blob: 257754308020f0ee3b702064f2f373b74626d215 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package kafka.server
import java.util.Properties
import kafka.api.{ApiVersion, KAFKA_0_10_0_IV1}
import kafka.cluster.EndPoint
import kafka.consumer.ConsumerConfig
import kafka.coordinator.OffsetConfig
import kafka.message.{BrokerCompressionCodec, CompressionCodec, Message, MessageSet}
import kafka.utils.CoreUtils
import org.apache.kafka.clients.CommonClientConfigs
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.ValidList
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{AbstractConfig, ConfigDef, ConfigException, SaslConfigs, SslConfigs}
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.{MetricsReporter, Sensor}
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.SecurityProtocol
import org.apache.kafka.common.record.TimestampType
import org.apache.kafka.server.policy.CreateTopicPolicy
import scala.collection.{Map, immutable}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
object Defaults {
/** ********* Zookeeper Configuration ***********/
val ZkSessionTimeoutMs = 6000
val ZkSyncTimeMs = 2000
val ZkEnableSecureAcls = false
/** ********* General Configuration ***********/
val BrokerIdGenerationEnable = true
val MaxReservedBrokerId = 1000
val BrokerId = -1
val MessageMaxBytes = 1000000 + MessageSet.LogOverhead
val NumNetworkThreads = 3
val NumIoThreads = 8
val BackgroundThreads = 10
val QueuedMaxRequests = 500
/************* Authorizer Configuration ***********/
val AuthorizerClassName = ""
/** ********* Socket Server Configuration ***********/
val Port = 9092
val HostName: String = new String("")
val ListenerSecurityProtocolMap: String = { case (listenerName, securityProtocol) =>
val SocketSendBufferBytes: Int = 100 * 1024
val SocketReceiveBufferBytes: Int = 100 * 1024
val SocketRequestMaxBytes: Int = 100 * 1024 * 1024
val MaxConnectionsPerIp: Int = Int.MaxValue
val MaxConnectionsPerIpOverrides: String = ""
val ConnectionsMaxIdleMs = 10 * 60 * 1000L
val RequestTimeoutMs = 30000
/** ********* Log Configuration ***********/
val NumPartitions = 1
val LogDir = "/tmp/kafka-logs"
val LogSegmentBytes = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
val LogRollHours = 24 * 7
val LogRollJitterHours = 0
val LogRetentionHours = 24 * 7
val LogRetentionBytes = -1L
val LogCleanupIntervalMs = 5 * 60 * 1000L
val Delete = "delete"
val Compact = "compact"
val LogCleanupPolicy = Delete
val LogCleanerThreads = 1
val LogCleanerIoMaxBytesPerSecond = Double.MaxValue
val LogCleanerDedupeBufferSize = 128 * 1024 * 1024L
val LogCleanerIoBufferSize = 512 * 1024
val LogCleanerDedupeBufferLoadFactor = 0.9d
val LogCleanerBackoffMs = 15 * 1000
val LogCleanerMinCleanRatio = 0.5d
val LogCleanerEnable = true
val LogCleanerDeleteRetentionMs = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L
val LogCleanerMinCompactionLagMs = 0L
val LogIndexSizeMaxBytes = 10 * 1024 * 1024
val LogIndexIntervalBytes = 4096
val LogFlushIntervalMessages = Long.MaxValue
val LogDeleteDelayMs = 60000
val LogFlushSchedulerIntervalMs = Long.MaxValue
val LogFlushOffsetCheckpointIntervalMs = 60000
val LogPreAllocateEnable = false
// lazy val as `InterBrokerProtocolVersion` is defined later
lazy val LogMessageFormatVersion = InterBrokerProtocolVersion
val LogMessageTimestampType = "CreateTime"
val LogMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs = Long.MaxValue
val NumRecoveryThreadsPerDataDir = 1
val AutoCreateTopicsEnable = true
val MinInSyncReplicas = 1
/** ********* Replication configuration ***********/
val ControllerSocketTimeoutMs = RequestTimeoutMs
val ControllerMessageQueueSize = Int.MaxValue
val DefaultReplicationFactor = 1
val ReplicaLagTimeMaxMs = 10000L
val ReplicaSocketTimeoutMs = ConsumerConfig.SocketTimeout
val ReplicaSocketReceiveBufferBytes = ConsumerConfig.SocketBufferSize
val ReplicaFetchMaxBytes = ConsumerConfig.FetchSize
val ReplicaFetchWaitMaxMs = 500
val ReplicaFetchMinBytes = 1
val ReplicaFetchResponseMaxBytes = 10 * 1024 * 1024
val NumReplicaFetchers = 1
val ReplicaFetchBackoffMs = 1000
val ReplicaHighWatermarkCheckpointIntervalMs = 5000L
val FetchPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests = 1000
val ProducerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests = 1000
val AutoLeaderRebalanceEnable = true
val LeaderImbalancePerBrokerPercentage = 10
val LeaderImbalanceCheckIntervalSeconds = 300
val UncleanLeaderElectionEnable = true
val InterBrokerSecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT.toString
val InterBrokerProtocolVersion = ApiVersion.latestVersion.toString
/** ********* Controlled shutdown configuration ***********/
val ControlledShutdownMaxRetries = 3
val ControlledShutdownRetryBackoffMs = 5000
val ControlledShutdownEnable = true
/** ********* Group coordinator configuration ***********/
val GroupMinSessionTimeoutMs = 6000
val GroupMaxSessionTimeoutMs = 300000
/** ********* Offset management configuration ***********/
val OffsetMetadataMaxSize = OffsetConfig.DefaultMaxMetadataSize
val OffsetsLoadBufferSize = OffsetConfig.DefaultLoadBufferSize
val OffsetsTopicReplicationFactor = OffsetConfig.DefaultOffsetsTopicReplicationFactor
val OffsetsTopicPartitions: Int = OffsetConfig.DefaultOffsetsTopicNumPartitions
val OffsetsTopicSegmentBytes: Int = OffsetConfig.DefaultOffsetsTopicSegmentBytes
val OffsetsTopicCompressionCodec: Int = OffsetConfig.DefaultOffsetsTopicCompressionCodec.codec
val OffsetsRetentionMinutes: Int = 24 * 60
val OffsetsRetentionCheckIntervalMs: Long = OffsetConfig.DefaultOffsetsRetentionCheckIntervalMs
val OffsetCommitTimeoutMs = OffsetConfig.DefaultOffsetCommitTimeoutMs
val OffsetCommitRequiredAcks = OffsetConfig.DefaultOffsetCommitRequiredAcks
/** ********* Quota Configuration ***********/
val ProducerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefault = ClientQuotaManagerConfig.QuotaBytesPerSecondDefault
val ConsumerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefault = ClientQuotaManagerConfig.QuotaBytesPerSecondDefault
val NumQuotaSamples: Int = ClientQuotaManagerConfig.DefaultNumQuotaSamples
val QuotaWindowSizeSeconds: Int = ClientQuotaManagerConfig.DefaultQuotaWindowSizeSeconds
val NumReplicationQuotaSamples: Int = ReplicationQuotaManagerConfig.DefaultNumQuotaSamples
val ReplicationQuotaWindowSizeSeconds: Int = ReplicationQuotaManagerConfig.DefaultQuotaWindowSizeSeconds
val DeleteTopicEnable = false
val CompressionType = "producer"
/** ********* Kafka Metrics Configuration ***********/
val MetricNumSamples = 2
val MetricSampleWindowMs = 30000
val MetricReporterClasses = ""
val MetricRecordingLevel = Sensor.RecordingLevel.INFO.toString()
/** ********* SSL configuration ***********/
val PrincipalBuilderClass = SslConfigs.DEFAULT_PRINCIPAL_BUILDER_CLASS
val SslProtocol = SslConfigs.DEFAULT_SSL_PROTOCOL
val SslEnabledProtocols = SslConfigs.DEFAULT_SSL_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS
val SslKeystoreType = SslConfigs.DEFAULT_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE
val SslTruststoreType = SslConfigs.DEFAULT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE
val SslKeyManagerAlgorithm = SslConfigs.DEFAULT_SSL_KEYMANGER_ALGORITHM
val SslTrustManagerAlgorithm = SslConfigs.DEFAULT_SSL_TRUSTMANAGER_ALGORITHM
val SslClientAuthRequired = "required"
val SslClientAuthRequested = "requested"
val SslClientAuthNone = "none"
val SslClientAuth = SslClientAuthNone
/** ********* Sasl configuration ***********/
val SaslMechanismInterBrokerProtocol = SaslConfigs.DEFAULT_SASL_MECHANISM
val SaslEnabledMechanisms = SaslConfigs.DEFAULT_SASL_ENABLED_MECHANISMS
val SaslKerberosKinitCmd = SaslConfigs.DEFAULT_KERBEROS_KINIT_CMD
val SaslKerberosTicketRenewWindowFactor = SaslConfigs.DEFAULT_KERBEROS_TICKET_RENEW_WINDOW_FACTOR
val SaslKerberosTicketRenewJitter = SaslConfigs.DEFAULT_KERBEROS_TICKET_RENEW_JITTER
val SaslKerberosMinTimeBeforeRelogin = SaslConfigs.DEFAULT_KERBEROS_MIN_TIME_BEFORE_RELOGIN
val SaslKerberosPrincipalToLocalRules = SaslConfigs.DEFAULT_SASL_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL_TO_LOCAL_RULES
object KafkaConfig {
private val LogConfigPrefix = "log."
