blob: 013913239e8ba16bde9dfcad052b85da98597770 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import os
import signal
from import BackgroundThreadService
from ducktape.cluster.remoteaccount import RemoteCommandError
from kafkatest.directory_layout.kafka_path import KafkaPathResolverMixin
from import TopicPartition
from kafkatest.version import DEV_BRANCH
class ConsumerState:
Dead = 1
Rebalancing = 3
Joined = 2
class ConsumerEventHandler(object):
def __init__(self, node):
self.node = node
self.state = ConsumerState.Dead
self.revoked_count = 0
self.assigned_count = 0
self.assignment = []
self.position = {}
self.committed = {}
self.total_consumed = 0
def handle_shutdown_complete(self):
self.state = ConsumerState.Dead
self.assignment = []
self.position = {}
def handle_offsets_committed(self, event):
if event["success"]:
for offset_commit in event["offsets"]:
topic = offset_commit["topic"]
partition = offset_commit["partition"]
tp = TopicPartition(topic, partition)
offset = offset_commit["offset"]
assert tp in self.assignment, \
"Committed offsets for partition %s not assigned (current assignment: %s)" % \
(str(tp), str(self.assignment))
assert self.position[tp] >= offset, \
"The committed offset %d was greater than the current position %d for partition %s" % \
(offset, self.position[t], str(tp))
self.committed[tp] = offset
def handle_records_consumed(self, event):
assert self.state == ConsumerState.Joined, \
"Consumed records should only be received when joined (current state: %s)" % str(self.state)
for record_batch in event["partitions"]:
tp = TopicPartition(topic=record_batch["topic"],
min_offset = record_batch["minOffset"]
max_offset = record_batch["maxOffset"]
assert tp in self.assignment, \
"Consumed records for partition %s which is not assigned (current assignment: %s)" % \
(str(tp), str(self.assignment))
assert tp not in self.position or self.position[tp] == min_offset, \
"Consumed from an unexpected offset (%d, %d) for partition %s" % \
(self.position[tp], min_offset, str(tp))
self.position[tp] = max_offset + 1
self.total_consumed += event["count"]
def handle_partitions_revoked(self, event):
self.revoked_count += 1
self.state = ConsumerState.Rebalancing
self.position = {}
def handle_partitions_assigned(self, event):
self.assigned_count += 1
self.state = ConsumerState.Joined
assignment = []
for topic_partition in event["partitions"]:
topic = topic_partition["topic"]
partition = topic_partition["partition"]
assignment.append(TopicPartition(topic, partition))
self.assignment = assignment
def handle_kill_process(self, clean_shutdown):
# if the shutdown was clean, then we expect the explicit
# shutdown event from the consumer
if not clean_shutdown:
def current_assignment(self):
return list(self.assignment)
def current_position(self, tp):
if tp in self.position:
return self.position[tp]
return None
def last_commit(self, tp):
if tp in self.committed:
return self.committed[tp]
return None
class VerifiableConsumer(KafkaPathResolverMixin, BackgroundThreadService):
PERSISTENT_ROOT = "/mnt/verifiable_consumer"
STDOUT_CAPTURE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "verifiable_consumer.stdout")
STDERR_CAPTURE = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "verifiable_consumer.stderr")
LOG_DIR = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "logs")
LOG_FILE = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, "verifiable_consumer.log")
LOG4J_CONFIG = os.path.join(PERSISTENT_ROOT, "")
logs = {
"verifiable_consumer_stdout": {
"collect_default": False},
"verifiable_consumer_stderr": {
"collect_default": False},
"verifiable_consumer_log": {
"path": LOG_FILE,
"collect_default": True}
def __init__(self, context, num_nodes, kafka, topic, group_id,
max_messages=-1, session_timeout_sec=30, enable_autocommit=False,
version=DEV_BRANCH, stop_timeout_sec=30, log_level="INFO"):
super(VerifiableConsumer, self).__init__(context, num_nodes)
self.log_level = log_level
self.kafka = kafka
self.topic = topic
self.group_id = group_id
self.max_messages = max_messages
self.session_timeout_sec = session_timeout_sec
self.enable_autocommit = enable_autocommit
self.assignment_strategy = assignment_strategy
self.prop_file = ""
self.stop_timeout_sec = stop_timeout_sec
self.event_handlers = {}
self.global_position = {}
self.global_committed = {}
for node in self.nodes:
node.version = version
def _worker(self, idx, node):
with self.lock:
if node not in self.event_handlers:
self.event_handlers[node] = ConsumerEventHandler(node)
handler = self.event_handlers[node]
node.account.ssh("mkdir -p %s" % VerifiableConsumer.PERSISTENT_ROOT, allow_fail=False)
# Create and upload log properties
log_config = self.render('', log_file=VerifiableConsumer.LOG_FILE)
node.account.create_file(VerifiableConsumer.LOG4J_CONFIG, log_config)
# Create and upload config file
self.security_config = self.kafka.security_config.client_config(self.prop_file, node)
self.prop_file += str(self.security_config)"")
node.account.create_file(VerifiableConsumer.CONFIG_FILE, self.prop_file)
cmd = self.start_cmd(node)
self.logger.debug("VerifiableConsumer %d command: %s" % (idx, cmd))
for line in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd):
event = self.try_parse_json(line.strip())
if event is not None:
with self.lock:
name = event["name"]
if name == "shutdown_complete":
if name == "offsets_committed":
elif name == "records_consumed":
elif name == "partitions_revoked":
elif name == "partitions_assigned":
def _update_global_position(self, consumed_event):
for consumed_partition in consumed_event["partitions"]:
tp = TopicPartition(consumed_partition["topic"], consumed_partition["partition"])
if tp in self.global_committed:
