blob: 3ad108bad35e783d9f115217b84bad6a3323eb1a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.kalumet.agent.updater;
import org.apache.kalumet.KalumetException;
import org.apache.kalumet.agent.Configuration;
import org.apache.kalumet.agent.utils.EventUtils;
import org.apache.kalumet.controller.core.ControllerException;
import org.apache.kalumet.controller.core.JEEApplicationServerController;
import org.apache.kalumet.controller.core.JEEApplicationServerControllerFactory;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.Environment;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.JEEApplicationServer;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.Kalumet;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.SharedLibrary;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.update.UpdateLog;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.update.UpdateMessage;
import org.apache.kalumet.utils.NotifierUtils;
import org.apache.kalumet.utils.PublisherUtils;
import org.apache.kalumet.utils.VariableUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Shared library updater.
public class SharedLibraryUpdater
private static final transient Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger( SharedLibraryUpdater.class );
* Updates a shared library.
* @param environment the target <code>Environment</code>.
* @param server the target <code>JEEApplicationServer</code>.
* @param sharedLibrary the target <code>SharedLibrary</code>.
* @param updateLog the <code>UpdateLog</code> to use.
* @throws UpdateException in case of update failure.
public static void update( Environment environment, JEEApplicationServer server, SharedLibrary sharedLibrary,
UpdateLog updateLog )
throws UpdateException
{ "Updating shared library {}", sharedLibrary.getName() );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "info", "Updating shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() ) ); environment, "UPDATE", "Updating shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() );
if ( !sharedLibrary.isActive() )
// the shared library is not active "Shared library {} is inactive, so not updated", sharedLibrary.getName() );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "info", "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName()
+ " is inactive, so not updated" ) ); environment, "UPDATE",
"Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " is inactive, so not updated" );
JEEApplicationServerController controller = null;
// connect JMX controller to JEE application server
LOGGER.debug( "Connecting to JEE application server {} controller", server.getName() );
controller = JEEApplicationServerControllerFactory.getController( environment, server );
catch ( KalumetException e )
LOGGER.error( "Can't connect to JEE application server {} controller", server.getName(), e );
throw new UpdateException( "Can't connect to JEE application server " + server.getName() + " controller",
e );
// replaces variables in shared library class path.
LOGGER.debug( "Replacing variables into the shared library classpath" );
String mapClasspath = VariableUtils.replace( sharedLibrary.getClasspath(), environment.getVariables() );
if ( controller.isSharedLibraryDeployed( sharedLibrary.getName() ) )
// the shared library is already deployed, check for update "Shared library {} already deployed, checking for update", sharedLibrary.getName() );
if ( controller.updateSharedLibrary( sharedLibrary.getName(), mapClasspath ) )
// the shared library has been updated
updateLog.setStatus( "Update performed" );
updateLog.setUpdated( true );
new UpdateMessage( "info", "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " updated" ) ); environment, "UPDATE", "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " updated" ); "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " udpated" );
// the shared library is not deployed, deploy it
controller.deploySharedLibrary( sharedLibrary.getName(), mapClasspath );
updateLog.setStatus( "Update performed" );
updateLog.setUpdated( true );
new UpdateMessage( "info", "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " deployed" ) ); environment, "UPDATE", "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " deployed" ); "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " deployed" );
catch ( ControllerException exception )
LOGGER.error( "Shared library {} update failed", sharedLibrary.getName(), exception );
throw new UpdateException( "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " update failed", exception );
* Wrapper method to update shared library via WS.
* @param environmentName the target environment name.
* @param applicationServerName the target JEE application server name.
* @param sharedLibraryName the target shared library name.
* @throws KalumetException in case of update failure.
public static void update( String environmentName, String applicationServerName, String sharedLibraryName )
throws KalumetException
{ "Shared library {} update requested by WS", sharedLibraryName );
// load configuration.
LOGGER.debug( "Loading configuration" );
Kalumet kalumet = Kalumet.digeste( Configuration.CONFIG_LOCATION );
// looking for component objects.
