blob: 88c1eeb03f1cb7a45c9f42415d3b35c633318600 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kafka.log
import java.nio._
import java.util.Date
import java.util.concurrent.{CountDownLatch, TimeUnit}
import com.yammer.metrics.core.Gauge
import kafka.common._
import kafka.metrics.KafkaMetricsGroup
import kafka.utils._
import org.apache.kafka.common.record.{FileRecords, LogEntry, MemoryRecords}
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time
import MemoryRecords.LogEntryFilter
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import scala.collection._
import JavaConverters._
* The cleaner is responsible for removing obsolete records from logs which have the dedupe retention strategy.
* A message with key K and offset O is obsolete if there exists a message with key K and offset O' such that O < O'.
* Each log can be thought of being split into two sections of segments: a "clean" section which has previously been cleaned followed by a
* "dirty" section that has not yet been cleaned. The dirty section is further divided into the "cleanable" section followed by an "uncleanable" section.
* The uncleanable section is excluded from cleaning. The active log segment is always uncleanable. If there is a
* compaction lag time set, segments whose largest message timestamp is within the compaction lag time of the cleaning operation are also uncleanable.
* The cleaning is carried out by a pool of background threads. Each thread chooses the dirtiest log that has the "dedupe" retention policy
* and cleans that. The dirtiness of the log is guessed by taking the ratio of bytes in the dirty section of the log to the total bytes in the log.
* To clean a log the cleaner first builds a mapping of key=>last_offset for the dirty section of the log. See kafka.log.OffsetMap for details of
* the implementation of the mapping.
* Once the key=>offset map is built, the log is cleaned by recopying each log segment but omitting any key that appears in the offset map with a
* higher offset than what is found in the segment (i.e. messages with a key that appears in the dirty section of the log).
* To avoid segments shrinking to very small sizes with repeated cleanings we implement a rule by which if we will merge successive segments when
* doing a cleaning if their log and index size are less than the maximum log and index size prior to the clean beginning.
* Cleaned segments are swapped into the log as they become available.
* One nuance that the cleaner must handle is log truncation. If a log is truncated while it is being cleaned the cleaning of that log is aborted.
* Messages with null payload are treated as deletes for the purpose of log compaction. This means that they receive special treatment by the cleaner.
* The cleaner will only retain delete records for a period of time to avoid accumulating space indefinitely. This period of time is configurable on a per-topic
* basis and is measured from the time the segment enters the clean portion of the log (at which point any prior message with that key has been removed).
* Delete markers in the clean section of the log that are older than this time will not be retained when log segments are being recopied as part of cleaning.
* @param config Configuration parameters for the cleaner
* @param logDirs The directories where offset checkpoints reside
* @param logs The pool of logs
* @param time A way to control the passage of time
class LogCleaner(val config: CleanerConfig,
val logDirs: Array[File],
val logs: Pool[TopicPartition, Log],
time: Time = Time.SYSTEM) extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup {
/* for managing the state of partitions being cleaned. package-private to allow access in tests */
private[log] val cleanerManager = new LogCleanerManager(logDirs, logs)
/* a throttle used to limit the I/O of all the cleaner threads to a user-specified maximum rate */
private val throttler = new Throttler(desiredRatePerSec = config.maxIoBytesPerSecond,
checkIntervalMs = 300,
throttleDown = true,
time = time)
/* the threads */
private val cleaners = (0 until config.numThreads).map(new CleanerThread(_))
/* a metric to track the maximum utilization of any thread's buffer in the last cleaning */
new Gauge[Int] {
def value: Int = * _.bufferUtilization).max.toInt
/* a metric to track the recopy rate of each thread's last cleaning */
new Gauge[Int] {
def value: Int = {
val stats =
val recopyRate = / math.max(, 1)
(100 * recopyRate).toInt
/* a metric to track the maximum cleaning time for the last cleaning from each thread */
new Gauge[Int] {
def value: Int =
* Start the background cleaning
def startup() {
info("Starting the log cleaner")
* Stop the background cleaning
def shutdown() {
info("Shutting down the log cleaner.")
