blob: bf799879e61a928ce730d0dad814385116639fd1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.common.record;
import org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition;
import org.apache.kafka.common.header.Header;
import org.apache.kafka.common.header.internals.RecordHeader;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.MockTime;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time;
import org.apache.kafka.test.TestUtils;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Random;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils.utf8;
import static org.apache.kafka.test.TestUtils.tempFile;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyLong;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.atLeastOnce;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
public class FileRecordsTest {
private byte[][] values = new byte[][] {
private FileRecords fileRecords;
private Time time;
public void setup() throws IOException {
this.fileRecords = createFileRecords(values);
this.time = new MockTime();
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testAppendProtectsFromOverflow() throws Exception {
File fileMock = mock(File.class);
FileChannel fileChannelMock = mock(FileChannel.class);
when(fileChannelMock.size()).thenReturn((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE);
FileRecords records = new FileRecords(fileMock, fileChannelMock, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false);
append(records, values);
@Test(expected = KafkaException.class)
public void testOpenOversizeFile() throws Exception {
File fileMock = mock(File.class);
FileChannel fileChannelMock = mock(FileChannel.class);
when(fileChannelMock.size()).thenReturn(Integer.MAX_VALUE + 5L);
new FileRecords(fileMock, fileChannelMock, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testOutOfRangeSlice() throws Exception {
this.fileRecords.slice(fileRecords.sizeInBytes() + 1, 15).sizeInBytes();
* Test that the cached size variable matches the actual file size as we append messages
public void testFileSize() throws IOException {
assertEquals(, fileRecords.sizeInBytes());
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
fileRecords.append(MemoryRecords.withRecords(CompressionType.NONE, new SimpleRecord("abcd".getBytes())));
assertEquals(, fileRecords.sizeInBytes());
* Test that adding invalid bytes to the end of the log doesn't break iteration
public void testIterationOverPartialAndTruncation() throws IOException {
testPartialWrite(0, fileRecords);
testPartialWrite(2, fileRecords);
testPartialWrite(4, fileRecords);
testPartialWrite(5, fileRecords);
testPartialWrite(6, fileRecords);
private void testPartialWrite(int size, FileRecords fileRecords) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
buffer.put((byte) 0);
// appending those bytes should not change the contents
Iterator<Record> records = fileRecords.records().iterator();
for (byte[] value : values) {
assertEquals(, ByteBuffer.wrap(value));
* Iterating over the file does file reads but shouldn't change the position of the underlying FileChannel.
public void testIterationDoesntChangePosition() throws IOException {
long position =;
Iterator<Record> records = fileRecords.records().iterator();
for (byte[] value : values) {
assertEquals(, ByteBuffer.wrap(value));
* Test a simple append and read.
public void testRead() throws IOException {
FileRecords read = fileRecords.slice(0, fileRecords.sizeInBytes());
assertEquals(fileRecords.sizeInBytes(), read.sizeInBytes());
TestUtils.checkEquals(fileRecords.batches(), read.batches());
List<RecordBatch> items = batches(read);
RecordBatch first = items.get(0);
// read from second message until the end
read = fileRecords.slice(first.sizeInBytes(), fileRecords.sizeInBytes() - first.sizeInBytes());
assertEquals(fileRecords.sizeInBytes() - first.sizeInBytes(), read.sizeInBytes());
assertEquals("Read starting from the second message", items.subList(1, items.size()), batches(read));
// read from second message and size is past the end of the file
read = fileRecords.slice(first.sizeInBytes(), fileRecords.sizeInBytes());
assertEquals(fileRecords.sizeInBytes() - first.sizeInBytes(), read.sizeInBytes());
assertEquals("Read starting from the second message", items.subList(1, items.size()), batches(read));
// read from second message and position + size overflows
read = fileRecords.slice(first.sizeInBytes(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
assertEquals(fileRecords.sizeInBytes() - first.sizeInBytes(), read.sizeInBytes());
assertEquals("Read starting from the second message", items.subList(1, items.size()), batches(read));
// read from second message and size is past the end of the file on a view/slice
read = fileRecords.slice(1, fileRecords.sizeInBytes() - 1)
.slice(first.sizeInBytes() - 1, fileRecords.sizeInBytes());
assertEquals(fileRecords.sizeInBytes() - first.sizeInBytes(), read.sizeInBytes());
assertEquals("Read starting from the second message", items.subList(1, items.size()), batches(read));
// read from second message and position + size overflows on a view/slice
read = fileRecords.slice(1, fileRecords.sizeInBytes() - 1)
.slice(first.sizeInBytes() - 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
assertEquals(fileRecords.sizeInBytes() - first.sizeInBytes(), read.sizeInBytes());
assertEquals("Read starting from the second message", items.subList(1, items.size()), batches(read));
// read a single message starting from second message
RecordBatch second = items.get(1);
read = fileRecords.slice(first.sizeInBytes(), second.sizeInBytes());
assertEquals(second.sizeInBytes(), read.sizeInBytes());
assertEquals("Read a single message starting from the second message",
Collections.singletonList(second), batches(read));
* Test the MessageSet.searchFor API.
