KARAF-5181] - NPE while running "threads --tree" command from console
+    * [KARAF-5182] - Console command log:list returns "null"
+    * [KARAF-5184] - ClassLoader leak when org.apache.karaf.shell.core bundle is refreshed
+    * [KARAF-5196] - Strongly consider removing -XX:+UnsyncloadClass from start scripts
+    * [KARAF-5197] - Features deployed from a KAR file do not respect the feature's install setting
+    * [KARAF-5206] - Karaf doesn't start after not clean reboot, because stored PID corresponds to running process
+    * [KARAF-5207] - Features 1.4 namespace not supported by the features deployer
+    * [KARAF-5211] - NPE in StoredWiringResolver if BundleEvent.UNRESOLVED handled before BundleEvent.RESOLVED event
+    * [KARAF-5216] - Exiting karaf shell, mess the bash shell
+    * [KARAF-5218] - bin/client exists when typing CTRL-C
+    * [KARAF-5221] - karaf-maven-plugin's pidsToExtract handled incorrectly
+    * [KARAF-5223] - "Error in initialization script" messages printed to the main console when clients connect through ssh
+    * [KARAF-5234] - Update BUILDING file to reference Java 8
+    * [KARAF-5247] - java.lang.InterruptedException after logout command in shell
+    * [KARAF-5255] - Upgrade to pax-web-6.0.6
+    * [KARAF-5259] - Duplicate log entries displayed when using log:tail
+    * [KARAF-5260] - log:tail default should start at the end of the file
+    * [KARAF-5267] - Karaf does not work correctly after log:tail
+    * [KARAF-5276] - Do not use right prompt by default
+    * [KARAF-5279] - InterruptedException when updating the shell.core bundle
+** Dependency upgrade
+    * [KARAF-4921] - Upgrade to pax-logging 1.10.0
+    * [KARAF-5085] - Upgrade to Aries JPA 2.6.1
+    * [KARAF-5087] - Upgrade to Spring 4.3.7.RELEASE
+    * [KARAF-5090] - Update equinox to 3.11.3
+    * [KARAF-5112] - Upgrade to jansi 1.16
+    * [KARAF-5113] - Upgrade to jline 3.3.0
+    * [KARAF-5114] - Upgrade to gogo 1.0.6
+    * [KARAF-5149] - Upgrade to JNA 4.4.0
+    * [KARAF-5150] - Upgrade to Aries Blueprint Core 1.8.1
+    * [KARAF-5151] - Upgrade to Aries Transaction Manager 1.3.3
+    * [KARAF-5152] - Upgrade to commons-compress 1.14
+    * [KARAF-5153] - Upgrade to Felix BundleRepository 2.0.10
+    * [KARAF-5154] - Upgrade to Felix Framework 5.6.4
+    * [KARAF-5155] - Upgrade to Felix HttpLite 0.1.6
+    * [KARAF-5157] - Upgrade to Felix Resolver 1.14.0
+    * [KARAF-5158] - Upgrade to Felix SCR 2.0.10
+    * [KARAF-5159] - Upgrade to Felix WebConsole 4.3.4
+    * [KARAF-5160] - Upgrade to Equinox Region 1.2.101.v20150831-1342
+    * [KARAF-5214] - Upgrade to Pax Logging 1.10.1
+    * [KARAF-5231] - Upgrade to jline 3.3.1
+    * [KARAF-5248] - Upgrade to blueprint-core 1.8.2
+    * [KARAF-5249] - Upgrade to blueprint spring 0.4.0
+    * [KARAF-5253] - Update pax-jdbc to 1.1.0
+    * [KARAF-5256] - Upgrade to Felix SCR 2.0.12
+    * [KARAF-5257] - Upgrade to sshd 1.6.0
+    * [KARAF-5258] - Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.11.0
+    * [KARAF-5278] - Update to felix framework 5.6.6
+    * [KARAF-5281] - Upgrade to Spring 4.3.10.RELEASE
+    * [KARAF-5289] - Upgrade to jline 3.4.0
+** Improvement
+    * [KARAF-3825] - Add ability to shutdown Karaf with a disabled shutdown port
+    * [KARAF-4748] - Make Felix Resolver Threads configurable
+    * [KARAF-4973] - Refactoring of features extension
+    * [KARAF-5075] - Use the JDK provided StandardEmitterMBean
+    * [KARAF-5081] - Fix problem with resource extraction from kar files
+    * [KARAF-5102] - org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg contains non-ASCII character
+    * [KARAF-5104] - karaf:run should support a features set
+    * [KARAF-5162] - Code can be simplified using new Map methods
+    * [KARAF-5205] - Add -r/--refresh option to bundle:update command
+    * [KARAF-5208] - Improve feature:install error message
+    * [KARAF-5222] - Make possible to force the start of a karaf instance even if another one has been detected as running.
+    * [KARAF-5241] - Improve RBAC logging for JMX
+    * [KARAF-5243] - add -p option for bin/client
+    * [KARAF-5266] - log commands should limit number of lines printed instead of number of log entries
+    * [KARAF-5280] - Shell should not display the welcome message again when it is restarted
+    * [KARAF-5282] - SyncopeLoginModule should support Syncope 2.x response format
+** New Feature
+    * [KARAF-5107] - Allow hooking into the feature installation process
+    * [KARAF-5172] - Add simple LDAPBackingEngine
+** Task
+    * [KARAF-5148] - Replace use of org.json
 		    Apache Karaf 4.1.1
  Apache Karaf 4.1.0 is a maintenance release on the 4.1.x series, bringing bug fixes and dependency