blob: 05e9842b501a860ff6f1bd4fdb1977d4126a9870 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package kafka.server
import org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException
object LogOffsetMetadata {
val UnknownOffsetMetadata = new LogOffsetMetadata(-1, 0, 0)
val UnknownSegBaseOffset = -1L
val UnknownFilePosition = -1
class OffsetOrdering extends Ordering[LogOffsetMetadata] {
override def compare(x: LogOffsetMetadata, y: LogOffsetMetadata): Int = {
* A log offset structure, including:
* 1. the message offset
* 2. the base message offset of the located segment
* 3. the physical position on the located segment
case class LogOffsetMetadata(messageOffset: Long,
segmentBaseOffset: Long = LogOffsetMetadata.UnknownSegBaseOffset,
relativePositionInSegment: Int = LogOffsetMetadata.UnknownFilePosition) {
// check if this offset is already on an older segment compared with the given offset
def onOlderSegment(that: LogOffsetMetadata): Boolean = {
if (messageOffsetOnly())
throw new KafkaException(s"$this cannot compare its segment info with $that since it only has message offset info")
this.segmentBaseOffset < that.segmentBaseOffset
// check if this offset is on the same segment with the given offset
def onSameSegment(that: LogOffsetMetadata): Boolean = {
if (messageOffsetOnly())
throw new KafkaException(s"$this cannot compare its segment info with $that since it only has message offset info")
this.segmentBaseOffset == that.segmentBaseOffset
// compute the number of messages between this offset to the given offset
def offsetDiff(that: LogOffsetMetadata): Long = {
this.messageOffset - that.messageOffset
// compute the number of bytes between this offset to the given offset
// if they are on the same segment and this offset precedes the given offset
def positionDiff(that: LogOffsetMetadata): Int = {
throw new KafkaException(s"$this cannot compare its segment position with $that since they are not on the same segment")
throw new KafkaException(s"$this cannot compare its segment position with $that since it only has message offset info")
this.relativePositionInSegment - that.relativePositionInSegment
// decide if the offset metadata only contains message offset info
def messageOffsetOnly(): Boolean = {
segmentBaseOffset == LogOffsetMetadata.UnknownSegBaseOffset && relativePositionInSegment == LogOffsetMetadata.UnknownFilePosition
override def toString = messageOffset.toString + " [" + segmentBaseOffset + " : " + relativePositionInSegment + "]"