blob: 4a65afbafb376f10c112ae5dcc2077d8cbabeed8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package kafka.common
import util.matching.Regex
import scala.collection.immutable
object Topic {
val GroupMetadataTopicName = "__consumer_offsets"
val InternalTopics = immutable.Set(GroupMetadataTopicName)
val legalChars = "[a-zA-Z0-9\\._\\-]"
private val maxNameLength = 249
private val rgx = new Regex(legalChars + "+")
def validate(topic: String) {
if (topic.length <= 0)
throw new org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidTopicException("topic name is illegal, can't be empty")
else if (topic.equals(".") || topic.equals(".."))
throw new org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidTopicException("topic name cannot be \".\" or \"..\"")
else if (topic.length > maxNameLength)
throw new org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidTopicException("topic name is illegal, can't be longer than " + maxNameLength + " characters")
rgx.findFirstIn(topic) match {
case Some(t) =>
if (!t.equals(topic))
throw new org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidTopicException("topic name " + topic + " is illegal, contains a character other than ASCII alphanumerics, '.', '_' and '-'")
case None => throw new org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidTopicException("topic name " + topic + " is illegal, contains a character other than ASCII alphanumerics, '.', '_' and '-'")
* Due to limitations in metric names, topics with a period ('.') or underscore ('_') could collide.
* @param topic The topic to check for colliding character
* @return true if the topic has collision characters
def hasCollisionChars(topic: String): Boolean = {
topic.contains("_") || topic.contains(".")
* Returns true if the topicNames collide due to a period ('.') or underscore ('_') in the same position.
* @param topicA A topic to check for collision
* @param topicB A topic to check for collision
* @return true if the topics collide
def hasCollision(topicA: String, topicB: String): Boolean = {
topicA.replace('.', '_') == topicB.replace('.', '_')
def isInternal(topic: String): Boolean =