blob: a59c02cdad8c7dd2a0f288a45186460ba4368931 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kafka.log
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import kafka.utils.CoreUtils.inLock
import kafka.common.InvalidOffsetException
* An index that maps offsets to physical file locations for a particular log segment. This index may be sparse:
* that is it may not hold an entry for all messages in the log.
* The index is stored in a file that is pre-allocated to hold a fixed maximum number of 8-byte entries.
* The index supports lookups against a memory-map of this file. These lookups are done using a simple binary search variant
* to locate the offset/location pair for the greatest offset less than or equal to the target offset.
* Index files can be opened in two ways: either as an empty, mutable index that allows appends or
* an immutable read-only index file that has previously been populated. The makeReadOnly method will turn a mutable file into an
* immutable one and truncate off any extra bytes. This is done when the index file is rolled over.
* No attempt is made to checksum the contents of this file, in the event of a crash it is rebuilt.
* The file format is a series of entries. The physical format is a 4 byte "relative" offset and a 4 byte file location for the
* message with that offset. The offset stored is relative to the base offset of the index file. So, for example,
* if the base offset was 50, then the offset 55 would be stored as 5. Using relative offsets in this way let's us use
* only 4 bytes for the offset.
* The frequency of entries is up to the user of this class.
* All external APIs translate from relative offsets to full offsets, so users of this class do not interact with the internal
* storage format.
class OffsetIndex(file: File, baseOffset: Long, maxIndexSize: Int = -1)
extends AbstractIndex[Long, Int](file, baseOffset, maxIndexSize) {
override def entrySize = 8
/* the last offset in the index */
private[this] var _lastOffset = lastEntry.offset
debug("Loaded index file %s with maxEntries = %d, maxIndexSize = %d, entries = %d, lastOffset = %d, file position = %d"
.format(file.getAbsolutePath, maxEntries, maxIndexSize, _entries, _lastOffset, mmap.position))
* The last entry in the index
private def lastEntry: OffsetPosition = {
inLock(lock) {
_entries match {
case 0 => OffsetPosition(baseOffset, 0)
case s => parseEntry(mmap, s - 1).asInstanceOf[OffsetPosition]
def lastOffset: Long = _lastOffset
* Find the largest offset less than or equal to the given targetOffset
* and return a pair holding this offset and its corresponding physical file position.
* @param targetOffset The offset to look up.
* @return The offset found and the corresponding file position for this offset
* If the target offset is smaller than the least entry in the index (or the index is empty),
* the pair (baseOffset, 0) is returned.
def lookup(targetOffset: Long): OffsetPosition = {
maybeLock(lock) {
val idx = mmap.duplicate
val slot = indexSlotFor(idx, targetOffset, IndexSearchType.KEY)
if(slot == -1)
OffsetPosition(baseOffset, 0)
parseEntry(idx, slot).asInstanceOf[OffsetPosition]
private def relativeOffset(buffer: ByteBuffer, n: Int): Int = buffer.getInt(n * entrySize)
private def physical(buffer: ByteBuffer, n: Int): Int = buffer.getInt(n * entrySize + 4)
override def parseEntry(buffer: ByteBuffer, n: Int): IndexEntry = {
OffsetPosition(baseOffset + relativeOffset(buffer, n), physical(buffer, n))
* Get the nth offset mapping from the index
* @param n The entry number in the index
* @return The offset/position pair at that entry
def entry(n: Int): OffsetPosition = {
maybeLock(lock) {
if(n >= _entries)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to fetch the %dth entry from an index of size %d.".format(n, _entries))
val idx = mmap.duplicate
OffsetPosition(relativeOffset(idx, n), physical(idx, n))
* Append an entry for the given offset/location pair to the index. This entry must have a larger offset than all subsequent entries.
def append(offset: Long, position: Int) {
inLock(lock) {
require(!isFull, "Attempt to append to a full index (size = " + _entries + ").")
if (_entries == 0 || offset > _lastOffset) {
debug("Adding index entry %d => %d to %s.".format(offset, position, file.getName))
mmap.putInt((offset - baseOffset).toInt)
_entries += 1
_lastOffset = offset
require(_entries * entrySize == mmap.position, entries + " entries but file position in index is " + mmap.position + ".")
} else {
throw new InvalidOffsetException("Attempt to append an offset (%d) to position %d no larger than the last offset appended (%d) to %s."
.format(offset, entries, _lastOffset, file.getAbsolutePath))
override def truncate() = truncateToEntries(0)
override def truncateTo(offset: Long) {
inLock(lock) {
val idx = mmap.duplicate
val slot = indexSlotFor(idx, offset, IndexSearchType.KEY)
/* There are 3 cases for choosing the new size
* 1) if there is no entry in the index <= the offset, delete everything
* 2) if there is an entry for this exact offset, delete it and everything larger than it
* 3) if there is no entry for this offset, delete everything larger than the next smallest
val newEntries =
if(slot < 0)
else if(relativeOffset(idx, slot) == offset - baseOffset)
slot + 1
* Truncates index to a known number of entries.
private def truncateToEntries(entries: Int) {
inLock(lock) {
_entries = entries
mmap.position(_entries * entrySize)
_lastOffset = lastEntry.offset
override def sanityCheck() {
require(_entries == 0 || _lastOffset > baseOffset,
s"Corrupt index found, index file (${file.getAbsolutePath}) has non-zero size but the last offset " +
s"is ${_lastOffset} which is no larger than the base offset $baseOffset.")
val len = file.length()
require(len % entrySize == 0,
"Index file " + file.getAbsolutePath + " is corrupt, found " + len +
" bytes which is not positive or not a multiple of 8.")