blob: d99539307254a1b7229ed901530ff1a56e458376 [file] [log] [blame]
# Decanter Local JMX collector configuration
# Name/type of the JMX collection
# URL of the JMX MBeanServer.
# local keyword means the local platform MBeanServer or you can specify to full JMX URL
# like service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://hostname:port/karaf-instance
# Username to connect to the JMX MBeanServer
# Password to connect to the JMX MBeanServer
# Object name filter to use. Instead of harvesting all MBeans, you can select only
# some MBeans matching the object name filter*,type=routes,name=*
# Several object names can also be specified.
# What matters is that the property names begin with "".*,name=**
# You can add any custom field that the collector will "forward" to the dispatcher
# For instance:
# my=stuff