blob: 6b47cbb90e755660b256b15d1fde008fe063f52c [file] [log] [blame]
h1. Create a new Apache Karaf Project
Create new karaf runtime with *Select File > New > Apache Karaf Installation* and add *project_name*
Select runtime *karaf_installation_dir* of your karaf or Servicemix runtime
Doubleclick on <project_name>.target and select target platform.
Target platform corresponds to the set of OSGi components used for development and any OSGi components defined as projects within the workspace for Example (Karaf , Servicemix, Camel , CXF ).
For example Eclipse PDE uses these components for compilation and checks if imports can be resolved.
Basically is based on a directory containing these components.
By default, this is the plugins directory under the Eclipse installation directory, which contains all plug-ins associated with Eclipse.
To configure target platform there can be two approch:
* Using the facilities provided by Eclipse PDE to specify all the components you need selecting directory ecc.ecc.
* EIK provides preconfigured target platforms for Karaf based runtime
choose the most convenient for you