* Abort the cleaning of a particular partition, if it's in progress. This call blocks until the cleaning of
* the partition is aborted.
def abortCleaning(topicPartition: TopicPartition) {
* Update checkpoint file, removing topics and partitions that no longer exist
def updateCheckpoints(dataDir: File) {
cleanerManager.updateCheckpoints(dataDir, update=None)
* Truncate cleaner offset checkpoint for the given partition if its checkpointed offset is larger than the given offset
def maybeTruncateCheckpoint(dataDir: File, topicPartition: TopicPartition, offset: Long) {
cleanerManager.maybeTruncateCheckpoint(dataDir, topicPartition, offset)
* Abort the cleaning of a particular partition if it's in progress, and pause any future cleaning of this partition.
* This call blocks until the cleaning of the partition is aborted and paused.
def abortAndPauseCleaning(topicPartition: TopicPartition) {
* Resume the cleaning of a paused partition. This call blocks until the cleaning of a partition is resumed.
def resumeCleaning(topicPartition: TopicPartition) {
* For testing, a way to know when work has completed. This method waits until the
* cleaner has processed up to the given offset on the specified topic/partition
* @param topicPartition The topic and partition to be cleaned
* @param offset The first dirty offset that the cleaner doesn't have to clean
* @param maxWaitMs The maximum time in ms to wait for cleaner
* @return A boolean indicating whether the work has completed before timeout
def awaitCleaned(topicPartition: TopicPartition, offset: Long, maxWaitMs: Long = 60000L): Boolean = {
def isCleaned = cleanerManager.allCleanerCheckpoints.get(topicPartition).fold(false)(_ >= offset)
var remainingWaitMs = maxWaitMs
while (!isCleaned && remainingWaitMs > 0) {
val sleepTime = math.min(100, remainingWaitMs)
remainingWaitMs -= sleepTime
* The cleaner threads do the actual log cleaning. Each thread processes does its cleaning repeatedly by
* choosing the dirtiest log, cleaning it, and then swapping in the cleaned segments.
private class CleanerThread(threadId: Int)
extends ShutdownableThread(name = "kafka-log-cleaner-thread-" + threadId, isInterruptible = false) {
override val loggerName = classOf[LogCleaner].getName
if(config.dedupeBufferSize / config.numThreads > Int.MaxValue)
warn("Cannot use more than 2G of cleaner buffer space per cleaner thread, ignoring excess buffer space...")
val cleaner = new Cleaner(id = threadId,
offsetMap = new SkimpyOffsetMap(memory = math.min(config.dedupeBufferSize / config.numThreads, Int.MaxValue).toInt,
hashAlgorithm = config.hashAlgorithm),
ioBufferSize = config.ioBufferSize / config.numThreads / 2,
maxIoBufferSize = config.maxMessageSize,
dupBufferLoadFactor = config.dedupeBufferLoadFactor,
throttler = throttler,
time = time,
checkDone = checkDone)
@volatile var lastStats: CleanerStats = new CleanerStats()
private val backOffWaitLatch = new CountDownLatch(1)
private def checkDone(topicPartition: TopicPartition) {
if (!isRunning.get())
throw new ThreadShutdownException
* The main loop for the cleaner thread
override def doWork() {
override def shutdown() = {
* Clean a log if there is a dirty log available, otherwise sleep for a bit
private def cleanOrSleep() {
val cleaned = cleanerManager.grabFilthiestCompactedLog(time) match {
case None =>
case Some(cleanable) =>
// there's a log, clean it
var endOffset = cleanable.firstDirtyOffset
try {
val (nextDirtyOffset, cleanerStats) = cleaner.clean(cleanable)
recordStats(,, cleanable.firstDirtyOffset, endOffset, cleanerStats)
endOffset = nextDirtyOffset
} catch {
case _: LogCleaningAbortedException => // task can be aborted, let it go.
} finally {
cleanerManager.doneCleaning(cleanable.topicPartition, cleanable.log.dir.getParentFile, endOffset)
val deletable: Iterable[(TopicPartition, Log)] = cleanerManager.deletableLogs()
case (topicPartition, log) =>
try {
} finally {
if (!cleaned)
backOffWaitLatch.await(config.backOffMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
* Log out statistics on a single run of the cleaner.
