blob: 074b66eb339e13af41b2ad0082ac19d74944e622 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kafka.server
import java.util.concurrent._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic._
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock
import com.yammer.metrics.core.Gauge
import kafka.metrics.KafkaMetricsGroup
import kafka.utils.CoreUtils.{inReadLock, inWriteLock}
import kafka.utils._
import kafka.utils.timer._
import scala.collection._
* An operation whose processing needs to be delayed for at most the given delayMs. For example
* a delayed produce operation could be waiting for specified number of acks; or
* a delayed fetch operation could be waiting for a given number of bytes to accumulate.
* The logic upon completing a delayed operation is defined in onComplete() and will be called exactly once.
* Once an operation is completed, isCompleted() will return true. onComplete() can be triggered by either
* forceComplete(), which forces calling onComplete() after delayMs if the operation is not yet completed,
* or tryComplete(), which first checks if the operation can be completed or not now, and if yes calls
* forceComplete().
* A subclass of DelayedOperation needs to provide an implementation of both onComplete() and tryComplete().
abstract class DelayedOperation(override val delayMs: Long) extends TimerTask with Logging {
private val completed = new AtomicBoolean(false)
* Force completing the delayed operation, if not already completed.
* This function can be triggered when
* 1. The operation has been verified to be completable inside tryComplete()
* 2. The operation has expired and hence needs to be completed right now
* Return true iff the operation is completed by the caller: note that
* concurrent threads can try to complete the same operation, but only
* the first thread will succeed in completing the operation and return
* true, others will still return false
def forceComplete(): Boolean = {
if (completed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
// cancel the timeout timer
} else {
* Check if the delayed operation is already completed
def isCompleted: Boolean = completed.get()
* Call-back to execute when a delayed operation gets expired and hence forced to complete.
def onExpiration(): Unit
* Process for completing an operation; This function needs to be defined
* in subclasses and will be called exactly once in forceComplete()
def onComplete(): Unit
* Try to complete the delayed operation by first checking if the operation
* can be completed by now. If yes execute the completion logic by calling
* forceComplete() and return true iff forceComplete returns true; otherwise return false
* This function needs to be defined in subclasses
def tryComplete(): Boolean
* Thread-safe variant of tryComplete(). This can be overridden if the operation provides its
* own synchronization.
def safeTryComplete(): Boolean = {
synchronized {
* run() method defines a task that is executed on timeout
override def run(): Unit = {
if (forceComplete())
object DelayedOperationPurgatory {
def apply[T <: DelayedOperation](purgatoryName: String,
brokerId: Int = 0,
purgeInterval: Int = 1000): DelayedOperationPurgatory[T] = {
val timer = new SystemTimer(purgatoryName)
new DelayedOperationPurgatory[T](purgatoryName, timer, brokerId, purgeInterval)
* A helper purgatory class for bookkeeping delayed operations with a timeout, and expiring timed out operations.
class DelayedOperationPurgatory[T <: DelayedOperation](purgatoryName: String,
timeoutTimer: Timer,
brokerId: Int = 0,
purgeInterval: Int = 1000,
reaperEnabled: Boolean = true)
extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup {
/* a list of operation watching keys */
private val watchersForKey = new Pool[Any, Watchers](Some((key: Any) => new Watchers(key)))
private val removeWatchersLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock()
// the number of estimated total operations in the purgatory
private[this] val estimatedTotalOperations = new AtomicInteger(0)
/* background thread expiring operations that have timed out */
private val expirationReaper = new ExpiredOperationReaper()
private val metricsTags = Map("delayedOperation" -> purgatoryName)
new Gauge[Int] {
def value = watched()
new Gauge[Int] {
def value = delayed()
if (reaperEnabled)
* Check if the operation can be completed, if not watch it based on the given watch keys
* Note that a delayed operation can be watched on multiple keys. It is possible that
* an operation is completed after it has been added to the watch list for some, but
* not all of the keys. In this case, the operation is considered completed and won't
* be added to the watch list of the remaining keys. The expiration reaper thread will
* remove this operation from any watcher list in which the operation exists.