def main(args: Array[String]) {
/** ********* Zookeeper Configuration ***********/
val ZkConnectProp = "zookeeper.connect"
val ZkSessionTimeoutMsProp = ""
val ZkConnectionTimeoutMsProp = ""
val ZkSyncTimeMsProp = ""
val ZkEnableSecureAclsProp = "zookeeper.set.acl"
/** ********* General Configuration ***********/
val BrokerIdGenerationEnableProp = ""
val MaxReservedBrokerIdProp = ""
val BrokerIdProp = ""
val MessageMaxBytesProp = "message.max.bytes"
val NumNetworkThreadsProp = ""
val NumIoThreadsProp = ""
val BackgroundThreadsProp = "background.threads"
val QueuedMaxRequestsProp = "queued.max.requests"
val RequestTimeoutMsProp = CommonClientConfigs.REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG
/************* Authorizer Configuration ***********/
val AuthorizerClassNameProp = ""
/** ********* Socket Server Configuration ***********/
val PortProp = "port"
val HostNameProp = ""
val ListenersProp = "listeners"
val AdvertisedHostNameProp: String = ""
val AdvertisedPortProp = "advertised.port"
val AdvertisedListenersProp = "advertised.listeners"
val ListenerSecurityProtocolMapProp = ""
val SocketSendBufferBytesProp = "socket.send.buffer.bytes"
val SocketReceiveBufferBytesProp = "socket.receive.buffer.bytes"
val SocketRequestMaxBytesProp = "socket.request.max.bytes"
val MaxConnectionsPerIpProp = "max.connections.per.ip"
val MaxConnectionsPerIpOverridesProp = "max.connections.per.ip.overrides"
val ConnectionsMaxIdleMsProp = ""
/***************** rack configuration *************/
val RackProp = "broker.rack"
/** ********* Log Configuration ***********/
val NumPartitionsProp = "num.partitions"
val LogDirsProp = "log.dirs"
val LogDirProp = "log.dir"
val LogSegmentBytesProp = "log.segment.bytes"
val LogRollTimeMillisProp = ""
val LogRollTimeHoursProp = "log.roll.hours"
val LogRollTimeJitterMillisProp = ""
val LogRollTimeJitterHoursProp = "log.roll.jitter.hours"
val LogRetentionTimeMillisProp = ""
val LogRetentionTimeMinutesProp = "log.retention.minutes"
val LogRetentionTimeHoursProp = "log.retention.hours"
val LogRetentionBytesProp = "log.retention.bytes"
val LogCleanupIntervalMsProp = ""
val LogCleanupPolicyProp = "log.cleanup.policy"
val LogCleanerThreadsProp = "log.cleaner.threads"
val LogCleanerIoMaxBytesPerSecondProp = ""
val LogCleanerDedupeBufferSizeProp = "log.cleaner.dedupe.buffer.size"
val LogCleanerIoBufferSizeProp = ""
val LogCleanerDedupeBufferLoadFactorProp = ""
val LogCleanerBackoffMsProp = ""
val LogCleanerMinCleanRatioProp = "log.cleaner.min.cleanable.ratio"
val LogCleanerEnableProp = "log.cleaner.enable"
val LogCleanerDeleteRetentionMsProp = ""
val LogCleanerMinCompactionLagMsProp = ""
val LogIndexSizeMaxBytesProp = "log.index.size.max.bytes"
val LogIndexIntervalBytesProp = "log.index.interval.bytes"
val LogFlushIntervalMessagesProp = "log.flush.interval.messages"
val LogDeleteDelayMsProp = ""
val LogFlushSchedulerIntervalMsProp = ""
val LogFlushIntervalMsProp = ""
val LogFlushOffsetCheckpointIntervalMsProp = ""
val LogPreAllocateProp = "log.preallocate"
val LogMessageFormatVersionProp = LogConfigPrefix + "message.format.version"
val LogMessageTimestampTypeProp = LogConfigPrefix + "message.timestamp.type"
val LogMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMsProp = LogConfigPrefix + ""
val NumRecoveryThreadsPerDataDirProp = ""
val AutoCreateTopicsEnableProp = "auto.create.topics.enable"
val MinInSyncReplicasProp = "min.insync.replicas"
val CreateTopicPolicyClassNameProp = ""
/** ********* Replication configuration ***********/
val ControllerSocketTimeoutMsProp = ""
val DefaultReplicationFactorProp = "default.replication.factor"
val ReplicaLagTimeMaxMsProp = ""
val ReplicaSocketTimeoutMsProp = ""
val ReplicaSocketReceiveBufferBytesProp = "replica.socket.receive.buffer.bytes"
val ReplicaFetchMaxBytesProp = "replica.fetch.max.bytes"
val ReplicaFetchWaitMaxMsProp = ""
val ReplicaFetchMinBytesProp = "replica.fetch.min.bytes"
val ReplicaFetchResponseMaxBytesProp = "replica.fetch.response.max.bytes"
val ReplicaFetchBackoffMsProp = ""
val NumReplicaFetchersProp = "num.replica.fetchers"
val ReplicaHighWatermarkCheckpointIntervalMsProp = ""
val FetchPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequestsProp = "fetch.purgatory.purge.interval.requests"
val ProducerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequestsProp = "producer.purgatory.purge.interval.requests"
val AutoLeaderRebalanceEnableProp = "auto.leader.rebalance.enable"
val LeaderImbalancePerBrokerPercentageProp = ""
val LeaderImbalanceCheckIntervalSecondsProp = "leader.imbalance.check.interval.seconds"
val UncleanLeaderElectionEnableProp = "unclean.leader.election.enable"
val InterBrokerSecurityProtocolProp = ""
val InterBrokerProtocolVersionProp = ""
val InterBrokerListenerNameProp = ""
/** ********* Controlled shutdown configuration ***********/
val ControlledShutdownMaxRetriesProp = "controlled.shutdown.max.retries"
val ControlledShutdownRetryBackoffMsProp = ""
val ControlledShutdownEnableProp = "controlled.shutdown.enable"
/** ********* Group coordinator configuration ***********/
val GroupMinSessionTimeoutMsProp = ""
val GroupMaxSessionTimeoutMsProp = ""
/** ********* Offset management configuration ***********/
val OffsetMetadataMaxSizeProp = "offset.metadata.max.bytes"
val OffsetsLoadBufferSizeProp = "offsets.load.buffer.size"
val OffsetsTopicReplicationFactorProp = "offsets.topic.replication.factor"
val OffsetsTopicPartitionsProp = "offsets.topic.num.partitions"
val OffsetsTopicSegmentBytesProp = "offsets.topic.segment.bytes"
val OffsetsTopicCompressionCodecProp = "offsets.topic.compression.codec"
val OffsetsRetentionMinutesProp = "offsets.retention.minutes"
val OffsetsRetentionCheckIntervalMsProp = ""
val OffsetCommitTimeoutMsProp = ""
val OffsetCommitRequiredAcksProp = "offsets.commit.required.acks"
/** ********* Quota Configuration ***********/
val ProducerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefaultProp = "quota.producer.default"
val ConsumerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefaultProp = "quota.consumer.default"
val NumQuotaSamplesProp = "quota.window.num"
val NumReplicationQuotaSamplesProp = "replication.quota.window.num"
val QuotaWindowSizeSecondsProp = "quota.window.size.seconds"
val ReplicationQuotaWindowSizeSecondsProp = "replication.quota.window.size.seconds"
val DeleteTopicEnableProp = "delete.topic.enable"
val CompressionTypeProp = "compression.type"
/** ********* Kafka Metrics Configuration ***********/
val MetricSampleWindowMsProp = CommonClientConfigs.METRICS_SAMPLE_WINDOW_MS_CONFIG
val MetricNumSamplesProp: String = CommonClientConfigs.METRICS_NUM_SAMPLES_CONFIG
val MetricReporterClassesProp: String = CommonClientConfigs.METRIC_REPORTER_CLASSES_CONFIG
val MetricRecordingLevelProp: String = CommonClientConfigs.METRICS_RECORDING_LEVEL_CONFIG
/** ********* SSL Configuration ****************/
val PrincipalBuilderClassProp = SslConfigs.PRINCIPAL_BUILDER_CLASS_CONFIG
val SslProtocolProp = SslConfigs.SSL_PROTOCOL_CONFIG
val SslProviderProp = SslConfigs.SSL_PROVIDER_CONFIG
val SslCipherSuitesProp = SslConfigs.SSL_CIPHER_SUITES_CONFIG
val SslEnabledProtocolsProp = SslConfigs.SSL_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS_CONFIG
val SslKeystoreTypeProp = SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE_CONFIG
val SslKeystoreLocationProp = SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATION_CONFIG
val SslKeystorePasswordProp = SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG
val SslKeyPasswordProp = SslConfigs.SSL_KEY_PASSWORD_CONFIG
val SslTruststoreTypeProp = SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_CONFIG
val SslTruststoreLocationProp = SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION_CONFIG
val SslTruststorePasswordProp = SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG
val SslKeyManagerAlgorithmProp = SslConfigs.SSL_KEYMANAGER_ALGORITHM_CONFIG
val SslTrustManagerAlgorithmProp = SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTMANAGER_ALGORITHM_CONFIG
val SslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithmProp = SslConfigs.SSL_ENDPOINT_IDENTIFICATION_ALGORITHM_CONFIG
val SslSecureRandomImplementationProp = SslConfigs.SSL_SECURE_RANDOM_IMPLEMENTATION_CONFIG
val SslClientAuthProp = SslConfigs.SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CONFIG
/** ********* SASL Configuration ****************/
val SaslMechanismInterBrokerProtocolProp = ""
val SaslEnabledMechanismsProp = SaslConfigs.SASL_ENABLED_MECHANISMS
val SaslKerberosServiceNameProp = SaslConfigs.SASL_KERBEROS_SERVICE_NAME
val SaslKerberosKinitCmdProp = SaslConfigs.SASL_KERBEROS_KINIT_CMD
val SaslKerberosTicketRenewWindowFactorProp = SaslConfigs.SASL_KERBEROS_TICKET_RENEW_WINDOW_FACTOR
val SaslKerberosTicketRenewJitterProp = SaslConfigs.SASL_KERBEROS_TICKET_RENEW_JITTER
val SaslKerberosMinTimeBeforeReloginProp = SaslConfigs.SASL_KERBEROS_MIN_TIME_BEFORE_RELOGIN
val SaslKerberosPrincipalToLocalRulesProp = SaslConfigs.SASL_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL_TO_LOCAL_RULES
/* Documentation */
/** ********* Zookeeper Configuration ***********/
val ZkConnectDoc = "Zookeeper host string"
val ZkSessionTimeoutMsDoc = "Zookeeper session timeout"
val ZkConnectionTimeoutMsDoc = "The max time that the client waits to establish a connection to zookeeper. If not set, the value in " + ZkSessionTimeoutMsProp + " is used"
val ZkSyncTimeMsDoc = "How far a ZK follower can be behind a ZK leader"
val ZkEnableSecureAclsDoc = "Set client to use secure ACLs"
/** ********* General Configuration ***********/
val BrokerIdGenerationEnableDoc = s"Enable automatic broker id generation on the server. When enabled the value configured for $MaxReservedBrokerIdProp should be reviewed."
val MaxReservedBrokerIdDoc = "Max number that can be used for a"
val BrokerIdDoc = "The broker id for this server. If unset, a unique broker id will be generated." +
"To avoid conflicts between zookeeper generated broker id's and user configured broker id's, generated broker ids " +
"start from " + MaxReservedBrokerIdProp + " + 1."
