blob: eb406affa7242582cc2cb142bda85d3f67693dd3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package kafka.server
import kafka.common.{NotificationHandler, ZkNodeChangeNotificationListener}
import kafka.utils.Json
import kafka.utils.Logging
import kafka.utils.SystemTime
import kafka.utils.Time
import kafka.utils.ZkUtils
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher.Event.KeeperState
import scala.collection._
import kafka.admin.AdminUtils
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.{IZkStateListener, IZkChildListener, ZkClient}
* Represents all the entities that can be configured via ZK
object ConfigType {
val Topic = "topics"
val Client = "clients"
* This class initiates and carries out config changes for all entities defined in ConfigType.
* It works as follows.
* Config is stored under the path: /config/entityType/entityName
* E.g. /config/topics/<topic_name> and /config/clients/<clientId>
* This znode stores the overrides for this entity (but no defaults) in properties format.
* To avoid watching all topics for changes instead we have a notification path
* /config/changes
* The DynamicConfigManager has a child watch on this path.
* To update a config we first update the config properties. Then we create a new sequential
* znode under the change path which contains the name of the entityType and entityName that was updated, say
* /config/changes/config_change_13321
* The sequential znode contains data in this format: {"version" : 1, "entityType":"topic/client", "entityName" : "topic_name/client_id"}
* This is just a notification--the actual config change is stored only once under the /config/entityType/entityName path.
* This will fire a watcher on all brokers. This watcher works as follows. It reads all the config change notifications.
* It keeps track of the highest config change suffix number it has applied previously. For any previously applied change it finds
* it checks if this notification is larger than a static expiration time (say 10mins) and if so it deletes this notification.
* For any new changes it reads the new configuration, combines it with the defaults, and updates the existing config.
* Note that config is always read from the config path in zk, the notification is just a trigger to do so. So if a broker is
* down and misses a change that is fine--when it restarts it will be loading the full config anyway. Note also that
* if there are two consecutive config changes it is possible that only the last one will be applied (since by the time the
* broker reads the config the both changes may have been made). In this case the broker would needlessly refresh the config twice,
* but that is harmless.
* On restart the config manager re-processes all notifications. This will usually be wasted work, but avoids any race conditions
* on startup where a change might be missed between the initial config load and registering for change notifications.
class DynamicConfigManager(private val zkUtils: ZkUtils,
private val configHandlers: Map[String, ConfigHandler],
private val changeExpirationMs: Long = 15*60*1000,
private val time: Time = SystemTime) extends Logging {
private var lastExecutedChange = -1L
object ConfigChangedNotificationHandler extends NotificationHandler {
override def processNotification(json: String) = {
Json.parseFull(json) match {
case None => // There are no config overrides.
// Ignore non-json notifications because they can be from the deprecated TopicConfigManager
case Some(mapAnon: Map[_, _]) =>
val map = mapAnon collect
{ case (k: String, v: Any) => k -> v }
require(map("version") == 1)
val entityType = map.get("entity_type") match {
case Some(ConfigType.Topic) => ConfigType.Topic
case Some(ConfigType.Client) => ConfigType.Client
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Config change notification must have 'entity_type' set to either 'client' or 'topic'." +
" Received: " + json)
val entity = map.get("entity_name") match {
case Some(value: String) => value
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Config change notification does not specify 'entity_name'. Received: " + json)
val entityConfig = AdminUtils.fetchEntityConfig(zkUtils, entityType, entity)"Processing override for entityType: $entityType, entity: $entity with config: $entityConfig")
configHandlers(entityType).processConfigChanges(entity, entityConfig)
case o => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Config change notification has an unexpected value. The format is:" +
"{\"version\" : 1," +
" \"entity_type\":\"topic/client\"," +
" \"entity_name\" : \"topic_name/client_id\"}." +
" Received: " + json)
private val configChangeListener = new ZkNodeChangeNotificationListener(zkUtils, ZkUtils.EntityConfigChangesPath, AdminUtils.EntityConfigChangeZnodePrefix, ConfigChangedNotificationHandler)
* Begin watching for config changes
def startup(): Unit = {