blob: 97dbb8895d12be1b882f1837dd35cf0c4c5590ab [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.kalumet;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileObject;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemException;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemManager;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileType;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.Selectors;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.VFS;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.impl.StandardFileSystemManager;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.Environment;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.JEEApplication;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.Software;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MalformedPatternException;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternCompiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcher;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcherInput;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Virtual file system (VFS) wrapper to perform various actions on files or directories (local or remote).
public class FileManipulator
private final static transient Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger( FileManipulator.class );
private static final String BASE_DIR = SystemUtils.USER_DIR;
private static final String WORKING_DIR = "work";
private static final String PROTOCOL_REGEX = "(.+):(.+)";
private static final String JAR_EXTENSION = ".jar";
private static final String ZIP_EXTENSION = ".zip";
private static final String TGZ_EXTENSION = ".tgz";
private static final String TARGZ_EXTENSION = ".tar.gz";
private static final String TBZ2_EXTENSION = ".tbz2";
private static final String JAR_PROTOCOL = "jar:";
private static final String ZIP_PROTOCOL = "zip:";
private static final String TGZ_PROTOCOL = "tgz:";
private static final String TARGZ_PROTOCOL = "tgz:";
private static final String TBZ2_PROTOCOL = "tbz2:";
private static FileManipulator _singleton = null;
private FileSystemManager fileSystemManager;
* Private constructor to init the singleton.
* @throws FileManipulatorException in <code>FileManipulator</code> init failed.
public FileManipulator()
throws FileManipulatorException
LOGGER.debug( "Creating VFS file system manager ..." );
this.fileSystemManager = VFS.getManager();
// this.fileSystemManager = new StandardFileSystemManager();
// fileSystemManager.setCacheStrategy(CacheStrategy.ON_CALL);
( (StandardFileSystemManager) this.fileSystemManager ).setReplicator( new KalumetFileReplicator() );
// fileSystemManager.init();
catch ( Exception e )
throw new FileManipulatorException( e );
* Cleanly close the file manipulator.
public void close()
// nothing to do
// just a hook in case of custom VFS filesystem implementation
* Get the current basedir path.
* @return the path of the local basedir directory.
* @throws FileManipulatorException
public static String getBaseDir()
throws FileManipulatorException
File baseDir = new File( FileManipulator.BASE_DIR );
return baseDir.getPath();
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.error( "Can't get basedir", e );
throw new FileManipulatorException( "Can't get basedir", e );
* Resolve VFS path to add filename regex selector.
* @param vfsPath the file to resolve (can look like /tmp/folder/file*).
* @return the resolved file object.
* @throws FileSystemException if the VFS file object can't be resolved.
* @throws FileManipulatorException if the regex is not valid (regex is allowed only on files, not directories).
public FileObject resolveFile( String vfsPath )
throws FileSystemException, FileManipulatorException
LOGGER.debug( "Resolve VFS path {}", vfsPath );
LOGGER.debug( "Check if the file name regex selector is required" );
if ( ( vfsPath.indexOf( "/" ) == -1 ) || ( vfsPath.indexOf( "*" ) == -1 ) )
LOGGER.debug( "Regex select is not required for {}", vfsPath );
return fileSystemManager.resolveFile( vfsPath );
LOGGER.debug( "Isolating the path end" );
LOGGER.debug( "Finding the last index of / separator" );
int separatorIndex = vfsPath.lastIndexOf( '/' );
int tokenIndex = vfsPath.lastIndexOf( '*' );
if ( tokenIndex < separatorIndex )
LOGGER.error( "Wildcard * is only supported on the file name, not on directories" );
throw new FileManipulatorException( "Wildcard * is only supported on the file name, not on directories" );
String pattern = vfsPath.substring( separatorIndex + 1 );
LOGGER.debug( "{} pattern found", pattern );
String baseName = vfsPath.substring( 0, separatorIndex + 1 );
LOGGER.debug( "Getting the base name {}", baseName );
LOGGER.debug( "Looking for the file (first found is returned)" );
FileObject baseUrl = fileSystemManager.resolveFile( baseName );
FileObject[] fileObjects = baseUrl.findFiles( new FileNameRegexSelector( pattern ) );
if ( fileObjects.length < 1 )
LOGGER.error( "No file matching {} found on {}", pattern, baseName );
throw new FileManipulatorException( "No file matching " + pattern + " found on " + baseName );
return fileObjects[0];
* Check if the given VFS path is available (exists).