* @param operation the delayed operation to be checked
* @param watchKeys keys for bookkeeping the operation
* @return true iff the delayed operations can be completed by the caller
def tryCompleteElseWatch(operation: T, watchKeys: Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
assert(watchKeys.nonEmpty, "The watch key list can't be empty")
// The cost of tryComplete() is typically proportional to the number of keys. Calling
// tryComplete() for each key is going to be expensive if there are many keys. Instead,
// we do the check in the following way. Call tryComplete(). If the operation is not completed,
// we just add the operation to all keys. Then we call tryComplete() again. At this time, if
// the operation is still not completed, we are guaranteed that it won't miss any future triggering
// event since the operation is already on the watcher list for all keys. This does mean that
// if the operation is completed (by another thread) between the two tryComplete() calls, the
// operation is unnecessarily added for watch. However, this is a less severe issue since the
// expire reaper will clean it up periodically.
var isCompletedByMe = operation.safeTryComplete()
if (isCompletedByMe)
return true
var watchCreated = false
for(key <- watchKeys) {
// If the operation is already completed, stop adding it to the rest of the watcher list.
if (operation.isCompleted)
return false
watchForOperation(key, operation)
if (!watchCreated) {
watchCreated = true
isCompletedByMe = operation.safeTryComplete()
if (isCompletedByMe)
return true
// if it cannot be completed by now and hence is watched, add to the expire queue also
if (!operation.isCompleted) {
if (operation.isCompleted) {
// cancel the timer task
* Check if some some delayed operations can be completed with the given watch key,
* and if yes complete them.
* @return the number of completed operations during this process
def checkAndComplete(key: Any): Int = {
val watchers = inReadLock(removeWatchersLock) { watchersForKey.get(key) }
if(watchers == null)
* Return the total size of watch lists the purgatory. Since an operation may be watched
* on multiple lists, and some of its watched entries may still be in the watch lists
* even when it has been completed, this number may be larger than the number of real operations watched
def watched() =
* Return the number of delayed operations in the expiry queue
def delayed() = timeoutTimer.size
* Return all the current watcher lists,
* note that the returned watchers may be removed from the list by other threads
private def allWatchers = inReadLock(removeWatchersLock) { watchersForKey.values }
* Return the watch list of the given key, note that we need to
* grab the removeWatchersLock to avoid the operation being added to a removed watcher list
private def watchForOperation(key: Any, operation: T) {
inReadLock(removeWatchersLock) {
val watcher = watchersForKey.getAndMaybePut(key)
* Remove the key from watcher lists if its list is empty
private def removeKeyIfEmpty(key: Any, watchers: Watchers) {
inWriteLock(removeWatchersLock) {
// if the current key is no longer correlated to the watchers to remove, skip
if (watchersForKey.get(key) != watchers)
if (watchers != null && watchers.isEmpty) {
* Shutdown the expire reaper thread
def shutdown() {
if (reaperEnabled)
* A linked list of watched delayed operations based on some key
private class Watchers(val key: Any) {
private[this] val operations = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[T]()
// count the current number of watched operations. This is O(n), so use isEmpty() if possible
def countWatched: Int = operations.size
def isEmpty: Boolean = operations.isEmpty
// add the element to watch
def watch(t: T) {
// traverse the list and try to complete some watched elements
def tryCompleteWatched(): Int = {
var completed = 0
val iter = operations.iterator()
while (iter.hasNext) {
val curr =
if (curr.isCompleted) {
// another thread has completed this operation, just remove it
} else if (curr.safeTryComplete()) {
completed += 1
if (operations.isEmpty)
removeKeyIfEmpty(key, this)
// traverse the list and purge elements that are already completed by others
def purgeCompleted(): Int = {
var purged = 0
val iter = operations.iterator()
while (iter.hasNext) {
val curr =
if (curr.isCompleted) {
purged += 1
if (operations.isEmpty)
removeKeyIfEmpty(key, this)
def advanceClock(timeoutMs: Long) {
// Trigger a purge if the number of completed but still being watched operations is larger than
// the purge threshold. That number is computed by the difference btw the estimated total number of
// operations and the number of pending delayed operations.
if (estimatedTotalOperations.get - delayed > purgeInterval) {
// now set estimatedTotalOperations to delayed (the number of pending operations) since we are going to
// clean up watchers. Note that, if more operations are completed during the clean up, we may end up with
// a little overestimated total number of operations.
debug("Begin purging watch lists")
val purged =
debug("Purged %d elements from watch lists.".format(purged))
* A background reaper to expire delayed operations that have timed out
private class ExpiredOperationReaper extends ShutdownableThread(
false) {
override def doWork() {