def recordStats(id: Int, name: String, from: Long, to: Long, stats: CleanerStats) {
this.lastStats = stats
def mb(bytes: Double) = bytes / (1024*1024)
val message =
"%n\tLog cleaner thread %d cleaned log %s (dirty section = [%d, %d])%n".format(id, name, from, to) +
"\t%,.1f MB of log processed in %,.1f seconds (%,.1f MB/sec).%n".format(mb(stats.bytesRead),
mb(stats.bytesRead/stats.elapsedSecs)) +
"\tIndexed %,.1f MB in %.1f seconds (%,.1f Mb/sec, %.1f%% of total time)%n".format(mb(stats.mapBytesRead),
100 * stats.elapsedIndexSecs/stats.elapsedSecs) +
"\tBuffer utilization: %.1f%%%n".format(100 * stats.bufferUtilization) +
"\tCleaned %,.1f MB in %.1f seconds (%,.1f Mb/sec, %.1f%% of total time)%n".format(mb(stats.bytesRead),
stats.elapsedSecs - stats.elapsedIndexSecs,
mb(stats.bytesRead)/(stats.elapsedSecs - stats.elapsedIndexSecs), 100 * (stats.elapsedSecs - stats.elapsedIndexSecs).toDouble/stats.elapsedSecs) +
"\tStart size: %,.1f MB (%,d messages)%n".format(mb(stats.bytesRead), stats.messagesRead) +
"\tEnd size: %,.1f MB (%,d messages)%n".format(mb(stats.bytesWritten), stats.messagesWritten) +
"\t%.1f%% size reduction (%.1f%% fewer messages)%n".format(100.0 * (1.0 - stats.bytesWritten.toDouble/stats.bytesRead),
100.0 * (1.0 - stats.messagesWritten.toDouble/stats.messagesRead))
if (stats.invalidMessagesRead > 0) {
warn("\tFound %d invalid messages during compaction.".format(stats.invalidMessagesRead))
* This class holds the actual logic for cleaning a log
* @param id An identifier used for logging
* @param offsetMap The map used for deduplication
* @param ioBufferSize The size of the buffers to use. Memory usage will be 2x this number as there is a read and write buffer.
* @param maxIoBufferSize The maximum size of a message that can appear in the log
* @param dupBufferLoadFactor The maximum percent full for the deduplication buffer
* @param throttler The throttler instance to use for limiting I/O rate.
* @param time The time instance
* @param checkDone Check if the cleaning for a partition is finished or aborted.
private[log] class Cleaner(val id: Int,
val offsetMap: OffsetMap,
ioBufferSize: Int,
maxIoBufferSize: Int,
dupBufferLoadFactor: Double,
throttler: Throttler,
time: Time,
checkDone: (TopicPartition) => Unit) extends Logging {
override val loggerName = classOf[LogCleaner].getName
this.logIdent = "Cleaner " + id + ": "
/* buffer used for read i/o */
private var readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(ioBufferSize)
/* buffer used for write i/o */
private var writeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(ioBufferSize)
require(offsetMap.slots * dupBufferLoadFactor > 1, "offset map is too small to fit in even a single message, so log cleaning will never make progress. You can increase log.cleaner.dedupe.buffer.size or decrease log.cleaner.threads")
* Clean the given log
* @param cleanable The log to be cleaned
* @return The first offset not cleaned and the statistics for this round of cleaning
private[log] def clean(cleanable: LogToClean): (Long, CleanerStats) = {
val stats = new CleanerStats()
info("Beginning cleaning of log %s.".format(
val log = cleanable.log
// build the offset map
info("Building offset map for %s...".format(
val upperBoundOffset = cleanable.firstUncleanableOffset
buildOffsetMap(log, cleanable.firstDirtyOffset, upperBoundOffset, offsetMap, stats)
val endOffset = offsetMap.latestOffset + 1
// figure out the timestamp below which it is safe to remove delete tombstones
// this position is defined to be a configurable time beneath the last modified time of the last clean segment
val deleteHorizonMs =
log.logSegments(0, cleanable.firstDirtyOffset).lastOption match {
case None => 0L
case Some(seg) => seg.lastModified - log.config.deleteRetentionMs
// determine the timestamp up to which the log will be cleaned
// this is the lower of the last active segment and the compaction lag
val cleanableHorizonMs = log.logSegments(0, cleanable.firstUncleanableOffset)
// group the segments and clean the groups
info("Cleaning log %s (cleaning prior to %s, discarding tombstones prior to %s)...".format(, new Date(cleanableHorizonMs), new Date(deleteHorizonMs)))