public void testSearch() throws IOException {
// append a new message with a high offset
SimpleRecord lastMessage = new SimpleRecord("test".getBytes());
fileRecords.append(MemoryRecords.withRecords(50L, CompressionType.NONE, lastMessage));
List<RecordBatch> batches = batches(fileRecords);
int position = 0;
int message1Size = batches.get(0).sizeInBytes();
assertEquals("Should be able to find the first message by its offset",
new FileRecords.LogOffsetPosition(0L, position, message1Size),
fileRecords.searchForOffsetWithSize(0, 0));
position += message1Size;
int message2Size = batches.get(1).sizeInBytes();
assertEquals("Should be able to find second message when starting from 0",
new FileRecords.LogOffsetPosition(1L, position, message2Size),
fileRecords.searchForOffsetWithSize(1, 0));
assertEquals("Should be able to find second message starting from its offset",
new FileRecords.LogOffsetPosition(1L, position, message2Size),
fileRecords.searchForOffsetWithSize(1, position));
position += message2Size + batches.get(2).sizeInBytes();
int message4Size = batches.get(3).sizeInBytes();
assertEquals("Should be able to find fourth message from a non-existent offset",
new FileRecords.LogOffsetPosition(50L, position, message4Size),
fileRecords.searchForOffsetWithSize(3, position));
assertEquals("Should be able to find fourth message by correct offset",
new FileRecords.LogOffsetPosition(50L, position, message4Size),
fileRecords.searchForOffsetWithSize(50, position));
* Test that the message set iterator obeys start and end slicing
public void testIteratorWithLimits() throws IOException {
RecordBatch batch = batches(fileRecords).get(1);
int start = fileRecords.searchForOffsetWithSize(1, 0).position;
int size = batch.sizeInBytes();
FileRecords slice = fileRecords.slice(start, size);
assertEquals(Collections.singletonList(batch), batches(slice));
FileRecords slice2 = fileRecords.slice(start, size - 1);
assertEquals(Collections.emptyList(), batches(slice2));
* Test the truncateTo method lops off messages and appropriately updates the size
public void testTruncate() throws IOException {
RecordBatch batch = batches(fileRecords).get(0);
int end = fileRecords.searchForOffsetWithSize(1, 0).position;
assertEquals(Collections.singletonList(batch), batches(fileRecords));
assertEquals(batch.sizeInBytes(), fileRecords.sizeInBytes());
* Test that truncateTo only calls truncate on the FileChannel if the size of the
* FileChannel is bigger than the target size. This is important because some JVMs
* change the mtime of the file, even if truncate should do nothing.
public void testTruncateNotCalledIfSizeIsSameAsTargetSize() throws IOException {
FileChannel channelMock = mock(FileChannel.class);
FileRecords fileRecords = new FileRecords(tempFile(), channelMock, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false);
verify(channelMock, atLeastOnce()).size();
verify(channelMock, times(0)).truncate(anyLong());
* Expect a KafkaException if targetSize is bigger than the size of
* the FileRecords.
