blob: 1066d7f9b4bb205320923c622f750481d0bd8c27 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kafka.api
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.channels.GatheringByteChannel
import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition
import kafka.message.{MessageSet, ByteBufferMessageSet}
import kafka.api.ApiUtils._
import org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException
import{Send, MultiSend}
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors
import scala.collection._
object FetchResponsePartitionData {
def readFrom(buffer: ByteBuffer): FetchResponsePartitionData = {
val error = buffer.getShort
val hw = buffer.getLong
val messageSetSize = buffer.getInt
val messageSetBuffer = buffer.slice()
buffer.position(buffer.position + messageSetSize)
new FetchResponsePartitionData(error, hw, new ByteBufferMessageSet(messageSetBuffer))
val headerSize =
2 + /* error code */
8 + /* high watermark */
4 /* messageSetSize */
case class FetchResponsePartitionData(error: Short = Errors.NONE.code, hw: Long = -1L, messages: MessageSet) {
val sizeInBytes = FetchResponsePartitionData.headerSize + messages.sizeInBytes
class PartitionDataSend(val partitionId: Int,
val partitionData: FetchResponsePartitionData) extends Send {
private val emptyBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(0)
private val messageSize = partitionData.messages.sizeInBytes
private var messagesSentSize = 0
private var pending = false
private val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( 4 /** partitionId **/ + FetchResponsePartitionData.headerSize)
override def completed = !buffer.hasRemaining && messagesSentSize >= messageSize && !pending
override def destination: String = ""
override def writeTo(channel: GatheringByteChannel): Long = {
var written = 0L
if (buffer.hasRemaining)
written += channel.write(buffer)
if (!buffer.hasRemaining) {
if (messagesSentSize < messageSize) {
val bytesSent = partitionData.messages.writeTo(channel, messagesSentSize, messageSize - messagesSentSize)
messagesSentSize += bytesSent
written += bytesSent
if (messagesSentSize >= messageSize && hasPendingWrites(channel))
pending = hasPendingWrites(channel)
override def size = buffer.capacity() + messageSize
object TopicData {
def readFrom(buffer: ByteBuffer): TopicData = {
val topic = readShortString(buffer)
val partitionCount = buffer.getInt
val topicPartitionDataPairs = (1 to partitionCount).map(_ => {
val partitionId = buffer.getInt
val partitionData = FetchResponsePartitionData.readFrom(buffer)
(partitionId, partitionData)
TopicData(topic, Map(topicPartitionDataPairs:_*))
def headerSize(topic: String) =
shortStringLength(topic) +
4 /* partition count */
case class TopicData(topic: String, partitionData: Map[Int, FetchResponsePartitionData]) {
val sizeInBytes =
TopicData.headerSize(topic) + partitionData.values.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.sizeInBytes + 4)
val headerSize = TopicData.headerSize(topic)
class TopicDataSend(val dest: String, val topicData: TopicData) extends Send {
private val emptyBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(0)
private var sent = 0L
private var pending = false
override def completed: Boolean = sent >= size && !pending
override def destination: String = dest
override def size = topicData.headerSize + sends.size()
private val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(topicData.headerSize)
writeShortString(buffer, topicData.topic)
private val sends = new MultiSend(dest,
JavaConversions.seqAsJavaList( => new PartitionDataSend(d._1, d._2))))
override def writeTo(channel: GatheringByteChannel): Long = {
if (completed)
throw new KafkaException("This operation cannot be completed on a complete request.")