* @param vfsPath the VFS path
* @return true if the VFS path exists, false else
public boolean exists( String vfsPath )
FileObject fileObject = null;
fileObject = this.resolveFile( vfsPath );
return fileObject.exists();
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.warn( "Can't check if the VFS path {} exists", vfsPath, e );
return false;
if ( fileObject != null )
catch ( Exception e )
// ignore
* Compare the content of two files.
* @param src the source file to compare.
* @param dest the destination file to compare with.
* @return true if the two files have exactly the same content, false else.
* @throws FileManipulatorException if the compare failed.
public boolean contentEquals( String src, String dest )
throws FileManipulatorException
FileObject srcFile = null;
FileObject destFile = null;
LOGGER.debug( "Comparing the content of {} and {}", src, dest );
srcFile = this.resolveFile( src );
destFile = this.resolveFile( dest );
if ( !srcFile.exists() || !destFile.exists() )
LOGGER.debug( "{} or {} don't exist", src, dest );
return false;
if ( !srcFile.getType().equals( FileType.FILE ) )
LOGGER.error( "The source {} is not a file", src );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The source URI " + src + " is not a file" );
if ( !destFile.getType().equals( FileType.FILE ) )
LOGGER.error( "The destination {} is not a file", dest );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The destination URI " + dest + " is not a file" );
return IOUtils.contentEquals( srcFile.getContent().getInputStream(), destFile.getContent().getInputStream() );
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.error( "Can't compare content of {} and {}", new Object[]{ src, dest }, e );
throw new FileManipulatorException( "Can't compare content of " + src + " and " + dest, e );
if ( srcFile != null )
catch ( Exception e )
// ignore
if ( destFile != null )
catch ( Exception e )
// ignore
* Compare checksum of two files.
* @param src the source file.
* @param dest the destination file.
* @return true if the two files are the same (same signature), false else.
* @throws FileManipulatorException
public boolean checksumEquals( String src, String dest )
throws FileManipulatorException
FileObject srcFile = null;
FileObject destFile = null;
if ( !srcFile.exists() )
LOGGER.error( "Source {} doesn't exist", src );
throw new FileManipulatorException( "Source " + src + " doesn't exist" );
if ( destFile.exists() && destFile.getType().equals( FileType.FOLDER ) )
destFile = this.resolveFile( dest + "/" + srcFile.getName().getBaseName() );
if ( !destFile.exists() )
return false;
if ( !srcFile.getType().equals( FileType.FILE ) )
LOGGER.error( "Source {} is not a file", src );
throw new FileManipulatorException( "Source " + src + " is not a file" );
if ( !destFile.getType().equals( FileType.FILE ) )
LOGGER.error( "Destination {} is not a file", dest );
throw new FileManipulatorException( "Destination " + dest + " is not a file" );
LOGGER.debug( "Create the message digest" );
MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance( "MD5" );
LOGGER.debug( "Generate the checksum for the source" );
DigestInputStream srcStream = new DigestInputStream( srcFile.getContent().getInputStream(), messageDigest );
byte[] srcBuffer = new byte[8192];
while ( srcBuffer ) != -1 )
byte[] srcMd5 = messageDigest.digest();
// reset the message digest
LOGGER.debug( "Generate the checksum for the destination" );
DigestInputStream destStream = new DigestInputStream( destFile.getContent().getInputStream(), messageDigest );
byte[] destBuffer = new byte[8192];
while ( destBuffer ) != -1 )
byte[] destMd5 = messageDigest.digest();
LOGGER.debug( "Compare the checksum" );
return MessageDigest.isEqual( srcMd5, destMd5 );
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.error( "Can't compare checksum of {} and {}", new Object[]{ src, dest }, e );
throw new FileManipulatorException( "Can't compare checksum of " + src + " and " + dest, e );
if ( srcFile != null )
catch ( Exception e )
// ignore
if ( destFile != null )
catch ( Exception e )
// ignore
* Copy files.
* @param src the source VFS path.
* @param dest the destination VFS path.