for (group <- groupSegmentsBySize(log.logSegments(0, endOffset), log.config.segmentSize, log.config.maxIndexSize, cleanable.firstUncleanableOffset))
cleanSegments(log, group, offsetMap, deleteHorizonMs, stats)
// record buffer utilization
stats.bufferUtilization = offsetMap.utilization
(endOffset, stats)
* Clean a group of segments into a single replacement segment
* @param log The log being cleaned
* @param segments The group of segments being cleaned
* @param map The offset map to use for cleaning segments
* @param deleteHorizonMs The time to retain delete tombstones
* @param stats Collector for cleaning statistics
private[log] def cleanSegments(log: Log,
segments: Seq[LogSegment],
map: OffsetMap,
deleteHorizonMs: Long,
stats: CleanerStats) {
// create a new segment with the suffix .cleaned appended to both the log and index name
val logFile = new File(segments.head.log.file.getPath + Log.CleanedFileSuffix)
val indexFile = new File(segments.head.index.file.getPath + Log.CleanedFileSuffix)
val timeIndexFile = new File(segments.head.timeIndex.file.getPath + Log.CleanedFileSuffix)
val records =, false, log.initFileSize(), log.config.preallocate)
val index = new OffsetIndex(indexFile, segments.head.baseOffset, segments.head.index.maxIndexSize)
val timeIndex = new TimeIndex(timeIndexFile, segments.head.baseOffset, segments.head.timeIndex.maxIndexSize)
val cleaned = new LogSegment(records, index, timeIndex, segments.head.baseOffset, segments.head.indexIntervalBytes, log.config.randomSegmentJitter, time)
try {
// clean segments into the new destination segment
for (old <- segments) {
val retainDeletes = old.lastModified > deleteHorizonMs
info("Cleaning segment %s in log %s (largest timestamp %s) into %s, %s deletes."
.format(old.baseOffset,, new Date(old.largestTimestamp), cleaned.baseOffset, if(retainDeletes) "retaining" else "discarding"))
cleanInto(log.topicPartition, old, cleaned, map, retainDeletes, log.config.maxMessageSize, stats)
// trim excess index
// Append the last index entry
// trim time index
// flush new segment to disk before swap
// update the modification date to retain the last modified date of the original files
val modified = segments.last.lastModified
cleaned.lastModified = modified
// swap in new segment
info("Swapping in cleaned segment %d for segment(s) %s in log %s.".format(cleaned.baseOffset,","),
log.replaceSegments(cleaned, segments)
} catch {
case e: LogCleaningAbortedException =>
throw e
* Clean the given source log segment into the destination segment using the key=>offset mapping
* provided
* @param topicPartition The topic and partition of the log segment to clean
* @param source The dirty log segment
* @param dest The cleaned log segment
* @param map The key=>offset mapping
* @param retainDeletes Should delete tombstones be retained while cleaning this segment
* @param maxLogMessageSize The maximum message size of the corresponding topic
* @param stats Collector for cleaning statistics
private[log] def cleanInto(topicPartition: TopicPartition,
source: LogSegment,
dest: LogSegment,
map: OffsetMap,
retainDeletes: Boolean,
maxLogMessageSize: Int,
stats: CleanerStats) {
val logCleanerFilter = new LogEntryFilter {
def shouldRetain(logEntry: LogEntry): Boolean = shouldRetainMessage(source, map, retainDeletes, logEntry, stats)
var position = 0
while (position < source.log.sizeInBytes) {
// read a chunk of messages and copy any that are to be retained to the write buffer to be written out
source.log.readInto(readBuffer, position)
val records = MemoryRecords.readableRecords(readBuffer)
val result = records.filterTo(topicPartition, logCleanerFilter, writeBuffer, maxLogMessageSize)
stats.readMessages(result.messagesRead, result.bytesRead)
stats.recopyMessages(result.messagesRetained, result.bytesRetained)
position += result.bytesRead
// if any messages are to be retained, write them out
val outputBuffer = result.output
if (outputBuffer.position > 0) {
val retained = MemoryRecords.readableRecords(outputBuffer)
dest.append(firstOffset =,
largestOffset = result.maxOffset,
largestTimestamp = result.maxTimestamp,
shallowOffsetOfMaxTimestamp = result.shallowOffsetOfMaxTimestamp,
records = retained)
// if we read bytes but didn't get even one complete message, our I/O buffer is too small, grow it and try again