val MessageMaxBytesDoc = "The maximum size of message that the server can receive"
val NumNetworkThreadsDoc = "the number of network threads that the server uses for handling network requests"
val NumIoThreadsDoc = "The number of io threads that the server uses for carrying out network requests"
val BackgroundThreadsDoc = "The number of threads to use for various background processing tasks"
val QueuedMaxRequestsDoc = "The number of queued requests allowed before blocking the network threads"
val RequestTimeoutMsDoc = CommonClientConfigs.REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS_DOC
/************* Authorizer Configuration ***********/
val AuthorizerClassNameDoc = "The authorizer class that should be used for authorization"
/** ********* Socket Server Configuration ***********/
val PortDoc = "DEPRECATED: only used when `listeners` is not set. " +
"Use `listeners` instead. \n" +
"the port to listen and accept connections on"
val HostNameDoc = "DEPRECATED: only used when `listeners` is not set. " +
"Use `listeners` instead. \n" +
"hostname of broker. If this is set, it will only bind to this address. If this is not set, it will bind to all interfaces"
val ListenersDoc = "Listener List - Comma-separated list of URIs we will listen on and the listener names." +
s" If the listener name is not a security protocol, $ListenerSecurityProtocolMapProp must also be set.\n" +
" Specify hostname as to bind to all interfaces.\n" +
" Leave hostname empty to bind to default interface.\n" +
" Examples of legal listener lists:\n" +
" PLAINTEXT://myhost:9092,SSL://:9091\n" +
" CLIENT://,REPLICATION://localhost:9093\n"
val AdvertisedHostNameDoc = "DEPRECATED: only used when `advertised.listeners` or `listeners` are not set. " +
"Use `advertised.listeners` instead. \n" +
"Hostname to publish to ZooKeeper for clients to use. In IaaS environments, this may " +
"need to be different from the interface to which the broker binds. If this is not set, " +
"it will use the value for `` if configured. Otherwise " +
"it will use the value returned from"
val AdvertisedPortDoc = "DEPRECATED: only used when `advertised.listeners` or `listeners` are not set. " +
"Use `advertised.listeners` instead. \n" +
"The port to publish to ZooKeeper for clients to use. In IaaS environments, this may " +
"need to be different from the port to which the broker binds. If this is not set, " +
"it will publish the same port that the broker binds to."
val AdvertisedListenersDoc = "Listeners to publish to ZooKeeper for clients to use, if different than the listeners above." +
" In IaaS environments, this may need to be different from the interface to which the broker binds." +
" If this is not set, the value for `listeners` will be used."
val ListenerSecurityProtocolMapDoc = "Map between listener names and security protocols. This must be defined for " +
"the same security protocol to be usable in more than one port or IP. For example, we can separate internal and " +
"external traffic even if SSL is required for both. Concretely, we could define listeners with names INTERNAL " +
"and EXTERNAL and this property as: `INTERNAL:SSL,EXTERNAL:SSL`. As shown, key and value are separated by a colon " +
"and map entries are separated by commas. Each listener name should only appear once in the map."
val SocketSendBufferBytesDoc = "The SO_SNDBUF buffer of the socket sever sockets. If the value is -1, the OS default will be used."
val SocketReceiveBufferBytesDoc = "The SO_RCVBUF buffer of the socket sever sockets. If the value is -1, the OS default will be used."
val SocketRequestMaxBytesDoc = "The maximum number of bytes in a socket request"
val MaxConnectionsPerIpDoc = "The maximum number of connections we allow from each ip address"
val MaxConnectionsPerIpOverridesDoc = "Per-ip or hostname overrides to the default maximum number of connections"
val ConnectionsMaxIdleMsDoc = "Idle connections timeout: the server socket processor threads close the connections that idle more than this"
/************* Rack Configuration **************/
val RackDoc = "Rack of the broker. This will be used in rack aware replication assignment for fault tolerance. Examples: `RACK1`, `us-east-1d`"
/** ********* Log Configuration ***********/
val NumPartitionsDoc = "The default number of log partitions per topic"
val LogDirDoc = "The directory in which the log data is kept (supplemental for " + LogDirsProp + " property)"
val LogDirsDoc = "The directories in which the log data is kept. If not set, the value in " + LogDirProp + " is used"
val LogSegmentBytesDoc = "The maximum size of a single log file"
val LogRollTimeMillisDoc = "The maximum time before a new log segment is rolled out (in milliseconds). If not set, the value in " + LogRollTimeHoursProp + " is used"
val LogRollTimeHoursDoc = "The maximum time before a new log segment is rolled out (in hours), secondary to " + LogRollTimeMillisProp + " property"
val LogRollTimeJitterMillisDoc = "The maximum jitter to subtract from logRollTimeMillis (in milliseconds). If not set, the value in " + LogRollTimeJitterHoursProp + " is used"
val LogRollTimeJitterHoursDoc = "The maximum jitter to subtract from logRollTimeMillis (in hours), secondary to " + LogRollTimeJitterMillisProp + " property"
val LogRetentionTimeMillisDoc = "The number of milliseconds to keep a log file before deleting it (in milliseconds), If not set, the value in " + LogRetentionTimeMinutesProp + " is used"
val LogRetentionTimeMinsDoc = "The number of minutes to keep a log file before deleting it (in minutes), secondary to " + LogRetentionTimeMillisProp + " property. If not set, the value in " + LogRetentionTimeHoursProp + " is used"
val LogRetentionTimeHoursDoc = "The number of hours to keep a log file before deleting it (in hours), tertiary to " + LogRetentionTimeMillisProp + " property"
val LogRetentionBytesDoc = "The maximum size of the log before deleting it"
val LogCleanupIntervalMsDoc = "The frequency in milliseconds that the log cleaner checks whether any log is eligible for deletion"
val LogCleanupPolicyDoc = "The default cleanup policy for segments beyond the retention window. A comma separated list of valid policies. Valid policies are: \"delete\" and \"compact\""
val LogCleanerThreadsDoc = "The number of background threads to use for log cleaning"
val LogCleanerIoMaxBytesPerSecondDoc = "The log cleaner will be throttled so that the sum of its read and write i/o will be less than this value on average"
val LogCleanerDedupeBufferSizeDoc = "The total memory used for log deduplication across all cleaner threads"
val LogCleanerIoBufferSizeDoc = "The total memory used for log cleaner I/O buffers across all cleaner threads"
val LogCleanerDedupeBufferLoadFactorDoc = "Log cleaner dedupe buffer load factor. The percentage full the dedupe buffer can become. A higher value " +
"will allow more log to be cleaned at once but will lead to more hash collisions"
val LogCleanerBackoffMsDoc = "The amount of time to sleep when there are no logs to clean"
val LogCleanerMinCleanRatioDoc = "The minimum ratio of dirty log to total log for a log to eligible for cleaning"
val LogCleanerEnableDoc = "Enable the log cleaner process to run on the server. Should be enabled if using any topics with a cleanup.policy=compact including the internal offsets topic. If disabled those topics will not be compacted and continually grow in size."
val LogCleanerDeleteRetentionMsDoc = "How long are delete records retained?"
val LogCleanerMinCompactionLagMsDoc = "The minimum time a message will remain uncompacted in the log. Only applicable for logs that are being compacted."
val LogIndexSizeMaxBytesDoc = "The maximum size in bytes of the offset index"
val LogIndexIntervalBytesDoc = "The interval with which we add an entry to the offset index"
val LogFlushIntervalMessagesDoc = "The number of messages accumulated on a log partition before messages are flushed to disk "
val LogDeleteDelayMsDoc = "The amount of time to wait before deleting a file from the filesystem"
val LogFlushSchedulerIntervalMsDoc = "The frequency in ms that the log flusher checks whether any log needs to be flushed to disk"
val LogFlushIntervalMsDoc = "The maximum time in ms that a message in any topic is kept in memory before flushed to disk. If not set, the value in " + LogFlushSchedulerIntervalMsProp + " is used"
val LogFlushOffsetCheckpointIntervalMsDoc = "The frequency with which we update the persistent record of the last flush which acts as the log recovery point"
val LogPreAllocateEnableDoc = "Should pre allocate file when create new segment? If you are using Kafka on Windows, you probably need to set it to true."
val LogMessageFormatVersionDoc = "Specify the message format version the broker will use to append messages to the logs. The value should be a valid ApiVersion. " +
"Some examples are: 0.8.2,, 0.10.0, check ApiVersion for more details. By setting a particular message format version, the " +
"user is certifying that all the existing messages on disk are smaller or equal than the specified version. Setting this value incorrectly " +
"will cause consumers with older versions to break as they will receive messages with a format that they don't understand."
val LogMessageTimestampTypeDoc = "Define whether the timestamp in the message is message create time or log append time. The value should be either " +
"`CreateTime` or `LogAppendTime`"
val LogMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMsDoc = "The maximum difference allowed between the timestamp when a broker receives " +
"a message and the timestamp specified in the message. If log.message.timestamp.type=CreateTime, a message will be rejected " +
"if the difference in timestamp exceeds this threshold. This configuration is ignored if log.message.timestamp.type=LogAppendTime."
val NumRecoveryThreadsPerDataDirDoc = "The number of threads per data directory to be used for log recovery at startup and flushing at shutdown"
val AutoCreateTopicsEnableDoc = "Enable auto creation of topic on the server"
val MinInSyncReplicasDoc = "When a producer sets acks to \"all\" (or \"-1\"), " +
"min.insync.replicas specifies the minimum number of replicas that must acknowledge " +
"a write for the write to be considered successful. If this minimum cannot be met, " +
"then the producer will raise an exception (either NotEnoughReplicas or " +
"NotEnoughReplicasAfterAppend).<br>When used together, min.insync.replicas and acks " +
"allow you to enforce greater durability guarantees. A typical scenario would be to " +
"create a topic with a replication factor of 3, set min.insync.replicas to 2, and " +
"produce with acks of \"all\". This will ensure that the producer raises an exception " +
"if a majority of replicas do not receive a write."
val CreateTopicPolicyClassNameDoc = "The create topic policy class that should be used for validation. The class should " +
"implement the <code>org.apache.kafka.server.policy.CreateTopicPolicy</code> interface."