* @throws FileManipulatorException in case of copy failure.
public void copy( String src, String dest )
throws FileManipulatorException
FileObject srcFile = null;
FileObject destFile = null;
srcFile = this.resolveFile( src );
destFile = this.resolveFile( dest );
if ( srcFile.getType().equals( FileType.FOLDER ) )
LOGGER.debug( "Source {} is a folder", src );
if ( !destFile.exists() )
LOGGER.debug( "Destination folder {} doesn't exist, create it", dest );
if ( !destFile.getType().equals( FileType.FOLDER ) )
LOGGER.error( "Destination {} must be a folder", dest );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Destination " + dest + " must be a folder" );
LOGGER.debug( "Copy source folder {} to {} using SELECT_ALL selector", src, dest );
destFile.copyFrom( srcFile, Selectors.SELECT_ALL );
LOGGER.debug( "Source {} is a file" );
if ( destFile.exists() && destFile.getType().equals( FileType.FOLDER ) )
destFile = this.resolveFile( dest + "/" + srcFile.getName().getBaseName() );
destFile.copyFrom( srcFile, Selectors.SELECT_SELF );
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.error( "Can't copy from {} to {}", new Object[]{ src, dest }, e );
throw new FileManipulatorException( "Can't copy from " + src + " to " + dest, e );
if ( srcFile != null )
catch ( Exception e )
// ignore
if ( destFile != null )
catch ( Exception e )
// ignore
* Check if a given path is a directory.
* @param vfsPath the VFS path to check.
* @return true if the path is a folder, false else.
public boolean isFolder( String vfsPath )
FileObject file = null;
file = this.resolveFile( vfsPath );
return ( file.getType().equals( FileType.FOLDER ) );
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.warn( "Can't check if {} is a folder", vfsPath, e );
if ( file != null )
catch ( Exception e )
// ignore
return false;
* Browse (Return the children) of a give VFS path
* @param vfsPath the VFS path.
* @return the children array.
public FileObject[] browse( String vfsPath )
FileObject file = null;
file = this.resolveFile( vfsPath );
if ( !file.getType().equals( FileType.FOLDER ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "{} is not a directory" );
return file.getChildren();
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.warn( "Can't get {} children", vfsPath, e );
if ( file != null )
catch ( Exception e )
// ignore
return null;
* Read a VFS path and return the input stream content.
* @param vfsPath the VFS path.
* @return the input stream content.
* @throws FileManipulatorException in case of read failure.
public InputStream read( String vfsPath )
throws FileManipulatorException
FileObject file = null;
file = this.resolveFile( vfsPath );
if ( !file.exists() || !file.getType().equals( FileType.FILE ) )
LOGGER.error( "{} doesn't exist or is not a file" );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( vfsPath + " doesn't exist or is not a file" );
return file.getContent().getInputStream();
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.error( "Can't read {}", vfsPath, e );
throw new FileManipulatorException( "Can't read " + vfsPath, e );
* Get the VFS path output stream to write into.
* @param vfsPath the VFS path.
* @return the output stream.
* @throws FileManipulatorException in case of writing failure.
public OutputStream write( String vfsPath )
throws FileManipulatorException
FileObject file = null;
file = this.resolveFile( vfsPath );
if ( file.exists() && !file.getType().equals( FileType.FILE ) )
LOGGER.error( "{} is not a file", vfsPath );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( vfsPath + " is not a file" );
return file.getContent().getOutputStream();
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.error( "Can't write {}", vfsPath, e );
throw new FileManipulatorException( "Can't write " + vfsPath, e );
* Creates the environment cache directory.
* @param environment the <code>Environment</code>.
* @return the environment cache directory path.
* @throws FileManipulatorException in case of creation failure.
public static String createEnvironmentCacheDir( Environment environment )
throws FileManipulatorException
String directory = FileManipulator.getBaseDir() + "/" + FileManipulator.WORKING_DIR + "/" + environment.getName();
FileManipulator fileManipulator = new FileManipulator();
fileManipulator.createDirectory( directory );
return directory;
* Creates an environment jeeApplication cache directory.
* @param environment the <code>Environment</code>.
* @param jeeApplication the <code>JEEApplication</code>.
* @return the environment jeeApplication cache directory path.
