blob: 8694e1fe8385d4cac1b0aa761bb0d80cea018d9a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.kafka.common.requests;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.ApiKeys;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types.Struct;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class DescribeConfigsResponse extends AbstractResponse {
private static final String RESOURCES_KEY_NAME = "resources";
private static final String RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY_NAME = "resource_type";
private static final String RESOURCE_NAME_KEY_NAME = "resource_name";
private static final String CONFIG_ENTRIES_KEY_NAME = "config_entries";
private static final String CONFIG_NAME = "config_name";
private static final String CONFIG_VALUE = "config_value";
private static final String IS_SENSITIVE = "is_sensitive";
private static final String IS_DEFAULT = "is_default";
private static final String READ_ONLY = "read_only";
public static class Config {
private final ApiError error;
private final Collection<ConfigEntry> entries;
public Config(ApiError error, Collection<ConfigEntry> entries) {
this.error = error;
this.entries = entries;
public ApiError error() {
return error;
public Collection<ConfigEntry> entries() {
return entries;
public static class ConfigEntry {
private final String name;
private final String value;
private final boolean isSensitive;
private final boolean isDefault;
private final boolean readOnly;
public ConfigEntry(String name, String value, boolean isSensitive, boolean isDefault, boolean readOnly) { = name;
this.value = value;
this.isSensitive = isSensitive;
this.isDefault = isDefault;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
public String name() {
return name;
public String value() {
return value;
public boolean isSensitive() {
return isSensitive;
public boolean isDefault() {
return isDefault;
public boolean isReadOnly() {
return readOnly;
private final int throttleTimeMs;
private final Map<Resource, Config> configs;
public DescribeConfigsResponse(int throttleTimeMs, Map<Resource, Config> configs) {
this.throttleTimeMs = throttleTimeMs;
this.configs = configs;
public DescribeConfigsResponse(Struct struct) {
throttleTimeMs = struct.getInt(THROTTLE_TIME_KEY_NAME);
Object[] resourcesArray = struct.getArray(RESOURCES_KEY_NAME);
configs = new HashMap<>(resourcesArray.length);
for (Object resourceObj : resourcesArray) {
Struct resourceStruct = (Struct) resourceObj;
ApiError error = new ApiError(resourceStruct);
ResourceType resourceType = ResourceType.forId(resourceStruct.getByte(RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY_NAME));
String resourceName = resourceStruct.getString(RESOURCE_NAME_KEY_NAME);
Resource resource = new Resource(resourceType, resourceName);
Object[] configEntriesArray = resourceStruct.getArray(CONFIG_ENTRIES_KEY_NAME);
List<ConfigEntry> configEntries = new ArrayList<>(configEntriesArray.length);
for (Object configEntriesObj: configEntriesArray) {
Struct configEntriesStruct = (Struct) configEntriesObj;
String configName = configEntriesStruct.getString(CONFIG_NAME);
String configValue = configEntriesStruct.getString(CONFIG_VALUE);
boolean isSensitive = configEntriesStruct.getBoolean(IS_SENSITIVE);
boolean isDefault = configEntriesStruct.getBoolean(IS_DEFAULT);
boolean readOnly = configEntriesStruct.getBoolean(READ_ONLY);
configEntries.add(new ConfigEntry(configName, configValue, isSensitive, isDefault, readOnly));
Config config = new Config(error, configEntries);
configs.put(resource, config);
public Map<Resource, Config> configs() {
return configs;
public Config config(Resource resource) {
return configs.get(resource);
public int throttleTimeMs() {
return throttleTimeMs;
protected Struct toStruct(short version) {
Struct struct = new Struct(ApiKeys.DESCRIBE_CONFIGS.responseSchema(version));
struct.set(THROTTLE_TIME_KEY_NAME, throttleTimeMs);
List<Struct> resourceStructs = new ArrayList<>(configs.size());
for (Map.Entry<Resource, Config> entry : configs.entrySet()) {
Struct resourceStruct = struct.instance(RESOURCES_KEY_NAME);
Resource resource = entry.getKey();
resourceStruct.set(RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY_NAME, resource.type().id());
Config config = entry.getValue();
List<Struct> configEntryStructs = new ArrayList<>(config.entries.size());
for (ConfigEntry configEntry : config.entries) {
Struct configEntriesStruct = resourceStruct.instance(CONFIG_ENTRIES_KEY_NAME);
configEntriesStruct.set(CONFIG_VALUE, configEntry.value);
configEntriesStruct.set(IS_SENSITIVE, configEntry.isSensitive);
configEntriesStruct.set(IS_DEFAULT, configEntry.isDefault);
configEntriesStruct.set(READ_ONLY, configEntry.readOnly);
resourceStruct.set(CONFIG_ENTRIES_KEY_NAME, configEntryStructs.toArray(new Struct[0]));
struct.set(RESOURCES_KEY_NAME, resourceStructs.toArray(new Struct[0]));
return struct;
public static DescribeConfigsResponse parse(ByteBuffer buffer, short version) {
return new DescribeConfigsResponse(ApiKeys.DESCRIBE_CONFIGS.parseResponse(version, buffer));