/** ********* Replication configuration ***********/
val ControllerSocketTimeoutMsDoc = "The socket timeout for controller-to-broker channels"
val ControllerMessageQueueSizeDoc = "The buffer size for controller-to-broker-channels"
val DefaultReplicationFactorDoc = "default replication factors for automatically created topics"
val ReplicaLagTimeMaxMsDoc = "If a follower hasn't sent any fetch requests or hasn't consumed up to the leaders log end offset for at least this time," +
" the leader will remove the follower from isr"
val ReplicaSocketTimeoutMsDoc = "The socket timeout for network requests. Its value should be at least"
val ReplicaSocketReceiveBufferBytesDoc = "The socket receive buffer for network requests"
val ReplicaFetchMaxBytesDoc = "The number of bytes of messages to attempt to fetch for each partition. This is not an absolute maximum, " +
"if the first message in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the message will still be returned " +
"to ensure that progress can be made. The maximum message size accepted by the broker is defined via " +
"<code>message.max.bytes</code> (broker config) or <code>max.message.bytes</code> (topic config)."
val ReplicaFetchWaitMaxMsDoc = "max wait time for each fetcher request issued by follower replicas. This value should always be less than the " +
" at all times to prevent frequent shrinking of ISR for low throughput topics"
val ReplicaFetchMinBytesDoc = "Minimum bytes expected for each fetch response. If not enough bytes, wait up to replicaMaxWaitTimeMs"
val ReplicaFetchResponseMaxBytesDoc = "Maximum bytes expected for the entire fetch response. This is not an absolute maximum, " +
"if the first message in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the message will still be returned " +
"to ensure that progress can be made. The maximum message size accepted by the broker is defined via " +
"<code>message.max.bytes</code> (broker config) or <code>max.message.bytes</code> (topic config)."
val NumReplicaFetchersDoc = "Number of fetcher threads used to replicate messages from a source broker. " +
"Increasing this value can increase the degree of I/O parallelism in the follower broker."
val ReplicaFetchBackoffMsDoc = "The amount of time to sleep when fetch partition error occurs."
val ReplicaHighWatermarkCheckpointIntervalMsDoc = "The frequency with which the high watermark is saved out to disk"
val FetchPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequestsDoc = "The purge interval (in number of requests) of the fetch request purgatory"
val ProducerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequestsDoc = "The purge interval (in number of requests) of the producer request purgatory"
val AutoLeaderRebalanceEnableDoc = "Enables auto leader balancing. A background thread checks and triggers leader balance if required at regular intervals"
val LeaderImbalancePerBrokerPercentageDoc = "The ratio of leader imbalance allowed per broker. The controller would trigger a leader balance if it goes above this value per broker. The value is specified in percentage."
val LeaderImbalanceCheckIntervalSecondsDoc = "The frequency with which the partition rebalance check is triggered by the controller"
val UncleanLeaderElectionEnableDoc = "Indicates whether to enable replicas not in the ISR set to be elected as leader as a last resort, even though doing so may result in data loss"
val InterBrokerSecurityProtocolDoc = "Security protocol used to communicate between brokers. Valid values are: " +
s"${", ")}. It is an error to set this and " +
s"$InterBrokerListenerNameProp properties at the same time."
val InterBrokerProtocolVersionDoc = "Specify which version of the inter-broker protocol will be used.\n" +
" This is typically bumped after all brokers were upgraded to a new version.\n" +
" Example of some valid values are: 0.8.0, 0.8.1,, 0.8.2,,,, Check ApiVersion for the full list."
val InterBrokerListenerNameDoc = s"Name of listener used for communication between brokers. If this is unset, the listener name is defined by $InterBrokerSecurityProtocolProp. " +
s"It is an error to set this and $InterBrokerSecurityProtocolProp properties at the same time."
/** ********* Controlled shutdown configuration ***********/
val ControlledShutdownMaxRetriesDoc = "Controlled shutdown can fail for multiple reasons. This determines the number of retries when such failure happens"
val ControlledShutdownRetryBackoffMsDoc = "Before each retry, the system needs time to recover from the state that caused the previous failure (Controller fail over, replica lag etc). This config determines the amount of time to wait before retrying."
val ControlledShutdownEnableDoc = "Enable controlled shutdown of the server"
/** ********* Consumer coordinator configuration ***********/
val GroupMinSessionTimeoutMsDoc = "The minimum allowed session timeout for registered consumers. Shorter timeouts result in quicker failure detection at the cost of more frequent consumer heartbeating, which can overwhelm broker resources."
val GroupMaxSessionTimeoutMsDoc = "The maximum allowed session timeout for registered consumers. Longer timeouts give consumers more time to process messages in between heartbeats at the cost of a longer time to detect failures."
/** ********* Offset management configuration ***********/
val OffsetMetadataMaxSizeDoc = "The maximum size for a metadata entry associated with an offset commit"
val OffsetsLoadBufferSizeDoc = "Batch size for reading from the offsets segments when loading offsets into the cache."
val OffsetsTopicReplicationFactorDoc = "The replication factor for the offsets topic (set higher to ensure availability). " +
"To ensure that the effective replication factor of the offsets topic is the configured value, " +
"the number of alive brokers has to be at least the replication factor at the time of the " +
"first request for the offsets topic. If not, either the offsets topic creation will fail or " +
"it will get a replication factor of min(alive brokers, configured replication factor)"
val OffsetsTopicPartitionsDoc = "The number of partitions for the offset commit topic (should not change after deployment)"
val OffsetsTopicSegmentBytesDoc = "The offsets topic segment bytes should be kept relatively small in order to facilitate faster log compaction and cache loads"
val OffsetsTopicCompressionCodecDoc = "Compression codec for the offsets topic - compression may be used to achieve \"atomic\" commits"
val OffsetsRetentionMinutesDoc = "Log retention window in minutes for offsets topic"
val OffsetsRetentionCheckIntervalMsDoc = "Frequency at which to check for stale offsets"
val OffsetCommitTimeoutMsDoc = "Offset commit will be delayed until all replicas for the offsets topic receive the commit " +
"or this timeout is reached. This is similar to the producer request timeout."
val OffsetCommitRequiredAcksDoc = "The required acks before the commit can be accepted. In general, the default (-1) should not be overridden"
/** ********* Quota Configuration ***********/
val ProducerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefaultDoc = "DEPRECATED: Used only when dynamic default quotas are not configured for <user>, <client-id> or <user, client-id> in Zookeeper. " +
"Any producer distinguished by clientId will get throttled if it produces more bytes than this value per-second"
val ConsumerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefaultDoc = "DEPRECATED: Used only when dynamic default quotas are not configured for <user, <client-id> or <user, client-id> in Zookeeper. " +
"Any consumer distinguished by clientId/consumer group will get throttled if it fetches more bytes than this value per-second"
val NumQuotaSamplesDoc = "The number of samples to retain in memory for client quotas"
val NumReplicationQuotaSamplesDoc = "The number of samples to retain in memory for replication quotas"
val QuotaWindowSizeSecondsDoc = "The time span of each sample for client quotas"
val ReplicationQuotaWindowSizeSecondsDoc = "The time span of each sample for replication quotas"
val DeleteTopicEnableDoc = "Enables delete topic. Delete topic through the admin tool will have no effect if this config is turned off"
val CompressionTypeDoc = "Specify the final compression type for a given topic. This configuration accepts the standard compression codecs " +
"('gzip', 'snappy', 'lz4'). It additionally accepts 'uncompressed' which is equivalent to no compression; and " +
"'producer' which means retain the original compression codec set by the producer."
/** ********* Kafka Metrics Configuration ***********/
val MetricSampleWindowMsDoc = CommonClientConfigs.METRICS_SAMPLE_WINDOW_MS_DOC
val MetricNumSamplesDoc = CommonClientConfigs.METRICS_NUM_SAMPLES_DOC
val MetricReporterClassesDoc = CommonClientConfigs.METRIC_REPORTER_CLASSES_DOC
val MetricRecordingLevelDoc = CommonClientConfigs.METRICS_RECORDING_LEVEL_DOC
/** ********* SSL Configuration ****************/
val PrincipalBuilderClassDoc = SslConfigs.PRINCIPAL_BUILDER_CLASS_DOC
val SslProtocolDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_PROTOCOL_DOC
val SslProviderDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_PROVIDER_DOC
val SslCipherSuitesDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_CIPHER_SUITES_DOC
val SslEnabledProtocolsDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS_DOC
val SslKeystoreTypeDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE_DOC
val SslKeystoreLocationDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATION_DOC
val SslKeystorePasswordDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_DOC
val SslKeyPasswordDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_KEY_PASSWORD_DOC
val SslTruststoreTypeDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_DOC
val SslTruststorePasswordDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_DOC
val SslTruststoreLocationDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION_DOC
val SslKeyManagerAlgorithmDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_KEYMANAGER_ALGORITHM_DOC
val SslTrustManagerAlgorithmDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTMANAGER_ALGORITHM_DOC
val SslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithmDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_ENDPOINT_IDENTIFICATION_ALGORITHM_DOC
val SslSecureRandomImplementationDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_SECURE_RANDOM_IMPLEMENTATION_DOC
val SslClientAuthDoc = SslConfigs.SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_DOC
/** ********* Sasl Configuration ****************/
val SaslMechanismInterBrokerProtocolDoc = "SASL mechanism used for inter-broker communication. Default is GSSAPI."