* @throws FileManipulatorException in case of creation failure.
public static String createJEEApplicationCacheDir( Environment environment, JEEApplication jeeApplication )
throws FileManipulatorException
String directory = FileManipulator.createEnvironmentCacheDir( environment );
directory = directory + "/applications/" + jeeApplication.getName();
FileManipulator fileManipulator = new FileManipulator();
fileManipulator.createDirectory( directory );
return directory;
* Creates an environment software cache directory.
* @param environment the <code>Environment</code>.
* @param software the <code>Software</code>.
* @return the environment software cache directory path.
* @throws FileManipulatorException in case of creation failure.
public static String createSoftwareCacheDir( Environment environment, Software software )
throws FileManipulatorException
String directory = FileManipulator.createEnvironmentCacheDir( environment );
directory = directory + "/softwares/" + software.getName();
FileManipulator fileManipulator = new FileManipulator();
fileManipulator.createDirectory( directory );
return directory;
* Creates a directory.
* @param path the directory path to create.
* @throws FileManipulatorException in case of creation failure.
public void createDirectory( String path )
throws FileManipulatorException
FileObject directory = null;
directory = this.resolveFile( path );
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.error( "Can't create directory {}", path, e );
throw new FileManipulatorException( "Can't create directory " + path, e );
if ( directory != null )
catch ( Exception e )
// ignore
* Check if the given VFS path begins with a protocol (file:, http:, ...).
* @param path the VFS path to check.
* @return true
public static boolean protocolExists( String path )
// make a regex on the path
LOGGER.debug( "Looking for protocol in {}", path );
PatternMatcher matcher = new Perl5Matcher();
PatternCompiler compiler = new Perl5Compiler();
Pattern pattern = null;
pattern = compiler.compile( FileManipulator.PROTOCOL_REGEX );
catch ( MalformedPatternException malformedPatternException )
LOGGER.warn( "URL protocol check failed", malformedPatternException );
return false;
PatternMatcherInput input = new PatternMatcherInput( path );
if ( matcher.contains( input, pattern ) )
LOGGER.debug( "{} matches the protocol regex" );
return true;
LOGGER.debug( "{} doesn't match the protocol regex" );
return false;
* Format an URL to a VFS compliant URL (finding the protocol corresponding to the extension).
* @param url source URL
* @return the VFS formatted URL.
public static String format( String url )
String formattedUrl = url.trim();
if ( formattedUrl.endsWith( JAR_EXTENSION ) && !formattedUrl.startsWith( JAR_PROTOCOL ) )
return JAR_PROTOCOL + formattedUrl;
if ( formattedUrl.endsWith( ZIP_EXTENSION ) && !formattedUrl.startsWith( ZIP_PROTOCOL ) )
return ZIP_PROTOCOL + formattedUrl;
if ( formattedUrl.endsWith( TGZ_EXTENSION ) && !formattedUrl.startsWith( TGZ_PROTOCOL ) )
return TGZ_PROTOCOL + formattedUrl;
if ( formattedUrl.endsWith( TARGZ_EXTENSION ) && !formattedUrl.startsWith( TARGZ_PROTOCOL ) )
return TARGZ_PROTOCOL + formattedUrl;
if ( formattedUrl.endsWith( TBZ2_EXTENSION ) && !formattedUrl.startsWith( TBZ2_PROTOCOL ) )
return TBZ2_PROTOCOL + formattedUrl;
return formattedUrl;
* Delete a VFS path.
* @param path the VFS path.
* @throws FileManipulatorException in case of deletion failure.
public void delete( String path )
throws FileManipulatorException
FileObject file = null;
file = this.resolveFile( path );
file.delete( Selectors.SELECT_ALL );
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.error( "Can't delete {}", path, e );
throw new FileManipulatorException( "Can't delete " + path, e );
if ( file != null )
catch ( Exception e )
// ignore
* Search and replace a regex in a given VFS path.
* @param regex the regexp to search.
* @param substitute the replacement string.
* @param path the VFS path where to search and replace.
public static void searchAndReplace( String path, String regex, String substitute )
String content = FileUtils.readFileToString( new File( path ), null );
content = StringUtils.replace( content, regex, substitute );
FileUtils.writeStringToFile( new File( path ), content, null );
catch ( IOException ioException )
LOGGER.warn( "Can't replace {} with {} in {}", new Object[]{ regex, substitute, path }, ioException );