blob: f840e334bfcca78617575104e63babfb0dfcfb32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
=== Collectors
Decanter collectors harvest the monitoring data, and send this data to the Decanter appenders.
Two kinds of collector are available:
* Event Driven Collectors react to events and "broadcast" the data to the appenders.
* Polled Collectors are periodically executed by the Decanter Scheduler. When executed, the collectors harvest the
data and send to the appenders.
==== Log
The Decanter Log Collector is an event driven collector. It automatically reacts when a log occurs, and
send the log details (level, logger name, message, etc) to the appenders.
The `decanter-collector-log` feature installs the log collector:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-log
The log collector doesn't need any configuration, the installation of the decanter-collector-log feature is enough.
The Decanter log collector is using `osgi:DecanterLogCollectorAppender` appender.
In order to work, your Apache Karaf Pax Logging configuration should contain this appender.
The default Apache Karaf `etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg` configuration file is already fine:
log4j.rootLogger = DEBUG, out, osgi:*
If you want, you can explicitly specify the `DecanterLogCollectorAppender` appender:
log4j.rootLogger = DEBUG, out, osgi:DecanterLogCollectorAppender, osgi:VmLogAppender
==== CXF Logging feature integration
The link:[CXF message logging] nicely integrates with Decanter. Simply add the link:[org.apache.cxf.ext.logging.LoggingFeature] to your service.
This will automatically log the messages from all clients and endpoints to slf4j. All meta data can be found in the MDC attributes. The message logging can be switched on/off per service using the org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg.
When using with Decanter make sure you enable the log collector to actually process the message logs.
==== Log Socket
The Decanter Log Socket Collector is an event driven collector. It creates a socket, waiting for incoming event. The expected
events are log4j LoggingEvent. The log4j LoggingEvent is transformed as a Map containing the log details (level, logger name, message, ...).
This Map is sent to the appenders.
The collector allows you to remotely use Decanter. For instance, you can have an application running on a different platform (spring-boot,
application servers, ...). This application can use a log4j socket appender that send the logging events to the Decanter
log socket collector.
The `decanter-collector-log-socket` feature install the log socket collector:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-log-socket
This feature installs the collector and a default `etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.collector.log.socket.cfg` configuration file
# Decanter Log/Log4j Socket collector configuration
* the `port` property defines the port number where the collector is bound and listen for incoming logging event. Default is 4560.
* the `workers` properties defines the number of threads (workers) which can deal with multiple clients in the same time.
==== File
The Decanter File Collector is an event driven collector. It automatically reacts when new lines are appended into
a file (especially a log file). It acts like the tail Unix command. Basically, it's an alternative to the log collector.
The log collector reacts for local Karaf log messages, whereas the file collector can react to any files, included log
file from other system than Karaf. It means that you can monitor and send collected data for any system (even not Java
base, or whatever).
The file collector deals with file rotation, file not found.
The `decanter-collector-file` feature installs the file collector:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-file
Now, you have to create a configuration file for each file that you want to monitor. In the etc folder, you have to
create a file with the following format name `etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.collector.file-ID.cfg` where ID is an ID
of your choice.
This file contains:
* `type` is an ID (mandatory) that allows you to easily identify the monitored file
* `path` is the location of the file that you want to monitore
* all other values (like `any`) will be part of the collected data. It means that you can add your own custom data, and
easily create queries bases on this data.
For instance, instead of the log collector, you can create the following `etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.collector.file-karaf.cfg`
file collector configuration file:
The file collector will tail on karaf.log file, and send any new line in this log file as collected data.
==== EventAdmin
The Decanter EventAdmin Collector is an event-driven collector, listening for all internal events happening in
the Apache Karaf Container.
It's the perfect way to audit all actions performed on resources (features, bundles, configurations, ...) by users
(via local shell console, SSH, or JMX).
We recommend to use this collector to implement users and actions auditing.
The `decanter-collector-eventadmin` feature installs the eventadmin collector:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-eventadmin
By default, the eventadmin collector is listening for all OSGi framework and Karaf internal events.
You can specify additional events to trap by providing a `etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.collector.eventadmin-my.cfg' configuration
file, containing the EventAdmin topics you want to listen:
By default, the events contain timestamp and subject.
You can disable this by modifying `etc/org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.EventAdmin` configuration file:
==== JMX
The Decanter JMX Collector is a polled collector, executed periodically by the Decanter Scheduler.
The JMX collector connects to a JMX MBeanServer (local or remote), and retrieves all attributes of each available MBeans.
The JMX metrics (attribute values) are send to the appenders.