val SaslEnabledMechanismsDoc = SaslConfigs.SASL_ENABLED_MECHANISMS_DOC
val SaslKerberosServiceNameDoc = SaslConfigs.SASL_KERBEROS_SERVICE_NAME_DOC
val SaslKerberosKinitCmdDoc = SaslConfigs.SASL_KERBEROS_KINIT_CMD_DOC
val SaslKerberosTicketRenewWindowFactorDoc = SaslConfigs.SASL_KERBEROS_TICKET_RENEW_WINDOW_FACTOR_DOC
val SaslKerberosTicketRenewJitterDoc = SaslConfigs.SASL_KERBEROS_TICKET_RENEW_JITTER_DOC
val SaslKerberosMinTimeBeforeReloginDoc = SaslConfigs.SASL_KERBEROS_MIN_TIME_BEFORE_RELOGIN_DOC
val SaslKerberosPrincipalToLocalRulesDoc = SaslConfigs.SASL_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL_TO_LOCAL_RULES_DOC
private val configDef = {
import ConfigDef.Importance._
import ConfigDef.Range._
import ConfigDef.Type._
import ConfigDef.ValidString._
new ConfigDef()
/** ********* Zookeeper Configuration ***********/
.define(ZkConnectProp, STRING, HIGH, ZkConnectDoc)
.define(ZkSessionTimeoutMsProp, INT, Defaults.ZkSessionTimeoutMs, HIGH, ZkSessionTimeoutMsDoc)
.define(ZkConnectionTimeoutMsProp, INT, null, HIGH, ZkConnectionTimeoutMsDoc)
.define(ZkSyncTimeMsProp, INT, Defaults.ZkSyncTimeMs, LOW, ZkSyncTimeMsDoc)
.define(ZkEnableSecureAclsProp, BOOLEAN, Defaults.ZkEnableSecureAcls, HIGH, ZkEnableSecureAclsDoc)
/** ********* General Configuration ***********/
.define(BrokerIdGenerationEnableProp, BOOLEAN, Defaults.BrokerIdGenerationEnable, MEDIUM, BrokerIdGenerationEnableDoc)
.define(MaxReservedBrokerIdProp, INT, Defaults.MaxReservedBrokerId, atLeast(0), MEDIUM, MaxReservedBrokerIdDoc)
.define(BrokerIdProp, INT, Defaults.BrokerId, HIGH, BrokerIdDoc)
.define(MessageMaxBytesProp, INT, Defaults.MessageMaxBytes, atLeast(0), HIGH, MessageMaxBytesDoc)
.define(NumNetworkThreadsProp, INT, Defaults.NumNetworkThreads, atLeast(1), HIGH, NumNetworkThreadsDoc)
.define(NumIoThreadsProp, INT, Defaults.NumIoThreads, atLeast(1), HIGH, NumIoThreadsDoc)
.define(BackgroundThreadsProp, INT, Defaults.BackgroundThreads, atLeast(1), HIGH, BackgroundThreadsDoc)
.define(QueuedMaxRequestsProp, INT, Defaults.QueuedMaxRequests, atLeast(1), HIGH, QueuedMaxRequestsDoc)
.define(RequestTimeoutMsProp, INT, Defaults.RequestTimeoutMs, HIGH, RequestTimeoutMsDoc)
/************* Authorizer Configuration ***********/
.define(AuthorizerClassNameProp, STRING, Defaults.AuthorizerClassName, LOW, AuthorizerClassNameDoc)
/** ********* Socket Server Configuration ***********/
.define(PortProp, INT, Defaults.Port, HIGH, PortDoc)
.define(HostNameProp, STRING, Defaults.HostName, HIGH, HostNameDoc)
.define(ListenersProp, STRING, null, HIGH, ListenersDoc)
.define(AdvertisedHostNameProp, STRING, null, HIGH, AdvertisedHostNameDoc)
.define(AdvertisedPortProp, INT, null, HIGH, AdvertisedPortDoc)
.define(AdvertisedListenersProp, STRING, null, HIGH, AdvertisedListenersDoc)
.define(ListenerSecurityProtocolMapProp, STRING, Defaults.ListenerSecurityProtocolMap, LOW, ListenerSecurityProtocolMapDoc)
.define(SocketSendBufferBytesProp, INT, Defaults.SocketSendBufferBytes, HIGH, SocketSendBufferBytesDoc)
.define(SocketReceiveBufferBytesProp, INT, Defaults.SocketReceiveBufferBytes, HIGH, SocketReceiveBufferBytesDoc)
.define(SocketRequestMaxBytesProp, INT, Defaults.SocketRequestMaxBytes, atLeast(1), HIGH, SocketRequestMaxBytesDoc)
.define(MaxConnectionsPerIpProp, INT, Defaults.MaxConnectionsPerIp, atLeast(1), MEDIUM, MaxConnectionsPerIpDoc)
.define(MaxConnectionsPerIpOverridesProp, STRING, Defaults.MaxConnectionsPerIpOverrides, MEDIUM, MaxConnectionsPerIpOverridesDoc)
.define(ConnectionsMaxIdleMsProp, LONG, Defaults.ConnectionsMaxIdleMs, MEDIUM, ConnectionsMaxIdleMsDoc)
/************ Rack Configuration ******************/
.define(RackProp, STRING, null, MEDIUM, RackDoc)
/** ********* Log Configuration ***********/
.define(NumPartitionsProp, INT, Defaults.NumPartitions, atLeast(1), MEDIUM, NumPartitionsDoc)
.define(LogDirProp, STRING, Defaults.LogDir, HIGH, LogDirDoc)
.define(LogDirsProp, STRING, null, HIGH, LogDirsDoc)
.define(LogSegmentBytesProp, INT, Defaults.LogSegmentBytes, atLeast(Message.MinMessageOverhead), HIGH, LogSegmentBytesDoc)
.define(LogRollTimeMillisProp, LONG, null, HIGH, LogRollTimeMillisDoc)
.define(LogRollTimeHoursProp, INT, Defaults.LogRollHours, atLeast(1), HIGH, LogRollTimeHoursDoc)
.define(LogRollTimeJitterMillisProp, LONG, null, HIGH, LogRollTimeJitterMillisDoc)
.define(LogRollTimeJitterHoursProp, INT, Defaults.LogRollJitterHours, atLeast(0), HIGH, LogRollTimeJitterHoursDoc)
.define(LogRetentionTimeMillisProp, LONG, null, HIGH, LogRetentionTimeMillisDoc)
.define(LogRetentionTimeMinutesProp, INT, null, HIGH, LogRetentionTimeMinsDoc)
.define(LogRetentionTimeHoursProp, INT, Defaults.LogRetentionHours, HIGH, LogRetentionTimeHoursDoc)
.define(LogRetentionBytesProp, LONG, Defaults.LogRetentionBytes, HIGH, LogRetentionBytesDoc)
.define(LogCleanupIntervalMsProp, LONG, Defaults.LogCleanupIntervalMs, atLeast(1), MEDIUM, LogCleanupIntervalMsDoc)
.define(LogCleanupPolicyProp, LIST, Defaults.LogCleanupPolicy,, Defaults.Delete), MEDIUM, LogCleanupPolicyDoc)
.define(LogCleanerThreadsProp, INT, Defaults.LogCleanerThreads, atLeast(0), MEDIUM, LogCleanerThreadsDoc)
.define(LogCleanerIoMaxBytesPerSecondProp, DOUBLE, Defaults.LogCleanerIoMaxBytesPerSecond, MEDIUM, LogCleanerIoMaxBytesPerSecondDoc)
.define(LogCleanerDedupeBufferSizeProp, LONG, Defaults.LogCleanerDedupeBufferSize, MEDIUM, LogCleanerDedupeBufferSizeDoc)
.define(LogCleanerIoBufferSizeProp, INT, Defaults.LogCleanerIoBufferSize, atLeast(0), MEDIUM, LogCleanerIoBufferSizeDoc)
.define(LogCleanerDedupeBufferLoadFactorProp, DOUBLE, Defaults.LogCleanerDedupeBufferLoadFactor, MEDIUM, LogCleanerDedupeBufferLoadFactorDoc)
.define(LogCleanerBackoffMsProp, LONG, Defaults.LogCleanerBackoffMs, atLeast(0), MEDIUM, LogCleanerBackoffMsDoc)
.define(LogCleanerMinCleanRatioProp, DOUBLE, Defaults.LogCleanerMinCleanRatio, MEDIUM, LogCleanerMinCleanRatioDoc)
.define(LogCleanerEnableProp, BOOLEAN, Defaults.LogCleanerEnable, MEDIUM, LogCleanerEnableDoc)
.define(LogCleanerDeleteRetentionMsProp, LONG, Defaults.LogCleanerDeleteRetentionMs, MEDIUM, LogCleanerDeleteRetentionMsDoc)
.define(LogCleanerMinCompactionLagMsProp, LONG, Defaults.LogCleanerMinCompactionLagMs, MEDIUM, LogCleanerMinCompactionLagMsDoc)
.define(LogIndexSizeMaxBytesProp, INT, Defaults.LogIndexSizeMaxBytes, atLeast(4), MEDIUM, LogIndexSizeMaxBytesDoc)
.define(LogIndexIntervalBytesProp, INT, Defaults.LogIndexIntervalBytes, atLeast(0), MEDIUM, LogIndexIntervalBytesDoc)
.define(LogFlushIntervalMessagesProp, LONG, Defaults.LogFlushIntervalMessages, atLeast(1), HIGH, LogFlushIntervalMessagesDoc)
.define(LogDeleteDelayMsProp, LONG, Defaults.LogDeleteDelayMs, atLeast(0), HIGH, LogDeleteDelayMsDoc)
.define(LogFlushSchedulerIntervalMsProp, LONG, Defaults.LogFlushSchedulerIntervalMs, HIGH, LogFlushSchedulerIntervalMsDoc)
.define(LogFlushIntervalMsProp, LONG, null, HIGH, LogFlushIntervalMsDoc)
.define(LogFlushOffsetCheckpointIntervalMsProp, INT, Defaults.LogFlushOffsetCheckpointIntervalMs, atLeast(0), HIGH, LogFlushOffsetCheckpointIntervalMsDoc)
.define(LogPreAllocateProp, BOOLEAN, Defaults.LogPreAllocateEnable, MEDIUM, LogPreAllocateEnableDoc)
.define(NumRecoveryThreadsPerDataDirProp, INT, Defaults.NumRecoveryThreadsPerDataDir, atLeast(1), HIGH, NumRecoveryThreadsPerDataDirDoc)
.define(AutoCreateTopicsEnableProp, BOOLEAN, Defaults.AutoCreateTopicsEnable, HIGH, AutoCreateTopicsEnableDoc)
.define(MinInSyncReplicasProp, INT, Defaults.MinInSyncReplicas, atLeast(1), HIGH, MinInSyncReplicasDoc)
.define(LogMessageFormatVersionProp, STRING, Defaults.LogMessageFormatVersion, MEDIUM, LogMessageFormatVersionDoc)
.define(LogMessageTimestampTypeProp, STRING, Defaults.LogMessageTimestampType, in("CreateTime", "LogAppendTime"), MEDIUM, LogMessageTimestampTypeDoc)
.define(LogMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMsProp, LONG, Defaults.LogMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs, atLeast(0), MEDIUM, LogMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMsDoc)
.define(CreateTopicPolicyClassNameProp, CLASS, null, LOW, CreateTopicPolicyClassNameDoc)
/** ********* Replication configuration ***********/
.define(ControllerSocketTimeoutMsProp, INT, Defaults.ControllerSocketTimeoutMs, MEDIUM, ControllerSocketTimeoutMsDoc)
.define(DefaultReplicationFactorProp, INT, Defaults.DefaultReplicationFactor, MEDIUM, DefaultReplicationFactorDoc)
.define(ReplicaLagTimeMaxMsProp, LONG, Defaults.ReplicaLagTimeMaxMs, HIGH, ReplicaLagTimeMaxMsDoc)
.define(ReplicaSocketTimeoutMsProp, INT, Defaults.ReplicaSocketTimeoutMs, HIGH, ReplicaSocketTimeoutMsDoc)
.define(ReplicaSocketReceiveBufferBytesProp, INT, Defaults.ReplicaSocketReceiveBufferBytes, HIGH, ReplicaSocketReceiveBufferBytesDoc)
.define(ReplicaFetchMaxBytesProp, INT, Defaults.ReplicaFetchMaxBytes, atLeast(0), MEDIUM, ReplicaFetchMaxBytesDoc)
.define(ReplicaFetchWaitMaxMsProp, INT, Defaults.ReplicaFetchWaitMaxMs, HIGH, ReplicaFetchWaitMaxMsDoc)
.define(ReplicaFetchBackoffMsProp, INT, Defaults.ReplicaFetchBackoffMs, atLeast(0), MEDIUM, ReplicaFetchBackoffMsDoc)
.define(ReplicaFetchMinBytesProp, INT, Defaults.ReplicaFetchMinBytes, HIGH, ReplicaFetchMinBytesDoc)
