blob: 198a4c3d27458684f3eeafb6fa3dade58c586c10 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kafka.message
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import kafka.common.LongRef
import kafka.utils.Logging
import org.apache.kafka.common.record._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
object ByteBufferMessageSet {
private def create(offsetAssigner: OffsetAssigner,
compressionCodec: CompressionCodec,
wrapperMessageTimestamp: Option[Long],
timestampType: TimestampType,
messages: Message*): ByteBuffer = {
if (messages.isEmpty)
else {
val magicAndTimestamp = wrapperMessageTimestamp match {
case Some(ts) => MagicAndTimestamp(messages.head.magic, ts)
case None => MessageSet.magicAndLargestTimestamp(messages)
val entries = => LogEntry.create(offsetAssigner.nextAbsoluteOffset(), message.asRecord))
val builder = MemoryRecords.builderWithEntries(timestampType, CompressionType.forId(compressionCodec.codec),
magicAndTimestamp.timestamp, entries.asJava)
private object OffsetAssigner {
def apply(offsetCounter: LongRef, size: Int): OffsetAssigner =
new OffsetAssigner(offsetCounter.value to offsetCounter.addAndGet(size))
private class OffsetAssigner(offsets: Seq[Long]) {
private var index = 0
def nextAbsoluteOffset(): Long = {
val result = offsets(index)
index += 1
def toInnerOffset(offset: Long): Long = offset - offsets.head
* A sequence of messages stored in a byte buffer
* There are two ways to create a ByteBufferMessageSet
* Option 1: From a ByteBuffer which already contains the serialized message set. Consumers will use this method.
* Option 2: Give it a list of messages along with instructions relating to serialization format. Producers will use this method.
* Message format v1 has the following changes:
* - For non-compressed messages, timestamp and timestamp type attributes have been added. The offsets of
* the messages remain absolute offsets.
* - For compressed messages, timestamp and timestamp type attributes have been added and inner offsets (IO) are used
* for inner messages of compressed messages (see offset calculation details below). The timestamp type
* attribute is only set in wrapper messages. Inner messages always have CreateTime as the timestamp type in attributes.
* We set the timestamp in the following way:
* For non-compressed messages: the timestamp and timestamp type message attributes are set and used.
* For compressed messages:
* 1. Wrapper messages' timestamp type attribute is set to the proper value
* 2. Wrapper messages' timestamp is set to:
* - the max timestamp of inner messages if CreateTime is used
* - the current server time if wrapper message's timestamp = LogAppendTime.
* In this case the wrapper message timestamp is used and all the timestamps of inner messages are ignored.
* 3. Inner messages' timestamp will be:
* - used when wrapper message's timestamp type is CreateTime
* - ignored when wrapper message's timestamp type is LogAppendTime
* 4. Inner messages' timestamp type will always be ignored with one exception: producers must set the inner message
* timestamp type to CreateTime, otherwise the messages will be rejected by broker.
* Absolute offsets are calculated in the following way:
* Ideally the conversion from relative offset(RO) to absolute offset(AO) should be:
* AO = AO_Of_Last_Inner_Message + RO
* However, note that the message sets sent by producers are compressed in a streaming way.
* And the relative offset of an inner message compared with the last inner message is not known until
* the last inner message is written.
* Unfortunately we are not able to change the previously written messages after the last message is written to
* the message set when stream compression is used.
* To solve this issue, we use the following solution:
* 1. When the producer creates a message set, it simply writes all the messages into a compressed message set with
* offset 0, 1, ... (inner offset).
* 2. The broker will set the offset of the wrapper message to the absolute offset of the last message in the
* message set.
* 3. When a consumer sees the message set, it first decompresses the entire message set to find out the inner
* offset (IO) of the last inner message. Then it computes RO and AO of previous messages:
* RO = IO_of_a_message - IO_of_the_last_message
* AO = AO_Of_Last_Inner_Message + RO
* 4. This solution works for compacted message sets as well.
class ByteBufferMessageSet(val buffer: ByteBuffer) extends MessageSet with Logging {
private[kafka] def this(compressionCodec: CompressionCodec,
offsetCounter: LongRef,
wrapperMessageTimestamp: Option[Long],
timestampType: TimestampType,
messages: Message*) {
this(ByteBufferMessageSet.create(OffsetAssigner(offsetCounter, messages.size), compressionCodec,
wrapperMessageTimestamp, timestampType, messages:_*))
def this(compressionCodec: CompressionCodec, offsetCounter: LongRef, messages: Message*) {
this(compressionCodec, offsetCounter, None, TimestampType.CREATE_TIME, messages:_*)
def this(compressionCodec: CompressionCodec, offsetSeq: Seq[Long], messages: Message*) {
this(ByteBufferMessageSet.create(new OffsetAssigner(offsetSeq), compressionCodec,
None, TimestampType.CREATE_TIME, messages:_*))
def this(compressionCodec: CompressionCodec, messages: Message*) {
this(compressionCodec, new LongRef(0L), messages: _*)
def this(messages: Message*) {
this(NoCompressionCodec, messages: _*)
def getBuffer = buffer
override def asRecords: MemoryRecords = MemoryRecords.readableRecords(buffer.duplicate())
/** default iterator that iterates over decompressed messages */
override def iterator: Iterator[MessageAndOffset] = internalIterator()
/** iterator over compressed messages without decompressing */
def shallowIterator: Iterator[MessageAndOffset] = internalIterator(isShallow = true)
/** When flag isShallow is set to be true, we do a shallow iteration: just traverse the first level of messages. **/
private def internalIterator(isShallow: Boolean = false): Iterator[MessageAndOffset] = {
val entries = if (isShallow)
* The total number of bytes in this message set, including any partial trailing messages
def sizeInBytes: Int = buffer.limit
* The total number of bytes in this message set not including any partial, trailing messages
def validBytes: Int = asRecords.validBytes
* Two message sets are equal if their respective byte buffers are equal
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = {
other match {
case that: ByteBufferMessageSet =>
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = buffer.hashCode