The `decanter-collector-jmx` feature installs the JMX collector, and a default configuration file:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-jmx
This feature brings a `etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.collector.jmx-local.cfg` configuration file containing:
# Decanter Local JMX collector configuration
# Name/type of the JMX collection
# URL of the JMX MBeanServer.
# local keyword means the local platform MBeanServer or you can specify to full JMX URL
# like service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://hostname:port/karaf-instance
# Username to connect to the JMX MBeanServer
# Password to connect to the JMX MBeanServer
# Object name filter to use. Instead of harvesting all MBeans, you can select only
# some MBeans matching the object name filter*,type=routes,name=*
# Several object names can also be specified.
# What matters is that the property names begin with "".*,name=**
This file harvests the data of the local MBeanServer:
* the `type` property is a name (of your choice) allowing you to easily identify the harvested data
* the `url` property is the MBeanServer to connect. "local" is reserved keyword to specify the local MBeanServer.
Instead of "local", you can use the JMX service URL. For instance, for Karaf version 3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, and 3.0.3,
as the local MBeanServer is secured, you can specify `service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/karaf-root`. You
can also polled any remote MBean server (Karaf based or not) providing the service URL.
* the `username` property contains the username to connect to the MBean server. It's only required if the MBean server
is secured.
* the `password` property contains the password to connect to the MBean server. It's only required if the MBean server
is secured.
* the `` property is optional. If this property is not specified, the collector will retrieve the attributes
of all MBeans. You can filter to consider only some MBeans. This property contains the ObjectName filter to retrieve
the attributes only to some MBeans. Several object names can be listed, provided the property prefix is ``.
* any other values will be part of the collected data. It means that you can add your own property if you want to add
additional data, and create queries based on this data.
You can retrieve multiple MBean servers. For that, you just create a new configuration file using the file name format
==== ActiveMQ (JMX)
The ActiveMQ JMX collector is just a special configuration of the JMX collector.
The `decanter-collector-activemq` feature installs the default JMX collector, with the specific ActiveMQ JMX configuration:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-jmx-activemq
This feature installs the same collector as the `decanter-collector-jmx`, but also add the
`etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.collector.jmx-activemq.cfg` configuration file.
This file contains:
# Decanter Local ActiveMQ JMX collector configuration
# Name/type of the JMX collection
# URL of the JMX MBeanServer.
# local keyword means the local platform MBeanServer or you can specify to full JMX URL
# like service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://hostname:port/karaf-instance
# Username to connect to the JMX MBeanServer
# Password to connect to the JMX MBeanServer
# Object name filter to use. Instead of harvesting all MBeans, you can select only
# some MBeans matching the object name filter*
This configuration actually contains a filter to retrieve only the ActiveMQ JMX MBeans.
==== Camel (JMX)
The Camel JMX collector is just a special configuration of the JMX collector.
The `decanter-collector-jmx-camel` feature installs the default JMX collector, with the specific Camel JMX configuration:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-jmx-camel
This feature installs the same collector as the `decanter-collector-jmx`, but also add the
`etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.collector.jmx-camel.cfg` configuration file.
This file contains:
# Decanter Local Camel JMX collector configuration
# Name/type of the JMX collection
# URL of the JMX MBeanServer.
# local keyword means the local platform MBeanServer or you can specify to full JMX URL
# like service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://hostname:port/karaf-instance
# Username to connect to the JMX MBeanServer
# Password to connect to the JMX MBeanServer
# Object name filter to use. Instead of harvesting all MBeans, you can select only
# some MBeans matching the object name filter*,type=routes,name=*
This configuration actually contains a filter to retrieve only the Camel Routes JMX MBeans.
==== Camel Tracer & Notifier
Decanter provides a Camel Tracer Handler that you can set on a Camel Tracer. It also provides a Camel Event Notifier.
===== Camel Tracer
If you enable the tracer on a Camel route, all tracer events (exchanges on each step of the route) are send to the
The `decanter-collector-camel` feature provides the Camel Tracer Handler:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-camel
Now, you can use the Decanter Camel Tracer Handler in a tracer that you can use in routes.
For instance, the following route definition shows how to enable tracer on a route, and use the Decanter Tracer Handler
in the Camel Tracer:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns="">
<reference id="dispatcher" interface="org.osgi.service.event.EventAdmin"/>
<bean id="traceHandler" class="org.apache.karaf.decanter.collector.camel.DecanterTraceEventHandler">
<property name="dispatcher" ref="dispatcher"/>
<bean id="tracer" class="org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.Tracer">
<property name="traceHandler" ref="traceHandler"/>
<property name="enabled" value="true"/>
<property name="traceOutExchanges" value="true"/>
<property name="logLevel" value="OFF"/>
<camelContext trace="true" xmlns="">
<route id="test">
<from uri="timer:fire?period=10000"/>
<setBody><constant>Hello World</constant></setBody>
<to uri="log:test"/>
You can extend the Decanter event with any property using a custom `DecanterCamelEventExtender`:
public interface DecanterCamelEventExtender {
void extend(Map<String, Object> decanterData, Exchange camelExchange);
You can inject your extender using `setExtender(myExtender)` on the `DecanterTraceEventHandler`. Decanter will automatically
call your extender to populate extra properties.
===== Camel Event Notifier
Decanter also provides `DecanterEventNotifier` implementing a Camel event notifier:
It's very similar to the Decanter Camel Tracer. You can control the camel contexts and routes to which you want to trap event.