.define(ReplicaFetchResponseMaxBytesProp, INT, Defaults.ReplicaFetchResponseMaxBytes, atLeast(0), MEDIUM, ReplicaFetchResponseMaxBytesDoc)
.define(NumReplicaFetchersProp, INT, Defaults.NumReplicaFetchers, HIGH, NumReplicaFetchersDoc)
.define(ReplicaHighWatermarkCheckpointIntervalMsProp, LONG, Defaults.ReplicaHighWatermarkCheckpointIntervalMs, HIGH, ReplicaHighWatermarkCheckpointIntervalMsDoc)
.define(FetchPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequestsProp, INT, Defaults.FetchPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests, MEDIUM, FetchPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequestsDoc)
.define(ProducerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequestsProp, INT, Defaults.ProducerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests, MEDIUM, ProducerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequestsDoc)
.define(AutoLeaderRebalanceEnableProp, BOOLEAN, Defaults.AutoLeaderRebalanceEnable, HIGH, AutoLeaderRebalanceEnableDoc)
.define(LeaderImbalancePerBrokerPercentageProp, INT, Defaults.LeaderImbalancePerBrokerPercentage, HIGH, LeaderImbalancePerBrokerPercentageDoc)
.define(LeaderImbalanceCheckIntervalSecondsProp, LONG, Defaults.LeaderImbalanceCheckIntervalSeconds, HIGH, LeaderImbalanceCheckIntervalSecondsDoc)
.define(UncleanLeaderElectionEnableProp, BOOLEAN, Defaults.UncleanLeaderElectionEnable, HIGH, UncleanLeaderElectionEnableDoc)
.define(InterBrokerSecurityProtocolProp, STRING, Defaults.InterBrokerSecurityProtocol, MEDIUM, InterBrokerSecurityProtocolDoc)
.define(InterBrokerProtocolVersionProp, STRING, Defaults.InterBrokerProtocolVersion, MEDIUM, InterBrokerProtocolVersionDoc)
.define(InterBrokerListenerNameProp, STRING, null, MEDIUM, InterBrokerListenerNameDoc)
/** ********* Controlled shutdown configuration ***********/
.define(ControlledShutdownMaxRetriesProp, INT, Defaults.ControlledShutdownMaxRetries, MEDIUM, ControlledShutdownMaxRetriesDoc)
.define(ControlledShutdownRetryBackoffMsProp, LONG, Defaults.ControlledShutdownRetryBackoffMs, MEDIUM, ControlledShutdownRetryBackoffMsDoc)
.define(ControlledShutdownEnableProp, BOOLEAN, Defaults.ControlledShutdownEnable, MEDIUM, ControlledShutdownEnableDoc)
/** ********* Group coordinator configuration ***********/
.define(GroupMinSessionTimeoutMsProp, INT, Defaults.GroupMinSessionTimeoutMs, MEDIUM, GroupMinSessionTimeoutMsDoc)
.define(GroupMaxSessionTimeoutMsProp, INT, Defaults.GroupMaxSessionTimeoutMs, MEDIUM, GroupMaxSessionTimeoutMsDoc)
/** ********* Offset management configuration ***********/
.define(OffsetMetadataMaxSizeProp, INT, Defaults.OffsetMetadataMaxSize, HIGH, OffsetMetadataMaxSizeDoc)
.define(OffsetsLoadBufferSizeProp, INT, Defaults.OffsetsLoadBufferSize, atLeast(1), HIGH, OffsetsLoadBufferSizeDoc)
.define(OffsetsTopicReplicationFactorProp, SHORT, Defaults.OffsetsTopicReplicationFactor, atLeast(1), HIGH, OffsetsTopicReplicationFactorDoc)
.define(OffsetsTopicPartitionsProp, INT, Defaults.OffsetsTopicPartitions, atLeast(1), HIGH, OffsetsTopicPartitionsDoc)
.define(OffsetsTopicSegmentBytesProp, INT, Defaults.OffsetsTopicSegmentBytes, atLeast(1), HIGH, OffsetsTopicSegmentBytesDoc)
.define(OffsetsTopicCompressionCodecProp, INT, Defaults.OffsetsTopicCompressionCodec, HIGH, OffsetsTopicCompressionCodecDoc)
.define(OffsetsRetentionMinutesProp, INT, Defaults.OffsetsRetentionMinutes, atLeast(1), HIGH, OffsetsRetentionMinutesDoc)
.define(OffsetsRetentionCheckIntervalMsProp, LONG, Defaults.OffsetsRetentionCheckIntervalMs, atLeast(1), HIGH, OffsetsRetentionCheckIntervalMsDoc)
.define(OffsetCommitTimeoutMsProp, INT, Defaults.OffsetCommitTimeoutMs, atLeast(1), HIGH, OffsetCommitTimeoutMsDoc)
.define(OffsetCommitRequiredAcksProp, SHORT, Defaults.OffsetCommitRequiredAcks, HIGH, OffsetCommitRequiredAcksDoc)
.define(DeleteTopicEnableProp, BOOLEAN, Defaults.DeleteTopicEnable, HIGH, DeleteTopicEnableDoc)
.define(CompressionTypeProp, STRING, Defaults.CompressionType, HIGH, CompressionTypeDoc)
/** ********* Kafka Metrics Configuration ***********/
.define(MetricNumSamplesProp, INT, Defaults.MetricNumSamples, atLeast(1), LOW, MetricNumSamplesDoc)
.define(MetricSampleWindowMsProp, LONG, Defaults.MetricSampleWindowMs, atLeast(1), LOW, MetricSampleWindowMsDoc)
.define(MetricReporterClassesProp, LIST, Defaults.MetricReporterClasses, LOW, MetricReporterClassesDoc)
.define(MetricRecordingLevelProp, STRING, Defaults.MetricRecordingLevel, LOW, MetricRecordingLevelDoc)
/** ********* Quota configuration ***********/
.define(ProducerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefaultProp, LONG, Defaults.ProducerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefault, atLeast(1), HIGH, ProducerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefaultDoc)
.define(ConsumerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefaultProp, LONG, Defaults.ConsumerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefault, atLeast(1), HIGH, ConsumerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefaultDoc)
.define(NumQuotaSamplesProp, INT, Defaults.NumQuotaSamples, atLeast(1), LOW, NumQuotaSamplesDoc)
.define(NumReplicationQuotaSamplesProp, INT, Defaults.NumReplicationQuotaSamples, atLeast(1), LOW, NumReplicationQuotaSamplesDoc)
.define(QuotaWindowSizeSecondsProp, INT, Defaults.QuotaWindowSizeSeconds, atLeast(1), LOW, QuotaWindowSizeSecondsDoc)
.define(ReplicationQuotaWindowSizeSecondsProp, INT, Defaults.ReplicationQuotaWindowSizeSeconds, atLeast(1), LOW, ReplicationQuotaWindowSizeSecondsDoc)
/** ********* SSL Configuration ****************/
.define(PrincipalBuilderClassProp, CLASS, Defaults.PrincipalBuilderClass, MEDIUM, PrincipalBuilderClassDoc)
.define(SslProtocolProp, STRING, Defaults.SslProtocol, MEDIUM, SslProtocolDoc)
.define(SslProviderProp, STRING, null, MEDIUM, SslProviderDoc)
.define(SslEnabledProtocolsProp, LIST, Defaults.SslEnabledProtocols, MEDIUM, SslEnabledProtocolsDoc)
.define(SslKeystoreTypeProp, STRING, Defaults.SslKeystoreType, MEDIUM, SslKeystoreTypeDoc)
.define(SslKeystoreLocationProp, STRING, null, MEDIUM, SslKeystoreLocationDoc)
.define(SslKeystorePasswordProp, PASSWORD, null, MEDIUM, SslKeystorePasswordDoc)
.define(SslKeyPasswordProp, PASSWORD, null, MEDIUM, SslKeyPasswordDoc)
.define(SslTruststoreTypeProp, STRING, Defaults.SslTruststoreType, MEDIUM, SslTruststoreTypeDoc)
.define(SslTruststoreLocationProp, STRING, null, MEDIUM, SslTruststoreLocationDoc)
.define(SslTruststorePasswordProp, PASSWORD, null, MEDIUM, SslTruststorePasswordDoc)
.define(SslKeyManagerAlgorithmProp, STRING, Defaults.SslKeyManagerAlgorithm, MEDIUM, SslKeyManagerAlgorithmDoc)
.define(SslTrustManagerAlgorithmProp, STRING, Defaults.SslTrustManagerAlgorithm, MEDIUM, SslTrustManagerAlgorithmDoc)
.define(SslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithmProp, STRING, null, LOW, SslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithmDoc)
.define(SslSecureRandomImplementationProp, STRING, null, LOW, SslSecureRandomImplementationDoc)
.define(SslClientAuthProp, STRING, Defaults.SslClientAuth, in(Defaults.SslClientAuthRequired, Defaults.SslClientAuthRequested, Defaults.SslClientAuthNone), MEDIUM, SslClientAuthDoc)
.define(SslCipherSuitesProp, LIST, null, MEDIUM, SslCipherSuitesDoc)
/** ********* Sasl Configuration ****************/
.define(SaslMechanismInterBrokerProtocolProp, STRING, Defaults.SaslMechanismInterBrokerProtocol, MEDIUM, SaslMechanismInterBrokerProtocolDoc)
.define(SaslEnabledMechanismsProp, LIST, Defaults.SaslEnabledMechanisms, MEDIUM, SaslEnabledMechanismsDoc)
.define(SaslKerberosServiceNameProp, STRING, null, MEDIUM, SaslKerberosServiceNameDoc)
.define(SaslKerberosKinitCmdProp, STRING, Defaults.SaslKerberosKinitCmd, MEDIUM, SaslKerberosKinitCmdDoc)
.define(SaslKerberosTicketRenewWindowFactorProp, DOUBLE, Defaults.SaslKerberosTicketRenewWindowFactor, MEDIUM, SaslKerberosTicketRenewWindowFactorDoc)
.define(SaslKerberosTicketRenewJitterProp, DOUBLE, Defaults.SaslKerberosTicketRenewJitter, MEDIUM, SaslKerberosTicketRenewJitterDoc)
.define(SaslKerberosMinTimeBeforeReloginProp, LONG, Defaults.SaslKerberosMinTimeBeforeRelogin, MEDIUM, SaslKerberosMinTimeBeforeReloginDoc)
.define(SaslKerberosPrincipalToLocalRulesProp, LIST, Defaults.SaslKerberosPrincipalToLocalRules, MEDIUM, SaslKerberosPrincipalToLocalRulesDoc)
def configNames() = configDef.names().asScala.toList.sorted
def fromProps(props: Properties): KafkaConfig =
fromProps(props, true)
def fromProps(props: Properties, doLog: Boolean): KafkaConfig =
new KafkaConfig(props, doLog)
def fromProps(defaults: Properties, overrides: Properties): KafkaConfig =
fromProps(defaults, overrides, true)
def fromProps(defaults: Properties, overrides: Properties, doLog: Boolean): KafkaConfig = {
val props = new Properties()
fromProps(props, doLog)
def apply(props: java.util.Map[_, _]): KafkaConfig = new KafkaConfig(props, true)
class KafkaConfig(val props: java.util.Map[_, _], doLog: Boolean) extends AbstractConfig(KafkaConfig.configDef, props, doLog) {
def this(props: java.util.Map[_, _]) = this(props, true)
/** ********* Zookeeper Configuration ***********/
val zkConnect: String = getString(KafkaConfig.ZkConnectProp)