var written = 0L
if (buffer.hasRemaining)
written += channel.write(buffer)
if (!buffer.hasRemaining) {
if (!sends.completed)
written += sends.writeTo(channel)
if (sends.completed && hasPendingWrites(channel))
written += channel.write(emptyBuffer)
pending = hasPendingWrites(channel)
sent += written
object FetchResponse {
// The request version is used to determine which fields we can expect in the response
def readFrom(buffer: ByteBuffer, requestVersion: Int): FetchResponse = {
val correlationId = buffer.getInt
val throttleTime = if (requestVersion > 0) buffer.getInt else 0
val topicCount = buffer.getInt
val pairs = (1 to topicCount).flatMap(_ => {
val topicData = TopicData.readFrom(buffer) {
case (partitionId, partitionData) =>
(TopicAndPartition(topicData.topic, partitionId), partitionData)
FetchResponse(correlationId, Map(pairs:_*), requestVersion, throttleTime)
// Returns the size of the response header
def headerSize(requestVersion: Int): Int = {
val throttleTimeSize = if (requestVersion > 0) 4 else 0
4 + /* correlationId */
4 + /* topic count */
// Returns the size of entire fetch response in bytes (including the header size)
def responseSize(dataGroupedByTopic: Map[String, Map[TopicAndPartition, FetchResponsePartitionData]],
requestVersion: Int): Int = {
headerSize(requestVersion) +
dataGroupedByTopic.foldLeft(0) { case (folded, (topic, partitionDataMap)) =>
val topicData = TopicData(topic, {
case (topicAndPartition, partitionData) => (topicAndPartition.partition, partitionData)
folded + topicData.sizeInBytes
case class FetchResponse(correlationId: Int,
data: Map[TopicAndPartition, FetchResponsePartitionData],
requestVersion: Int = 0,
throttleTimeMs: Int = 0)
extends RequestOrResponse() {
* Partitions the data into a map of maps (one for each topic).
lazy val dataGroupedByTopic = data.groupBy{ case (topicAndPartition, fetchData) => topicAndPartition.topic }
val headerSizeInBytes = FetchResponse.headerSize(requestVersion)
lazy val sizeInBytes = FetchResponse.responseSize(dataGroupedByTopic, requestVersion)
* Writes the header of the FetchResponse to the input buffer
def writeHeaderTo(buffer: ByteBuffer) = {
// Include the throttleTime only if the client can read it
if (requestVersion > 0)
buffer.putInt(dataGroupedByTopic.size) // topic count
* FetchResponse uses [sendfile](
* api for data transfer through the FetchResponseSend, so `writeTo` aren't actually being used.
* It is implemented as an empty function to conform to `RequestOrResponse.writeTo`
* abstract method signature.
def writeTo(buffer: ByteBuffer): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
override def describe(details: Boolean): String = toString
private def partitionDataFor(topic: String, partition: Int): FetchResponsePartitionData = {
val topicAndPartition = TopicAndPartition(topic, partition)
data.get(topicAndPartition) match {
case Some(partitionData) => partitionData
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"No partition %s in fetch response %s".format(topicAndPartition, this.toString))
def messageSet(topic: String, partition: Int): ByteBufferMessageSet =
partitionDataFor(topic, partition).messages.asInstanceOf[ByteBufferMessageSet]
def highWatermark(topic: String, partition: Int) = partitionDataFor(topic, partition).hw
def hasError = data.values.exists(_.error != Errors.NONE.code)
def errorCode(topic: String, partition: Int) = partitionDataFor(topic, partition).error
class FetchResponseSend(val dest: String, val fetchResponse: FetchResponse) extends Send {
private val emptyBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(0)
private val payloadSize = fetchResponse.sizeInBytes
private var sent = 0L
private var pending = false
override def size = 4 /* for size byte */ + payloadSize
override def completed = sent >= size && !pending
override def destination = dest
// The throttleTimeSize will be 0 if the request was made from a client sending a V0 style request
private val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 /* for size */ + fetchResponse.headerSizeInBytes)
private val sends = new MultiSend(dest, JavaConversions.seqAsJavaList( {
case(topic, data) => new TopicDataSend(dest, TopicData(topic,{case(topicAndPartition, message) => (topicAndPartition.partition, message)}))
override def writeTo(channel: GatheringByteChannel): Long = {
if (completed)
throw new KafkaException("This operation cannot be completed on a complete request.")
var written = 0L
if (buffer.hasRemaining)
written += channel.write(buffer)
if (!buffer.hasRemaining) {
if (!sends.completed)
written += sends.writeTo(channel)
if (sends.completed && hasPendingWrites(channel))
written += channel.write(emptyBuffer)
sent += written
pending = hasPendingWrites(channel)