blob: dbedd9aa6d8d57f41bf646d5a2c7aa124a708e72 [file] [log] [blame]
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Apache Karaf EIK 0.9.0
This is the first release of Eclipse Integration for Karaf (EIK).
Thanks to EIK, you can run and manage Karaf directly in the Eclipse IDE.
The following list shows the bug fixes and enhancements included in this release:
** Bug
* [KARAF-1953] - Eik content.xml in update feature reference old feature
* [KARAF-1956] - EIk site doesn't build without Apache Commons Collections Wrapper
* [KARAF-1958] - EIk manifest must be terminated by a line break
* [KARAF-1959] - Content jar and artifacts jar contains old reference
* [KARAF-1960] - Eik zip created from trunk does not work.
* [KARAF-1964] - Wrong check in ServicesViewerSorter BundlesViewerSorter
* [KARAF-1967] - An internal error occurred resolving org/ops4j/pax/url/mvn/MvnURLConnectionFactory
* [KARAF-1983] - EIK installation Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
* [KARAF-1984] - cleanup eik pom
* [KARAF-1987] - Eik go in NPE when org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra is not define
* [KARAF-2057] - NOTICE and LICENSE files are not correct
* [KARAF-2066] - Set EIK version to 0.9.0
* [KARAF-2092] - Remove empty action in BundlesView
** Dependency upgrade
* [KARAF-2055] - Upgrade to Apache POM 12
** Question
* [KARAF-1988] - Add commons-lang as EIK dependency
* [KARAF-2018] -
** Task
* [KARAF-1800] - Improve documentation EIK Building
* [KARAF-1847] - remove org.osgi.jmx
* [KARAF-1848] - remove old reference attribute
* [KARAF-1885] - Add src distribution
* [KARAF-1922] - Upgrade org.apache.aries.jmx.core from 0.3 to 1.0.0
* [KARAF-1929] - make pom.xml m2e friendly
* [KARAF-1950] - Eik pde archetype for Camel
* [KARAF-1961] - EIk source code cleanup from info* package
* [KARAF-1962] - Remove smk plugins and feature
* [KARAF-1969] - Remove org.apache.karaf.eik.p2.feature, org.apache.servicemix.kernel.main
* [KARAF-1970] - Minor Refactoring
* [KARAF-1979] - check manifest commons.collection in eik
* [KARAF-1980] - Stream Resources cleanup
* [KARAF-1985] - update eik build file
* [KARAF-1995] - Eik support matrix
* [KARAF-1996] - Refactoring org.apache.karaf.eik.update