blob: cac90e7624236f745c00fd970c73f900c90fc621 [file] [log] [blame]
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Welcome to Apache Kalumet
Apache Kalumet is a complete deployment platform. It's able to manage all kind of environments (JEE, OSGi,
custom, etc).
It's the perfect tool for softwares, middlewares, and data center administrators.
It's also a good complement to continuous integration (managed by Maven, Continuum, or Jenkins for instance) by adding
continuous deployment. The whole factory chain is covered and the administrators manages all environments in a secure
and safe way.
Apache Kalumet is a small OSGi based kernel which provides a
lightweight container onto which various bundles can be deployed.
Apache Kalumet provides two components:
* the agents are installed locally on the target platform
* the console controls and manages the agents, allowing the administrator to manipulate, update, install, deploy
the target platform and software components.
Getting Started
For an Apache Kalumet source distribution, please read
BUILDING for instructions on building Apache Kalumet.
Apache Kalumet Agent
J2SE 1.6
Apache Lalumet Agent requires at least a Java 1.6 environment to run.
Refer to for detail on how to download and install J2SE 1.6.
Uncompress binaries
Select the Kalumet agent file compression format compatible with your system (zip, tar.gz) by clicking directly on
the link, download it and expand the binary to your hard drive in a new directory ;
for example /opt/apache-kalumet-agent - from now on this directory will be referenced as <kalumet_agent_home>.
Please remember the restrictions concerning illegal characters in Java paths, e.g. !, % etc.
Start agent
With Apache Kalumet agent already installed, open a command line console and change directory to <kalumet_agent_home>.
To start the agent, run the following command in Windows:
respectively in Linux/Unix:
The agent launcher expects some arguments:
-config <config> The path/url to the configuration file (e.g. http://<hostname>/kalumet/ConfiugrationWrapper)
-id <id> The agent id as defined in the configuration
Apache Kalumet Console
JSP/Servlet Engine
Apache Kalumet console has to be deployed into a JSP/Servlet Engine (like Apache Tomcat or Jetty) or a JEE application
server (like RedHat JBoss, Oracle Weblogic, IBM WebSphere).
Download binaries
Select the file compression format compatible with your system (zip, tar.gz) by clicking directly on the link,
download it and expand the binary to your hard drive in a new directory ; for example /tmp/kalumet_console -
from now on this directory will be referenced as <kalumet_console_home>. Please remember the restrictions concerning
illegal characters in Java paths, e.g. !, % etc.
Apache Kalumet Console Configuration
Apache Kalumet Console creates a default configuration which allows you to directly use the console.
You can update the base directory used by Kalumet console by adding the -Dkalumet.home system property.
More over, for advanced users, you can override the default console configuration (location of the configuration file
and journals) by pushing a apache-kalumet-console-config.xml file in the class loader.
You can find this file in the Apache Kalumet console configuration in
You need to copy this file into the JSP/Servlet engine classpath. For example, using Apache Tomcat, you can
copy the apache-kalumet-console-config.xml into the <tomcat_home>/lib directory.
Configure the apache-kalumet-console-config.xml to match your environment settings.
Deploy Apache Kalumet Console
Copy <kalumet_console_home>/webapp/apache-kalumet-console.war into the JSP/Servlet Engine or JEE application server
deploy directory. For example, to deploy on Apache Tomcat, simply copy the war archive into the <tomcat_home>/webapps
Using Apache Kalumet Console
You should now be able to access to Apache Kalumet console, for example using
The default admin user password is admin.
Support and Contribution
Alternatively, you can also find out how to get started here:
If you need more help try talking to us on our mailing lists
If you find any issues with Apache Kalumet, please submit reports
with JIRA here:
We welcome contributions, and encourage you to get involved in the
Kalumet community. If you'd like to learn more about how you can
contribute, please see:
Many thanks for using Apache Kalumet.
The Kalumet Team