public void testTruncateNotCalledIfSizeIsBiggerThanTargetSize() throws IOException {
FileChannel channelMock = mock(FileChannel.class);
FileRecords fileRecords = new FileRecords(tempFile(), channelMock, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false);
try {
fail("Should throw KafkaException");
} catch (KafkaException e) {
// expected
verify(channelMock, atLeastOnce()).size();
* see #testTruncateNotCalledIfSizeIsSameAsTargetSize
public void testTruncateIfSizeIsDifferentToTargetSize() throws IOException {
FileChannel channelMock = mock(FileChannel.class);
FileRecords fileRecords = new FileRecords(tempFile(), channelMock, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false);
verify(channelMock, atLeastOnce()).size();
* Test the new FileRecords with pre allocate as true
public void testPreallocateTrue() throws IOException {
File temp = tempFile();
FileRecords fileRecords =, false, 1024 * 1024, true);
long position =;
int size = fileRecords.sizeInBytes();
assertEquals(0, position);
assertEquals(0, size);
assertEquals(1024 * 1024, temp.length());
* Test the new FileRecords with pre allocate as false
public void testPreallocateFalse() throws IOException {
File temp = tempFile();
FileRecords set =, false, 1024 * 1024, false);
long position =;
int size = set.sizeInBytes();
assertEquals(0, position);
assertEquals(0, size);
assertEquals(0, temp.length());
* Test the new FileRecords with pre allocate as true and file has been clearly shut down, the file will be truncate to end of valid data.
public void testPreallocateClearShutdown() throws IOException {
File temp = tempFile();
FileRecords fileRecords =, false, 1024 * 1024, true);
append(fileRecords, values);
int oldPosition = (int);
int oldSize = fileRecords.sizeInBytes();
assertEquals(this.fileRecords.sizeInBytes(), oldPosition);
assertEquals(this.fileRecords.sizeInBytes(), oldSize);
File tempReopen = new File(temp.getAbsolutePath());
FileRecords setReopen =, true, 1024 * 1024, true);
int position = (int);
int size = setReopen.sizeInBytes();
assertEquals(oldPosition, position);
assertEquals(oldPosition, size);
assertEquals(oldPosition, tempReopen.length());
public void testFormatConversionWithPartialMessage() throws IOException {
RecordBatch batch = batches(fileRecords).get(1);
int start = fileRecords.searchForOffsetWithSize(1, 0).position;
int size = batch.sizeInBytes();
FileRecords slice = fileRecords.slice(start, size - 1);
Records messageV0 = slice.downConvert(RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V0, 0, time).records();
assertTrue("No message should be there", batches(messageV0).isEmpty());
assertEquals("There should be " + (size - 1) + " bytes", size - 1, messageV0.sizeInBytes());
// Lazy down-conversion will not return any messages for a partial input batch
TopicPartition tp = new TopicPartition("topic-1", 0);
LazyDownConversionRecords lazyRecords = new LazyDownConversionRecords(tp, slice, RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V0, 0, Time.SYSTEM);
Iterator<ConvertedRecords<?>> it = lazyRecords.iterator(16 * 1024L);
assertTrue("No messages should be returned", !it.hasNext());
public void testSearchForTimestamp() throws IOException {
for (RecordVersion version : RecordVersion.values()) {
private void testSearchForTimestamp(RecordVersion version) throws IOException {
File temp = tempFile();
FileRecords fileRecords =, false, 1024 * 1024, true);
appendWithOffsetAndTimestamp(fileRecords, version, 10L, 5, 0);
appendWithOffsetAndTimestamp(fileRecords, version, 11L, 6, 1);
assertFoundTimestamp(new FileRecords.TimestampAndOffset(10L, 5, Optional.of(0)),
fileRecords.searchForTimestamp(9L, 0, 0L), version);
assertFoundTimestamp(new FileRecords.TimestampAndOffset(10L, 5, Optional.of(0)),
fileRecords.searchForTimestamp(10L, 0, 0L), version);
assertFoundTimestamp(new FileRecords.TimestampAndOffset(11L, 6, Optional.of(1)),
fileRecords.searchForTimestamp(11L, 0, 0L), version);
assertNull(fileRecords.searchForTimestamp(12L, 0, 0L));
private void assertFoundTimestamp(FileRecords.TimestampAndOffset expected,
FileRecords.TimestampAndOffset actual,
RecordVersion version) {
if (version == RecordVersion.V0) {
assertNull("Expected no match for message format v0", actual);
} else {
assertNotNull("Expected to find timestamp for message format " + version, actual);
assertEquals("Expected matching timestamps for message format" + version, expected.timestamp, actual.timestamp);
assertEquals("Expected matching offsets for message format " + version, expected.offset, actual.offset);
Optional<Integer> expectedLeaderEpoch = version.value >= RecordVersion.V2.value ?