if (readBuffer.limit > 0 && result.messagesRead == 0)
private def shouldRetainMessage(source: kafka.log.LogSegment,
map: kafka.log.OffsetMap,
retainDeletes: Boolean,
entry: LogEntry,
stats: CleanerStats): Boolean = {
val pastLatestOffset = entry.offset > map.latestOffset
if (pastLatestOffset)
return true
if (entry.record.hasKey) {
val key = entry.record.key
val foundOffset = map.get(key)
/* two cases in which we can get rid of a message:
* 1) if there exists a message with the same key but higher offset
* 2) if the message is a delete "tombstone" marker and enough time has passed
val redundant = foundOffset >= 0 && entry.offset < foundOffset
val obsoleteDelete = !retainDeletes && entry.record.hasNullValue
!redundant && !obsoleteDelete
} else {
* Double the I/O buffer capacity
def growBuffers(maxLogMessageSize: Int) {
val maxBufferSize = math.max(maxLogMessageSize, maxIoBufferSize)
if(readBuffer.capacity >= maxBufferSize || writeBuffer.capacity >= maxBufferSize)
throw new IllegalStateException("This log contains a message larger than maximum allowable size of %s.".format(maxBufferSize))
val newSize = math.min(this.readBuffer.capacity * 2, maxBufferSize)
info("Growing cleaner I/O buffers from " + readBuffer.capacity + "bytes to " + newSize + " bytes.")
this.readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(newSize)
this.writeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(newSize)
* Restore the I/O buffer capacity to its original size
def restoreBuffers() {
if(this.readBuffer.capacity > this.ioBufferSize)
this.readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(this.ioBufferSize)
if(this.writeBuffer.capacity > this.ioBufferSize)
this.writeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(this.ioBufferSize)
* Group the segments in a log into groups totaling less than a given size. the size is enforced separately for the log data and the index data.
* We collect a group of such segments together into a single
* destination segment. This prevents segment sizes from shrinking too much.
* @param segments The log segments to group
* @param maxSize the maximum size in bytes for the total of all log data in a group
* @param maxIndexSize the maximum size in bytes for the total of all index data in a group
* @return A list of grouped segments
private[log] def groupSegmentsBySize(segments: Iterable[LogSegment], maxSize: Int, maxIndexSize: Int, firstUncleanableOffset: Long): List[Seq[LogSegment]] = {
var grouped = List[List[LogSegment]]()
var segs = segments.toList
while(segs.nonEmpty) {
var group = List(segs.head)
var logSize = segs.head.size
var indexSize = segs.head.index.sizeInBytes
var timeIndexSize = segs.head.timeIndex.sizeInBytes
segs = segs.tail
while(segs.nonEmpty &&
logSize + segs.head.size <= maxSize &&
indexSize + segs.head.index.sizeInBytes <= maxIndexSize &&
timeIndexSize + segs.head.timeIndex.sizeInBytes <= maxIndexSize &&
lastOffsetForFirstSegment(segs, firstUncleanableOffset) - group.last.baseOffset <= Int.MaxValue) {
group = segs.head :: group
logSize += segs.head.size
indexSize += segs.head.index.sizeInBytes
timeIndexSize += segs.head.timeIndex.sizeInBytes
segs = segs.tail
grouped ::= group.reverse
* We want to get the last offset in the first log segment in segs.
* LogSegment.nextOffset() gives the exact last offset in a segment, but can be expensive since it requires
* scanning the segment from the last index entry.
* Therefore, we estimate the last offset of the first log segment by using
* the base offset of the next segment in the list.
* If the next segment doesn't exist, first Uncleanable Offset will be used.
* @param segs - remaining segments to group.
* @return The estimated last offset for the first segment in segs
private def lastOffsetForFirstSegment(segs: List[LogSegment], firstUncleanableOffset: Long): Long = {
if (segs.size > 1) {
/* if there is a next segment, use its base offset as the bounding offset to guarantee we know
* the worst case offset */
segs(1).baseOffset - 1
} else {
//for the last segment in the list, use the first uncleanable offset.
firstUncleanableOffset - 1
* Build a map of key_hash => offset for the keys in the cleanable dirty portion of the log to use in cleaning.