val zkSessionTimeoutMs: Int = getInt(KafkaConfig.ZkSessionTimeoutMsProp)
val zkConnectionTimeoutMs: Int =
val zkSyncTimeMs: Int = getInt(KafkaConfig.ZkSyncTimeMsProp)
val zkEnableSecureAcls: Boolean = getBoolean(KafkaConfig.ZkEnableSecureAclsProp)
/** ********* General Configuration ***********/
val brokerIdGenerationEnable: Boolean = getBoolean(KafkaConfig.BrokerIdGenerationEnableProp)
val maxReservedBrokerId: Int = getInt(KafkaConfig.MaxReservedBrokerIdProp)
var brokerId: Int = getInt(KafkaConfig.BrokerIdProp)
val numNetworkThreads = getInt(KafkaConfig.NumNetworkThreadsProp)
val backgroundThreads = getInt(KafkaConfig.BackgroundThreadsProp)
val queuedMaxRequests = getInt(KafkaConfig.QueuedMaxRequestsProp)
val numIoThreads = getInt(KafkaConfig.NumIoThreadsProp)
val messageMaxBytes = getInt(KafkaConfig.MessageMaxBytesProp)
val requestTimeoutMs = getInt(KafkaConfig.RequestTimeoutMsProp)
/************* Authorizer Configuration ***********/
val authorizerClassName: String = getString(KafkaConfig.AuthorizerClassNameProp)
/** ********* Socket Server Configuration ***********/
val hostName = getString(KafkaConfig.HostNameProp)
val port = getInt(KafkaConfig.PortProp)
val advertisedHostName = Option(getString(KafkaConfig.AdvertisedHostNameProp)).getOrElse(hostName)
val advertisedPort: java.lang.Integer = Option(getInt(KafkaConfig.AdvertisedPortProp)).getOrElse(port)
val socketSendBufferBytes = getInt(KafkaConfig.SocketSendBufferBytesProp)
val socketReceiveBufferBytes = getInt(KafkaConfig.SocketReceiveBufferBytesProp)
val socketRequestMaxBytes = getInt(KafkaConfig.SocketRequestMaxBytesProp)
val maxConnectionsPerIp = getInt(KafkaConfig.MaxConnectionsPerIpProp)
val maxConnectionsPerIpOverrides: Map[String, Int] =
getMap(KafkaConfig.MaxConnectionsPerIpOverridesProp, getString(KafkaConfig.MaxConnectionsPerIpOverridesProp)).map { case (k, v) => (k, v.toInt)}
val connectionsMaxIdleMs = getLong(KafkaConfig.ConnectionsMaxIdleMsProp)
/***************** rack configuration **************/
val rack = Option(getString(KafkaConfig.RackProp))
/** ********* Log Configuration ***********/
val autoCreateTopicsEnable = getBoolean(KafkaConfig.AutoCreateTopicsEnableProp)
val numPartitions = getInt(KafkaConfig.NumPartitionsProp)
val logDirs = CoreUtils.parseCsvList( Option(getString(KafkaConfig.LogDirsProp)).getOrElse(getString(KafkaConfig.LogDirProp)))
val logSegmentBytes = getInt(KafkaConfig.LogSegmentBytesProp)
val logFlushIntervalMessages = getLong(KafkaConfig.LogFlushIntervalMessagesProp)
val logCleanerThreads = getInt(KafkaConfig.LogCleanerThreadsProp)
val numRecoveryThreadsPerDataDir = getInt(KafkaConfig.NumRecoveryThreadsPerDataDirProp)
val logFlushSchedulerIntervalMs = getLong(KafkaConfig.LogFlushSchedulerIntervalMsProp)
val logFlushOffsetCheckpointIntervalMs = getInt(KafkaConfig.LogFlushOffsetCheckpointIntervalMsProp).toLong
val logCleanupIntervalMs = getLong(KafkaConfig.LogCleanupIntervalMsProp)
val logCleanupPolicy = getList(KafkaConfig.LogCleanupPolicyProp)
val offsetsRetentionMinutes = getInt(KafkaConfig.OffsetsRetentionMinutesProp)
val offsetsRetentionCheckIntervalMs = getLong(KafkaConfig.OffsetsRetentionCheckIntervalMsProp)
val logRetentionBytes = getLong(KafkaConfig.LogRetentionBytesProp)
val logCleanerDedupeBufferSize = getLong(KafkaConfig.LogCleanerDedupeBufferSizeProp)
val logCleanerDedupeBufferLoadFactor = getDouble(KafkaConfig.LogCleanerDedupeBufferLoadFactorProp)
val logCleanerIoBufferSize = getInt(KafkaConfig.LogCleanerIoBufferSizeProp)
val logCleanerIoMaxBytesPerSecond = getDouble(KafkaConfig.LogCleanerIoMaxBytesPerSecondProp)
val logCleanerDeleteRetentionMs = getLong(KafkaConfig.LogCleanerDeleteRetentionMsProp)
val logCleanerMinCompactionLagMs = getLong(KafkaConfig.LogCleanerMinCompactionLagMsProp)
val logCleanerBackoffMs = getLong(KafkaConfig.LogCleanerBackoffMsProp)
val logCleanerMinCleanRatio = getDouble(KafkaConfig.LogCleanerMinCleanRatioProp)
val logCleanerEnable = getBoolean(KafkaConfig.LogCleanerEnableProp)
val logIndexSizeMaxBytes = getInt(KafkaConfig.LogIndexSizeMaxBytesProp)
val logIndexIntervalBytes = getInt(KafkaConfig.LogIndexIntervalBytesProp)
val logDeleteDelayMs = getLong(KafkaConfig.LogDeleteDelayMsProp)
val logRollTimeMillis: java.lang.Long = Option(getLong(KafkaConfig.LogRollTimeMillisProp)).getOrElse(60 * 60 * 1000L * getInt(KafkaConfig.LogRollTimeHoursProp))
val logRollTimeJitterMillis: java.lang.Long = Option(getLong(KafkaConfig.LogRollTimeJitterMillisProp)).getOrElse(60 * 60 * 1000L * getInt(KafkaConfig.LogRollTimeJitterHoursProp))
val logFlushIntervalMs: java.lang.Long = Option(getLong(KafkaConfig.LogFlushIntervalMsProp)).getOrElse(getLong(KafkaConfig.LogFlushSchedulerIntervalMsProp))
val logRetentionTimeMillis = getLogRetentionTimeMillis
val minInSyncReplicas = getInt(KafkaConfig.MinInSyncReplicasProp)
val logPreAllocateEnable: java.lang.Boolean = getBoolean(KafkaConfig.LogPreAllocateProp)
// We keep the user-provided String as `ApiVersion.apply` can choose a slightly different version (eg if `0.10.0`
// is passed, `0.10.0-IV0` may be picked)
val logMessageFormatVersionString = getString(KafkaConfig.LogMessageFormatVersionProp)
val logMessageFormatVersion = ApiVersion(logMessageFormatVersionString)
val logMessageTimestampType = TimestampType.forName(getString(KafkaConfig.LogMessageTimestampTypeProp))
val logMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs = getLong(KafkaConfig.LogMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMsProp)
/** ********* Replication configuration ***********/
val controllerSocketTimeoutMs: Int = getInt(KafkaConfig.ControllerSocketTimeoutMsProp)
val defaultReplicationFactor: Int = getInt(KafkaConfig.DefaultReplicationFactorProp)
val replicaLagTimeMaxMs = getLong(KafkaConfig.ReplicaLagTimeMaxMsProp)
val replicaSocketTimeoutMs = getInt(KafkaConfig.ReplicaSocketTimeoutMsProp)
val replicaSocketReceiveBufferBytes = getInt(KafkaConfig.ReplicaSocketReceiveBufferBytesProp)
val replicaFetchMaxBytes = getInt(KafkaConfig.ReplicaFetchMaxBytesProp)
val replicaFetchWaitMaxMs = getInt(KafkaConfig.ReplicaFetchWaitMaxMsProp)
val replicaFetchMinBytes = getInt(KafkaConfig.ReplicaFetchMinBytesProp)
val replicaFetchResponseMaxBytes = getInt(KafkaConfig.ReplicaFetchResponseMaxBytesProp)
val replicaFetchBackoffMs = getInt(KafkaConfig.ReplicaFetchBackoffMsProp)
val numReplicaFetchers = getInt(KafkaConfig.NumReplicaFetchersProp)
val replicaHighWatermarkCheckpointIntervalMs = getLong(KafkaConfig.ReplicaHighWatermarkCheckpointIntervalMsProp)
val fetchPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests = getInt(KafkaConfig.FetchPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequestsProp)
val producerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests = getInt(KafkaConfig.ProducerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequestsProp)
val autoLeaderRebalanceEnable = getBoolean(KafkaConfig.AutoLeaderRebalanceEnableProp)
val leaderImbalancePerBrokerPercentage = getInt(KafkaConfig.LeaderImbalancePerBrokerPercentageProp)
val leaderImbalanceCheckIntervalSeconds = getLong(KafkaConfig.LeaderImbalanceCheckIntervalSecondsProp)
val uncleanLeaderElectionEnable: java.lang.Boolean = getBoolean(KafkaConfig.UncleanLeaderElectionEnableProp)
val (interBrokerListenerName, interBrokerSecurityProtocol) = getInterBrokerListenerNameAndSecurityProtocol
// We keep the user-provided String as `ApiVersion.apply` can choose a slightly different version (eg if `0.10.0`
// is passed, `0.10.0-IV0` may be picked)
val interBrokerProtocolVersionString = getString(KafkaConfig.InterBrokerProtocolVersionProp)
val interBrokerProtocolVersion = ApiVersion(interBrokerProtocolVersionString)
/** ********* Controlled shutdown configuration ***********/
val controlledShutdownMaxRetries = getInt(KafkaConfig.ControlledShutdownMaxRetriesProp)
val controlledShutdownRetryBackoffMs = getLong(KafkaConfig.ControlledShutdownRetryBackoffMsProp)
val controlledShutdownEnable = getBoolean(KafkaConfig.ControlledShutdownEnableProp)
/** ********* Group coordinator configuration ***********/
val groupMinSessionTimeoutMs = getInt(KafkaConfig.GroupMinSessionTimeoutMsProp)
val groupMaxSessionTimeoutMs = getInt(KafkaConfig.GroupMaxSessionTimeoutMsProp)
/** ********* Offset management configuration ***********/
val offsetMetadataMaxSize = getInt(KafkaConfig.OffsetMetadataMaxSizeProp)
val offsetsLoadBufferSize = getInt(KafkaConfig.OffsetsLoadBufferSizeProp)
val offsetsTopicReplicationFactor = getShort(KafkaConfig.OffsetsTopicReplicationFactorProp)
val offsetsTopicPartitions = getInt(KafkaConfig.OffsetsTopicPartitionsProp)
val offsetCommitTimeoutMs = getInt(KafkaConfig.OffsetCommitTimeoutMsProp)
val offsetCommitRequiredAcks = getShort(KafkaConfig.OffsetCommitRequiredAcksProp)
val offsetsTopicSegmentBytes = getInt(KafkaConfig.OffsetsTopicSegmentBytesProp)
val offsetsTopicCompressionCodec = Option(getInt(KafkaConfig.OffsetsTopicCompressionCodecProp)).map(value => CompressionCodec.getCompressionCodec(value)).orNull
/** ********* Metric Configuration **************/
val metricNumSamples = getInt(KafkaConfig.MetricNumSamplesProp)
val metricSampleWindowMs = getLong(KafkaConfig.MetricSampleWindowMsProp)
