blob: 2c2157259b08770b3e924d64d77f37c68a2937c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package kafka.utils
import java.util.Properties
import joptsimple.{OptionParser, OptionSet, OptionSpec}
import scala.collection.Set
* Helper functions for dealing with command line utilities
object CommandLineUtils extends Logging {
* Check if there are no options or `--help` option from command line
* @param commandOpts Acceptable options for a command
* @return true on matching the help check condition
def isPrintHelpNeeded(commandOpts: CommandDefaultOptions): Boolean = {
return commandOpts.args.length == 0 || commandOpts.options.has(commandOpts.helpOpt)
* Check and print help message if there is no options or `--help` option
* from command line
* @param commandOpts Acceptable options for a command
* @param message Message to display on successful check
def printHelpAndExitIfNeeded(commandOpts: CommandDefaultOptions, message: String) = {
if (isPrintHelpNeeded(commandOpts))
printUsageAndDie(commandOpts.parser, message)
* Check that all the listed options are present
def checkRequiredArgs(parser: OptionParser, options: OptionSet, required: OptionSpec[_]*) {
for (arg <- required) {
if (!options.has(arg))
printUsageAndDie(parser, "Missing required argument \"" + arg + "\"")
* Check that none of the listed options are present
def checkInvalidArgs(parser: OptionParser, options: OptionSet, usedOption: OptionSpec[_], invalidOptions: Set[OptionSpec[_]]) {
if (options.has(usedOption)) {
for (arg <- invalidOptions) {
if (options.has(arg))
printUsageAndDie(parser, "Option \"" + usedOption + "\" can't be used with option \"" + arg + "\"")
* Check that none of the listed options are present with the combination of used options
def checkInvalidArgsSet(parser: OptionParser, options: OptionSet, usedOptions: Set[OptionSpec[_]], invalidOptions: Set[OptionSpec[_]]) {
if (usedOptions.count(options.has) == usedOptions.size) {
for (arg <- invalidOptions) {
if (options.has(arg))
printUsageAndDie(parser, "Option combination \"" + usedOptions.mkString(",") + "\" can't be used with option \"" + arg + "\"")
* Print usage and exit
def printUsageAndDie(parser: OptionParser, message: String): Nothing = {
Exit.exit(1, Some(message))
* Parse key-value pairs in the form key=value
* value may contain equals sign
def parseKeyValueArgs(args: Iterable[String], acceptMissingValue: Boolean = true): Properties = {
val splits ="=", 2)).filterNot(_.length == 0)
val props = new Properties
for (a <- splits) {
if (a.length == 1 || (a.length == 2 && a(1).isEmpty())) {
if (acceptMissingValue) props.put(a(0), "")
else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing value for key ${a(0)}")
else props.put(a(0), a(1))
* Merge the options into {@code props} for key {@code key}, with the following precedence, from high to low:
* 1) if {@code spec} is specified on {@code options} explicitly, use the value;
* 2) if {@code props} already has {@code key} set, keep it;
* 3) otherwise, use the default value of {@code spec}.
* A {@code null} value means to remove {@code key} from the {@code props}.
def maybeMergeOptions[V](props: Properties, key: String, options: OptionSet, spec: OptionSpec[V]) {
if (options.has(spec) || !props.containsKey(key)) {
val value = options.valueOf(spec)
if (value == null)
props.put(key, value.toString)