blob: 72b6cd2bdb8947ed9164acb064c0b195364a160b [file] [log] [blame]
= Apache Winegrower Agent
The Apache Winegrower agent provides a Javaagent which will
starts Winegrower `Ripener` class.
It uses the same configuration as other extensions and it is read from
the agent args.
With configuration it can look like:
You can see the available options and their actual values activating the debug mode which will log the whole configuration:
== Select your "distribution"
The java agent is just starting a ripener but it does not provide any library. To do that
you have to set `libs` parameter of the agent. You can use `core` or `jaxrs` prebuilt binaries (point to their lib folder
once the zip exploded):
If you pick the JAX-RS distribution for instance and unpack it in /opt/winegrower/jaxrs
and write a plugin (let say a JAX-RS whiteboard endpoint) then you can
deploy the following plugin using the JAX-RS distribution using this JVM configuration:
-javaagent:winegrower-agent.jar=libs=/opt/user/plugin,/opt/winegrower/jaxrs/lib|ignoredBundles=cxf \
The configuration is the one needed for JAX-RS whiteboard and is propagated to the `Ripener` instance started by the java agent.
Also note that you can pass `isolatedlibs` option as well for libraries added - as for `libs` but not appended to the system loader.
This enables to start the ripener with more libraries but not leak them in the main application.
== Configuration keys
Note: see link:../../index.html[core] configuration for more details on how to use these configuration entries.
- ignoredBundles
- jarFilter
- manifestContributors
- prioritizedBundles
- scanningExcludes
- scanningIncludes
- workDir
It also support the specific configuration `libs` which takes either a folder which is converted in the list of contained jars
or directly some jar paths. The paths are appended to the system classloader before the `Ripener` is started.
It allows to explode some distribution and start it without having to do a fatjar or so of the distribution.