blob: 4fa656e63d953b06de2369834ffe90621385d988 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kafka.coordinator
import kafka.utils.nonthreadsafe
import java.util.UUID
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors
import collection.mutable
private[coordinator] sealed trait GroupState { def state: Byte }
* Group is preparing to rebalance
* action: respond to heartbeats with REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS
* respond to sync group with REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS
* remove member on leave group request
* park join group requests from new or existing members until all expected members have joined
* allow offset commits from previous generation
* allow offset fetch requests
* transition: some members have joined by the timeout => AwaitingSync
* all members have left the group => Dead
private[coordinator] case object PreparingRebalance extends GroupState { val state: Byte = 1 }
* Group is awaiting state assignment from the leader
* action: respond to heartbeats with REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS
* respond to offset commits with REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS
* park sync group requests from followers until transition to Stable
* allow offset fetch requests
* transition: sync group with state assignment received from leader => Stable
* join group from new member or existing member with updated metadata => PreparingRebalance
* leave group from existing member => PreparingRebalance
* member failure detected => PreparingRebalance
private[coordinator] case object AwaitingSync extends GroupState { val state: Byte = 5}
* Group is stable
* action: respond to member heartbeats normally
* respond to sync group from any member with current assignment
* respond to join group from followers with matching metadata with current group metadata
* allow offset commits from member of current generation
* allow offset fetch requests
* transition: member failure detected via heartbeat => PreparingRebalance
* leave group from existing member => PreparingRebalance
* leader join-group received => PreparingRebalance
* follower join-group with new metadata => PreparingRebalance
private[coordinator] case object Stable extends GroupState { val state: Byte = 3 }
* Group has no more members
* action: respond to join group with UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID
* respond to sync group with UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID
* respond to heartbeat with UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID
* respond to leave group with UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID
* respond to offset commit with UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID
* allow offset fetch requests
* transition: Dead is a final state before group metadata is cleaned up, so there are no transitions
private[coordinator] case object Dead extends GroupState { val state: Byte = 4 }
private object GroupMetadata {
private val validPreviousStates: Map[GroupState, Set[GroupState]] =
Map(Dead -> Set(Stable, PreparingRebalance, AwaitingSync),
AwaitingSync -> Set(PreparingRebalance),
Stable -> Set(AwaitingSync),
PreparingRebalance -> Set(Stable, AwaitingSync))
* Case class used to represent group metadata for the ListGroups API
case class GroupOverview(groupId: String,
protocolType: String)
* Case class used to represent group metadata for the DescribeGroup API
case class GroupSummary(state: String,
protocolType: String,
protocol: String,
members: List[MemberSummary])
* Group contains the following metadata:
* Membership metadata:
* 1. Members registered in this group
* 2. Current protocol assigned to the group (e.g. partition assignment strategy for consumers)
* 3. Protocol metadata associated with group members
* State metadata:
* 1. group state
* 2. generation id
* 3. leader id
private[coordinator] class GroupMetadata(val groupId: String, val protocolType: String) {
private val members = new mutable.HashMap[String, MemberMetadata]
private var state: GroupState = Stable
var generationId = 0
var leaderId: String = null
var protocol: String = null
def is(groupState: GroupState) = state == groupState
def not(groupState: GroupState) = state != groupState
def has(memberId: String) = members.contains(memberId)
def get(memberId: String) = members(memberId)
def add(memberId: String, member: MemberMetadata) {
if (leaderId == null)
leaderId = memberId
members.put(memberId, member)
def remove(memberId: String) {
if (memberId == leaderId) {
leaderId = if (members.isEmpty) {
} else {
def currentState = state
def isEmpty = members.isEmpty
def notYetRejoinedMembers = members.values.filter(_.awaitingJoinCallback == null).toList
def allMembers = members.keySet
def allMemberMetadata = members.values.toList
def rebalanceTimeout = members.values.foldLeft(0) {(timeout, member) =>
// TODO: decide if ids should be predictable or random
def generateMemberIdSuffix = UUID.randomUUID().toString
def canRebalance = state == Stable || state == AwaitingSync
def transitionTo(groupState: GroupState) {
state = groupState
def selectProtocol: String = {
if (members.isEmpty)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot select protocol for empty group")
// select the protocol for this group which is supported by all members
val candidates = candidateProtocols
// let each member vote for one of the protocols and choose the one with the most votes
val votes: List[(String, Int)] = allMemberMetadata
private def candidateProtocols = {
// get the set of protocols that are commonly supported by all members
.reduceLeft((commonProtocols, protocols) => commonProtocols & protocols)
def supportsProtocols(memberProtocols: Set[String]) = {
isEmpty || (memberProtocols & candidateProtocols).nonEmpty
def initNextGeneration() = {
assert(notYetRejoinedMembers == List.empty[MemberMetadata])
generationId += 1
protocol = selectProtocol
def currentMemberMetadata: Map[String, Array[Byte]] = {
if (is(Dead) || is(PreparingRebalance))
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot obtain member metadata for group in state %s".format(state)){ case (memberId, memberMetadata) => (memberId, memberMetadata.metadata(protocol))}.toMap
def summary: GroupSummary = {
if (is(Stable)) {
val members ={ member => member.summary(protocol) }.toList
GroupSummary(state.toString, protocolType, protocol, members)
} else {
val members ={ member => member.summaryNoMetadata() }.toList
GroupSummary(state.toString, protocolType, GroupCoordinator.NoProtocol, members)
def overview: GroupOverview = {
GroupOverview(groupId, protocolType)
private def assertValidTransition(targetState: GroupState) {
if (!GroupMetadata.validPreviousStates(targetState).contains(state))
throw new IllegalStateException("Group %s should be in the %s states before moving to %s state. Instead it is in %s state"
.format(groupId, GroupMetadata.validPreviousStates(targetState).mkString(","), targetState, state))
override def toString = {
"[%s,%s,%s,%s]".format(groupId, protocolType, currentState.toString, members)