# verify that the position never gets behind the current commit.
assert self.global_committed[tp] <= consumed_partition["minOffset"], \
"Consumed position %d is behind the current committed offset %d for partition %s" % \
(consumed_partition["minOffset"], self.global_committed[tp], str(tp))
# the consumer cannot generally guarantee that the position increases monotonically
# without gaps in the face of hard failures, so we only log a warning when this happens
if tp in self.global_position and self.global_position[tp] != consumed_partition["minOffset"]:
self.logger.warn("Expected next consumed offset of %d for partition %s, but instead saw %d" %
(self.global_position[tp], str(tp), consumed_partition["minOffset"]))
self.global_position[tp] = consumed_partition["maxOffset"] + 1
def _update_global_committed(self, commit_event):
if commit_event["success"]:
for offset_commit in commit_event["offsets"]:
tp = TopicPartition(offset_commit["topic"], offset_commit["partition"])
offset = offset_commit["offset"]
assert self.global_position[tp] >= offset, \
"Committed offset %d for partition %s is ahead of the current position %d" % \
(offset, str(tp), self.global_position[tp])
self.global_committed[tp] = offset
def start_cmd(self, node):
cmd = ""
cmd += "export LOG_DIR=%s;" % VerifiableConsumer.LOG_DIR
cmd += " export KAFKA_OPTS=%s;" % self.security_config.kafka_opts
cmd += " export KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS=\"-Dlog4j.configuration=file:%s\"; " % VerifiableConsumer.LOG4J_CONFIG
cmd += self.path.script("", node) + "" \
" --group-id %s --topic %s --broker-list %s --session-timeout %s --assignment-strategy %s %s" % \
(self.group_id, self.topic, self.kafka.bootstrap_servers(self.security_config.security_protocol),
self.session_timeout_sec*1000, self.assignment_strategy, "--enable-autocommit" if self.enable_autocommit else "")
if self.max_messages > 0:
cmd += " --max-messages %s" % str(self.max_messages)
cmd += " --consumer.config %s" % VerifiableConsumer.CONFIG_FILE
cmd += " 2>> %s | tee -a %s &" % (VerifiableConsumer.STDOUT_CAPTURE, VerifiableConsumer.STDOUT_CAPTURE)
return cmd
def pids(self, node):
cmd = "jps | grep -i VerifiableConsumer | awk '{print $1}'"
pid_arr = [pid for pid in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd, allow_fail=True, callback=int)]
return pid_arr
except (RemoteCommandError, ValueError) as e:
return []
def try_parse_json(self, string):
"""Try to parse a string as json. Return None if not parseable."""
return json.loads(string)
except ValueError:
self.logger.debug("Could not parse as json: %s" % str(string))
return None
def stop_all(self):
for node in self.nodes:
def kill_node(self, node, clean_shutdown=True, allow_fail=False):
if clean_shutdown:
sig = signal.SIGTERM
sig = signal.SIGKILL
for pid in self.pids(node):
node.account.signal(pid, sig, allow_fail)
with self.lock:
def stop_node(self, node, clean_shutdown=True):
self.kill_node(node, clean_shutdown=clean_shutdown)
stopped = self.wait_node(node, timeout_sec=self.stop_timeout_sec)
assert stopped, "Node %s: did not stop within the specified timeout of %s seconds" % \
(str(node.account), str(self.stop_timeout_sec))
def clean_node(self, node):
self.kill_node(node, clean_shutdown=False)
node.account.ssh("rm -rf " + self.PERSISTENT_ROOT, allow_fail=False)
def current_assignment(self):
with self.lock:
return { handler.node: handler.current_assignment() for handler in self.event_handlers.itervalues() }
def current_position(self, tp):
with self.lock:
if tp in self.global_position:
return self.global_position[tp]
return None
def owner(self, tp):
with self.lock:
for handler in self.event_handlers.itervalues():
if tp in handler.current_assignment():
return handler.node
return None
def last_commit(self, tp):
with self.lock:
if tp in self.global_committed:
return self.global_committed[tp]
return None
def total_consumed(self):
with self.lock:
return sum(handler.total_consumed for handler in self.event_handlers.itervalues())
def num_rebalances(self):
with self.lock:
return max(handler.assigned_count for handler in self.event_handlers.itervalues())
def joined_nodes(self):
with self.lock:
return [handler.node for handler in self.event_handlers.itervalues()
if handler.state == ConsumerState.Joined]
def rebalancing_nodes(self):
with self.lock:
return [handler.node for handler in self.event_handlers.itervalues()
if handler.state == ConsumerState.Rebalancing]
def dead_nodes(self):
with self.lock:
return [handler.node for handler in self.event_handlers.itervalues()
if handler.state == ConsumerState.Dead]