LOGGER.debug( "Looking for component objects" );
Environment environment = kalumet.getEnvironment( environmentName );
if ( environment == null )
LOGGER.error( "Environment {} is not found in the configuration", environmentName );
throw new KalumetException( "Environment " + environmentName + " is not found in the configuration" );
JEEApplicationServer applicationServer =
environment.getJEEApplicationServers().getJEEApplicationServer( applicationServerName );
if ( applicationServer == null )
LOGGER.error( "JEE application server {} is not found in environment {}", applicationServerName,
environment.getName() );
throw new KalumetException(
"JEE application server " + applicationServerName + " is not found in environment "
+ environment.getName() );
SharedLibrary sharedLibrary = applicationServer.getSharedLibrary( sharedLibraryName );
if ( sharedLibrary == null )
LOGGER.error( "Shared library {} is not found in JEE application server {}", sharedLibraryName,
applicationServer.getName() );
throw new KalumetException(
"Shared library " + sharedLibraryName + " is not found in JEE application server "
+ applicationServer.getName() );
// post an event and create update log
LOGGER.debug( "Posting an event and creating update log" ); environment, "UPDATE",
"Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " update requested by WS" );
UpdateLog updateLog = new UpdateLog( "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " update in progress ...",
environment.getName(), environment );
// send a notification and waiting for the count down "Send a notification and waiting for the count down" );
NotifierUtils.waitAndNotify( environment );
// call updater
LOGGER.debug( "Call shared library updater" );
SharedLibraryUpdater.update( environment, applicationServer, sharedLibrary, updateLog );
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.error( "Shared library {} update failed", sharedLibrary.getName(), e ); environment, "ERROR",
"Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " update failed: " + e.getMessage() );
updateLog.setStatus( "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " update failed" );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "error", "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName()
+ " update failed: " + e.getMessage() ) );
PublisherUtils.publish( environment );
throw new UpdateException( "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " update failed", e );
// update completed. "Shared library {} updated", sharedLibrary.getName() );
if ( updateLog.isUpdated() )
updateLog.setStatus( "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " updated" );
updateLog.setStatus( "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " already up to date" );
new UpdateMessage( "info", "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " updated" ) ); "Publishing update report" );
PublisherUtils.publish( environment );
* Check if a shared library is up to date or not via WS.
* @param environmentName the target environment name.
* @param serverName the target JEE application server name.
* @param sharedLibraryName the target shared library name.
* @return true if the shared library is up to date, false else.
* @throws KalumetException in case of check failure.
public static boolean check( String environmentName, String serverName, String sharedLibraryName )
throws KalumetException
{ "Shared library {} status check requested by WS", sharedLibraryName );
// load configuration
LOGGER.debug( "Loading configuration" );
Kalumet kalumet = Kalumet.digeste( Configuration.CONFIG_LOCATION );
// looking for component objects
LOGGER.debug( "Looking for component objects" );
Environment environment = kalumet.getEnvironment( environmentName );
if ( environment == null )
LOGGER.error( "Environment {} is not found in the configuration", environmentName );
throw new KalumetException( "Environment " + environmentName + " is not found in the configuration" );
JEEApplicationServer applicationServer =
environment.getJEEApplicationServers().getJEEApplicationServer( serverName );
if ( applicationServer == null )
LOGGER.error( "JEE application server {} is not found in environment {}", serverName,
environment.getName() );
throw new KalumetException(
"JEE application server " + serverName + " is not found in environment " + environment.getName() );
SharedLibrary sharedLibrary = applicationServer.getSharedLibrary( sharedLibraryName );
if ( sharedLibrary == null )
LOGGER.error( "Shared library {} is not found in JEE application server {}", sharedLibraryName,
applicationServer.getName() );
throw new KalumetException(
"Shared library " + sharedLibraryName + " is not found in JEE application server "
+ applicationServer.getName() );
// get JEE application server controller
LOGGER.debug( "Getting JEE application server controller" );
JEEApplicationServerController controller =
JEEApplicationServerControllerFactory.getController( environment, applicationServer );
// replaces variables in shared library class path.
LOGGER.debug( "Replacing variables into the shared library classpath" );
String classpath = VariableUtils.replace( sharedLibrary.getClasspath(), environment.getVariables() );
// check shared library using controller.
LOGGER.debug( "Checking status of the shared library using controller" );
return controller.isSharedLibraryUpToDate( sharedLibrary.getName(), classpath );
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.error( "Shared library {} status check failed", sharedLibrary.getName(), e );
throw new KalumetException( "Shared library " + sharedLibrary.getName() + " status check failed", e );