==== System
The system collector is a polled collector (periodically executed by the Decanter Scheduler).
This collector executes operating system commands (or scripts) and send the execution output to the appenders.
The `decanter-collector-system` feature installs the system collector:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-system
This feature installs a default `etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.collector.system.cfg` configuration file containing:
# Decanter OperationSystem Collector configuration
# This collector executes system commands, retrieve the exec output/err
# sent to the appenders
# The format is command.key=command_to_execute
# where command is a reserved keyword used to identify a command property
# for instance:
# command.df=df -h
# You can also create a script containing command like:
# df -k / | awk -F " |%" '/dev/{print $8}'
# This script will get the available space on the / filesystem for instance.
# and call the script:
# command.df=/bin/script
# Another example of script to get the temperature:
# sensors|grep temp1|awk '{print $2}'|cut -b2,3,4,5
You can add the commands that you want to execute using the format:
The collector will execute each command described in this file, and send the execution output to the appenders.
For instance, if you want to periodically send the free space available on the / filesystem, you can add:
command.df=df -k / | awk -F " |%" '/dev/{print $8}'
==== Network socket
The Decanter network socket collector listens for incoming messages coming from a remote network socket collector.
The `decanter-collector-socket` feature installs the network socket collector:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-socket
This feature installs a default `etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.collector.socket.cfg` configuration file containing:
# Decanter Socket Collector
# Port number on which to listen
# Number of worker threads to deal with
# Protocol tcp(default) or udp
# Unmarshaller to use
# Unmarshaller is identified by data format. The default is json, but you can use another unmarshaller
* the `port` property contains the port number where the network socket collector is listening
* the `workers` property contains the number of worker thread the socket collector is using for connection
* the `protocol` property contains the protocol used by the collector for transferring data with the client
* the `` property contains the unmarshaller used by the collector to transform the data
sended by the client.
==== JMS
The Decanter JMS collector consumes the data from a JMS queue or topic. It's a way to aggregate collected data coming
from remote and several machines.
The `decanter-collector-jms` feature installs the JMS collector:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-jms
This feature also installs a default `etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.collector.jms.cfg` configuration file containing:
# Decanter JMS Collector Configuration
# Name of the JMS connection factory
# Name of the destination
# Type of the destination (queue or topic)
# Connection username
# username=
# Connection password
# password=
* the `` is the name of the ConnectionFactory OSGi service to use
* the `` is the name of the queue or topic where to consume messages from the JMS broker
* the `destination.type` is the type of the destination (queue or topic)
* the `username` and `password` properties are the credentials to use with a secured connection factory
==== MQTT
The Decanter MQTT collector receives collected messages from a MQTT broker. It's a way to aggregate collected data coming
from remote and several machines.
The `decanter-collector-mqtt` feature installs the MQTT collector:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-mqtt
This feature also installs a default `etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.collector.mqtt.cfg` configuration file containing:
# Decanter MQTT Collector Configuration
# URI of the MQTT broker
# MQTT Client ID
# MQTT topic name
* the `server.uri` is the location of the MQTT broker
* the `` is the Decanter MQTT client ID
* the `topic` is the MQTT topic pattern where to receive the messages
==== Kafka
The Decanter Kafka collector receives collected messages from a Kafka broker. It's a way to aggregate collected data coming
from remote and several machines.
The `decanter-collector-kafka` feature installs the Kafka collector:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-kafka
This feature also installs a default `etc/org.apache.karaf.decanter.collector.kafka.cfg` configuration file containing:
# Decanter Kafka Configuration
# A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster
# An id string to identify the group where the consumer belongs to
# Enable auto commit of consumed messages
# Auto commit interval (in ms) triggering the commit
# Timeout on the consumer session
# Serializer class for key that implements the Serializer interface
# Serializer class for value that implements the Serializer interface.
# Name of the topic
# Security (SSL)
# SSL truststore location (Kafka broker) and password
# SSL keystore (if client authentication is required)
# (Optional) SSL provider (default uses the JVM one)
# (Optional) SSL Cipher suites
# (Optional) SSL Protocols enabled (default is TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1)
# (Optional) SSL Truststore type (default is JKS)
# (Optional) SSL Keystore type (default is JKS)
# Security (SASL)
# For SASL, you have to configure Java System property as explained in
The configuration is similar to the Decanter Kafka appender. Please, see Kafka collector for details.
==== Rest Servlet
The Decanter Rest Servlet collector registers a servlet on the OSGi HTTP service (by default on `/decanter/collect`).
It listens for incoming collected messages on this servlet.
The `decanter-collector-rest-servlet` feature installs the collector:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-rest-servlet
==== Dropwizard Metrics
The Decanter Dropwizard Metrics collector get a `MetricSet` OSGi service and periodically get the metrics in the set.
The `decanter-collector-dropwizard` feature installs the collector:
karaf@root()> feature:install decanter-collector-dropwizard
As soon as a `MetricSet` (like `MetricRegistry`) service will be available, the collector will get the metrics and
send to the Decanter dispatcher.