val metricRecordingLevel = getString(KafkaConfig.MetricRecordingLevelProp)
/** ********* SSL Configuration **************/
val principalBuilderClass = getClass(KafkaConfig.PrincipalBuilderClassProp)
val sslProtocol = getString(KafkaConfig.SslProtocolProp)
val sslProvider = getString(KafkaConfig.SslProviderProp)
val sslEnabledProtocols = getList(KafkaConfig.SslEnabledProtocolsProp)
val sslKeystoreType = getString(KafkaConfig.SslKeystoreTypeProp)
val sslKeystoreLocation = getString(KafkaConfig.SslKeystoreLocationProp)
val sslKeystorePassword = getPassword(KafkaConfig.SslKeystorePasswordProp)
val sslKeyPassword = getPassword(KafkaConfig.SslKeyPasswordProp)
val sslTruststoreType = getString(KafkaConfig.SslTruststoreTypeProp)
val sslTruststoreLocation = getString(KafkaConfig.SslTruststoreLocationProp)
val sslTruststorePassword = getPassword(KafkaConfig.SslTruststorePasswordProp)
val sslKeyManagerAlgorithm = getString(KafkaConfig.SslKeyManagerAlgorithmProp)
val sslTrustManagerAlgorithm = getString(KafkaConfig.SslTrustManagerAlgorithmProp)
val sslClientAuth = getString(KafkaConfig.SslClientAuthProp)
val sslCipher = getList(KafkaConfig.SslCipherSuitesProp)
/** ********* Sasl Configuration **************/
val saslMechanismInterBrokerProtocol = getString(KafkaConfig.SaslMechanismInterBrokerProtocolProp)
val saslEnabledMechanisms = getList(KafkaConfig.SaslEnabledMechanismsProp)
val saslKerberosServiceName = getString(KafkaConfig.SaslKerberosServiceNameProp)
val saslKerberosKinitCmd = getString(KafkaConfig.SaslKerberosKinitCmdProp)
val saslKerberosTicketRenewWindowFactor = getDouble(KafkaConfig.SaslKerberosTicketRenewWindowFactorProp)
val saslKerberosTicketRenewJitter = getDouble(KafkaConfig.SaslKerberosTicketRenewJitterProp)
val saslKerberosMinTimeBeforeRelogin = getLong(KafkaConfig.SaslKerberosMinTimeBeforeReloginProp)
val saslKerberosPrincipalToLocalRules = getList(KafkaConfig.SaslKerberosPrincipalToLocalRulesProp)
val saslInterBrokerHandshakeRequestEnable = interBrokerProtocolVersion >= KAFKA_0_10_0_IV1
/** ********* Quota Configuration **************/
val producerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefault = getLong(KafkaConfig.ProducerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefaultProp)
val consumerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefault = getLong(KafkaConfig.ConsumerQuotaBytesPerSecondDefaultProp)
val numQuotaSamples = getInt(KafkaConfig.NumQuotaSamplesProp)
val quotaWindowSizeSeconds = getInt(KafkaConfig.QuotaWindowSizeSecondsProp)
val numReplicationQuotaSamples = getInt(KafkaConfig.NumReplicationQuotaSamplesProp)
val replicationQuotaWindowSizeSeconds = getInt(KafkaConfig.ReplicationQuotaWindowSizeSecondsProp)
val deleteTopicEnable = getBoolean(KafkaConfig.DeleteTopicEnableProp)
val compressionType = getString(KafkaConfig.CompressionTypeProp)
val listeners: Seq[EndPoint] = getListeners
val advertisedListeners: Seq[EndPoint] = getAdvertisedListeners
private[kafka] lazy val listenerSecurityProtocolMap = getListenerSecurityProtocolMap
private def getLogRetentionTimeMillis: Long = {
val millisInMinute = 60L * 1000L
val millisInHour = 60L * millisInMinute
val millis: java.lang.Long =
Option(getInt(KafkaConfig.LogRetentionTimeMinutesProp)) match {
case Some(mins) => millisInMinute * mins
case None => getInt(KafkaConfig.LogRetentionTimeHoursProp) * millisInHour
if (millis < 0) return -1
private def getMap(propName: String, propValue: String): Map[String, String] = {
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing configuration property '%s': %s".format(propName, e.getMessage))
// If the user did not define listeners but did define host or port, let's use them in backward compatible way
// If none of those are defined, we default to PLAINTEXT://:9092
private def getListeners: Seq[EndPoint] = {
Option(getString(KafkaConfig.ListenersProp)).map { listenerProp =>
CoreUtils.listenerListToEndPoints(listenerProp, listenerSecurityProtocolMap)
}.getOrElse(CoreUtils.listenerListToEndPoints("PLAINTEXT://" + hostName + ":" + port, listenerSecurityProtocolMap))
// If the user defined advertised listeners, we use those
// If he didn't but did define advertised host or port, we'll use those and fill in the missing value from regular host / port or defaults
// If none of these are defined, we'll use the listeners
private def getAdvertisedListeners: Seq[EndPoint] = {
val advertisedListenersProp = getString(KafkaConfig.AdvertisedListenersProp)
if (advertisedListenersProp != null)
CoreUtils.listenerListToEndPoints(advertisedListenersProp, listenerSecurityProtocolMap)
else if (getString(KafkaConfig.AdvertisedHostNameProp) != null || getInt(KafkaConfig.AdvertisedPortProp) != null)
CoreUtils.listenerListToEndPoints("PLAINTEXT://" + advertisedHostName + ":" + advertisedPort, listenerSecurityProtocolMap)
private def getInterBrokerListenerNameAndSecurityProtocol: (ListenerName, SecurityProtocol) = {
Option(getString(KafkaConfig.InterBrokerListenerNameProp)) match {
case Some(_) if originals.containsKey(KafkaConfig.InterBrokerSecurityProtocolProp) =>
throw new ConfigException(s"Only one of ${KafkaConfig.InterBrokerListenerNameProp} and " +
s"${KafkaConfig.InterBrokerSecurityProtocolProp} should be set.")
case Some(name) =>
val listenerName = ListenerName.normalised(name)
val securityProtocol = listenerSecurityProtocolMap.getOrElse(listenerName,
throw new ConfigException(s"Listener with name ${listenerName.value} defined in " +
s"${KafkaConfig.InterBrokerListenerNameProp} not found in ${KafkaConfig.ListenerSecurityProtocolMapProp}."))
(listenerName, securityProtocol)
case None =>
val securityProtocol = getSecurityProtocol(getString(KafkaConfig.InterBrokerSecurityProtocolProp),
(ListenerName.forSecurityProtocol(securityProtocol), securityProtocol)
private def getSecurityProtocol(protocolName: String, configName: String): SecurityProtocol = {
try SecurityProtocol.forName(protocolName)
catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException =>
throw new ConfigException(s"Invalid security protocol `$protocolName` defined in $configName")
private def getListenerSecurityProtocolMap: Map[ListenerName, SecurityProtocol] = {
getMap(KafkaConfig.ListenerSecurityProtocolMapProp, getString(KafkaConfig.ListenerSecurityProtocolMapProp))
.map { case (listenerName, protocolName) =>
ListenerName.normalised(listenerName) -> getSecurityProtocol(protocolName, KafkaConfig.ListenerSecurityProtocolMapProp)
private def validateValues() {
if(brokerIdGenerationEnable) {
require(brokerId >= -1 && brokerId <= maxReservedBrokerId, " must be equal or greater than -1 and not greater than")
} else {
require(brokerId >= 0, " must be equal or greater than 0")
require(logRollTimeMillis >= 1, " must be equal or greater than 1")
require(logRollTimeJitterMillis >= 0, " must be equal or greater than 0")
require(logRetentionTimeMillis >= 1 || logRetentionTimeMillis == -1, " must be unlimited (-1) or, equal or greater than 1")
require(logCleanerDedupeBufferSize / logCleanerThreads > 1024 * 1024, "log.cleaner.dedupe.buffer.size must be at least 1MB per cleaner thread.")
require(replicaFetchWaitMaxMs <= replicaSocketTimeoutMs, " should always be at least" +
" to prevent unnecessary socket timeouts")
require(replicaFetchWaitMaxMs <= replicaLagTimeMaxMs, " should always be at least" +
" to prevent frequent changes in ISR")
require(offsetCommitRequiredAcks >= -1 && offsetCommitRequiredAcks <= offsetsTopicReplicationFactor,
"offsets.commit.required.acks must be greater or equal -1 and less or equal to offsets.topic.replication.factor")
require(BrokerCompressionCodec.isValid(compressionType), "compression.type : " + compressionType + " is not valid." +
" Valid options are " + BrokerCompressionCodec.brokerCompressionOptions.mkString(","))
val advertisedListenerNames =
val listenerNames =
s"${KafkaConfig.InterBrokerListenerNameProp} must be a listener name defined in ${KafkaConfig.AdvertisedListenersProp}. " +
s"The valid options based on currently configured listeners are ${",")}")
s"${KafkaConfig.AdvertisedListenersProp} listener names must be equal to or a subset of the ones defined in ${KafkaConfig.ListenersProp}. " +
s"Found ${",")}. The valid options based on the current configuration " +
s"are ${",")}"
require(interBrokerProtocolVersion >= logMessageFormatVersion,
s"log.message.format.version $logMessageFormatVersionString cannot be used when is set to $interBrokerProtocolVersionString")
val interBrokerUsesSasl = interBrokerSecurityProtocol == SecurityProtocol.SASL_PLAINTEXT || interBrokerSecurityProtocol == SecurityProtocol.SASL_SSL
require(!interBrokerUsesSasl || saslInterBrokerHandshakeRequestEnable || saslMechanismInterBrokerProtocol == SaslConfigs.GSSAPI_MECHANISM,
s"Only GSSAPI mechanism is supported for inter-broker communication with SASL when is set to $interBrokerProtocolVersionString")
require(!interBrokerUsesSasl || saslEnabledMechanisms.contains(saslMechanismInterBrokerProtocol),
s"${KafkaConfig.SaslMechanismInterBrokerProtocolProp} must be included in ${KafkaConfig.SaslEnabledMechanismsProp} when SASL is used for inter-broker communication")