expected.leaderEpoch : Optional.empty();
assertEquals("Non-matching leader epoch for version " + version, expectedLeaderEpoch, actual.leaderEpoch);
private void appendWithOffsetAndTimestamp(FileRecords fileRecords,
RecordVersion recordVersion,
long timestamp,
long offset,
int leaderEpoch) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(128);
MemoryRecordsBuilder builder = MemoryRecords.builder(buffer, recordVersion.value,
CompressionType.NONE, TimestampType.CREATE_TIME, offset, timestamp, leaderEpoch);
builder.append(new SimpleRecord(timestamp, new byte[0], new byte[0]));
public void testDownconversionAfterMessageFormatDowngrade() throws IOException {
// random bytes
Random random = new Random();
byte[] bytes = new byte[3000];
// records
CompressionType compressionType = CompressionType.GZIP;
List<Long> offsets = asList(0L, 1L);
List<Byte> magic = asList(RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V2, RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V1); // downgrade message format from v2 to v1
List<SimpleRecord> records = asList(
new SimpleRecord(1L, "k1".getBytes(), bytes),
new SimpleRecord(2L, "k2".getBytes(), bytes));
byte toMagic = 1;
// create MemoryRecords
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8000);
for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) {
MemoryRecordsBuilder builder = MemoryRecords.builder(buffer, magic.get(i), compressionType, TimestampType.CREATE_TIME, 0L);
builder.appendWithOffset(offsets.get(i), records.get(i));
// create FileRecords, down-convert and verify
try (FileRecords fileRecords = {
downConvertAndVerifyRecords(records, offsets, fileRecords, compressionType, toMagic, 0L, time);
public void testConversion() throws IOException {
doTestConversion(CompressionType.NONE, RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V0);
doTestConversion(CompressionType.GZIP, RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V0);
doTestConversion(CompressionType.NONE, RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V1);
doTestConversion(CompressionType.GZIP, RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V1);
doTestConversion(CompressionType.NONE, RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V2);
doTestConversion(CompressionType.GZIP, RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V2);
private void doTestConversion(CompressionType compressionType, byte toMagic) throws IOException {
List<Long> offsets = asList(0L, 2L, 3L, 9L, 11L, 15L, 16L, 17L, 22L, 24L);
Header[] headers = {new RecordHeader("headerKey1", "headerValue1".getBytes()),
new RecordHeader("headerKey2", "headerValue2".getBytes()),
new RecordHeader("headerKey3", "headerValue3".getBytes())};
List<SimpleRecord> records = asList(
new SimpleRecord(1L, "k1".getBytes(), "hello".getBytes()),
new SimpleRecord(2L, "k2".getBytes(), "goodbye".getBytes()),
new SimpleRecord(3L, "k3".getBytes(), "hello again".getBytes()),
new SimpleRecord(4L, "k4".getBytes(), "goodbye for now".getBytes()),
new SimpleRecord(5L, "k5".getBytes(), "hello again".getBytes()),
new SimpleRecord(6L, "k6".getBytes(), "I sense indecision".getBytes()),
new SimpleRecord(7L, "k7".getBytes(), "what now".getBytes()),
new SimpleRecord(8L, "k8".getBytes(), "running out".getBytes(), headers),
new SimpleRecord(9L, "k9".getBytes(), "ok, almost done".getBytes()),
new SimpleRecord(10L, "k10".getBytes(), "finally".getBytes(), headers));
assertEquals("incorrect test setup", offsets.size(), records.size());
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);
MemoryRecordsBuilder builder = MemoryRecords.builder(buffer, RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V0, compressionType,
TimestampType.CREATE_TIME, 0L);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
builder.appendWithOffset(offsets.get(i), records.get(i));
builder = MemoryRecords.builder(buffer, RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V1, compressionType, TimestampType.CREATE_TIME,
for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
builder.appendWithOffset(offsets.get(i), records.get(i));
builder = MemoryRecords.builder(buffer, RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V2, compressionType, TimestampType.CREATE_TIME, 0L);
for (int i = 6; i < 10; i++)
builder.appendWithOffset(offsets.get(i), records.get(i));
try (FileRecords fileRecords = {
downConvertAndVerifyRecords(records, offsets, fileRecords, compressionType, toMagic, 0L, time);