* @param log The log to use
* @param start The offset at which dirty messages begin
* @param end The ending offset for the map that is being built
* @param map The map in which to store the mappings
* @param stats Collector for cleaning statistics
private[log] def buildOffsetMap(log: Log,
start: Long,
end: Long,
map: OffsetMap,
stats: CleanerStats) {
val dirty = log.logSegments(start, end).toBuffer
info("Building offset map for log %s for %d segments in offset range [%d, %d).".format(, dirty.size, start, end))
// Add all the cleanable dirty segments. We must take at least map.slots * load_factor,
// but we may be able to fit more (if there is lots of duplication in the dirty section of the log)
var full = false
for (segment <- dirty if !full) {
full = buildOffsetMapForSegment(log.topicPartition, segment, map, start, log.config.maxMessageSize, stats)
if (full)
debug("Offset map is full, %d segments fully mapped, segment with base offset %d is partially mapped".format(dirty.indexOf(segment), segment.baseOffset))
info("Offset map for log %s complete.".format(
* Add the messages in the given segment to the offset map
* @param segment The segment to index
* @param map The map in which to store the key=>offset mapping
* @param stats Collector for cleaning statistics
* @return If the map was filled whilst loading from this segment
private def buildOffsetMapForSegment(topicPartition: TopicPartition,
segment: LogSegment,
map: OffsetMap,
start: Long,
maxLogMessageSize: Int,
stats: CleanerStats): Boolean = {
var position = segment.index.lookup(start).position
val maxDesiredMapSize = (map.slots * this.dupBufferLoadFactor).toInt
while (position < segment.log.sizeInBytes) {
segment.log.readInto(readBuffer, position)
val records = MemoryRecords.readableRecords(readBuffer)
val startPosition = position
for (entry <- records.deepEntries.asScala) {
val message = entry.record
if (message.hasKey && entry.offset >= start) {
if (map.size < maxDesiredMapSize)
map.put(message.key, entry.offset)
return true
val bytesRead = records.validBytes
position += bytesRead
// if we didn't read even one complete message, our read buffer may be too small
if(position == startPosition)
* A simple struct for collecting stats about log cleaning
private class CleanerStats(time: Time = Time.SYSTEM) {
val startTime = time.milliseconds
var mapCompleteTime = -1L
var endTime = -1L
var bytesRead = 0L
var bytesWritten = 0L
var mapBytesRead = 0L
var mapMessagesRead = 0L
var messagesRead = 0L
var invalidMessagesRead = 0L
var messagesWritten = 0L
var bufferUtilization = 0.0d
def readMessages(messagesRead: Int, bytesRead: Int) {
this.messagesRead += messagesRead
this.bytesRead += bytesRead
def invalidMessage() {
invalidMessagesRead += 1
def recopyMessages(messagesWritten: Int, bytesWritten: Int) {
this.messagesWritten += messagesWritten
this.bytesWritten += bytesWritten
def indexMessagesRead(size: Int) {
mapMessagesRead += size
def indexBytesRead(size: Int) {
mapBytesRead += size
def indexDone() {
mapCompleteTime = time.milliseconds
def allDone() {
endTime = time.milliseconds
def elapsedSecs = (endTime - startTime)/1000.0
def elapsedIndexSecs = (mapCompleteTime - startTime)/1000.0
* Helper class for a log, its topic/partition, the first cleanable position, and the first uncleanable dirty position
private case class LogToClean(topicPartition: TopicPartition, log: Log, firstDirtyOffset: Long, uncleanableOffset: Long) extends Ordered[LogToClean] {
val cleanBytes = log.logSegments(-1, firstDirtyOffset).map(_.size).sum
private[this] val firstUncleanableSegment = log.logSegments(uncleanableOffset, log.activeSegment.baseOffset).headOption.getOrElse(log.activeSegment)
val firstUncleanableOffset = firstUncleanableSegment.baseOffset
val cleanableBytes = log.logSegments(firstDirtyOffset, math.max(firstDirtyOffset, firstUncleanableOffset)).map(_.size).sum
val totalBytes = cleanBytes + cleanableBytes
val cleanableRatio = cleanableBytes / totalBytes.toDouble
override def compare(that: LogToClean): Int = math.signum(this.cleanableRatio - that.cleanableRatio).toInt