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=== Alerting
Decanter provides an alerting feature. It allows you to check values in harvested data (coming from
the collectors) and send alerts when the data is not in the expected state.
==== Service
The alerting service is the core of Decanter alerting.
It's configured in `etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting.service.cfg` configuration file where you define
the alert rules:
The rule name has to start with `rule.` prefix (see `` here).
The rule definition is in JSON with the following syntax:
* `condition` is a Apache Lucene query (
For instance:
** `message:foo*` selects all events with `message` containing any string starting with `foo`
** `message:* AND other:*` selects all events with `message` and `other` containing anything
** `threadCount:[200 TO *]` selects all events with `threadCount` greater than 200
** `counter:[20 TO 100)` selects all events with `counter` between 20 and 100 (included)
** `foo:bar OR foo:bla` selects all events with `foo` containing `bar` or `bla`
* `level` is a string where you can set whatever you want to define the alert level. By default, it's `WARN`.
* `period` is optional and allows you to define a validity period for a condition. It means that the condition should match for the period duration and, if so, the alert with be thrown after the period.
The period is a string like this:
** `10MINUTES`
** `2HOURS`
* `recoverable` is a flag that define if the alert can be recover or not. By default it's `false`. The main difference is the number of alert events you will have.
If not recoverable, you will have an alert for each event matching the condition.
If recoverable, you will have a single alert the first time an event matches the condition, and another alert (back to normal) when the alert is back (not matching the condition).
You can use any event property in the rule condition. The alert service automatically add:
* `alertUUID` is a unique string generated by the alert service
* `alertTimestamp` is the alert timestamp added by the alert service
==== Alerters
When the value doesn't verify the check in the checker configuration, an alert is created and sent to the alerters.
Apache Karaf Decanter provides ready to use alerters.
===== Log
The Decanter Log alerter logs a message for each alert.
The `decanter-alerting-log` feature installs the log alerter:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-alerting-log
This alerter doesn't need any configuration.
===== E-mail
The Decanter e-mail alerter sends an e-mail for alerts.
The `decanter-alerting-email` feature installs the e-mail alerter:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-alerting-email
This feature also installs the `etc/` configuration file where you can specify
the SMTP server and e-mail addresses to use:
# Decanter e-mail alerter configuration
# From e-mail address
# To e-mail addresses, you can define here a list of recipient separated with comma
# For example:,,
# Hostname of the SMTP server
# Port of the SMTP server
# enable SMTP auth
# enable starttls and ssl
# Optionally, username for the SMTP server
# Optionally, password for the SMTP server
# e-mail velocity templates
* the `from` property specifies the from e-mail address (for instance
* the `to` property specifies the to e-mail address (for instance
* the `host` property specifies the SMTP server hostname or IP address
* the `port` property specifies the SMTP server port number
* the `auth` property (true or false) specifies if the SMTP server requires authentication (true) or not (false)
* the `starttls` property (true or false) specifies if the SMTP server requires STARTTLS (true) or not (false)
* the `ssl` property (true or false) specifies if the SMTP server requires SSL (true) or not (false)
* the `username` property is optional and specifies the username to connect to the SMTP server
* the `password` property is optional and specifies the password to connect to the SMTP server
* the `subject.template` property allows you to provide your own Velocity ( template to create the subject of the message
* the `body.template` property allows you to provide your own Velocity ( template to create and format the body of the message
* the `body.type` property allows you to define the message content type, depending if you send HTML or plain text message.
Optionally, you can add:
* `cc` to add email carbon copy
* `bcc` to add email blind carbon copy
The email alerter is also able to use collected data properties.
For instance, `subject` can look like `This is my ${property}` where `${property}` is replaced by the `property` value.
The email alerter is also able to use collected data properties for subject or body (including replacement).
It looks for `body.template.location` and `subject.template.location` collected data properties.
For instance, a body Velocity template looks like this:
#if ($event.get("alertBackToNormal") == true)
$event.get("alertLevel") alert: $event.get("alertAttribute") was out of the pattern $event.get("alertPattern") but back to normal now
$event.get("alertLevel") alert: $event.get("alertAttribute") is out of the pattern $event.get("alertPattern")
#foreach ($key in $event.keySet())
$key : $event.get($key)
where `$event` is the map containing all event properties.
===== Camel
The Decanter Camel alerter sends each alert to a Camel endpoint.
It allows you to create a route which reacts to each alert. It's a very flexible alerter as you can apply transformation,
use EIPs, Camel endpoints, etc.
This alerter creates a Camel exchange. The body of the "in" message contains a Map with all alert details (including
`alertLevel`, `alertAttribute`, `alertPattern` and all other details).
The `decanter-alerting-camel` feature installs the Camel alerter:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-alerting-camel
This feature also installs the `etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting.camel.cfg` configuration file:
# Decanter Camel alerter
# alert.destination.uri defines the Camel endpoint URI where
# Decanter send the alerts
This configuration file allows you to specify the Camel endpoint URI where to send the alert (using the
`alert.destination.uri` property).
For instance, in this configuration, if you define:
You can create the following Camel route which will react to the alert:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns="">
<camelContext xmlns="">
<route id="decanter-alert">
<from uri="direct-vm:decanter-alert"/>
===== Using existing appenders
Actually, a Decanter alerter is a "regular" Decanter appender. The different is the events topic listening by the appender.
By default, the appenders listen on `decanter/collect/*`.
To "turn" an appender as an alerter, it just has to listen on `decanter/alert/*`.
For instance, you can create a new instance of elasticsearch appender by creating `etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.appender.elasticsearch-myalert.cfg` containing:
With this configuration, you have a elasticearch alerter that will store the alerts into a elasticsearch instance.