if (toMagic <= RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V1 && compressionType == CompressionType.NONE) {
long firstOffset;
if (toMagic == RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V0)
firstOffset = 11L; // v1 record
firstOffset = 17; // v2 record
List<Long> filteredOffsets = new ArrayList<>(offsets);
List<SimpleRecord> filteredRecords = new ArrayList<>(records);
int index = filteredOffsets.indexOf(firstOffset) - 1;
downConvertAndVerifyRecords(filteredRecords, filteredOffsets, fileRecords, compressionType, toMagic, firstOffset, time);
} else {
// firstOffset doesn't have any effect in this case
downConvertAndVerifyRecords(records, offsets, fileRecords, compressionType, toMagic, 10L, time);
private void downConvertAndVerifyRecords(List<SimpleRecord> initialRecords,
List<Long> initialOffsets,
FileRecords fileRecords,
CompressionType compressionType,
byte toMagic,
long firstOffset,
Time time) {
long minBatchSize = Long.MAX_VALUE;
long maxBatchSize = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (RecordBatch batch : fileRecords.batches()) {
minBatchSize = Math.min(minBatchSize, batch.sizeInBytes());
maxBatchSize = Math.max(maxBatchSize, batch.sizeInBytes());
// Test the normal down-conversion path
List<Records> convertedRecords = new ArrayList<>();
convertedRecords.add(fileRecords.downConvert(toMagic, firstOffset, time).records());
verifyConvertedRecords(initialRecords, initialOffsets, convertedRecords, compressionType, toMagic);
// Test the lazy down-conversion path
List<Long> maximumReadSize = asList(16L * 1024L,
(long) fileRecords.sizeInBytes(),
(long) fileRecords.sizeInBytes() - 1,
(long) fileRecords.sizeInBytes() / 4,
maxBatchSize + 1,
for (long readSize : maximumReadSize) {
TopicPartition tp = new TopicPartition("topic-1", 0);
LazyDownConversionRecords lazyRecords = new LazyDownConversionRecords(tp, fileRecords, toMagic, firstOffset, Time.SYSTEM);
Iterator<ConvertedRecords<?>> it = lazyRecords.iterator(readSize);
while (it.hasNext())
verifyConvertedRecords(initialRecords, initialOffsets, convertedRecords, compressionType, toMagic);
private void verifyConvertedRecords(List<SimpleRecord> initialRecords,
List<Long> initialOffsets,
List<Records> convertedRecordsList,
CompressionType compressionType,
byte magicByte) {
int i = 0;
for (Records convertedRecords : convertedRecordsList) {
for (RecordBatch batch : convertedRecords.batches()) {
assertTrue("Magic byte should be lower than or equal to " + magicByte, batch.magic() <= magicByte);
if (batch.magic() == RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V0)
assertEquals(TimestampType.NO_TIMESTAMP_TYPE, batch.timestampType());
assertEquals(TimestampType.CREATE_TIME, batch.timestampType());
assertEquals("Compression type should not be affected by conversion", compressionType, batch.compressionType());
for (Record record : batch) {
assertTrue("Inner record should have magic " + magicByte, record.hasMagic(batch.magic()));
assertEquals("Offset should not change", initialOffsets.get(i).longValue(), record.offset());
assertEquals("Key should not change", utf8(initialRecords.get(i).key()), utf8(record.key()));
assertEquals("Value should not change", utf8(initialRecords.get(i).value()), utf8(record.value()));
if (batch.magic() == RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V0) {
assertEquals(RecordBatch.NO_TIMESTAMP, record.timestamp());
} else if (batch.magic() == RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V1) {
assertEquals("Timestamp should not change", initialRecords.get(i).timestamp(), record.timestamp());
} else {
assertEquals("Timestamp should not change", initialRecords.get(i).timestamp(), record.timestamp());
assertArrayEquals("Headers should not change", initialRecords.get(i).headers(), record.headers());
i += 1;
assertEquals(initialOffsets.size(), i);
private static List<RecordBatch> batches(Records buffer) {
return TestUtils.toList(buffer.batches());
private FileRecords createFileRecords(byte[][] values) throws IOException {
FileRecords fileRecords =;
append(fileRecords, values);
return fileRecords;
private void append(FileRecords fileRecords, byte[][] values) throws IOException {
long offset = 0L;
for (byte[] value : values) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(128);
MemoryRecordsBuilder builder = MemoryRecords.builder(buffer, RecordBatch.CURRENT_MAGIC_VALUE,
CompressionType.NONE, TimestampType.CREATE_TIME, offset);
builder.appendWithOffset(offset++, System.currentTimeMillis(), null, value);