Update RELEASE-NOTES in preparation for the release
index 8dff9ba..aca8293 100644
@@ -15,6 +15,95 @@
  * limitations under the License.
+                    Apache Karaf 4.0.4
+                    ==================
+ This is an update patch for Apache Karaf 4.0.x, containing many bug fixes, dependency updates, and improvements. It is recommended that users update their deployment after reviewing the changelog below.
+ ChangeLog:
+ ----------
+** Bug
+    * [KARAF-3303] - "keyStoreAvailabilityTimeout" is treated as boolean in JMX configuration
+    * [KARAF-3812] - Exception caused by featuresRepositories property being set incorrectly
+    * [KARAF-3918] - An installed blueprint.xml has always been updated and restarted when install another unrelated feature
+    * [KARAF-3985] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown after configure http/https and limit access from localhost,
+    * [KARAF-4031] - Unresolved repository inside the feature causes Karaf freezing during startup
+    * [KARAF-4083] - Reference to the invalid repository in feature file breaks commands
+    * [KARAF-4118] - Command service declaration doesn't work
+    * [KARAF-4119] - la outputs results twice
+    * [KARAF-4132] - assembly archetype should remove runtime scope to the standard features XML
+    * [KARAF-4134] - karaf-maven-plugin mixes up prerequisities
+    * [KARAF-4138] - wrapper:install doesn't work on Windows due to path issues in karaf.home and karaf.data
+    * [KARAF-4139] - Bundles with activation policy lazy remain in status starting when run with equinox
+    * [KARAF-4142] - Allow for relative URLs from a Cave repository
+    * [KARAF-4145] - KAR is created with defect maven metadata
+    * [KARAF-4150] - bin/status fails if KARAF_DEBUG is set
+    * [KARAF-4152] - Resolution of relative URLs from OBR repositories not working when there are multiple URLs
+    * [KARAF-4155] - Fall to feature start-level
+    * [KARAF-4159] - FeatureResolver: Wrong dependencies installed
+    * [KARAF-4169] - Blueprint creates unnecessary prototype bean instances
+    * [KARAF-4184] - ArgumentCompleter has incorrect check for enum type
+    * [KARAF-4218] - JAAS boot classes are not marked serializable
+    * [KARAF-4226] - Web Console is missing package exports for bundleinfo and i18n
+    * [KARAF-4241] - Karaf clean doesn't work if KARAF_DATA and KARAF_BASE point to same dir
+    * [KARAF-4246] - sshd 0.14.0 breaks client timeout
+    * [KARAF-4247] - Issues with LDAP caching
+    * [KARAF-4252] - scr feature doesn't install the WebConsole DS plugin
+    * [KARAF-4254] - NPE when building karaf-assembly target with installAllFeaturesByDefault=false
+** Dependency upgrade
+    * [KARAF-4117] - Upgrade to Pax Web 4.2.4
+    * [KARAF-4126] - Upgrade Cglib bundle to version 3.1_1
+    * [KARAF-4135] - Upgrade commons-collections to version 3.2.2
+    * [KARAF-4136] - Upgrade Maven-bundle-plugin to version 3.0.1
+    * [KARAF-4149] - Upgrade to Derby
+    * [KARAF-4151] - Upgrade Felix Coordinator to version 1.0.2
+    * [KARAF-4168] - Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.7.0
+    * [KARAF-4182] - Upgrade to Spring 4.2.3.RELEASE
+    * [KARAF-4185] - Upgrade Pax-url to version 2.4.4
+    * [KARAF-4196] - Upgrade Cglib to version 3.2.0
+    * [KARAF-4197] - Upgrade to blueprint.core-1.5.0, jpa-2.3.0, transaction.blueprint-2.1.0
+    * [KARAF-4220] - Upgrade to eclipselink 2.6.1
+    * [KARAF-4227] - Upgrade to Pax-exam 4.8.0
+    * [KARAF-4228] - Upgrade to Aries Subsystem 2.0.8
+    * [KARAF-4230] - Upgrade to Aries Blueprint Core 1.5.0
+    * [KARAF-4233] - Upgrade to Aries JPA Container 1.0.3
+    * [KARAF-4238] - Upgrade to Pax URL 2.4.5
+    * [KARAF-4239] - Upgrade to Pax-Logging 1.8.5
+** Documentation
+    * [KARAF-3679] - Change current documentation from Scalate to Asciidoc
+** Improvement
+    * [KARAF-2966] - scr:details - Sort the properties so its easier for humans to read
+    * [KARAF-3100] - Add Option To Create Config Files For Feature Configs Instead Of Importing Directly Into Config Admin
+    * [KARAF-3278] - Display warning message when trying to install an already installed bundle
+    * [KARAF-3390] - Karaf client should allow passing arguments to command
+    * [KARAF-3880] - Provide a standard feature just wrapping all boot features from the standard distribution
+    * [KARAF-3982] - Be able to change standard files during distribution assembly
+    * [KARAF-4082] - .kar file generated by karaf-maven-plugin does not contain all jars (no offline support)
+    * [KARAF-4102] - It should be possible to change the primary feature name to be other than the artifact id
+    * [KARAF-4130] - Use OSGi Resource repositories in features XML
+    * [KARAF-4166] - Add karaf.lock.slave.block property to prevent a slave instance to start
+    * [KARAF-4193] - Add option to dev:dump-create command (and MBean) to exclude heap and thread dumps
+    * [KARAF-4198] - Support m2e incremental build in karaf-services-plugin
+    * [KARAF-4242] - Add apache artemis to repo-add shorthand list
+    * [KARAF-4243] - Add apache ignite to feature repo:add shorthand
+** New Feature
+    * [KARAF-222] - Provide karaf:run, karaf:deploy, karaf:client Maven goals
+    * [KARAF-545] - Config file creation and update from features descriptor
+    * [KARAF-3259] - Add support for executing of OSGi commands with karaf-maven-plugin
+    * [KARAF-4240] - Provide Asciidoc command help printer
+** Task
+    * [KARAF-4127] - Missing license in Karaf-maven-plugin test-rename-main-feature file 
+** Wish
+    * [KARAF-2963] - osgi:headers - Add option to not display uses:= in exported headers as its too verbose and useless information
+    * [KARAF-4146] - Add option to show only package name in Package:imports and package:exports commands 
                     Apache Karaf 4.0.3